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Corporate Governance in Banks in India

Rekha Misra, Anwesha Das

While several committees have examined and he link between efficiency and good corporate govern-
suggested ways to improve corporate governance in ance has been in focus in recent times. Good corporate
governance structures encourage companies to provide
banks in India, this study makes an attempt to prepare a
accountability and set in place control systems. A fundamental
benchmark index for the board composition aspect of reason why corporate governance has moved onto the eco-
corporate governance. A comparison between the nomic and political agenda worldwide has been the rapid
indices for public sector banks with private sector banks growth in international capital markets. Effective corporate
governance enhances access to external financing by firms,
reveals that differences in governance structures cannot
leading to greater investment, higher growth and employ-
be explained fully in terms of ownership only. This is a ment. Investors look to place their funds where the standards
welcome feature, as with some efforts on the part of the of disclosure, of timely and accurate financial reporting, and
majority shareholder, corporate governance in all the of equal treatment of all shareholders are met. Good corporate
governance improves the credibility of firms, mitigates discord
banks can be brought on par with the best-performing
between different stakeholders, reduces legal costs and imp-
bank, by ensuring greater compliance with corporate roves management–labour relationships in the process.
governance benchmarks. India has a bank-based financial system and banks form the
fulcrum of the financial system. While banks finance firms,
they themselves need to be financed and have to attract inves-
tors. Given the predominance of banks and the significance of
good corporate governance practices in enhancing the credi-
bility of institutions, it is relevant to study corporate govern-
ance in banks in India. Against this backdrop, this study aims
to analyse corporate governance in the major public sector
banks (PSBs) and private sector banks (PVBs) in the country.
This analysis is based on the computation of a benchmark
index and the calculation of a corporate governance index on
the basis of this benchmark index. Accordingly, the study is
organised thus. The following section provides the genesis and
tenets of corporate governance. Existing literature on corpo-
rate governance is briefly discussed thereafter. Further, the
methodology for computing corporate governance index is dis-
cussed, following which are the details of index for PSBs and
PVBs along with the validation and concluding observations.

Genesis and Tenets of Corporate Governance

According to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, corporate gov-
ernance is a framework of rules and practices by which a board
of directors ensures accountability, fairness and transparency
in a company’s relationship with all stakeholders. The genesis
of corporate governance can be traced to the East India Com-
pany which had a board known as Court of Directors and its
structure was very similar to the modern-day board of direc-
The views expressed in the article are personal and do not represent the tors. Since its genesis, basic governance issues have been those
views of the authors’ institution.
of power and accountability. The power structure in the corpo-
Rekha Misra (rekhamisra@rbi.org.in) is the director and Anwesha Das rate system, its exercise and the degree of accountability are
(ecowesha@yahoo.co.in) is a researcher at the Department of Economic very crucial. The relationship between these three determines
Policy and Research, Reserve Bank of India.
the extent of agency problem in a modern corporation. Adam
96 JUly 13, 2019 vol lIV no 28 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

