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Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia

2004 – 2005

In introducing this new format Directory I make no apology for its contents or for
the lateness of its publication. It has been almost impossible to obtain current
information from our Database. No doubt it is all there, but the programme is very
‘user-UNfriendly’, a far cry from the old Cardbox from which I produced
Directories for many years at the end of the last Century.
Attracted by the Directory produced by Cliff Parr, Supreme Magus Emeritus of
our sister Society in Scotland, I have included an article hopefully of interest to all
fratres. In doing so I have selected a Paper given by our frater in New Zealand, that
country being the furthest distance from London. It is offered as a challenge to
fratres throughout our Society to show that everything of value does NOT emanate
from London. Indeed it is hoped that we can replace the Metropolitan Transactions
by an annual publication containing a variety of articles by fratres worldwide.
Meanwhile future issues of the Directory might contain news, and photos, of notable
occasions at Colleges – in fine, material to encourage fratres to obtain a copy for
their personal use rather than being the preserve of the Secretary’s table.
This is a publication in transition: your comments and suggestions will be most
welcome. So below is a colour photo of your three Magi


STANFIELD HALL, 88 Hampstead High Street, London NW3 1RE
Tel: 020-7435-1679
M.W.Frater Andrew B Stephenson, IX°
Senior Substitute Magus RW Fr Michael N Buckley, IX°
Junior Substitute Magus RW Fr Lionel C Weedon, IX°
Secretary-General RW Fr Dr. Chris Forester, VIII°
Recorder-General VW Fr. David Henton, VIII°
Chaplain-General RW Fr The Revd Philip J Swindells, VIII°
Dir-G of Studies RW Fr John R Paternoster, VIII° & 9°
Treasurer-General RW Fr John Dalley, VIII° & 9°
Librarian-General VW Fr John F Ashby, VII°
Procurator-General RW Fr Richard R Long, VIII° & 9°
Dir-G of Ceremonies RW Fr George H Vincent, VIII° & 9°
Dep Chaplain-General RW Fr The V.Revd Fred A Shade, VIII°
Dep Chaplain-General RW Fr The Revd Canon Dennis Askew, VIII°
Dep Secretary-General VW Fr. Stan Brown, V°
Dep Recorder-General VW Fr. Chris F. Hatton, V°
Dep Treasurer-General RW Fr Chris J Macdonald, VIII°
Dep D-G of Ceremonies RW Fr Smith Sunderland, VIII°
Dep D-G of Ceremonies RW Fr Ian W Tough, VIII°
Asst Chaplain-General RW Fr The Revd Leslie H Brant, VIII° & 9°
Asst Chaplain-General RW Fr The Revd Terry Collin, VIII°
Asst D-G of Ceremonies RW Fr Stewart J Myhan, VIII°
Asst D-G of Ceremonies RW Fr Harry Smith, VIII°
Asst D-G of Ceremonies RW Fr Roger H Weeks, VIII° & 9°
Supt-General of Works VW Fr Bernard H F Hills, VII°
Organist-General RW Fr Wayne B Warlow, VIII°
And all Chief Adepts of the Society

Honorary Officers:-
John R M Hall, Past Supreme Magus
Robert M Black, Past Junior Substitute Magus
Brian W Lobb, Past Junior Substitute Magus
John Dyson, Past Junior Substitute Magus

Stanfield Hall, Hampstead

Stanfield Hall is a part of Stanfield House, a residential block, the outside door of
which is always kept locked. Fratres wishing to visit the Hall are asked to contact
one of the senior Officers of High Council to arrange a suitable time. Please do NOT
ring the Residents’ bell (our bell is on the left doorpost). The nearest Underground
station is Hampstead (Northern line). On leaving the station turn left and walk down
Hampstead High Street. Cross over when you see the Post Office on the other side
and continue walking. The pavement turns right and the Hall is the first number after
the turn.

The entrance is in Prince Arthur Road.

Between the Wars the Hall served as Hampstead Lending Library; our late Frater
Hugo Ball visited it regularly to exchange the books borrowed by his mother. Later
it was used as a Chapel until a lease was obtained by our Society. A feature is a
turret, best seen from across the road, which serves as ventilation

General Information

All Magi (Honoris Causa 9°) are members of the High Council, which meets at
Mark Masons’ Hall, St.James’s Street, London SW1 in May and October. Fourth
Saturday in May is the Obligatory Convocation. Any frater of the Society may
attend as an observer.

Representatives elected by Colleges, after approval by the Supreme Magus, are

members of the High Council when they have been obligated.

The High Council Library, from which all members of the Society may borrow such
books as are available for lending on personal application, is within Stanfield Hall.
Such books must not be sent or returned by post (a decision made about 100 years
ago). Librarian-General: J. F. Ashby, 3 Woodville Gardens, RUISLIP, Middlesex,


