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From: Callicott and Frodeman, eds.

Encyclopedia ofEnvironmental Ethb and Wedands are found on every continent except Antarctica,
Philosophy, Volume 2, pagel 391-400. and at every latitude from the tropics to the tundra.
Detroit: Macmillan Reference. C 2009, Gale, About 6 percent of the land surface of the Earth is wet-
a part of Cengage Learning. Reproduced by lands, and in the boreal regions this is 11 percent. Wet-
permission. www.cengage.com/permissions. land ecosystems on global scales cover more than 1,280
million hectares, an area 33 percen~ larger than the
United States.
Individual wedands are often relatively transient fea-
tures of a landscape. They may have differing water levels
depending on seasonal changes and climate. They may
fill with debris. Water-loving plants invade the margins
of a lake; as detritus collects, marsh-loving plants replace
them; afterward the bog fills and shrubs and trees can
enter. Meanwhile wetlands will be generated elsewhere
on the landscape.


Though sometimes transient, wetlands considered as Iran, in 1971) has become increasingly imponaDt, with,
a biological phenomenon arc often long-lived and con- since 1987, a permanent secretariat headquartered at the
srandy present throughout Earth's evolutionary past, and International Union for the Conservation of Nature and
there is no cause for wetlands not to persist indefinitely in Natural Resources in Switzerland. By the turn of the
the future. Like the forest and the sea, mountains and twenty-first century,' 117 nations had joined the conven-
rivers, lakes and islands, wedands are a form of landscape tion and there were over a thousand wetland sites (Frazier
that Earth has regularly been producing over the epochs 1999).
of natural history. The wide varieties of wetlands and che varieties of
Wetlands vary in sir from small soggy areas and peoples experiencing them over many centuries have
pools to vast tracts covering many thousands of heaares, generated a rich terminology: bogs; marshes; mires; mus-
both freshwater and brackish. Wetlands are dominated kegs; aapa peatlands, palsa bogs; fens; swamps; wetland
by water, but there is a wide water gradient from drier moors; wedand prairies; tidal salt marshes; mangrove
uplands to deep water, and this often differs depending wedands; river floodplains, deltas; wedand alluvial fans.
on rainfall from season to season and year to year. As a Scientists have attempted. more precision in classifying
result, what is recognized as wetlands varies, depending schemes (Cowardin et ale 1979; Gore 1983; National
somewhat on whether the focus is plants adapted to Research Council 1995; Mitsch and Gosselink 2000).
flooding and saturated soil or wildlife so adapted, or The National Research Council report cautioned that
the water table relative to ground surface, or the wet! cenain types of wetlands (fens and bogs) are much more
dry season of the year. difficult to restore than others; some may be impossible
Wetlands may be the most threatened of all land- to restore.
scape types. The world has lost half its wetlands since Human encounters with wedands have distinctive
1900. The United States has lost over half its wetlands. dimensions (Vileisis 1997). Wetlands have been much
Most wetlands in Europe have been drained or filled for misunderstood environments, perhaps the most misun-
development. Africa, South America, and Asia are con- derstood (Miller 1989). The contemporary term wetlands
tinually developing vast wetland areas for food and fiber. has been chosen partly to avoid classical terms such as
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, sponsored by swamp, bog, mir~, which have negative connotations. A
the United Nations, has an assessment: Ecosys~s and "pleasant mire" is almost a contradiction in terms.
Human Well-Being: Wetlands and Watn". The authors Swamps are damp, marshy, overgrown, rank, dismal,
express concern: "The degradation and loss of wetlands gloomy. They are uninviting places where one has to
is more rapid than that of other ecosystems. Similarly, contend with insects while trying to keep from falling
the status of both freshwater and coastal wedand species into the treacherous mud. Wetlands are often believed to
is . deteri~rating faster than those of other ecosystems" be wastelands, best to be filled, drained, and convened
(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2000, p. ii). into a useful resource.
Since 1989, the U.S. Environmental Protection Traditionally, there was an element of truth in such
Agency has had a policy of "no net loss" of wetlands, dislike. Mias1nt4 from a Greek word for pollution, was
resulting in a quagmire of controversies about what counts
poisonous air rising from the rotting bogs. Malaria
as wetlands (a golf course lake with swampy shoreline?),
means "bad air," and the disease was more often caught
wedand remediation, loss (of acres or function?) and gain
by those who lived near wedands, breathing this bad air.
(when does "wet land" become "wetland"?). With wet-
That the disease was carried by a protist in mosquitoes,
land legislation, this has resulted in legal quarrels about
breeding in stagnant or slow moving waters, was
what is a jurisdictional wetland, what permits may be
required to dredge or fill them, or when a mitigation is unknown until the 18905.
successful-often destroying a wetland in one place and Wetlands have economic uses and provide ecological
creating a substitute one elsewhere. A frequent judgment is services (Maltby 1986; Gore 1983; Richardson 1994; Mitsch
that recreated wetlands are no match for the originals and Gosse1ink 2000, Chapter 16). They provide habitats for
(Kaiser 2001). A National Research Council report was fishing and for hunting waterfowl; they may contain timber
quite blunt: "The goal of no net loss of wedands is not that can be harvested. Rice, a staple grain for over half
being met for wetland functions by the mitigation process, the world, is grown on managed agriwltural wedands. Peat-
despite progress in the last 20 years" (National Research lands provide fuel and energy. Coastal marshes are critical to
Council 2001, p. 2). the marine fishing, shellfish, and shrimp industries. Eighty
On international scales, the Convention on Wet- percent of the commercial catch off the southeast u.s. coast
lands of International Importance (commonly called the is linked to salt marshes. There may be imponant biogeo-
Ramsar Convention, from its first adoption at Ramsar, chemical transformations involving phosphates, nitrogen