Smith (1776–89) drew attention to the agency problem in The the actions of the executive directors and ensures that the
Wealth of Nations. The agency problem is inherent in the rela- interests of the executive directors are consistent with the int-
tionship between the providers of capital and their agents who erests of the shareholders. The relationship between firm per-
put that capital to use, that is, between shareholders and formance and board independence varies depending on the
boards. The structure and composition of boards, the require- context in which the firm is operating. For instance, T Randøy
ments for disclosure, and the balance of power between share- and J I Jenssen (2004) argue that firms in highly competitive
holders and directors have a strong bearing on the resolution/ industries will already be “monitored” by the market and
persistence of agency problem. therefore need fewer outside board members. Such companies
The independence of a board is a very important element for need stronger inside resource links.
the resolution of the agency problem. The board performs two Existing empirical studies show mixed results regarding the
important functions, which are providing resources and moni- relationship between firm performance and board indepen-
toring. However, the desired characteristics of the outside dence (for example, Dalton et al 1998; Dulewicz and Herbert
board members are different for a board focusing on monitor- 2004; Peng 2004; Weisbach and Hermalin 2003). Some schol-
ing, compared to a board focusing on providing resources. It is ars argue that a supermajority of independent directors will
the non-affiliated outside directors—usually termed as inde- lead to worse performance (Bhagat and Black 1999). Firms
pendent directors—who are expected to perform both the may strategically comply with the institutional demands for
monitoring role on behalf of the shareholders, as well as the more outside directors, while subtly limiting the independence
resourcing role for the firms. In the world of corporate govern- of the board. Various tactics may be employed to neutralise the
ance, it is often observed that the number of independent/ independence of members. For example, by appointing outside
outsider directors required by law is contingent on the directors who are demographically similar, and therefore
presence/absence of a promoter on the board. Where promot- more sympathetic to chief executive officers (CEOs) (Westphal
ers sit as chairpersons or managing directors on the boards of and Zajac 1995). The CEOs may also appoint directors with an
the banks, insider control is further enhanced due to manage- experience on other passive boards (Zajac and Westphal
ment control by insiders. As the separation of decision-making 1996). Alternatively, CEOs may appoint individuals from
from shareholders to the board may yield results detrimental strategically irrelevant backgrounds to discourage effective
to the shareholders, for the shareholders’ rights to hold, it participation in strategic decision-making (Carpenter and
becomes important for shareholders to be able to appoint/ Westphal 2001).
remove/have some representation on the board. Besides the composition of the board, the skill set of the
Promoters, when they also own a major stake in the firm, board members is equally important. A Hillman et al (2000)
have an incentive to monitor the management to increase their discuss that there is a need to look at skills distinct from moni-
share value and may help the minority shareholders. However, toring. A varied skill set is also important. B Boyd (1990)
the interests of minority shareholders need to be safeguarded, argued that good governance is achieved when board mem-
where the interests of the controlling shareholders may over- bers are appointed for their expertise to help firms successfully
shadow their interests. Large shareholders have the voting cope with environmental uncertainty. Researchers have also
power necessary to safeguard the value of their investments. focused on the impact of duality (CEO as the chairperson of the
Unlike small shareholders, they can easily accumulate their board) on the effectiveness of the board. The results of res-
votes together. They also incur lower costs of monitoring, as earch are ambiguous (Finegold et al 2007). There is a negative
they can pool their resources to span a large scale of their relationship between duality and firm performance when the
investments. This is the basic premise of the “efficient moni- board focuses on monitoring, and vice versa when the board
toring hypothesis” propounded in literature (Fama and Jensen focuses on providing resources. From the foregoing, it is
1983; Jensen and Meckling 1976). evident that the researchers have focused on various aspects
Firms with controlling shareholders face a two-level agency of corporate governance, with relation to the composition of
problem: between controlling shareholders and management board, role of independent directors, skill sets of board mem-
and between minority shareholders and controlling share- bers and also duality. However, the desirability or not of each
holders. The problem between controlling shareholders and of these attributes depends on the environment in which the
minority shareholders will be less severe if either outside inde- institution functions.
pendent directors are abundantly present on the board, or the
management is independent from the controlling shareholders. Methodology and Rationale
From the foregoing, it can be concluded that one of the most Corporate governance in Indian banks has attracted attention
important tenets of corporate governance is the composition especially after the P J Nayak Committee (2014) which ana-
of the board and its effectiveness. lysed the governance structure in Indian PSBs. PSBs account for
around 75% of the total assets of scheduled commercial banks
Effective Corporate Governance (SCBs) in India. However, in recent years, PSBs are losing their
The composition of the board is critical in determining its share to PVBs. India has already moved towards a differen-
effectiveness. E Fama (1980) posits that the presence of non- tiated banking regime. Now, licences for scheduled PVBs are
executive directors on a board represents a means of monitoring also freely available. With these developments, it is very
Economic & Political Weekly EPW JUly 13, 2019 vol lIV no 28 97

