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Write a short paragraph that describes a cause-effect relationship. You may want to choose a specific topic or
event, or you can also examine why something has happened or exists. Try to use some of the following
cause-effect markers: ​Due to, since, because (of), on account of, as a consequence, consequently, as a result,
results in, so, leads (led) to, therefore, thus, accordingly, hence, owing to, to be responsible for, for this
reason. <3

Suggested topics:
● What were some of the causes (and/or) effects of the of Atlantis?
● What causes sibling rivalry?
● What are the social effects of everyone on the planet having cell phones?
● What are the effects of school bullying on children?
1. Andrés Aguilera
2. Juan Camilo Álvarez
3. Sara Aponte
4. Maria Camila Barrera
5. Mathias Cabrejo
6. Emilia Casas
7. Sofía Moncayo
8. Diana Muñoz
9. Laura Navia
10. Michael Paez
11. Daniela Parada
12. Emmanuel Pinto
13. Nicolás Puentes (¨THE WARRIOR¨)
14. Gabriela Quiroga
15. Isabella Quiroga
16. Camila Ramirez
17. Andrés Romero
18. Diana Soto
19. Roberto Varela
20. Francisco Vargas
21. Andrés Velaidez
22. Sebastián Zambrano
23. Natalia Zamudio
1. Topic: What are the effects of school bullying on children?

Title: bullying and a decadent society

Bullying, a kind of psychological, verbal and physical abuse, is a serious problem who became a relevant
topic relatively since a few years ago, even though it exists since the humans go to school. When my
father was going to the school no one talks or take care about bullying, the school problems was solved
in a particular way (see you after class), but that way are dangerous to the mental health of the kids and
for the society. The victim suffers in the short and long term. first, when a kid is victim of bullying the
immediate consequences are anxiety, depression and will hinder a normal relation with the society.
Second, is probably that a man without a normal relation with the society became in a psycho killer. In
addition to this issue, the victimizer suffers in a long term because the bullying and his violent behaviors
hinder the coexistence with other kids, and this produce criminal behavior in the future. So, the
combination of this deportments generates a precarious quality of life for some people and a degenerate

Andres Aguilera - 201819701

2. What are the effects of school bullying on children?


The bullying can be defined as the damage made by one student in the school to another partner, as a result

the victim suffer psychological or physical damage. Therefore, it exists two principally actors, the victim and

the victimizer. One cause of the bullying starts in the personal causes of the victimizer because can suffer other

problems in its life for example: the intra-family violence, the little attention of their parents and little love that

is essential for the children, for this reason the children become sad people and suffer a variety of psychological

process in their mind that generate to make damage to the other, principally to the most weakness. The reason

of this is that the victimizer feels more comfortable and better with itself because it is a strategy to feel superior

and replace the absence of love. All this occurs by cognitive process in the brain. Consequently, the victim can

be injured both physical and emotionally depending the type of aggression that can suffer. As a result, the

victim can start to be sad, angry, irresponsible, solitary and in the worst of the cases, the children can suicide if

he does not talk the problem with someone. For this reason, it is important that the parents and the teachers to

pay attention to any strange change in the attitude of the children and search the solution.
4. Topic: What are the effects of school bullying on children?

Title: Bullying issues

Nowadays there is a special attention to this word “bullying”, but why is that?. The word does not exist
before, but the problem has been always the same. This particular expression means when someone is
messing up with another person, but in a particular and mean way. That kind of “aggression” could be in
different pathways. It could be one on one, in social media, in public, or even physically. As a
consequence, the self-care of this children who has been bullied start to decrease seriously. Another
problem of this matter is that a lot of kids have personal and social problems on their environments. As
a result, there are suicides, problematic kids, streamly shy children and aggressive too. Consequently, in
the last years the subject is getting campaigns and a lot of resources to prevent and avoid it from the
schools and all environments. Since this activism the parents, the schools and the children are most
focus and aware to the problem. This is a first step into the solution for the big picture, but it is a good
start to solve the matter.

