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Taela Liu,

Elathi Psyon, Champion of the Mind

The Iconic Elathi Psion

The world of alessia was imagined

by Jere Manninen
And brought to life
by Jaye Sonia

Raised in the shadow of the great Temples of
ELATH PSYON Light, Taela fell out of faith early on in life. Freed
from early dogmas or ideologies, she briefly
“Taela is a saint. She’s especially
pursued a study of magic and technology, before
protective of other psyons, especially
younger children.” turning inward in an attempt to understand her
mind. Taela’s years of study gave her the tools
—Kellen, Minotaur Stone Brother she needed to better condition herself; she un-
locked her abilities in her late teens.

After battling waves of distrust and discrimina-

tion from peers lacking her abilities, Taela eventu-
ally left her small town – a place she never names
– and headed for Qingshan. She’s been operating
out of Elysia since.

While she’s relatively quiet about her home-

town, Taela is exceptionally outspoken about
the treatment of her fellow Elath,
especially those who naturally mani-
fest psionic abilities like her. Taela
Liu is quick to come to the defense of
other psions.

In addition to her normal array of abili-
ties and powers, Taela knows the stunts
Float, Psi-Shield, and Quick Study.
These stunts are described below:
Float – You can float. At any point while you are
moving your normal speed over stable, solid land,
you can float a few inches above the ground (to
the full height of 1 ft., maximum). You can float
for up to eight hours, at which point you must
complete a long rest before you can activate this
power again.

Psi-Shield – You can spend your reaction to

summon a minor shield to deflect an incoming
attack. When you activate your Psi-Shield, your AC
increases by +2 until the beginning of your next turn.
This bonus to AC applies to the attack that triggered
it, as well.

Quick Study – You can spend your bonus action to

quickly assess a situation, location, item, or individual,
known more commonly as the target. When you
spend your dash action in this way, select one of your
skills. You gain advantage on rolls with that skill against
the target until the beginning of your next turn.

RESOLVE Resolve 2

Taela Liu begins each day with two points of resolve.

Any time Taela succeeds on an action that protects,
safeguards, or helps another psyon, she gains an addi-
tional point if at least one of the people she is helping
is also an Elath.


Medium humanoid (Elathi), neutral good
Armor Class 15 (mage armor) Initiative +1
Hit Points 20 (3d8+3) Proficieny Bonus +2
Speed 30 ft. Bonus Psi-Shield
9 (-1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1)
Saving Throws Intelligence +5, Charisma +3
Skills Arcana +5, Insight +4, Investigation +5,
Mentalism +5
Damage Resistances psychic
Senses passive Perception 14, telepathy 60 ft.
Languages Elathi, Runes, Trade Tongue, Xian
Challenge 1/2 (450)
Telepathic Taela, like all Elathi, is naturally telepathic.
She can communicate with any intelligent, willing
creature within 60 ft. Connections with
unwilling creatures automatically fail.
Psychic Recovery Taela can quietly meditating
to regain her power. Once per day, after she com-
pletes a short rest, Taela can choose to recover a
number of psionic points equal to her level.
Psychic Powers Taela is a 3rd –level psion and Intel-
ligence is her casting modifier. Taela must pay the
listed PSP cost to manifest one of her powers. Taela
has 17 Psychic Strength Points. She can manifest
the following powers (spell save DC 13):
At will (talents): detect thoughts, launch crystal*,
and mage hand.
1st-Level Powers (2 PSP): disguise self, mage
armor, and sleep.
2nd-Level Powers (3 PSP): crystalline defense*
Taela regains her expended psionic points after
completing a long rest.
Emotionally Attached Taela has long advocated for
her psyons like herself and has developed a natural
bias toward their plight. Other psyons gain an advan-
tage on Charisma (Deception) checks to convince
Taela of their innocence.