important to analyse the corporate governance in SCBs in The PVBs which form the sample for this study account for
India and also whether there is any difference in the corporate around three-fourths of the total assets of PVBs. All figures are
governance of PSBs and PVBs. as of March 2015.
As is evident from the discussion earlier, board composition,
its independence and effectiveness are the most important Public Sector Banks
parameters of corporate governance. This study aims to ana- The attributes that make for an effective board of a PSB are
lyse corporate governance in Indian banks on the basis of outlined below. The maximum score allocated to each attri-
these parameters. The methodology adopted for preparation bute is 10.
of the benchmark index is a combination of the legal require-
ments, along with guidance available in literature for variables Size of the board: One strand of thought in literature is that it
where legal requirements are not spelt out. The constituents takes more compromises for a larger board to reach consensus,
which determine the effectiveness of the board are: indepen- even though decisions of larger boards may be less extreme,
dence of the board, the qualification/diversity of the board, leading to less variable corporate performance (Lipton and
presence of promoters in the board, evaluation and duality, that Lorsch 1992). M Jensen (1993) even puts a specific limit on
is, whether the chairperson and managing director are one board size with his finding that firms with a board size greater
or separate. than seven or eight members function inefficiently. He attri-
The product markets in which PSBs and PVBs operate differ butes it to the ease it offers to CEOs who want to control and
in their competitiveness. The former (playing dominantly in manipulate the board. Boards can be large based on the res-
the infrastructure and utilities segment) is an oligopolistic ource dependency theory. However, with a very large board
market. The latter operates in more generic and hence more size, the advisory function is weakened because of poor com-
competitive markets. Requirements to make corporate govern- munication and decision-making. On the other hand, propo-
ance effective should vary accordingly between these two nents supporting a larger board size argue that with a large
bank groups. The benchmark index has been calculated sepa- board, the firm has a larger pool of expertise which helps
rately for PSBs and PVBs. The article endeavours to measure improve strategic decision-making (Pearce and Zahra 1992).
the quality of corporate governance by a distance to frontier The board size of PSBs follows from law. As per the BCA, the
approach. As mentioned before, corporate governance in PSBs central government shall, in consultation with the RBI, consti-
and PVBs in India are practised according to certain laws. The tute the first board of directors of a corresponding new bank,
underlying assumption is that the provisions laid down by consisting of not more than seven persons. The board size
laws have certain merit to them. thereafter would be nine members. Of these, not more than
The legal guidelines have been customised to suit the indig- four whole-time directors are to be appointed by the central
enous evolution of the structure and functions of the banking government after consultation with the RBI. One director
system in India. For instance, the Banking Acquisition Act, would be from among those employees who are workers under
2005 that carries corporate governance guidelines for the the clause(s) of Section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
PSBs, posits that the board be representative of all its stake- (14 of 1947), to be nominated by the central government in
holder groups, along with outsider directors with auditing such a manner as may be specified in a scheme made under
experience. This goes with the egalitarian outlook that is a this section.
part and parcel of the aims and objectives of the PSBs. Similarly, One director, from among the employees who are not work-
the detailed guidelines on the number of independent direc- ers under the clause(s) of Section 2 of the Industrial Disputes
tors that the Companies Act, 2013 spells out for the PVBs are a Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), is to be nominated by the central govern-
cautionary move to protect the bank and its dispersed share- ment after consultation with the RBI. The act also specifies the
holders from the promoters, who, according to economic theory, number of directors to be elected by the shareholders,
would be guided by self-interest rather than shareholders’ wel- depending on the capital issued under clause (c) of sub-section
fare. In the case of PSBs, the listing agreements of the Securities (2B) of Section 3: (i) one director if it is not more than 16% of
and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) that are prepared for the the total paid-up capital (PUC); (ii) two directors if it is more
purpose of ensuring sound corporate governance of listed than 16% but not more than 32% of the total PUC and
companies, come only second to the Banking Companies (Ac- (iii) three directors if it is more than 32% of the total PUC, to be
quisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act (BCA), 2005 and the elected by the shareholders, other than the central govern-
Nationalised Banks (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) ment, from amongst themselves.
Scheme, 1970, State Bank of India (SBI) Act, 1955 and the The BCA allows for a board size of 11.1 This is after taking the
guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in this regard. upper limit of the number of whole-time executive directors
Having set the existing legal framework to be the bench- allowed and the medium range of PUC issued that year (more
mark form of corporate governance to be followed, both in than 16% but not more than 32% of the total PUC).2 The range
form and in principle, we proceed to capture how far our dictates the number of shareholder directors required to be
banks stand from this frontier. To calculate the corporate gov- included in the board and the highest range is that of more
ernance index for PSBs, we have considered seven major PSBs than 32%. In the index construction, the PSBs are penalised if
accounting for around two-thirds of the total assets of PSBs. they fall short of the board size that they are required to
98 JUly 13, 2019 vol lIV no 28 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