by Frater Peter Trewern

The study of Astrology begins as a voyage of self-discovery with the aid of

intangible forces, in time a realisation of a pattern in cosmic force, an admission of a
logical intervention in man’s affairs by a spiritual self-balancing system, and a
growing knowledge of the ebb and flow of life in continuous cycles and patterns of
energy. Yet it is often the simplest tenets of Astrological law that remain the hardest
to assimilate. The mixture of modes, elements and signs, albeit the foundation and
first introduction to Astrology for most, seem so often to be overlooked in the speed
to delineate more abstract and obtuse avenues. These fundamental truths form the
foundation not only of this subject, but also underlie the principles of connected
sciences, and even form the very basis of creation itself.
It is difficult for us in this age to imagine the profound effect that the study of the
planets and constellations had on ancient religion, philosophy and science. Rules of
primitive astronomical observations have been discovered in all parts of the world,
although in many cases modern archæologists seem unaware of the true purpose for
which these structures were erected.
As man became more ordered in his environment he came to believe that events in
the heavens were reflected on earth; the tides, the floods, and the sowing of crops.
The Egyptians grew to predict the flooding of the Nile by the rising of Sirius, and
the pre-European Maori would plant and harvest kumara according to the position of
the Pleiades. Thus it is no wonder that man began to speculate on what else the
heavens might portend, and into what other areas of human activity their influence
might extend. Efforts to determine this influence have been discovered to have been
universal throughout peoples across the globe. So began astronomy, but initially it
grew from Astrology, the practice of reading causal effect on the human condition
from the movements of the heavenly bodies.
In our recorded history the beginning of the renaissance in Italy marked the zenith
of Astrology. Over the mediæval centuries the science of the stars had emerged from
its eclipse in the early Christian era to thrive in the 15th and 16th centuries.
Paracelsus, John Dee (who was astrologer to Elizabeth I), Nostradamus, Tycho
Brahe, Kepler, William Lilly, Elias Ashmole, and Isaac Newton were accomplished
astrologers of this period. By the 18th century however the intellectual climate of
Europe had changed, growing increasingly chilly towards Astrology. Only a hard
core of adherents kept the symbolic system of Astrology alive, studying their art
within the confines of the many secret societies that had appeared in Europe, where
it reemerged during the occult revival of the 19th century.
The various branches of Astrology are distinct and varied. Natal deals with the
destiny of character, and how the subtle blending of elements, planetary

and their expressions, mould the individual in a unique and understandable way.
Predictive deals with the energies released when the continually revolving planets
make contact with key points in one’s horoscope, creating opportunities to deal with
karmic forces. Mundane concerns the judgment of events such as the birth of a
state, the starting of a business, the biginnig of a journey, or the timing of a magical
Horary is based on the principle that eery question asked with be interpreted by an
analysis of the energies in action at the moment of asking. This is the critical factor
behind all divination, and an analysis of the horoscope drawn for the moment will
give an insight into a resolution of the impulses which prompted the question, and an
indication of the outcome to follow.

In his 1648 almanac, Astrological Predictions, William Lilly made a prophecy

that sundry fires and a consuming plague were to descend on London. Three years
later, with his forecasts awaiting fulfilment, Lilly published a pair of symbolic
illustrations calling them ‘heiroglyphics’, one depicting corpses wrapped in winding
sheets and gravediggers are work, the other showing a group of citizens striving to
extinguish a roaring fire as a pair of twins, the symbol of Gemeni, London’s zodiacal
sign, plunged headlong toward the flames.

That Lilly had made one of the most remarkable pieces of astrological prediction is
now history, and was so accurate that Lilly was accused by a Parliamentary
committee of starting the fire himself. He was able to satisfy them that his
foreknowledge of the fire came only from studying the stars.

The history of Astrology is full of such accurate predictions, and in the minds of
many these remain the key factor in verifying its accuracy.
But in my mind the validity of the astrological system is more fundamental. It is a
general misconception that the planets were named after the Gods of mythology, and
then were ascribed to the planets those qualities with which these Gods were
identified. In fact the opposite was the case. Following thousands of years of
painstaking observation, the star-watchers of old developed clear evidence of the
workings of the observable planets, and then assigned to them the Gods of
mythology that correspond to their action. Modern astrology continues to build on
this store of accumulated knowledge. The signs of the Zodiac have followed the
same system of knowledge based on observation. At the point of the vernal equinox,
the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, that first sign of twelve in the
zodiacal sequence, the cardinal fire Aries begins a cycle that has been observed for
as long as time has been recorded.
And this is where its truth lies. Throughout the ages, this continuing revisiting of
zodiacal and planetary principles, this reinforcement of inherited principles through
observation and experimentation, continues to support the validity of the astrological
system. And it is ironic that although a great body of statistical evidence has been
building to support this view, no serious scientific research has been levelled at this
discipline. It may be that, until modern science moves away from its purely
materially-based deductive principles and begins to consider the finer forces of
nature as worthy of their attention, then the whole spectrum of existence will be
unavailable to their researches.
I have never doubted the validity of the astrological system in providing an insight
into the human condition, the destiny of nations, and the evolution of our solar
system. But it is the making of any attempt to understand the reason for these
causalities, to fully grasp the inner meaning of this cosmic framework, that causes
the student mot difficulty. Why should Astrology work, and if it does work, of what
greater principle is it a reflection? It has always been maintained that the esoteric
science of Astrology deals with the mysteries of the cosmos itself, being a key to the
great analogies in the ancient doctrine of the Macrocosm and the Microcosm,
reflection the anatomy and psychology of God. And it is a science inasmuch as it
reveals with mathematical exactitude the universal pattern of living, and the means
by which the human being interacts with this pattern, living out his destiny in
accordance with the current stage of evolutionary progress both of himself and of the
universe of which he is a reflection.
But from these general principles, what valid deduction can we make about the
evolution of the universe and of ourselves? If Astrology is to have any relevance
beyond the mere physical prognostications, then it has to be the key to the spiritual
evolvement of man. We bring into this life certain qualities which can be determined
from the horoscope, and throughout our lives suffer our own individual fates which
are reflected in the progression and transits of planets. But to my mind no one has
yet in modern times satisfactorily blended these principles to any spiritual system.
(Max Heindel of AMORC, C. C. Zain of the church of Light, and Alice Bailey of
Lucis Press are three who have recently tried).
The proponents of reincarnation suggest that the horoscope is both a summary of
one’s evolvement to this point, with accompanying causes and effects which have to
be dealt with in this life, as well as a statement of future potential. However the
mathematical precision necessary to ensure all incarnation arrived at a time to reflect
a current state of development has led those who have adopted this view to suggest a
finely-tuned pre-determination universe, at least from a worldly standpoint. But this
need not necessarily be the only valid conclusion.
When the universe was created the various modes of energy were drawn to those
parts of it that best expressed their action. To the peoples of Ancient Egypt the
brighter stars were the souls of departed Pharaohs who had sailed in spirit-boats up
the Milky Way to their final resting place. It is recorded that on Egyptian tombs was
engraved a ‘star map’, a detailed cosmic guide that enabled the departing soul to
successfully negotiate the dark corridors of space and time. And according to
Chinese legend the first emperors were sired by meteors that fell from the sky and
impregnated women, while Plato taught that creatures coming in at birth fell like
drops of living dew from the Milky Way through the planetary orbs into the dark
womb of the earth from where, after a process of evolution, they ascended again the
ladder of the seven planets, returning to the stars, their spiritual homeland.
Such is the way myth and legend can symbolise truth. Any attempt to convey a
more definite scientific or occult explanation or cosmic evolution to these people of
ancient times would probably have been met with disbelief and amazement. But this
is not to say that within the mystery schools the priesthoods, and among the initiated,
these truths were not at least partly understood.
I believe that the natal horoscope reflects evolutionary progress, and thus is a
fixed point, unchangeable in essence. But from birth, as the horoscope unfolds, clear
choices arise, driven by causes before birth, the outcomes of which determine
progress. Thus it could be argued that collectively the outcome of the universal
cause is still in balance. The matter has not yet been resolved, and your natal chart is
a statement of the part you have to play in resolving this enigma.
It is an old adage that when materialism gains an undue ascendancy in this world,
then follows a spiritual inflow that re-addresses the balance, and likewise if we
become too engrossed in matters of the spirit, the balance is righted by the just
claims of the flesh. If ever this balance needed to be re-addressed it is now, with the
world groaning under the weight of material speculation, monopolization, and
terrorism. As the Aquarian vibrations of the coming age begin to be more strongly
felt on this earth, a more scientific approach to the aspect of a relevant spiritual
expression for mankind