Safe Harbor When Taela first arrived in Qingshan,
she made use of the community housing and social The world of Alessia is a world of high fantasy
programs. She, in turn, gave back. After spending years that combines Wuxia, science fiction, and magic-
helping others, Taela has earned a vast amount of so- driven technology. It is a massive world where
cial capital. While in Qingshan, Taela can find a place to magic and technology coexist, impacting every
sleep and a hot meal any night of the week. Addition- aspect of life, from the Healing Houses of Sil-
ally, while under such protection, Taela is much harder lias to the great Towers of Xin. It is a land where
to find. Increase all DCs to locate Taela by +2. Fyrean Genies meet with Asrian Wardens and The
ACTIONS Gangs of Khatu push their Drifters across the
desert sands, seeking resources and victims of
every kind.
Launch Crystal Ranged Spell Attack +5 to hit, range
60 ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d8) points of piercing dam-
age. On a critical hit, the target takes double damage. Alessia is a world where the gods, in an act of uni-
fication, merged into a singular pantheon – form-
Crystal Dagger Melee Weapon Attack +1 to hit, range ing The Path of Light. It is a land where medical
5 ft., one target, Hit 1 (1d4-1) point of piercing or advancements, evolution, and ki energy form
slashing damage. not only a methodology to achieve progress, but
MAGIC & PSYCHIC ENERGY instead form a way of life. For the people of Ales-
sia, the path to success is girded with honor, hard
In Alessia, the general public rarely knows the work, bravery, and a need to do good.
difference between arcane, divine, or psychic
energy. Those who do study these fields under-
stand that the primary distinction is the source Alessia is a land at the height of its glory, held
the energy. aloft by the Four Pillars of Light – Mercy, Truth,
Hope, and Courage. It’s churches largely unified
Arcane energy naturally permeates all of
and its clergy working in unison, the people of
Alessia, radiating from its ancient core. Arcan-
Alessia enjoy what others think is only an illusion
ists can easily tap, manipulate, and use this
– a slowly blossoming utopia. But Alessia is not
energy to cast spells.
without its challenges. Having suffered an eco-
Divine energy originates from either The logical disaster that would have ended smaller
Light or The Darkness. When a cleric selects a planets, it’s taken the people of Alessia nearly a
deity, concept, patron, or other power to sub- thousand years to pull themselves up from the
mit to, she accepts the source of this energy viscera of the War of the Sovereigns; from the
and aligns her life to it. She uses this energy to decaying Galgaræ to the Shadows of Venn, the
recite prayers. once-vanquished forces of darkness creep again,
Psychic energy is internally generated; it slowly pushing against the Ring of Heaven, hop-
is the literal power of a sentient creature’s ing to find purchase in Alessia once more.
awakened psyche. Pychics, Psyons, and similar
classes use this energy to manifest powers.
Today, the Empire of Xian and its Imperial Peace-
Casting the spell detect magic (or using similar keepers stand the watch, fulfilling their ancient
powers) often will reveal the type and source of compact with the citizens of Alessia. Working in
these spells and powers. unison with most of the Path of Light, these two
forces have set out to keep Alessia safe, sound,
and a bastion of hope for another millennium –
no matter what.
One of Alessia’s evolved peoples – the Jínhuá of the Xian Empire – the Elathi are a group of elves
that, over successive generations, have evolved into the beings they are today - creatures of crystal,
sight, and flesh. Having long ago merged with the crystals of their local environment, the Elath of
today might resemble their elven ancestors in many ways, but they are distinctly different.


On Alessia, magic and technology have merged.
As a result, a number of the actions that crea-
tures (like some constructs) can take functions
identical to spells, and are treated as such in
many ways. The following powers are unique
to the psion, but could be easily described and
shaped as prayers or spells.

Launch Crystal
Conjuration cantrip
*In Alessia, thought components replace any combination of verbal or somatic components.

Casting Time 1 action

Range 30 feet
Components T*
Duration Instantaneous

You create and launch a razor-sharp crystal at a

single target within range. Make a ranged spell
attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes
1d8 points of piercing damage. On a miss, the
crystal shatters and immediately dissipates.

Crystalline Defense
2nd-level abjuration
Casting Time 1 action
Range Self
Components T*
Duration 8 hours

You manifest a reactive shell of psychic energy

that is reinforced by magical crystals. This shell
protects you and your gear. While the shell is ac-
tive, your AC becomes 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
The first time you take damage in a round, you can
spend a reaction to immediately have your armor
attack that target. This response manifests as a
crystal dagger that deals 1d4 piercing or slashing


Lead Developer Jaye Sonia
Additional Development Jere Manninen
Writer Jaye Sonia
Editing Nerine Dorman, Aric Wieder
Cover Artist Domeano, J. Olofsson
If you’re interested in learning more
Interior Artist Angel Huerta, Domeano about the World of Alessia, consid-
Graphic Design Kaeti McNeil, er following us on the social
media channels above! And
Jaye Sonia
of course, look for our
Layout Jaye Sonia Kickstarter in May of 2018!

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