maintain by law and by their ownership pattern. The penalty minority status, they are not in a position to resist any decision
is allotted such that for every two members that the board falls with their votes and methods. For example, cumulative voting
short of the score reduces by one. can bring outside block-holders and dispersed shareholders
together to counter the majority shareholders in any decision,
Composition of the board: Board independence should be is not practised in India.
higher for PSBs than PVBs for greater focus on the monitoring
function. Large shareholders typically enjoy substantial repre- Presence of insider directors: While minority shareholder
sentation on the board either directly or indirectly. By virtue of directors are outsider directors, the boards of PSBs are domi-
this representation, they are able to affect their desired level of nated more by insider directors, including executive directors,
monitoring. They are helped in this process by access to better employee representatives, and the nominee directors (who are
quality of information and the management. Minority share- considered as insider directors by SEBI’s Clause 49 for state-
holders have less influence on the decisions of the board when owned enterprises [SoE s]). The stewardship theory of corpo-
compared to large shareholders. This is why, in the case of rate governance suggests that more insider directors can guide
majority shareholder-owned PSBs, the presence of an outside a firm better through strong inside resource links when the
monitor benefits the minority shareholders. markets for the firm’s products are highly competitive. The
In India, Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 defines PSBs face competition in offering some of their banking servi-
an independent director to mean a director other than a man- ces and products from their private sector counterparts. Also,
aging director or a whole-time director or a nominee director SoEs have to be accountable for how all their stakeholders fare
who conforms to the criteria mentioned therein. The amended and from that end, the law requires representation of emplo-
Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement defines an independent yees at various levels on the board of the banks.
director to mean a non-executive director, other than a nomi- The scoring is done as follows: the nominee directors are
nee director, who possesses certain criteria, which have been counted out because they are a constant for all banks. The
elaborated in the agreement and which are mostly similar to number of insider directors are then calculated as a percent-
those laid down under the act and the rules. PSBs are corpora- age of the total number of directors. The optimum percentage
tions established under the Nationalised Banks (Management is arrived at by taking one worker, one non-worker employee
and Miscellaneous) Scheme, 1970. The Companies Act, 2013 director and three whole-time executive directors.6 While the
does not apply to them.3 law allows at the most four whole-time/executive directors,
PSBs often deem the shareholder directors and nominee considering that they are all appointees of the controlling
directors as independent directors. For instance, where super- shareholder, the majority–minority agency problem will be
seding laws clash with Clause 49 regulations, as per the for- more balanced if a bank instead of having all the four, leaves
mer, PSB boards keep shareholder directors and nominee enough room for representative directors of other stakehold-
directors on their board and qualify them as independent ers. Keeping the stewardship theory in mind, we believe three,
directors. However, in the light of the agency problem (majority– including the CEO, to be an optimum number. If the percent-
minority shareholder) faced by PSBs, and given the ambiguity age thus calculated for each of the banks goes above this opti-
regarding the true independence of directors nominated by mum percentage, and so does the optimum share of executive
the majority shareholders, only shareholder directors are con- director group of insiders, the score is cut by two points. That
sidered independent directors in the context of PSBs.4 The law is, if any one of the percentages is broached, the score gets cut
stipulates the number of shareholder directors to be held on by one point. In addition, for each type of employee repre-
the board of a PSB based on the extent of non-promoter share- sentatives missing from the board, the score gets reduced by
holding in the PSB. one point.
Following from above, the next attribute is whether the
number of shareholder directors are in tandem with the level Presence of duality: For PSBs, the shareholding pattern is
of paid-up capital issued at the time. If a PSB falls short of the such that majority shareholders have controlling rights, leav-
level of minority shareholder representation that the law finds ing the minority shareholders with not much ability to effec-
appropriate for protecting the majority–minority agency prob- tively monitor instances where the interests of the controlling
lem, then the bank is penalised such that we subtract from the shareholder are aligned with the interests of the management
maximum score of 10, an amount that is calculated by apply- but misaligned with their interests. Thus, there is a need to
ing the fraction of required shareholder directors missing shield the board from the management, who are at present, in
among total shareholder directors required, to the total score essence, appointees of the controlling shareholder, to enable
of 10.5 One measure of the effectiveness of corporate govern- such monitoring. This is the rationale behind not wanting the
ance in PSBs is the extent to which the minority shareholders CEO to be the chairperson of the board of directors.7 Literature
are able to influence important corporate decisions. Of these also finds a negative relationship between duality and firm
decisions, the minority shareholders have no say as to the ap- performance when a major function of the board is monitoring
pointment and removal of majority of board members for most (Finkelstein and D’Aveni 1994; Rashid 2010). Accordingly, the
listed PSBs. Minority shareholders have representation on the presence of duality is penalised with a score cut of 50%.8 The
board and are privy to the board’s decisions. But given their score gets cut by 100% only for banks which follow the more
Economic & Political Weekly EPW JUly 13, 2019 vol lIV no 28 99

