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A. Background

Fast food is a term for food that can be prepared and served quickly. While
any food that can be prepared immediately can be called fast food, it usually refers
to food sold in a restaurant or store with low-quality preparations and served to
customers in a package to take away. The term "fast food" was recognized in the
Merriam-Webster English dictionary in 1951.

Today's modern lifestyle that is all practical and rapid technological

advances often make us consume a practical eating presentation. This is also due
to the density of our activities and busyness. fast food becomes a food that is
selected because of its practical presentation and at the same time has a good taste
according to many people.

Today's urban society let alone young children must have been familiar
with the name of fast food. When you hear the term food fast food then our
thoughts directly lead to foods such as burgers, pizza, fried chicken, french fries,
and so forth. Such foods can be found in malls, plazas, and so forth. And it seems
to have been entrenched and become an elite meal especially for urban youth.

Doctors appeal to the public to be careful of fast food as the content in

these types of food is harmful to the health of the body. Erik Rohmando Purba, an
internist in RSU Bunda Jakarta, said fast food tends to contain excessive amounts
of salt or sodium that can cause high blood pressure for consumers. fast food If
consumed in excess can cause the buildup of cholesterol in the blood vessels and
may arise coronary heart attack, stroke or other cardiovascular diseases.

B. Formulation of the problem

Based on the above background, the issues discussed in the paper ii are as

a. What is the impact of eating fast food for health?

b. How to anticipate not to eat excessive fast food?

C. Aim

This paper will discuss what are the efforts to anticipate fast food and the
impact of consuming it for health so that readers can be more careful again in
choosing food.



Fast food is often referred to as fast food. Fast food in question is a type of
food that is packaged, easy to serve, practical, or processed in a simple way.
These foods are generally produced by high technology food processing industries
and contain various additives to preserve and taste the product. Fast food is
usually a side dish in packs, instant noodles, nuggets, or corn flakes as food for
breakfast ..

Bertram (1975) defines fast food as food that can be prepared and
consumed in a short time. The Oxford dictionary defines fast food as food that can
be processed and served in a short and easy time in a matter of minutes, especially
in a snack bar or restaurant. Fast food currently in circulation recorded 500 - 600

A. Impact of eating fast food for health

a. Negative Impact of Eating Ready Food for Health

Substances contained in fast food can have a negative impact on the health of
our bodies. The following will describe what are the negative effects of substances
present in ready-to-eat foods when they enter our bodies.

1. Addictive substances commonly contained in the preservative or food

coloring if consumed continuously it can lead to liver damage either
sorosis to liver cancer. Unfortunately, the impact of this dangerous
substance can be long-term and will attack humans due to the destruction
of liver function. Liver is a useful organ to neutralize toxins that enter the
body including addictive substances in food preservatives, dyes, artificial
sweeteners and other chemicals. If the number of toxins more and more

accumulated will automatically affect the performance of the liver so it
will cause damage.
2. Impact of MSG use according to the Federation of the American Society
for Experimental Biology report is a burning sensation in the neck,
numbness in the back of the neck, stress and straining on facial skin, chest
pain, headache, rapid heartbeat, flavor weak / tired quickly and others.
Indeed we do not immediately feel this impact when consuming fast food
that uses MSG. But, on certain threshold because the body can no longer
hold this substance then the above impact will attack us. 12 grams of MSG
per day can cause stomach disorders, sleep disturbances and nausea. Even
some people have allergic reactions such as itching, nausea and heat. Not
only that MSG can also trigger hypertension, asthma, cancer and diabetes,
paralysis and decreased intelligence.
3. Then BHA. BHA, anti-oxidants in the diet is given so that the content in
the food does not disappear quickly such as vitamins, flavoring. It is often
used in fats and oils. This will cause addictive effects for those who
consume them.
4. Protein of the animal is quite 'rich' can cause inhibition of absorption of
calcium in the body. If calcium absorption occurs then this condition can
stimulate the rapid occurrence of osteoporosis.
5. High cholesterol and calorie content can also cause obesity and various
metabolic and cardiac disorders. Cholesterol itself is obtained in two ways,
namely by the body itself and some are derived from animal products that
we eat. There is a lot of cholesterol in meat, chicken, fish, eggs, butter,
milk, and cheese. If consumed in excess, it can close the blood vessels
from oxygen that should flow throughout the body. The high amount of
saturated fat will cause cancer, especially colon cancer and breast cancer.
Cholesterol can enter into the blood and clog the blood vessels. One of the
blood vessels that can be blocked is the coronary arteries of the heart. If
this artery is blocked then it can cause coronary heart disease

6. Potassium deficiency will occur if sodium intake is excessive. This can
lead to decreased cardiac muscle function and slowing of the impulse
delivery process by the nerves. With the decline in heart muscle function,
the risk of heart attack increases. Slow in response to stimuli and slow in
thinking can occur due to slowing delivery of nerve stimulation.