Camila Barrera - 201216585

Topic: Causes of sibling rivalry

Loving rivalry

The rivalry between brothers and sisters is a normal consequence in a family. Since the second child is

born, it begins a rivalry to decide who is the one who gets the attention. Normally, the baby wins the first

“battle” because everyone has to take care of him. He/she will be the center of the family from birth until

he/she has more autonomy. The second rivalry begins when the little sibling is an adolescent, the worst

stage of life. The oldest will be annoyed with their attitudes thinking that he/she is more mature. As a

result, they will be fighting every day. However, there will always be a winner. Off course, almost always,

parents go to scold the big brother since they consider as the biggest already having more experience in

these situations and that they should be able to take them. This is why the youngest will always have

their parents on his side. Finally, if you are a parent, don’t be scared about the rivalry between your

children, in the future this will help them to construct his character. Anyway, don’t let the rivalry begin

to grow, it’s normally when they are children but then this rivalry has to stop.
2. Topic: ​What are the effects of school bullying on children?
Title: bullying an increasing phenomenon
In schools Bullying has become a very common phenomenon. On the one hand, the victimizer may

have family problems, as well as a type of incentive, on the part of the parents, and act aggressively. In

addition, abusive behaviors can develop when you are in a low emotional family environment, such as

in cases where a parent is missing, divorce, violence, harassment or humiliation practice by family

members. When he decides to harass the victim Bullying can cause physical injuries, social and

emotional problems, and even death. The first consequence of this type of harassment are at greater

risk of developing mental health problems including depression and anxiety. Consequently, they can

have problems of adaptation in school. Additionally, this have harmful effects on long-term

self-esteem, owing to, they are in higher risk of developing substance abuse, academic problems and

violence towards others later in life. The above leads them to put their lives in danger, and they can

die youngs. In conclusion, the development of abusive behaviors can be very bad for the emotional

stability of the victim and other factors discussed in this paragraph. On the other hand, the

development of a healthy and stable family environment is vital so that the victimizer does not

develop aggressive behavior.

3. Topic: ______________________________

4. Topic: ______________________________

5. Topic: what are the effects of school bullying on children


For no one is a a secret that the bullying exist and can cause several psychological problems on

the victim, the site in wich we can see the bullying is present, is in the schools, children

bullying other children is a repetitive situation in two many schools on the world. The bullying

consist in insulting someone, resalting their defects and laughing about it, also the victimin can

be hitted and physically injured, an according to The American Justice Department bullying

statistics show that one out of ever 4 kids will be bullied sometime throughout their


As i alredy said, “bullying consist in insulting someone, resalting their defects and laughing

about it”, as a consequence of that, the victim can fall belive that the insults about him/her are

true and consequently, fall in depression and appart from the society. For this reason, more of

the children that are bullying try to commite suicide, so if you know about someone that are

suffering this situation, try to help him, all the lifes are beautiful and deserved to be life good.
6. Topic: ______________________________

7. Topic: What were some of the causes (and/or) effects of the of Atlantis?

Title: What really happened to Atlantis?

Atlantis is a pseudohistorical city that is a mystery even before Plato’s era. The interesting part about

this city is there are some evidences about its existence but until now there is not a reliable evidence.

However, there are so many theories about what happened to Atlantis. First, one of the most common

and trusty causes about the disappearance of Atlantis is a tsunami. The most logical way to explain how

a monumental and technological city can disappear overnight without any evidence is by a massive

wave, as a consequence all the city of Atlantis sank under the sea. But what makes people doubt about

this theory is that any trace of the city has not been found yet. For that reason, there are other theories

about what happened to Atlantis that can explain why we can been able to find a consistent clue. One of

them is explained with aliens, who believe in this theory affirm that Atlantis civilization was a genetic

experiment between aliens (or gods) DNA and humans, but that creations become so smart that the

aliens(gods) take away the city from the earth for don’t cause any trouble, and that is why the city had

gone so fast and without any trace. After all, Atlantis is and it will be a mystery that fascinates people for

a long time more.

8. Topic: ______________________________

9. Topic: What are the effects of school bullying on children?

Title: ​The consequences of the bullying on children

When our children are in the school, it is very important to know the environment in which
they are because, the attitudes with which they arrive at home reflect what they live and learn
in school. In the moment that we can see this, we have to very alert because this represent
maybe a bullying cause and it is a big problematic in our lives. For this reason, when our
children are involved in this, we have the responsibility to take care for the situation because
probably our children can have experience negative physical and are more likely to experience
with depression and anxiety, health complaints and decreased academic achievement. In other
causes kids who witness bullying (bystanders) are more likely to have increased use to alcohol,
increased mental health problems and miss school. As a consequence for this, kids who are
bullied, are at a big risk of suicide because thing that is the only recourse to finish the bullying.
10. Topic: What are the effects of school bullying on the children?

Title: Children vs Bullying

The school is a stage of our lives that give us many experiences. We knew many people and enjoying

many moments, but too is true that we passed difficult situations and the worst for some people was the

bullying. Now we will tell about this topic and their effects but first we will talk about what is the


The bullying is a phenomenon that occurs in all the schools, this situation affects many children around

the world, however in the present we do not have a real solution. This duty take as a priority because

affects our future when affects many children that will drive our country.