dispersed-shareholder-oriented Companies Act, 2013 for the external experts. The independent directors in effect act as the
appointment of their board members. This is because a non- external experts and such a committee should ideally be com-
dual set-up may bring more positive change in the functioning prised of only such directors.
of the board of these banks. The Companies Act, 2013 provides a code for independent
directors to follow in the process of board evaluation. It has
Diversity of the board: The need for the monitoring function been summarised by the Deloitte Group (2014: 8) as follows:
also dictates a certain kind of qualification to dominate the The independent directors are required to hold at least one meeting in
board’s expertise spectrum. Keeping this in mind, the board a year, without the attendance of non-independent directors and mem-
has been scored based on the presence of a sufficient number bers of the management where they are required to review the per-
of outside directors with financial expertise. However, it is not formance of the non-independent directors and the Board as whole;
and also review the performance of the Chairperson of the company,
to be overlooked that banks, even under the state mandate,
taking into account the views of the executive and non-executive di-
need to cater to financial needs across a certain cross section rectors … The performance evaluation of the independent directors
of the economy. Thus, comprehending the need for minimum would have to be done by the entire Board excluding the director to be
variation in the field of expertise of outside directors, while evaluated and the continuance or extension of the independent direc-
acknowledging the importance of having outside directors tor would be determined by the performance evaluation report.
who are qualified in financial accounting, such directors The Companies Act further requires companies to disclose
should form at least one half of all outside directors. The score the steps followed in board evaluation.
cut here follows the same logic as with the shareholder direc- With respect to PSBs, the Government of India has pre-
tor numbers on the board. scribed board evaluation only to the extent that incentives for
There are, however, some bank-specific calls that deviate the whole-time directors of PSBs can be decided upon.9 Given
from theory in non-systematic ways. There are banks with no that the legal framework that can shape an effective mecha-
outsider directors at all but with single chartered accountants nism for board evaluation is still evolving, more standard
who are nominated by the controller shareholder and there measures practised globally were looked at for constructing
are banks where the financial expertise is at or above the the benchmark. In this context, it is important that a clear
desired level, but the board lacks other variations in expertise. methodology for conducting the evaluation is spelled out
Since the absence of outsider directors is already penalised in (i) to evaluate all individual directors as well as the whole
the shareholder director section, the former group of banks board, (ii) to have a defined technique of evaluation such as
are penalised based on how many more financial experts peer review, validation of individual level observations with
should have been present even if nominated, such that some board level observations, (iii) to define a way of collecting in-
semblance of the monitoring function can be pursued. The formation—questionnaires, interviews, etc. Qualitative inputs
latter group of banks only get a score cut of one because of the are richer and individual interviews may form a part of it.
lack of other expertise on the board. Some of the popular methods adopted internationally quanti-
fy them with the help of questionnaires using a rating scale for
Evaluation of board: A consultative report prepared by the responses, (iv) to have a designated committee, preferably of
Deloitte Group (2014: 3) lists the performance goals of a board independent experts, to carry out the evaluation, and (v) to
and defines board evaluation as follows: disclose the results of the evaluation and take it to a logical
The Board performs three major roles in a company—sets the strate-
conclusion. Each of these five attributes carries two points and
gic direction of the company, monitors the management and provides a bank’s score is deducted according to the number of attrib-
support and advice. Board evaluation typically examines these roles utes of the benchmark evaluation method that it fails to meet.
and the entailing responsibilities. Board evaluation is an annual exer- Once the scores are thus computed, the board composition
cise by choice or by regulatory prescription.
attributes are summed up to form an aggregate score. All
Before SEBI amended its Clause 49 in 2014, board evaluation attributes are given equal weights. This is to avoid random
was not a binding requirement for listed companies in India. judgments on one attribute with respect to others. Techniques
As per the Deloitte Group (2014), in companies that had been like principal components analysis are often employed to
pursuing the practice of board evaluation, despite it not being derive weights of attributes. These require a large data set.
part of the law, evaluation was usually led by the chairperson. Since we in this article make an attempt to cull out informa-
As per the Companies Act, 2013, with effect from 1 October tion on some dimensions of governance that are not readily
2014, it is now mandatory for every listed company to have a available in the usual databases used in literature, we do not at
formal annual performance evaluation of their board, its com- this stage have that expanse of data.
mittees and individual directors. The act does not lay down But it should be noted that the literature also widely uses
the exact methodology of evaluation. The revised Clause 49 unweighted indices for index construction (Cooke 1989; Hos-
attempts that to some extent. Both however relegate the evalu- sain and Hammami 2009). The board composition index (BCI)
ation function to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee for each bank is then calculated as its score as a percentage of
(NRC). For the sake of objectivity, it is believed that evaluation the maximum score. If some single bank had been taken as a
should be facilitated by external experts rather than internal benchmark model and its score taken as the maximum score
ones. The law does not refrain the NRC from incorporating for the calculation of the index, then changes in the governance
100 JUly 13, 2019 vol lIV no 28 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

mechanism of a bank over time would only be captured in as fairly competitive markets, this may result in the resource
far as its deviation from this model bank changed over time. dependency theory overshadowing the stewardship theory of
The index constructed as above takes care of this and the having some insider guidance. Thus, going over and above the
evolution of the quality of governance of a bank is measured number proposed by law is considered negative. The banks get
simply on its own merit. a score cut by the number by which they exceed the bench-
mark in this regard.
Components of index of effectiveness of board: Based on
the benchmarks outlined above and on the data available in Direct ownership of promoters: The next measure is the level
the annual reports and other sources like the Prowess data- of direct ownership of promoters in the banks. The SEBI guide-
base and banks’ websites, the composite index for the effec- lines require the holding of the direct promoter to be at least
tiveness of the board for each of the banks was constructed 20%. A certain amount of direct stake by the promoters is found
(Table 1). to bring about an alignment in the interests of controlling share-
From the above it is evident that there is wide variation in holders with outside shareholders.11 The scores assigned are as
the composite corporate governance index even within the per the extent the direct ownership of promoters exceeds or falls
PSBs, with a difference of almost 30 points between the high- short of SEBI’s designated benchmark.12 Among the set of banks,
est and the lowest ranked bank. This result proves that even the one that exceeds by the maximum amount gets a conserva-
with similar ownership structure, the corporate governance tive score of nine (allowing for the fact that enough may not be
index may vary sharply within a group, as the determinants of enough when it comes to translating to actual benefits), and the
corporate governance go beyond plain ownership. score gets cut by one as the exceeding amount falls in steps.