will surely involve Astrology as a beacon for understanding and progress. The new
benefit of rapidly advancing computer technology is beginning to give us the ability
to gain insights into the working s of the universe and astrology will play its part in
this process. Astrology has been called ‘the root of all magic’, and to gain some
intangible benefit on the material plane by the use of forces which appear to be from
a higher plane, is in essence a magical act. And thus does this art at all times have to
contend with the attacks of those who maintain that its principles cannot be verified
by material law, and those who hold it up as being the tool of the superstitious, a
negation of the principle that there is only one God.
But this art, which can give clear intuitions into the lessons we have been sent here
to learn, can also be the path to greater understanding of wider cosmic principles. As
it links the unknown cause to knowable effects, it is an invaluable and unique tool in
gaining some insight into the plan that is evolving, the question that was asked, and
the current state of the responses that we have made.


[Peter Trewern is the Chief Adept of the Province of New Zealand]


Optimist The glass is half full.

Pessimist The glass is half empty.

Philosopher Why use such a large glass?

- o–o–o–

Some examples found in Supermarkets:-

On M & S Bread Pudding: “Product will be hot after heating”.

On Tesco Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom): “Do not turn upside down”.
On Sainsbury’s peanuts: “Warning – contains nuts”.
On some frozen dinners: “Serving suggestion – defrost”.
On Boots Children’s Cough Medicine: “Do not drive a car or operate machinery
after taking this medication”.
On most brands of Christmas lights: “for indoor or outdoor use only”.


Victoria Colleges 3, 14, 29, 52, 59, 64
Chief Adept W H (Bill) Millane
Suffragan G A (Tony) Bowers
Prov. Secretary T Rex Little, P.O.Box 46, Nunawading 3131 [(9) 878 7670]

Queensland College 18
Chief Adept Tom Mc McRae t.mcrae@uq.net.au
Suffragan Graeme B Wilson
Prov. Secretary Ben R A Doktor, P.O.Box 14, Civic Centre, Inalla, Queensland

Western Australia College 41

Chief Adept Ernie M Adams adams@arach.net.au
Suffragan Les T Loftus
Prov. Secretary Harold D Skinner, 11/57 Point Walter Road, Bicton 6157

South Australia College 35

Chief Adept Jim Kalatzis
Suffragan Ron K C Pearson
Prov. Secretary Ron K C Pearson, 48 Caulfield Avenue, Cumberland Park 5041
[(08) 8293 2391]

Ontario East Colleges 20, 37
Chief Adept Glenson T Jones glenson-jones@rogers.com
Suffragan Kenneth L Whiting kenmarwhiting@aol.com
Prov. Secretary B A Downes, 3370 Tallmast Crescent, Mississauga, Ontario L5L
1H5 [(905) 820-2861] badownes@internet.look.ca

Ontario-West Colleges 17, 47

Chief Adept James A Shaw
Suffragan Larry J Hostine
Prov. Secretary Henry C Coomber, 7 Rickway Drive, Leamington, Ontario
N8N 2M3 hcoomber@sympatico.ca

Canadian Prairies Colleges 32, 44

Chief Adept J Leonard Clark lenclark@nk.ca
Suffragan Kenneth L Armstrong
Prov. Secretary Marvyn R Rogers, Box 1124, Athabasca, Alberta T9S 2A9
(780) 675 9244 marvyn@telus.net

Canadian Pacific North West Colleges 39, 69
Chief Adept Mike P Raynor mraynor@telus.net
Suffragan Richard D Armitage
Prov. Secretary Richard D Armitage, 2688 Pearcey Avenue, Courtenay,
Victoria V9N 7E3, Brit.Columbia

France Colleges 28, 49

Chief Adept Witold Zaniewicki
Suffragan D. Bouyssou
Prov. Secretary Benson F Catt, 44 Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Bromley,
Kent BR2 7JF [020-8462 8988]

The Netherlands Colleges 54, 63

Chief Adept Frans W J J Snel
Prov. Secretary Peter G Kok, Sir Winston Churchilllaan 953, 2286 AC Rijswijk,
The Netherlands [31 70 39 67673]