Wetland plants can tolerate extremes of moisture, Miller, David C. 1989. Darlt EJm: The Swamp in Ninmmth-
nuuients, and oxygen in the soil. Inseaivorous plants Century American Culture. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
have adapted to the nitrogen-deficient soils of bogs by University Press.
Mitsch, William]. 2006. Wetland Creation, Restoration, anti
reversing the usual trophic pyramids, in which insects
Conservation: The State ofthe Scimee. Boston: Elsevier.
typically eat plants., Here plants eat insects, as with the Mitsch, William]., and]ames G. GosseJink. 2000. Wdlands,3rd
sundews, pitcher plants, Venus flytraps, or bladderworts. edition. New York: Wiley.
Marshes and mires are remarkable places for adapted fit, National Research Council, Committee on Characterization of
complex networks connected in biotic community, as we Wetlands. 1995. WnlanJs: Charaanistics llna Bounti4ries.
learn when we try to recreate them. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
National Research Council, Committee on Mitigating Wetland
Bird life in webands can be abundant, with distinc-
Losses. 2001. Comptnslltint for WnlanJ Losses untUr the Clean
tive adaptations to life in the wedands. The ducks include Water An. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
mallards, pintails, shovelers, bufReheads, teal. There are Richardson, Curtis J. 1994. "Ecological Funaions and Human
also the blackbirds, coots, grebes, cormorants, pelicans, Valucs in Wetlands: A Framework for Assessing Forestry
mergansers, gallinules, jacanas, herons, marsh hawks, Impacts." WdlanJs 14: 1-9.
cranes (Burt 2007). Perhaps the most celebrated of the Rolston, Holmes III. 2000. "Aesthetics in the Swamps."
northland waterbirds are the loons, ancient, deep-diving Perspectives in Bi%g, ana M~dicine 43(4): 584-597.
birds with their striking call. Ruuhijirvi, R. 1983. "The Finnish Mire Types and Their
Regional Distribution." In Vol. 4B of Ecosystems ofth~ WorltJ,
In sum, wedands are "biological supermarkets" for 00. A J. P. Gore. Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific.
the diversity of life (Mitsch and "Gosselink 2000, p. 4). Stokstad, Erik, 2005. "After Kauina: Louisana's Wedands
Wetlands are especially demanding environments to Struggle for Survival," Scimce 310(5752): 1264-1266.
understand and to conserve. Wedands are challenging Vileisis, Ann, 1997. Discovering the Unlmoum Landscape: A
scientifically, economically, politically, socially, philo- History ofAmericas WdlAntis. Washington, DC: Island Press.
sophically, ethically. Conserving them, we respect life;
and, as the Millennium Ecosystem Report insists, the Hol",.1 Roulo" III
integrity of wetlands is closely linked to human well-

SEE ALSO Biodiversity; Hurricane Katrina; Millennium

Ecosystem Assessment; Rivers; U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency,· Water.

Burt, William. 2007. Marshn: The Disappearing Edens. New
Haven, Cf: Yale University Press.
Callicott,]. Baird, 2003. "Wedand Gloom, Wedand Glory."
Phi/osophy and Geography 6: 33-45.
Cowardin, Lewis M.; Virginia. Carter; Francis C. Golet; and
Edwud T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of WetlAnds and
Deepwaur Habitats ofthe United States. Washington, DC:
Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
Available from http://www.fws.gov
Frazier, Scott. 1999. Rilmsar Sites OvtrView: A Synopsis of the
Wor!tJi WetlAnds of International Importance. Wageningen,
Netherlands: Wetlands International.
Gore, A. J. P., ed. 1983. Ecosystems ofthe Workl, Vol. 4, Mires-
Swamp, Bog, Fm, anti Moor. Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific.
Kaiser, ]oselyn. 2001. "Recreated Wetlands No Match for
Original." Samce 293(5527): 25.
Maltby, Edward. 1986. Waterlogged Wealth: Why Waste the
WorMj Wet Places? London: Earthscan.
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. 2000. Ecosystems aNiHuman WeU-
Being: Wetlands and Watn". Washington, DC: World Resources
Institute. Available &om http://www.millenniumassessment.orgl


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