Private Sector Banks Stockholding by independent directors: The provisions of

Sections 197 and 198 of the Companies Act, 2013 state that an
Size of the board: The Companies Act, 2013, under which the independent director shall not be entitled to any stock option
PVBs operate, allows for a maximum board size of 15. The PVBs and may receive remuneration by the way of fee provided
in India follow the profitable segments of the market. They are under sub-section (5) of Section 197, reimbursement of exp-
not shielded from the vagaries of the market by implicit guar- enses for participation in the board and other meetings and
antees. Thus, for PVBs, markets act as an effective external profit related commission, as may be approved by the mem-
monitor. The board of directors in PVBs should then strive to bers. Stockholding by independent directors can only be effec-
fulfil the resource dependency theory of corporate governance tive (in terms of aligning their interests with that of the dis-
stated above, wherein, despite the possibility of problems in persed/minority shareholders), insofar as the insider directors
Table 1: Board reaching a consensus, some space needs do not hold stocks in the firm. The PVBs get a full score if this
Composition Index for to be made on the board for a variety of criterion is met. If a given number of independent directors are
Public Sector Banks
external experts. Following from this, the found to hold stocks at the same time as the insider directors
Bank BCI
1 72.8
benchmark size is set, not at the maxi- hold stocks too, then they are scored based on the fraction of
2 78.3 mum that the law deems fit, but at the independent directors who do not own stocks and are expect-
3 81.7 median board size for our group of banks, ed to offer an opinion truly independent of any concerns of
4 78.3 keeping faith in the guidance provided by material gains.
5 51.7 the market. If a bank lies within the
6 68.3 benchmark, they get a full score at this Presence of nominee director: Large investors enjoy some
7 65.0 point for this attribute.10 If they overshoot advantages over dispersed shareholders in protecting the
Source: Author’s
calculations based on
it, their score gets cut by the extent that overall interests of all shareholders, when they can become a
various bank attributes. they overshoot the benchmark. part of the board of directors. They are in a stronger position
to use the proxy mechanism to discipline inefficient manage-
Presence of independent directors: The markets may well ment (Dodd and Warner 1983). For non-financial firms, the
be an external monitor for the PVBs, but they may not be able exercise of the “voice” option by outside block-holders is typi-
to detect fast enough the differential benefits accruing to the cally exercised in India by a covenant that allows banks as
board. The law takes care of this by providing for internal creditors to be represented on the board of its debtor company
monitoring. For PVBs, the law prescribes the requirement of via a nominee director. Following from this, PVBs get a full
independent directors, depending on the extent of influence score if they have such nominee directors present on their
the insiders and promoters exert on the board. The presence of board and zero otherwise.
an executive or promoter chairperson warranties that one-half
of the board be comprised of independent directors, as op- Presence of duality: The duality of the chairperson of the
posed to one-third of the board which is required otherwise. If board as CEO is scored in a manner similar to the PSBs.
the PVBs meet these criteria, they get a full score. All PVBs meet
these criteria. However, they tend to overshoot this bench- Diversity of the board: There is a need for diversity of exter-
mark. As cautioned in literature above, for PVBs that operate in nal experts on the board of PVBs from the perspective of
Economic & Political Weekly EPW JUly 13, 2019 vol lIV no 28 101
Figure 1: Score versus Index of Net Profit Figure 3: Score versus Stock Volatility
100 500 100

80 400 80

60 300 60 Board composition index

per cent

per cent
Board composition index Volatility (14 February–15 December)
40 200 40
Profit index (RHS) Volatility (14 February–15 March)

20 100 20

0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Bank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Source: Data from RBI and author’s calculations. Source: Bombay Stock Exchange and author’s calculations.

Figure 2: Score versus RoA Calculated Figure 4: Score versus Closing Stock Price
100 0.80 100 400
Board composition index
RoA calculated (RHS)
80 80
0.60 300

60 60

per cent

per cent
per cent

per cent

0.40 200
40 40
Board composition index Closing price of share
0.20 as on March 2015 (RHS) 100
20 20

0 0.00 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Bank Bank
Source: Same as Figure 1. Source: Same as Figure 3.

resource dependency theory. The directors on the board are Figure 5: Score versus Stock Volatility
counted on the basis of the number of different qualifications 78 30
Table 2: Board Composition and the experience that they possess. Board composition index
Index for Private Sector Banks 76 25
This number is then taken as a share
Bank BCI
1 70.4
of the size of the board of the bank 74 20
2 75.0 and the maximum of such a share Volatility (14 February–15 December) (RHS)
per cent