New Zealand Colleges 5, 50, 57, 68

Chief Adept Peter J Trewern bookauctions@xtra.co.nz
Suffragan Roger H Weeks roger.weeks@amcom.co.nz
Prov. Secretary Dave Winefield, P.O.Box 54, Manurema 1702, Auckland, NZ

United Kingdom

Eastern Counties Colleges 15, 22, 40, 42, 60

Chief Adept John R Paternoster otzchayim@aol.com
Suffragan Ray G Fretten
Prov. Secretary David R Kibble-Rees, 29 Wickets Way, Ilford, Essex IG6 3DF
[020-8501 3266]

East Midlands Colleges 8, 23, 36, 45

Chief Adept John S Peddie jospeddie@aol.com
Suffragan F A Groake
Prov. Secretary F W D Lowe, Glenlivet, 28 Brookside Glen, Chesterfield S40
3PF [01246-566719]


United Kingdon
Greater London Colleges 1, 13, 24
Chief Adept The Most Worthy Supreme Magus benevolentia@btinternet.com
Suffragans Senior Substitute Magus buckleym@btinternet.com
Junior Substitute Magus
Prov. Secretary Steven J Turner steven.turner@mail.lwcdial.net

Home Counties Colleges 31, 62

Chief Adept Arthur Craddock arthur.craddock53@btinternet.com
Suffragan Richard (Dick) Machin jeanmary-42@tinyworld.co.uk
Prov. Secretary Colin L Rennie, 75 Egremont Drive, Lower Early, Reading,
Berks. RG6 3BS [01189-664 335]

North Eastern Counties Colleges 2, 4, 6, 16, 25

Chief Adept David G Jackson
Suffragan Prof. Warren Pescod
Suffragan John F Buffoni
Prov. Secretary Trevor L Hughes, 16 Lodge Hill Drive, Wales, Sheffield S31
8RU [01909 770468]

North Western Counties Colleges 9, 53, 55, 67

Chief Adept Chris J Oversby
Suffragan David H Kirkham
Prov. Secretary Simon P Downs, 5 Egerton Drive, Davenport, Stockport,
Cheshire SK3 8SR (01614 834617]

South East England Colleges 11, 48, 51, 61

Chief Adept Roy J Bedford
Suffragan Brian W Lobb brian.lobb@btinternet.com
Prov. Secretary Terry J Cooke, 81 Ingram Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7

South Midlands & South Wales Colleges 10, 26, 38, 56, 65
Chief Adept Brian W Price
Suffragan Michael D Arnold
Prov. Secretary Dr. John B Lloyd, 7 Pantyrhos, Warnfawr, Aberystwyth,
Ceredigion, Wales SY23 3QE


United Kingdon
South West Counties Colleges 21, 27, 33, 46, 70
Chief Adept Derek S Mortimore
Suffragan Harry Smith
Prov. Secretary George Evatt, OBE, 8 Garston Close, Plymstock, Plymouth,
Devon PL9 8JF [01752-318411] evatt@supanet.com

Southern Counties Colleges 7, 19, 30, 43

Chief Adept David Walker
Suffragan Martin B Caunter martin@caunter11.freeserve.com
Prov. Secretary Adrian T Jones, 16 Bloomfield Park, Timsbury, Bath BA2 0LN
[01761 470 461] adrian@jones1811.freeserve.co.uk

Western Counties & North Wales Colleges 12, 34, 58, 66, 71
Chief Adept John Goodrum john.goodrum@btinternet.com
Suffragan Shaun B Crutchley
Prov. Secretary Chris J Macdonald, The Bond, Godstall Lane, Chester CH1 1LN


(bold month signifies Installation.)

1 METROPOLITAN The Premier College acts without a Warrant. Secretary: Steven J Turner, 46
Eynsham Drive, Abbey Wood, London SE2 9QY steven.turner@mail.lwcdial.net Meets Fourth
Tuesday in January, Fourth Wednesday in April, Second Thursday in July and Third Tuesday in
October at 10 Duke Street, St. James's, London SW1. Subscription includes the Metropolitan
Study Group at Stanfield Hall on Third Saturdays. Publications: 'Transactions' (Greater London).

2 YORK Warrant dated 5.11.1879. Secretary: Peter O Preston, 17 Horseman Avenue,

Copmanthorpe, York YO23 3UF. [01904 705382] Meets Third Saturday in February, May,
August and November at the Masonic Hall, Castlegate House, York (North Eastern Counties).

3 DEMIURGUS Warrant dated 21.1.1886. Secretary: Lester J V Watts, 4 Woolton Avenue,

Thornbury 3071, Victoria, Australia. [(03) 9484 3007] Meets Fourth Wednesday in February,
April, June and October at Masonic Centre of Victoria, 300 Albert Street, East Melbourne,

4 NEWCASTLE Warrant dated 18.6.1890. Secretary: Arnold Potter, 60 North Farm Avenue,
Grindon, Sunderland SR4 9SD. [01915-343900] Meets First Saturday in March and September,
Second Saturday in May and last Saturday in November at the Masonic Hall, Maple Terrace,
Newcastle upon Tyne (North Eastern Counties).

5 CHRISTCHURCH Warrant dated 11.1.1906. Secretary: Erle K Duxbury, 161 Matsons
Avenue, Christchurch 8005, New Zealand. [(03) 352-9740] the dux@netaccess.co.nz
Meets Second Saturday in March, June and September and Third Saturday in November at the
Masonic Hall, Idris Road, Fendalton, Christchurch (New Zealand).

6 WOODMAN Warrant dated 21.3.1908. Secretary: Tim Grunwell, 62 Beechwood Avenue,

Bradford, West Yorkshire BD6 3AF. [01274-678 914]
Meets Fourth Saturday in March, June & November and First Saturday in September at the
Masonic Hall, Whitehall Road, Hipperholme, Halifax (North eastern Counties).

