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IYa 1103 p-GE/EPP Pre-intermediate

Academic Year 2019-2020
Autumn Semester

1. General information
Faculty Information Technology
Course code and title IYa 1103 p-GE/EPP Pre-intermediate
Majors 5B070300 IS; 5B070400 CSSE; 5B060200 CS; 5B070500 MCM;
5B0100200 SIS; 5B071900 RET; 5B057900 Man; 5B050900 Fin;
5B050400 EJ
Year, semester 1, 1
Subject category General education, basic
Number of Credits 3
Language of Delivery: English
Prerequisites: Placement test
Postrequisites English for Professional Purposes Intermediate
Instructor Kaliaskarova Ainur Amanovna, senior-lecturer, MA
3308566 ext2016
e-mail: a.kaliaskarova@iitu.kz
2. Goals, objectives and learning outcomes of the course
Course Goal:
To improve students’ professional English language/speech skills, to tailor the English language
program to the students’ current and future professional needs.
Course objectives (Pre/Intermediate):
- mastery of basic grammar and professional vocabulary;
- listening: comprehension of spoken language in professional contexts;
- speaking: discussion of professional issues;
- reading: skimming and scanning of texts of professional interest, guessing the meaning of new words
and phrases from context;
- writing a paragraph;
- information search, life-long learning, leadership, critical thinking, decision-making, problem-solving
and team work.
Learning Outcomes (Pre-intermediate):
After completing the course the students will be able to:
- differentiate and use such grammar issues such as: Present and Past Tenses, Un/count nouns, Articles,
Adj/Adv., Comparisons, Quantifiers, Relative Pronouns;
- recognize and apply general and professional vocabulary on the topics studied;
- recognize familiar words, interpret and understand authentic oral speech while listening on the topics
- speak fluently on such issues as Computers and work, Jobs in ICT, Types of computer systems,
Computer essentials, Operating systems and GUI, Word processing, Cyberspace: security and crime;
- express opinion, propose solutions, present ideas on the above topics;
- skim for gist and scan texts for specific information, and guess the meaning of new words and phrases
from context;
- write a paragraph;
- share responsibilities among project group members, manage the time properly and work to the
3. Course description
Course description:
IYA 1103- GE/EPP Pre-Intermediate is a course of Professional English offered to the 1st year students
of IITU. It focuses on such topic of professional interest as Computers and work, Jobs in ICT, Types of
computer systems, Computer essentials, Operating systems and GUI, Word processing, Cyberspace:
security and crime, etc. It is designed to raise the students' language awareness, improve their speech
skills and communication competences in Professional English. The language training is
communicative, interactive, student-centered, outcome-oriented and heavily reliant on students' self-
study work. The latter is organized as T/SIS (GW2, TM exercises, paragraph writing and project).
Course duration: 30 classroom and 15 TSIS hours, 15 weeks: 3 classroom hours a week
4. Course policy
Academic Policy:
• Cheating, duplication, falsification of data, plagiarism are not permitted under any circumstances!
• Attendance is mandatory. Students will be penalized for missing classes.
• Students must come to class in time. Three times tardy amounts to one absence.
• Students must participate fully in every class. While attendance is crucial, merely being in class does
not constitute “participation”. Participation means reading the assigned materials, coming to class
prepared, asking questions and engaging in discussion.
• Written assignments (independent work) must be typewritten or written legibly
• Deadlines must be strictly observed. Late work shall not be accepted, except when undone for a
valid reason.
• Making up missed tests shall not normally be allowed.
• Mobile phones must always be switched off in class.
• Students should always be appropriately dressed (in a formal/semi-formal style).
• Students should show tolerance, consideration and mutual support towards the teacher and other
5. Literature
Required literature
1. Infotech English for computer users. Fourth edition. Student’s book. Santiago Remacha Esteras
Cambridge University Press 2007.
2. Professional English in Use. ICT. For computers and the Internet. Santiago Remasha Esteras, Elena
Marco Fabre. Cambridge University Press, 2007.
3. Jolamanova B., Karzhaubayeva S., Sholakhova A., Manapbayeva Zh. English for IT students, IITU,
Almaty 2013
4. Terminological practicum for IT students. V. Vermakova, B. Jolamanova, M. Vasquez, IITU, Almaty,
5. Grammarway 2. Dooley, J., Evans, V. Newbury: Express Publishing, 2004.
1. Jolamanova B., Sholakhova A. Writing Papers in English, IITU, Almaty, 2011.

Internet sources:
GE – General English
EPP – English for Professional Purposes
GW 2 – Grammar Way 2
TSIS – Teacher Supervised Independent Study
SIS – Students’ Independent Study
PW – Paragraph writing
TM – Terminological Minimum
TP – Terminological Practicum for IT students
PEICT – Professional English in Use ICT
EITS- English for IT students
IECU- Infotech English for Computer users
WP- Writing Papers in English
* - additional materials

Course calendar
Week Practical Studies PW Project Language TM,
rs rs rs
awareness Exercises

Module 1 People in IT

1 Add and drop week Paragraph Project TM 1-40

Introduction to the writing WP pp. guidelines People in IT
course (Syllabus) 2 1 1
28-35. TP Module 1, pp. 4-22
exs: 1-6, 8-11