per cent
72 15
3 75.0 that is observed in the set of PVBs is
4 76.3 taken as the benchmark value. The 70 10
5 72.0 score is cut by one for each drop in
68 5
Source: Same as Table 1. rank in the share. Volatility (14 February–15 March) (RHS)
66 0
Board evaluation: Board evaluation mechanism is scored fol- 1 2 3 4 5
lowing the same guidelines as set for the PSBs. Based on the Source: RBI and author’s calculations.
methodology outlined above, the BCI of PVBs is given in Table 2.
As can be seen from Table 2, there is a variation in the attri- confidence in the banks. Stock price is one such indicator—
bute scores for the PVBs but the range is narrow, with the dif- both in level (closing share price as of 31 March 2015) and its
ference between the highest and the lowest score being 5.9, steadiness (as measured by volatility of the stock returns for
which is much lower than the difference observed across the over the past year and continuing forward into December
PSBs. It may be noted here that the PSBs are scored on six 2015). The index should also be a predictor of the banks’ per-
attributes and PVBs are scored on eight attributes. Since these formance given in terms of variability in return on assets (RoA)
attributes differ between PSBs and PVBs, the scores of PSBs can- and net profit across the banks at end-March 2015. The latter is
not be compared with the scores of PVBs. But another observa- expressed as a profit index with the base being taken as the net
tion that follows is that the mean deviation from the maximum profit of the bank with the lowest score.13
score/benchmark is less for the PSBs (16.9) than the PVBs (21.8). Tobin’s Q is a common ratio used in literature to indicate
investors’ confidence in firm performance and corporate
Validation of the Score governance indices are often validated against it. It is
The importance of corporate governance lies in the eyes of the calculated as the market value and liabilities’ book value
investors. The validation of the scores hence is in its movement divided by the assets’ book value. In the particular case of
parallel to the movement in the indicators of investors’ PSBs, the market value may not provide all the information
102 JUly 13, 2019 vol lIV no 28 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

Figure 6: Score versus RoA Figure 8: Score versus Closing Share

78 1.8 78 1,400

76 1,200
RoA (RHS) 1,000
74 74
Board composition index 1.6 Board composition index 800
per cent

per cent
72 72
Closing share price (RHS) 600
68 1.4
68 200
1.3 66 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Bank Source: Same as Figure 7.
Source: Same as Figure 5.

Figure 7: Score versus Profit Index

least 10% more for a better-governed firm (Khanna and
77 120
Zyla 2017).
76 To validate the corporate governance index of the banks, an
100 attempt was made to analyse how closely the index tracks the
Board composition index profitability, RoA, stock price and stock volatility. As can be
73 seen from the Figures 1–5 (p 102) and Figures 6–8, the index
72 60 tracks the various indicators and the direction is according to a
71 priori expectations. While Figures 1–4 are for PSBs, Figures 5–8
Profit index (RHS) 40
70 are for PVBs.
69 20 The PSBs and PVBs exhibit distinct features due to the differ-
68 ence in their legislative acts, ownership, business plan, product
0 mix and competition. Hence, the article focuses on evaluating
1 2 3 4 5
them distinctly and does not compare governance between
Source: Bombay Stock Exchange and author’s calculations.
both groups. In addition to these differences, each attribute of
Table 3: Board Composition Index versus Validation Metric the corporate governance
BCI versus Validation Metric Sign Expected for PSBs Sign Expected for PVBs index has both qualitative
Index versus index of net profit Co-movement is expected since For operating in a competitive and quantitative aspects. If
PSBs operate in oligopolistic markets environment, profitability indicators
where profitability indicates performance. are expected to move negative to index. one does a purely time se-
(They face competition from PVBs on some ries analysis based on qua-
products but they also enjoy size, scale and ntifiable attributes, then it
government guarantee benefits which make
them a separate class where the market is may not track the corpo-
dominated by few big banks.) rate governance attributes
Index versus RoA calculated Co-movement is expected because of same Same expectation and reasoning as above. in the true sense, as quali-
reason as above. tative aspects would not
Index versus closing stock price
31 March 2015 Co-movement Co-movement
be accounted for. Thus, the
Index versus stock volatility Expected inverse relation observed Inverse relationship composite score would
but mild in nature. not capture the unique
Source: Author’s analysis. features of each group.
about investors’ confidence in the stock because of the large To overcome this problem, the index has been worked out
and varying degrees of government stock ownership in these using both qualitative as well as quantitative attributes of cor-
banks. Tobin’s Q is thus not being considered by us while vali- porate governance. As both qualitative and quantitative as-
dating the index. Table 3 summarises how our BCI is expected pects have been considered while computing the index, it cap-
to move with relation to these validation metrics. When the tures the group-specific and institution-specific features more
actual movement shows any kind of deviation from the ex- accurately. This is borne out by the fact that the bank-specific
pected trend, it is mentioned in the table. composite index for both PSBs and PVBs tracks their profitabil-
As mentioned earlier, sound governance practices are ity, share price and share price volatility closely. The banks
expected to contribute to higher earnings and greater profit- with higher composite index have a higher profitability, higher
ability. Greater corporate governance creates higher firm share price and lower share price volatility and vice versa.
valuation and results in higher and stable price in the stock
market. A survey by the International Finance Corporation Conclusions
shows that investors will pay more for emerging market Corporate governance in banks has come to the forefront in re-
companies with good governance. More than half of the cent times. A few committees have examined this and have sug-
investors surveyed said that they would be willing to pay at gested ways to improve the same. There have been sporadic
Economic & Political Weekly EPW JUly 13, 2019 vol lIV no 28 103