7 ROBERT FLUDD Warrant dated 29.11.1909. Secretary: A T Jones, 16 Bloomfield Park

Road, Timsbury, Somerset BA2 0LN. [01761-470 461] adrian@jones1811.freeserve.com
Meets Fourth Saturday in April, September & November and First Saturday in June at the
Masonic Hall, East Street, Andover, Hants (Southern Counties).

8 HALLAMSHIRE Warrant dated 13.1.1910. Secretary: Tony H Lever, 2 Kensington Road,

Barnsley, S75 2TX [01226-282148]
Meets Fourth Monday in January, April, September & November at Tapton Hall, Shore Lane,
Sheffield (east Midlands).

9 LANCASHIRE Warrant dated 29.10.1910. Secretary: David Hallam, 15 Southmoor Walk,

Bolton, Lancs. BL3 6XH.
Meets First Friday in March, May & November at South Manchester Freemasons’ Hall, Edge
Lane, Chorlton-cum-Hardy (North Western Counties).

10 BIRMINGHAM and MIDLAND Warrant dated 5.6.1915. Secretary: Clifford W Hadley, 9

Wyvern Road, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield, W.Midlands B74 2PS [01213-424 456]
Meets First Tuesday in March, Third Tuesday in June and First Monday in September at the
Masonic Hall, Wretham Road, Handsworth, Birmingham (South Midland & South Wales).

11 WILLIAM WYNN WESTCOTT Warrant dated 31.5.1919. Secretary: Leslie M Judd, 122
Amberley Drive, Hove, East Sussex BN3 8JQ. [01273 725753]
Meets First Saturday in March, October & December at the Sussex Masonic Centre, Queen's
Road, Brighton (South East England).

12 MERSEY Warrant dated 23.4.21. Secretary: Alan Blackstone, 49 Limetree Avenue, Stockton
Heath, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 2DQ. [01925-487 427] alanblackstone@hotmail.com
Meets Third Tuesday in February, First Tuesday in June, and Third Friday in November at
Warrington Masonic Hall, Winmarleigh Street, Warrington (Western Counties & North.Wales).

13 LONDON COLLEGE of ADEPTS [Daughter College] Warrant dated 23.9.1922. Details as

for Metropolitan College. Installation October meeting.

14 THOMAS VAUGHAN Warrant dated 14.10.1946. Secretary A Vic Lees, 2 Gilgarth Street,
Highett 3190, Victoria, Australia. [(03) 9551 7962]
Meets First Thursday in March, May, July & November at Masonic Temple, 52 Drummond
Street, Oakleigh, Victoria, Australia (Victoria).

15 WILLIAM SEMKEN Warrant dated 2.9.66. Secretary: Nigel Oldacre, Little East, 87 Broad
Road, Bocking, Braintree, Essex CM7 9RZ. [01376-325074] nigel.oldacre@btopenworld.com
Meets Second Thursday in March, June, September and December at the Masonic Hall,
Parsonage Street, Halstead, Essex (Eastern Counties).

16 St.JOHN of BEVERLEY Warrant dated 2.9.1966. Secretary: Alan J. C. Metcalfe, 14

Maister Road, Keyingham, East Yorkshire HU12 9SG. [01964 622 473]
Meets First Monday in April & July and Fourth Monday in September at the Masonic Hall,
Trinity Lane, Beverley, North Humberside (North Eastern Counties).

17 MICHAEL MAIER Warrant dated 27.5.1967. Secretary: T Bilardino Segui, P.O.Box 311,
Aylmer West, Ontario N5H 2S1, Canada. [(519) 773 2079] bbsegui@amtelecom.net
Meets Fifth Friday in month except January or December at the Masonic Hall, 107 South Street
West, Aylmer, Ontario, Canada. Installation first meeting of year (Ontario West).

18 EUGENIUS PHILALETHES Warrant dated 26.4.1967. Secretary: W C Elliott, 9 O’Connor

Street, Gympie 4570, Queensland, Australia. [(07) 5482 3586]
Meets Second Tuesday in February, May, August and November at the Masonic Centre, Vulture
Street, South Brisbane (Queensland).

19 ELIAS ASHMOLE Warrant dated 30.11.1967. Secretary: Roy E Rowe, Four Winds, 2
Heathfield Road, Sheet, Hants GU31 4DG. [01730 266560]
Meets last working week day in January, March, May and October at the Masonic Hall, Albert
Road, Cosham, Hants. (Southern Counties).

20 TORONTO Warrant dated 25.5.1973. Secretary: Louis Jansurik, 38-2020 South Millway,
Mississauga, Ontario L5L 1K2, Canada. [(001) (905) 820-5532] jansurik@sympatico.ca
Meets Fifth Wednesday in the month at Etobicoke Masonic Hall, 596 Renforth Drive, Etobicoke,
Ontario. Installation first meeting in year (Ontario East).

21 THE HOLY GRAIL Warrant dated 4.11.1976. Secretary: George Evatt OBE, 8 Garston
Close, Plymstock, Plymouth, Devon PL9 8JF [01752-318411] evatt@supanet.com
Meets First Saturday in March & June and Second Saturday in November at The Masonic Hall,
Dunheved Road, Saltash, Cornwall (South Western Counties).

22 MICHAEL PENROSE Warrant dated 2.12.1977. Secretary; John R Paternoster, 29 Long

Meadow, Bishop’s Stortford, Herts. CM23 4HH. [01279 655037] otzchayim@aol.com
Meets First three Fifth Thursdays in year at the Chingford Masonic Hall, Forest Approach,
Chingford, Essex. Installation at third meeting (Eastern Counties).

23 JOHN DEE Warrant dated 25.7.1979. Secretary: A R (Tony) Perry, 2 Glasby Square,
Retford, Notts DN22 6EP. [01777 704656 ]
Meets Second Tuesday in April & October and Third Tuesday in January & July at the Masonic
Hall, Carolgate Bridge, Retford, Notts (East Midlands).