Some of the effects found on the children was:

Firstly the bullying in the future could affects their mental health, that could get depression,anxiety ,

headache and could be very hard to adapt to the school. This consequences are very bad for the children,

and damage their lifestyle, day to day they carry with new problems.

In second place the bullying affects their self esteem, and it is very important for the develop because it

build us. Without a high self esteem is very difficult for a person have good relationships and turns very

difficult for they make a good performance in society.

Third, believe it or not, the person who makes bullying also is affects. They have more possibilities of

using drugs and have academic problems.

The bullying affects to all the people involved. Is a situation that occurs everywhere but this could have a

solution. Is very difficult find the answer because as in all the conflicts each problems have a different

solution. The way to follow is to repairs the victims and support the victimizers to change some of their

This is a longer process because it is a structural problem and is found in all that places in many sizes an

each one need a different way. This is a work for all, parents, teachers, schools in general and children.

The best thing that can be done is to help everyone involved, policies must be devised to help fight this

problem from its roots. It is something that as we mentioned can affect everyone, so it is everyone's

struggle, it must be taught how bad it is to hurt another person. It is difficult to get rid of this problem

completely, but it can be diminished.

11. Topic: ______________________________

12. Topic: What are the social effects of everyone on the planet having cell phones?.

Title:_​The cell phones in people´s life.

The cell phones are a great means of communication, information, etc. Is the favorite people´s

artifact, we can´t imagine a world where the persons haven´t cell phones, because the

technological is essential for the sociality. We need this for do the works that we have in the

modern era, we can´t do work without communicating, without informing us, etc. and these
aspects are ​easier if we have a cell phone in the hands. You imagine you wake up in the

morning and the cell phone disappear, you say: not problem. You go to the commercial center

or the university, and you need a taxi, but is impossible take a taxi, and starts the problems,

Consequently, you will be late in your destiny, and you thing: Why didn´t I request a taxi for

the application?. When you are in your destiny, you want to find a person or communicate with

someone, and this is difficult if you don’t have a cell phone. The day run and is boring, but you

don´t have your cell phone for see the social networks or do something fun, as a consequence

you think it's a day without much emotion. There reasons are few for all there is when you do

not have your cell phone, and you understand that is a terrible idea forget your cell phone in

your house, and your cell phone is part of your daily life.

13. Topic: ________What are the social effects of everyone on the planet having cell

Title:______________Cellphones, are they good enough?________________

Motorola in the USA invented the cellphone in the 20th century; this was recognized as a high step for

the evolution of technology. For that reason, many enterprises were born, and the story of mobiles

started. In the last quarter of the century, globalization made this advance massive and everyone in the

world could get a cellphone. Nowadays, eight of each ten people around the world have access to a
cellphone. However, what does this imply? It is believed that most of the people around the world waste

their time looking at the cellphone; this has caused many issues in many fields of life, especially for the

ones who tend to get addicted. Cellphone addiction is one of the strongest issues in the world today.

Many researches about society have revealed that people are “getting machined”, therefore, many

changes have been noticed in the last years, including the ones that involve families. The tendency is

that in developed countries, the effects are critic, and families are divided by this issue of the cellphones.

Nobody shares with nobody, and all seems to be like the end of the most important relationship

everyone has to get in life: the family.

Nicolas Puentes Castro. 201821736.

13. Topic: ______________________________

14. Topic: ______________________________


15. Topic: ​What are the effects of school bullying on children?

​Childhood bullying effects

There are two main effects on children when they experience bullying at school. The first one
is the effect in their mental health. They could start with depression, anxiety, ​headaches ​and
some other problems that could become more serious, such as physical diseases. The second
effect could be lack of self-esteem, when the kids feel bad with themselves, feeling sadness and
loneliness. As a result, they have academic problems, social complications and they don’t tell
their problems or ask for help because they cut off from their parents and friends. Kids who are
bullied may experience changes in sleep, eating patterns and lose of interest in activities who
used to enjoy. A bullied childhood can cause long-term negative effects in adults, the
psychological disorders is a very common problem, suicidal thoughts in extreme cases and lack
of trust. To conclude, the bullying experienced in the childhood can be traumatic even in the
future, without the proper treatment. The effects can be harmful to anyone and it can cause
lifelong damage to the victims of this type of harassment.
17. Andres Felipe Romero Novoa.