attempts to analyse corporate governance in banks. However, in their governance structure and differences in governance
preparing a composite benchmark index incorporating the structures cannot be explained fully in terms of ownership only.
legal requirements, as well as the best practices available in lit- This has important implications at the current juncture when
erature, has not been attempted so far. This study makes an at- banks have to meet the enhanced capital requirements under
tempt to prepare such a benchmark index, and studies board Basel III. The study shows that a higher BCI corresponds to
composition. It is observed that the legal nuances of govern- higher RoA and share prices and lower share price volatility. Ac-
ance of banks in India align with literature to a large extent, cordingly, an improvement in BCI should imply increasing suc-
and corporate governance in banks in India can go a long way cess in efforts by the banks to raise capital from the market to
simply by adopting the laws in form and substance. Two inter- meet higher capital requirements. It will also reduce the
esting facts which emerge from the analysis are that firstly, the dependence on the owner for additional capital. As PSBs acc-
mean deviation from the respective benchmarks is lower for the ount for around 75% of the total assets of the banking sector,
PSBs than the PVBs, implying higher legal compliance for the this should reduce the pressure on fiscal expenditures con-
former. Second, the variation in the composite scores is higher siderably. The setting up of the bank board bureau is thus a
for PSBs as compared with PVBs. Thus, even among banks with a step in the right direction, and similar initiatives can lend
uniform ownership structure, there are banks with wide variations higher efficiency and vibrancy to Indian banking space.

Notes outsiders converge once insider control be- Boyd, B (1990): “Corporate Linkages and Organi-
1 The State Bank of India (SBI) is governed by comes sufficiently high. zational Environment: A Test of the Resource
the SBI Act and the board size stipulated therein 12 SEBI rules require that promoters should hold Dependence Model,” Strategic Management
is 14. at least 20% of the post-public issue capital and Journal, Vol 11, No 4, pp 419–30.
2 The average non-promoter shareholding for this should be locked in for at least three years. Carpenter, M A and J D Westphal (2001): “The Stra-
PSBs stood at about 30% at end-March 2015. After this, promoters can pare their stake. tegic Context of External Network Ties: Exam-
However, going by above literature, holding
3 IDBI Bank has “independent” directors apart ining the Impact of Director Appointments on
this shareholding on an ongoing basis is beli-
from the government nominee director. These Board Involvement in Strategic Decision Mak-
eved to be more prudent.
directors are elected by the shareholders. The ing,” Academy of Management, Vol 44, No 4,
SBI Act, 1955 governs the same for SBI and 13 Calculations are done on data sourced from
RBI and SEBI databases. pp 639–60.
there is no concept of independent directors in Cooke, D (1989): “Disclosure in the Corporate
that act.
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4 In PSBs, the concentration of promoter owner- References ounting and Business Research, Vol 19, No 74,
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5 For instance, if three such directors are req- (2010): “The Relation between Firm-Level Cor- Vol 19, No 3, pp 269–90.
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7 Both the P J Nayak Committee and Indrad- Bhagat, S and B Black (1999): “The Uncertain Rela- exp.pdf.
hanush have proposed this measure of non- tionship between Board Composition and Firm Department of Financial Services (2015): “Indrad-
duality. However, the former adds that this Performance,” Business Lawyer, Vol 54, No 3, hanush Plan for the Revamp of Public Sector
should be adopted when there is an arrange- pp 921–63. Banks,” Ministry of Finance, New Delhi.
ment by which the members of the board are
appointed by a Bank Investment Company that
is granted some autonomy from the govern-
ment. This is in line with the thinking that non-
EPW E-books
duality might not bring the necessary change if
the controller serves as the chair. Select EPW books are now available as e-books in Kindle and iBook (Apple) formats.
8 This study is a snapshot of the corporate gov-
ernance of banks as at end March 2015. Some The titles are
banks like IDBI have gone on to propose non-
duality after this. 1. Village Society (ED. SURINDER JODHKA)
9 Notification No F No20/1/2005-BOI dated (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CS62AAW ;
9 March 2007.
10 If the board falls too short of the benchmark, it https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/village-society/id640486715?mt=11)
will fail some other crucial attribute for an eff-
ective board as well and will get a score cut at 2. Environment, Technology and Development (ED. ROHAN D’SOUZA)
that attribute. This is how interactions of dif- (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CS624E4 ;
ferent attributes are factored in the measure.
11 Support for a piece-wise linear relationship be- https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/environment-technology-development/
tween alignment or convergence of interests id641419331?mt=11)
between insiders and outside shareholders out-
weighs the negative entrenchment effects of 3. Windows of Opportunity: Memoirs of an Economic Adviser (BY K S KRISHNASWAMY)
insiders once the promoter ownership crosses a
threshold of around 25% found in both Sarkar (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CS622GY ;
and Sarkar (2000), and Kumar (2008). Selarka
(2005), and Pant and Pattanayak (2007) find a
quadratic and cubic relationship respectively,
which supports the basic finding that the Please visit the respective sites for prices of the e-books. More titles will be added gradually.
interests of controlling insiders and minority

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