24 THOMAS LINACRE Warrant dated 20.9.1980. Secretary: Leslie W Threadgold, 237a

Underhill Road, East Dulwich, London SE22 6EP [01777-704 656]
Meets Fourth Monday in February, September and October at the Masonic Hall, 73 Oakfield
Road, Croydon, Surrey (Greater London). Also holds a floating Warrant

25 THOMAS B. WHYTEHEAD Warrant dated 4.4.1981. Secretary: Trevor L Hughes, MBE,
16 Lodge Hill Drive, Wales, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S31 8RU. [01909 770468]
Meets First Saturday in February, May & October at the Masonic Hall, Castleford, West
Yorkshire (North eastern Counties).

26 PYTHAGORAS Warrant dated 20.2.1982. Secretary: Roy E Curzon, 1 Bassett Close,

Winchcombe, Cheltenham GL54 5YY. [01242 603440]
Meets Second Saturday in April, July & November at the Masonic Hall, Churchfields,
Bromsgrove, Worcs (South Midland Counties).

27 PARACELSUS Warrant dated 27.3.1982. Secretary:

Meets Third Saturday in March, June & Second Saturday in November at the Masonic Hall,
High Street, Yatton, North Somerset (South Western Counties).

28 BERNARD de CLAIRVAUX Warrant dated 29.5.1982. Secretary: Jean Pearce, Le

Clocheton, 4 Rue de Breteuil, 78540 Vernouillet, France. (Send correspondence to the
Provincial Secretary: Benson F Catt, JP, 5 View Crescent, Tivoli Road, Hornsey, London N8
8RW [0181 347 8251])
Meets First Saturday in February, May & October at Temple sis 25, Rue Boyer, 75020, Paris
(Metro Menilmontant) (France).

29 FRANCIS BACON Warrant Dated 5.4.1983. Secretary: Bernie P Munro, JP, P.O.Box 120,
Caulfield East 3145, Victoria, Australia.
Meets First Tuesday in February, April, August & October at the Masonic Temple, 33
Strathalbyn Street, Kew, Melbourne, (Victoria).

30 St. BONIFACE Warrant dated 29.10.1983. Secretary: Norman Bartholomew, 19 Monkton

Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 2BZ. [01983-616727] norman@universalsavings.btz
Meets Second Saturday in February, April, October & November at the Masonic Hall, Grove
Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight (Southern Counties).

31 THOMAS A BECKET Warrant dated 26.5.1984. Secretary: S J Foley, 3 Cheriton Court,

Wolseley Street, Reading RG1 6BQ [01189-509 635] cheriton3@btinternet.com
Meets Fourth Thursday in March & June and Fourth Saturday in November at the Masonic Hall,
Reading Road, Wokingham, Berks (Home Counties).

32 LUX in OCCIDENT Warrant dated 19.8.1984. Secretary: Erin Bradley, 1525 Coy Avenue,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7M 0H5, Canada.
Meets Third Saturday in March, April, October & November at the Masonic Temple, 1620
Herman Avenue, Saskatoon (Canadian Prairies).

33 CORPUS CHRISTI Warrant dated 27.10.1984. Secretary: Robert G Ware, 3 Moorland

View, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 4EW. [01626-361662]
Meets last Tuesday in January, Third Saturday in May, and Third Friday in October at the
Masonic Hall, Parkhill Road, Torquay, Devon (South Western Counties).

34 TAMWORTH CASTLE Warrant dated 29.6.1985. Secretary: Dr. Paul Mycock, 70
Marshbrook Road, Pype Hayes, Birmingham B24 0ND [01213-841392]
Meets Third Saturday in February, May & November at the Masonic Rooms, 29 Lichfield
Street, Tamworth (Western Counties & North Wales).

35 ALBERTUS MAGNUS Warrant dated 26.7.1986. Secretary: Ron K C Pearson, 48 Caulfield

Avenue, Cumberland Park 5041, South Australia. [(08) 8293 2391]
Meets Fourth Monday in March, May, September & November at The Masonic Centre, 254
North Centre, Adelaide 5000, (South Australia).

36 St.ANSELM Warrant dated 20.9.1986. Secretary: Richard A Kerry, 31 Field Lane, Belper,
Derbyshire DE56 1DD. [01773 886 039]
Meets Third Wednesday in April & July and Third Friday in May at the Masonic Hall, Derby
Road, Alfreton (East Midlands).

37 ROSA REVIVISCIMA Warrant dated 28.3.1987. Secretary: Gerald E MacDonald, 292

Kirchoffer Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K2A 1Y2, Canada. [(613) 722 7936]
Meets any Fifth Tuesday (except December) at the Ottawa Masonic Centre, 2140 Walkley Road,
Ottawa. Installation on First Fifth Tuesday after 1st March (Ontario East).

38 SEVERN Warrant dated 4.4.1987. Secretary: Leslie E Kershaw, Flat 2, St.Kenelm House,
Shurdington Road, Cheltenham, Glos. GL53 0JH. [01242 521980]
Meets First Friday in April, September & November at the Masonic Hall, Crosskeys Lane,
Gloucester (South Midland & South Wales).

39 LUMEN PACIFICAE Warrant dated 6.5.1987. Secretary: Derek E Wick, 8819 Pender Park
Drive, Sidney, British Columbia V8L 4D4. [656 9425]
Meets Fourth Saturday in March, May, September and November at Masonic Temple Library,
650 Fisgard Street, Victoria, Brit. Columbia, (Canadian North West Pacific).

40 RENAISSANCE Warrant dated 30.5.1987. Secretary: Ian C Burnett, 39 Fox Hill Road,
Guilden Morden, nr Royston, Herts. SG8 0JG. [01763-852 341] icburnett@tesco.net
Meets the Fifth Friday of the Second, Third and Fourth months of the year in which they occur at
the Masonic Hall, Church Road, Potter Street, Harlow, Essex. Installation at last meeting of the
year. (Eastern Counties).