Topic: ​Bullying

How bullying affects the feelings of children

Nowadays, bullying is one of the most influential consequence that can be presented on
children, that is why, we will present how the feelings of a kid could be affected by this topic.
First, kids who were bullied at school or in other places can experience negative issues, such as
physical and mental health. As a consequence, these kids normally present
problems of depression and anxiety that will increased the feeling of loneliness and sadness on
children. Second, there are many examples of school bullying, such as physical bullying that is
when some kids use physical actions to gain power and control over the other kids, verbal
bullying that is when kids use words, statements or name-calling to gain power and control
over the other kids, the most common is the cyberbullying that is when kids use the internet
and social networks to threaten and embarrass the other children who are defenseless. As a
result, the child who suffers from any of these types of bullying, begins to affect him
emotionally, to a point where they no longer control their actions and eventually end up by
taking drugs or simply choosing the path of violence.
16. Topic: ______________________________

17. Topic: ______________________________

18. Topic: ____effects of everyone on the planet having cell phones__________________________
Consequence of everyone having cell phones

Now days it is difficult to found someone who have not a cell phone. It is changing the way in which we
communicate with each other, because with them we have more possibilities as in the past. It have not
just good effects but also bad ones. The good consequence of it are related with the facilities that the give
us in order to communicate. Today, we have the possibility to talk, write and view someone that is in the
other part of the world. In addition, this possibility is becoming everyday cheaper and easier to use that
is why it is becoming more accessibility from more people in the world, giving the opportunity to use the
cell phones to people who have not a lot of resources. At the other hand, when it exist other ways to
communicate (as the ways that cell phones provide us), the people will replace the traditional ways of
communication with these new ones. When the people stop using the traditional ways of
communication, they lost some of the advantage of this way of communication, such as: the faster
interaction, the possibility of physical contact, the spontaneous answers, etc; and losing this advantages
make worst the communication. In synthesis, there are good and bad consequence when everyone have
a cell phone, because it can make easier the communication but we can lose some advantage of the
traditional communication too.
19. Topic: ​What are the social effects of everyone on the planet having cell phones?

Title: cellphone and social importance

The most importance function of the cellphone is comunícate with distant people, however at the moment the
technology in cell phones has improved and the number increased, then its use is essential. Moreover the fact
that everyone on the planet have cell phones has an important transformation with comunication and better
interaction with companies and information. first of all, cell phones have many tools that facilitate daily life,
such as finding information, seeing news and communicating with anyone, and these tools are always at hand
so it would be a very simple solution. In addition, the fact that everyone uses the cell phone increases its social
importance. second, The fact that all use cell phones facilitates the new creation of companies and the creation
of new tools for the use of people. for example with the use of smartphones there are bank accounts used only
using the cell phone. finally, the cellphone is an artifact with many uses that facilitate work and the fact that
everyone uses it can reach its own improvement and new forms of communication.

20. Topic: ​What are the effects of school bullying on children

Title: ​Bullying: The consequences in childrens of bad treatment

Today, unfortunately the bullying is an action very common in different learning spaces and is
something to be aware. On the schools the bullying on children are creating some barriers for them to
learn in a good way and are damaging their personalities and feelings. Likewise, it is important to stop it
and start to generate a good environment so the kids can learn and interact with each other. One
example is that the children that are obese receive a bad treatment because of their physical condition.
Therefore, the capacities of social relations start to drop off, because they feel that there are not
important and the society doesn't care about it. Another example is that the childrens that have low
self-esteem are more vulnerable to be attacked and when received bad treatment they do not know what
to do. This causes that children started to walk away of the society and reduce they learning. They
capacities of social relations start to drop off, because they feel that do not have things good to show.
Finally, is important to educate the kids that all of us have the same rights and we need to receive the
same treatment so can generate a good environment of work, study and all that kind of learning and
sharing spaces.
21. Topic: What are the social effects of everyone on the planet having cell phones

22. Topic: What are the social effects of everyone on the planet having cell phones
Cell phone friend or enemy of humanity

The cell phones were a tool in the beginning but people were changed the use of them, But nevertheless
cell phone not benign one tool for different activities with do call, writer, do calculations, see the clock.
However, people abused of communication for they do bullying, swindle, stole and play the internet.
Children have use indiscrimination of the technology and there are exposed to the criminals. Human
every day change of contact physical for contact virtual by of cell phone. Family not speech in the
personality their prefer speech for cell phone.Thank you to face-to-face conversations having lost their
value, physical contact has lost its importance since the conversations based on stiker, emojis or memes
are more fun for young people and for many adults.However, the cell phone is not to blame for this
phenomenon that has developed since its inception and the people who undertook it blame each one of
us who does not use technology properly in this case the cell phone.

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