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3rd-5th Grade Parent Involvement Night

August 29 Agenda

● Welcome
● Objective - I wish to provide parents of 3rd-5th grade students with tools to use at home
to help foster comprehension.
● Fall Focus - Within the Text Comprehension
○ Literary Strategy - Retell What’s Most Important by Making Connections to the
■ Skills - summarizing, retelling, determining importance
■ What is the main problem? Is there another problem?
■ What does the character do (in this chapter/part) that connects to the
■ Explain how the story ends. How does the end connect to the problem?
■ Is the problem internal or external?
■ Is the problem solved/resolved?
○ Non-Fiction Strategy - Shrink a Text
■ Skills: summarizing, determining importance
■ Read a chunk of text.
■ Try saying it in just one sentence.
■ Keep refining until you have captured the main (most important) idea in
only one sentence in a way that is clear and concise.
○ Generic questions/discussion starters
■ Summarize the important events from the story. (First, Next, Then,
■ How are the ideas/facts related to each other?
■ What was the problem in the story? How did the character solve the
■ How did the story end? Was the ending a surprise?
■ What new information did you learn about ______?
■ What did you learn from the picture/graph/caption?
■ Describe the characters in the story. How did their actions contribute to
the events in the story?
● Commitment - Turn this paper over and write one idea you would like to try at home.
What do you think will work? What needs clarification?
● Questions/Comments/Feedback
● Next Meeting - January 23, 4:30-5:00

Thank you for coming! Please let me know if there is any way I can help.
Peggy Miller

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