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ERICSSON Z {INDIVIDUALS CONCERNED Each ndyvl perorming wok or Enesson' 9s an employee of another company (heeinatercaled Conaltancy Company) i requires w acknowledge he folowing nsvuctons as pat of being lenrustd access to Etesson premises land rights o use computer resources and information et Eneason, 2. NON-DISCLOSURE INSTRUCTION acknowledge that, cero perorm ‘work for Eston, may have acoess 2 Intrmation proprietary to Enesson, Eresso's customers or other rd parts having busines relstons with Eneseon, (horenater calles Enceson Information). Disclosure of such ntrmaton would cause harm to Eescon respective ofthe fom in, ‘ortho media an, whch he information ‘Sieplayed or contained. Inconsieraton of being entrusted rights to Ube Eneseon niermation | acknowledge: 4) that wil no cose Eriesson intrmaton fo others excep fr (persons werking for Enescan howng access ther Work fo Be kind of information at han and Wwro eed Such ifoematon for thar work on behalf essen. (I) anyone ese Authrtzea by Ersson ne receiver of auch Intrmation oe Gi) persons to whorn | according to my work dues shall ge such 5) that wil not, det or inrsty, make Uke of Eiesson ntrmaton other han in ‘ha course ofmy dates and work for Eneseon that i actin accordance wit Ericsson ‘Group Pelis, Drectwes ane oer Inston tat have bean corwnuncatod {ome ralaing to requ hat cota Ericsson Information may nt be temoved from the Consultancy Company's premises ‘or may bs communicated or dacosed only {ba rostcted mtoral or extemal group of Ina 4) that Exicseon information may not be {tupliated or eprocuced in any mancer whatsoever exDeo! 38s required forthe {recut ofmy duties ana work for Enesson “This Non-Olosureintruetion under paragraph 2 wil sunve the termination of fry employment o my assignment or Eeson and apply during tho period of ‘x0cubon of the work fr Evcsson and for five (8) years thereat, External Personnel Non-Disclosure and Access 1a) Instruction LME-07:002942 Uen Rev B 2008-01-16 3. ACCESS INSTRUCTION In order to pertorm my duties and wark for Eresson | may be granted acces computer resources of Ericeson and access {0 Eneson information. In consideration of being entustd auch access | acknowiodge 2) that wil not intentional access any Computer resources ober than he ‘Computer esoutes have bean specially Ssuthorized to access by Ercsson ) that wil aot in any way use auras Infomation, Surplus information means the Eresson onned propretary cata and Information o wien t have possi ‘cess bu do nat nave tne news fo access inthe tame of my work for Ensen, ) that wil kosp passwords, PIN codes, le. ensted tome, sty consent 4) thet when logging on o any computer system of Ericsson | wil use oly ho logon ID and password envusted a me by Ereston that il oot tow any ator person faceass to Enessor's compte: resources by the uso of my personal lon 1D and passwore excep! when requastod by Eresson for ublashooting purpose, 1 that nave the utimate respons for ‘he use ofthe personal logon ID assigned tome and my passwors, 9) that | wt og ot ne computor systems of Ericsson or achvato the scron saver configured wih password immediatly upon completion of each work soto hy that | actin accordance with Erectors Group Palle and Drectves And other btrcton at have been Communicates to me rgarang my access to, and my us of, computer resoureas and Ecereninormation that wil take appropiate securty moaures to eare and safeguard al Ialeal and is content, intuding computer ‘ss and other mada on whi formation related to my assignments sora. A such mataral and iniormation shel when nok Used by mo, ba kept separately Fem ther ‘assignments, sa locked area, |) that upon leaning of any wrong treatment of computer reourees and Erestoninormaton, tl promptly natty ‘ny manager and wl cooperate nfl wh Ezeston to rectly the stuation, 44, TERMINATION INSTRUCTION Tlundratan that my rights to use Eleson Information expre upon the lemination of iy omploymant or my assignment, ofa “zy tne pon the request by Enesco i ‘am not thers nstucte, Escsson ‘Fequosis hat! shall mediately rtm al ‘media containing Eesson Information, Tnetuing paper documents ha old when my fqn toute Enason nfermaton have ‘xpree. Inthe case thal had moda nok ‘med by Ereston conaning Ensson Information | eral rave the oration on these media in away at makes practealy impossible to restore. Tis Instruction reparing termination shal also {spp tal knds of copes, abstactons, and compilations ett Ericsson Infomation. ‘Upon request 1 undertake to confem a ‘rng tat have coms wih ally ‘blgations wit espect to trminaton _—_—_—— 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Tam aware that breaches of ho tam of this Non-Disclosure ana Access Inston, ‘may cause damage to Efesson and may Constitute a beach of legal binding lindas Signe) (Giaricaton of signature) (Pant name of Consultancy Company) ‘aie ‘nen applicable, persons logon identity assigned by Enesson NONE. item 10) | AominisTRATION, Witton acknowredgement may te replaced byindivdval elton ipatire ‘Actoowtodigomont shal bo kept by Constancy Company in a traceable *} For the pupose ofthis instructon,Eesson shall mean Telofonaktobolagt LM Ericsson and any company drety or indectycontaled by Telofonakoboaget LM Erieson.

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