41 SANCTUM TESTAMENTUM Warrant dated 29.10.1987. Secretary: Norman Reeve,

P.O.Box 150, Applecross 6953, Western Australia. [(08) 9457 5711]
Meets Second Thursday in February, April, August & November at Freemasons' Hall, 78
Terrace Road, East Perth, (Western Australia).

42 HAMON LE STRANGE Warrant dated 27.2.1988. Secretary: Trevor Daff, 59 Eversden

Road, Harlton, Cambs. CB3 7ET. [01223 263567] trevordaff@aol.com
Meets First Wednesday in July, First Monday in September and Fourth Thursday in October at
The Masonic Hall, The Old Mill, Thetford (Eastern Counties).

43 KRYPTOS Warrant dated 26.3.1988. Secretary: Adrian T Jones, 16 Bloomfield Park Road,
Timsbury, Bath, Avon BA2 0LN. adrian@jones1811.freeserve.com
Meets First Saturday in March, October, December, and Second Saturday in September at the
Masonic Hall, 17 The Green, Calne, Wilts (Southern Counties).

44 AURORA BOREALIS Warrant dated 12.5.1988. Secretary: Paul Doff, 9110-164 Avenue,
Edmonton, Alberta I5Z 3H7, Canada. [780-434 7562
Meets during the Fifth week of a five week Month. Installation First meeting of the year, at
Highlands Masonic Hall, 5526-118 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, (Canadian Prairies).

45 ALAN G. DAVIES Warrant dated 23.7.1988. Secretary : Brian F Richards, 15 Cheviot

Close, Sleaford, Lincs NG34 8UH. [01529 303636] brian.richardsll@btopenworld.com
Meets on Fourth Tuesday in May & October and Fourth Thursday in August at the Masonic
Hall, Sleaford, Lincs (East Midlands).

46 St.PIRAN Warrant dated 29.10.1988. Secretary: Peter Oakley, Sasgadh, 92 Yealm Road,
Newton Ferris, Devon PL8 1BL. [01752-872792]
Meets Second Saturday in February, April & September at the Masonic Hall, Liskey Hill,
Perranporth, Cornwall (South Western Counties).

47 MOUNT ABIEGNOS Warrant dated 19.11.1988. Secretary: Jean-Marc J Laprise, P.O.Box

21, Pain Court, Ontario N0P 1Z0, Canada. [(519) 352 7518] jlaprise@kent.net
Meets Fifth Thursday of any month (except January, February or December) at the Masonic
Temple, 430 Riverside Drive, Chatham, Ontario. Installation First meeting of the year. (Ontario

48 NORMAN STAMFORD Warrant dated 14.12.1988 Secretary: John P Smith, 16 Caldbeck

Avenue, Worcester Park, Surrey KT4 8BQ [020-8337 3745]
Meets Second Monday in March, Third Tuesday in June and Second Wednesday in December at
the Masonic Hall, Grove Road, Sutton, Surrey (South East England).

49 MONTJOIE ST.DENIS Warrant dated 3.2.1990. Secretary: Alexandre Douenias, 19

Avenue Auguste Renoir, 78160 Marley-Le-Roi, France. For details see Bernard de Clairvaux
College (France).

50 ASHMOLEAN Warrant dated 11.3.1990. Secretary: Alan B Bevins, 36 Murphys Road,

Papatoetoe, Auckland 1701, New Zealand. [(09) 262 0978] alanbevins@ahoo.co.nz
Meets First Friday in May, July, September & November at the Ellerslie Masonic Centre, 9a
Roberts Street, Ellerslie, Auckland (New Zealand).

51 WILLIAM HARVEY Warrant dated 25.6.1991 Secretary: Ron Ball, 61 Springvale, Iwade,
Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 8RX. [01795-475 992]
Meets Fourth Tuesday in February & August and First Saturday in May at the Masonic Hall,
Maidstone Road, Paddock Wood, Kent (South East England).

52 AQUINAS Warrant dated 1.7.1991 Secretary: Kent W. Henderson, P.O.Box 332,

Williamstown 3016, Victoria, Australia. [(03) 9598 0598] kenthen@optusnet.com.au
Meets First Thursday in April, June, October and December at Freemasons Hall, Little Ryrie
Street, Geelong, (Victoria).

53 LORD KENLIS Warrant dated 7.3.1992 Secretary: Derek G Lower, Flat 4, 67 The
Promenade, Southport, Lancs, PR9 0JB. [01704-541 408]
Meets Fourth Thursday in February, First Tuesday in June, and Last Thursday in August at the
Masonic Hall, Wyrebank, Church Street, Garstang, Lancs (North Western Counties).

54 THE NETHERLAND Warrant dated 22.5.1993. Secretary: Frans W. J. J. Snel, De Vergulde

Paarden 17, 3824 CS Amersfoort, The Netherlands. [(0) 31 70 39 67 67 3]
Meets Fourth Saturday in January, May, & September at the Masonic Hall, Arnhemsestraatweg
360, Velp (near Arnhem), The Netherlands.

55 ALTIORA PETIMUS Warrant dated 18.8.1993. Secretary: Larry Tinkler, 20 Thirlmere,

Vigo, Birtley, Co.Durham DH3 2JY [01914-102 713]
Meets First Thursday in June & July, and Third Thursday in August at the Masonic Hall, Bank
Lane, Towns Foot, Alston, Cumbria (North Western Counties).

56 GUY'S CLIFFE Warrant dated 20.10.1993. Secretary: Nicholas T M Malden, 23 Coburn

Drive, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield B75 5NT. [01213-085-735]
Meets Third Wednesday in March, June & October at St.Mary Magdalen Chapel, Guy’s Cliffe,
Warwickshire (South Midland & South Wales).