According to biologists, eating excessive fast food can trigger a psychological

change that can stop the work of hormones in sending full signal. Therefore, we
will continue to eat without realizing that we are full. Under normal conditions,
these hormones control the eating process and weight. Leptin for example, will be
continuously excreted by fat cells. Levels of leptin in the blood indicate the status
of body fat stock. This signal will then be read by the area in the brain that
regulates the eating habits of the hypothalamus, and make this as a guide in
maintaining the stability of inventory.

According to the endocrinologist from the University of Washington in Seattle

Michael Schwartz, problems will arise in those who are overweight. Those who
are obese, according to Schwartz, will be immune to leptin. "The brain loses its
ability to respond to these hormones if body fat increases," the womenfitness site
quoted him as saying.

The hypothalamus will become less sensitive as more fat is present in the
body. In the end, the amount of excess fat will be considered normal by the
hypothalamus. And furthermore, any decrease in the amount of leptin is read as a
hunger signal. That way, the frequency and amount of our meals will be

b. Positive Impact of Ready Food

• Easy to buy or obtain

• Faster and instant

• Practical

B. Anticipate Not to Eat Excessively Ready-Feeding Meals

For those of you who have no choice but to eat Fast food and how to
overcome it. You must reduce consumption or not at all. For balancing intake
consume lots of vegetables and fruits and vitamins enough. Because the body
needs antioxidants to fight substances that are not useful for the body that is
damaging the body's cells. Provide self-understanding and commitment to manage
your diet and apply a healthy lifestyle. The following will describe what
anticipation is in order not to eat excessive fast food:

1. Choosing the Rice Menu for basic food

When friends come to a fast food restaurant (fast food), try to choose rice
do not fries. Because in the fries more fat and sodium.
2. Reduce portion
When buying in a fast-food place, buy a portion of enough food, this is to
reduce excessive nutrient intake, especially fat that can cause obesity for
3. Drink Water or Fruit Juice
When choosing a drink, choose water or fruit juice instead of soft drinks.
This is because white water and fruit juice contain more vitamins than soft
4. Do not consume chicken skin
When we eat chicken in a fast-food restaurant, chicken skin is definitely
one of our favorite foods. Because of the delicious flavor and marinade.
But it turns out that behind the chicken skin is a source of saturated fat and
5. Ask for salad as an additional vegetable intake
Salad can serve as a substitute for vegetables that have lots of vitamins and
6. Reduce levels of sauce and mayonnaise

Eating junk food or fast food will be more delicious if we use sauce, chilli
and mayonnaise. But it turns out the sauce contains a lot of sodium and
preservatives, while for mayonnaise itself has a high fat.
7. Reduce the frequency of fast food
8. This is important, try not to consume too often this junk food restaurant.
Reduce the frequency at least 3-4 times a month.



A. Conclusion

In fast food contained a lot of harmful substances and can cause disease for
the body if consumed in excess. There has been a lot of research done by experts
who prove this. fast food contains a lot of calories, fat, animal protein and harmful
chemicals that are not good if consumed in excess. Many types of fast food
contain only a few vegetables and fruits that are actually needed by the body. Not
only diseases that can be caused but also the disturbance of nerve function that
can cause us slow in thinking or acting. Not only that, psychological changes can
also occur due to excessive consumption of fast food. Diseases, disorders, or
psychological changes will not be felt immediately when we eat fast food. But it
will all happen if we often consume it.

B. Suggestions

Be wise in choosing food. If we are forced to choose fast food then consider
first the content of the food. And try not to eat fast food more than one kind, such
as fried chicken with french fries or burgers with french fries. Just one of them.
The impact may not be felt at that moment, but later on it will be very influential.
How not, we hoard the additive in us, we pass on the disease to our children and
grandchildren. Avoid fast food.

Suggestions given authors to the audience are as follows:

1. For teenagers remain cautious in eating fast food and still put a healthy diet.

2. For parents to supervise, control the giving and use of pocket money and get
used to bring healthy food from home.

3. Manufacturer; it requires awareness and responsibility of the producer on the
use of additives in the foodstuffs produced, providing clear information on the
composition of the food including additives added

4. Government; conduct supervision and crack down on producers who violate the
applicable rules. Continue the PMT-AS (Food Supplementary-Child School)
program by utilizing local food sources.

5. Non-governmental (NGO); facilitate the formation of consumer groups,

encourage public participation as public policy overseers, anticipate global
policies affecting consumers, conduct oversight and act as consumer advocates.






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