57 SIRIUS Warrant dated 4.9.1994 Secretary: David Egley, 117 Upland Road, Kelburn,
Wellington 6005, New Zealand. [04 971 1649] billhibbard@paradise.net.nz
Meets Fourth Friday in January, Second Friday in April, July & October at The Masonic Hall,
Udy Street, Petone. (New Zealand)

58. BISHOP WILKINS Warrant dated 7.9.1994. Secretary: Barry M Wiggins, 39 Blackthorne
Avenue, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 2UN. [01513-480 570] bunwiggins@ikon.com
Meets Second Monday in May, Third Tuesday in September and First Wednesday in December
at Cheshire View, Freemasons Hall, Plough Lane, Christleton, Chester (Western Counties &

59. ALAN SPENCER WILLIAMS Warrant dated 29.7.1995. Secretary: David L Yole, 203
Mountain Highway, Wantima, Victoria 3152, Australia.
Meets Second Saturday in March, May, September & November at Belgrave Masonic Centre,
Bayview Road, Belgrave (Victoria).

60. SIR THOMAS MORE Warrant dated 19.8.1995. Secretary: David C Kibble-Rees, 29
Wickets Way, Ilford, Essex IG6 3DF. [020 8501 3266]
Meets Second Wednesday in March, Fourth Wednesday in June & Second Thursday in
December at Simpsons Restaurant, Lower Southend Road, Wickford, Essex (Eastern Counties).

61. St.AUGUSTINE Warrant dated 2.9.1996. Secretary: Mark Watson, Digswell, Lower Hartlip
Road, Hartlip, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 7SX.
Meets First Friday in January, First Wednesday in May and First Monday in September at the
Masonic Hall, Cromwell Road, Whitstable, Kent (South East England).

62. ROBERT EDWIN ROWLAND Warrant dated 24.5.1997. Secretary: James F Acott, 6
Pytchley Way, New Duston, Northampton NN5 6RN, [01604-754 372]
Meets First Saturdays in March and September, and Fourth Saturday in May at the Harrow
District Masonic Centre, Northwick Circle, Harrow, Middlesex, (Home Counties).
63. HERMES Warrant dated 7.8.1997. Secretary: S H Tjon Ajong, Clare Lennartstraat 98, 1321
DA Almere, The Netherlands. [(0) 31 (0) 614 781 500] imser@msn.com
Meets Fourth Fridays in February, May & October at the Masonic Hall, Steenschuur 4-6,
Leiden. (The Netherlands).

64. St.CHRISTOPHER Warrant dated 18.10.1997. Secretary: Howard C Ambrose, Coniston

Hall, 105 IIetts Road, Warrion 3249, Victoria, Australia. [+61 3 5234 8488].
Meets Second Thursdays in February, April, August & October at the Western Masonic Centre,
1a Ralph Street, Ardeer 3020, Victoria, Australia. (Victoria).

65. AVENTIUS Warrant dated 6.6.1998, Secretary: Michael Hopkins, 37 St. Margaret’s Road,
Whitchurch, Cardiff, Glam. CF14 7AB [02920-612-042].
Meets First Saturday in February and June, and the First Fifth Saturday to occur in either
September, October or November at the Masonic Hall, Coychurch Road, Bridgend, South Wales.
(South Midland & South Wales)

66. CLWYD Warrant dated 30.9.1998. Secretary: Norman Davies, Kingsmill, Spon Green,
Buckley, Flintshire CH7 3BL. [01244 544 734] nrdavies@talk21.com
Meets First Wednesday in March, Fourth Wednesday in June and First Wednesday in
September at Buckley Masonic Rooms, Mold Road, Buckey, Flintshire. (Western Counties &
North Wales).

67. MILLENNIUM Warrant dated 6.5.2000. Secretary: Michael Smithies, 16 Cherrington

Drive, Rochdale, Lancs. OL11 2XS [01706-341448] michael.smithies@ntlworld.com
Regular meetings on Fourth Thursday in March, June and September and informal meetings on
Fourth Thursday in January, April & November at the Masonic Rooms, Hawkshaw Avenue,
Darwen (North Western Counties).

68. FELKIN Warrant dated 7.10.2000. Secretary: G W Boag, P.O.Box 5115, Greenmeadows,
Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
Meets at United Lodge Rooms, Kennedy Road, Napier on the Fourth Friday in February, May,
August and November. (New Zealand)

69. LUMEN TERRESTRIS Warrant dated 17.2.2001 Secretary: Vernon M Halverson, 2167
West 48th Avenue, Vancouver V6M 2L2, Brit. Columbia [(604) ]
Meets at Kerrisdale Masonic Hall, 2146 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver. (Canadian Pacific North

70. BLAISE PASCAL Warrant dated 20.10.2001 Secretary: George Evatt, OBE, 8 Garston
Close, Plymstock, Plymouth, Devon PL9 8JF [01752-318411]. evatt@supanet.com
Meets at the Masonic Hall, Castle Street, Tiverton, Devon on last Saturday in March and June
and First Saturday in October.

71. TREVOR SAXBY Warrant dated 26.9.2002 Secretary: David S Thomson, 8 St.Lukes Close,
Holmes Chapel, Cheshire CW4 7BS [01477-535431] dsummerst@aol.com
Meets First Friday in March, Second Friday in October and December at the Masonic Hall,
Riseley Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 1BW.

72. CAERLEON Warrant dated 28.8.2004 Secretary:.Lindsay Preece, 8 Woodlands Avenue,
Rogerstone, Newport, South Wales NP1 9GB [01633-612 419] lpreece@lineone.net
Meets at the Masonic Hall, Dock Street, Newport


email addresses are underlined

Please advise Andrew Stephenson at 38 Westcombe Park Road, Blackheath, London
SE3 7RB email: benevolentia@btopenworld) of any alterations.


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