2 Computers and work Descriptive Choice of Grammar: TP 1-40

Listening : Computers paragraph 1 hardware: Present People in
at work “Computers in information Simple IT
IECU Unit 1 p. 4 ex.3 our life” draft search GW2 Unit 1 TP
Reading: Jobs in p.10 ex-s
computing 2 (in class) 1 10-11
Module 1, 1
PEICT Unit 18 pp.46-47 pp. 6-13
Speaking: TP p.15 Exs:1-7
activity 14

3 Jobs in ICT Final Para 1 Glossary Grammar: TM 1-40

Listening : IECU Unit “Computers in compilation Present People in
26 pp. 131 ex.4 our life” Continuous IT quiz
Reading: Jobs GW2 Unit 1 TP 1
advertisements 2 1 pp.12-13, ex-s
Module 1,
IECU Unit 26 pp. 13-17
129-130 ex.2-3 p. 14-16
Speaking: TP p.15 exs: 9-13;
activity 15 test

Module 2 Hardware Systems

4 Types of computer Glossary 1 Grammar: TM 1-40
systems compilation Present Hardware
Listening: IECU Unit 2, Perfect TP
p.9, ex.3 GW2 Unit 4 Module 4,
Reading: From p.28, ex-s 5-8 pp. 39-47
mainframes to wearable 2 Present Forms 1
computers Test
PEICT Unit 3, pp. 16-17
Speaking: TP p.49
activity 13

5 Computer essentials Comp/Contrast Completion of Grammar: TM 1-40

Listening: IECU Unit 3. paragraph 2: project layout Past Simple Hardware
p.15, Ex.5; “Two types of (website pp GW2 Unit 4 TP
Viewing: Computer tour PC” ( laptop 1-2) pp.30-31, ex-s Module 4,
(youtube) 11-15
and tablet) pp. 39-50
watch? (in-class) draft exs 9-12
2 1 1
Reading: What is a
IECU Unit 2, pp. 7 -8
Speaking: TP p.49
activity 14

6 Interacting with your Grammar: TM 1-40

computer Final Para 2 Past TP
Listening: 1) Describing Continuous Module 4,
input devices 2) Speech “Two types of GW2 Unit 3 pp. 50
recognition system PC” (laptop and pp.20-25, ex-s Hardware
IECU, p.22, 26 tablet) 6,7, 12, 14, 15
Reading: Mouse actions 2 1 Quiz 1
Past Forms
IECU, Unit 5, p. 22, p.
Speaking : The benefits
of speech recognition
IECU, p. 26 ex. 6 c

7 Mid-term Submission of the project Grammar and Vocabulary

Reading portfolio test
Listening 2 1 1

Module 3 Software Systems

8 Operating systems and Completion of

GUI project (draft) TM 1-40
Reading: Types of (website pp 3-4 1 Software
software and OS ) TP Module 5, pp. 51-66 1
PEICT Unit 11, pp. 2
Speaking: TP p.64
activity 12

9 Operating systems Opinion Grammar: TM 1-40

Listening: Windows paragraph Nouns Software
Vista 3: “The reasons 1 Un/count TP
IECU Unit 13, p 65 why software nouns,
Module 5,
Reading: GUI and OSs should be GW 2 pp.
IECU Unit 13. p.63 updated” (in Unit 17, pp. pp. 51-63
2 exs:1-7 1
Speaking: The OS class) draft 118-121 ex.-s
which you prefer 5-10
(compare Windows,
Linux, Unix)
IECU Unit 13. p.65 ex.
10 Word processing Final Para 3 Revision of the Grammar: TM 1-40
Listening: IECU Unit “The reasons website Articles TP
14, p.70 why software GW2 Unit 17 Module 5,
Reading: IECU Unit 14, should be 1 pp.118, pp. 63-66
p.68 updated” 122-125, ex.- exs: 9,10
2 s 11-13, 17-19 1
Speaking: Why is Software
Microsoft Office Word Quiz
so popular ?
IECU Unit 14, p.72 ex.

Module 4 Cyberspace: security and crime 1

11 Computer crime Grammar: TM 1-40

Vocabulary: Target Voc Adj/Adv., Cyber
pp. 155-166 Comparisons security
Viewing: Hackers and GW2 Unit 16 TP
crackers 1 pp. Module 8,
EITS p.176, Activity 15 110,112-115,
Revision of the pp.
Reading: Computer crime ex.-s 3, 7,
EITS. pp. 2 website 94-103 1
166-169,170-176, exs: 1-7
activities 8-12
Speaking: Types of
computer crime EITS
pp. 175-176, activities

12 The world’s 5 biggest Problem/ Final project Grammar: TM 1-40

cyber threats solution presentation in Some/any/no- Cyber
Reading: The world’s 5 paragraph 4: class a lot of/much/ security
biggest cyber threats ‘How to avoid many-(a) TP
EITS. pp.185-187, 2 1 little/(a) few 1
188-191, activities 6-9 … cyber GW2 pp. Module 8,
Speaking: EITS p. 191, threat’ (in- 126-131, pp.
activities 10-12 class) draft exer/s 94-105
exs: 9-13

13 Information security Final Para 4 Voting for the TM 1-40

Reading: Information ‘How to avoid best project TP
security … cyber (DL) Module 8,
EITS. pp.177-179, threat’ p. 105
179-184, activities 9-11 2 1 1
GW2 Unit 6 Cyber
Speaking: TP p.104 pp. 40-45, security
activity 14 exer-s 1-6, 10 Quiz

14 Grammar and Vocabulary

End-of-term 2 Writing a paragraph 1 1

Revision for final exam 2 Evaluation 1 Evaluation 1

16 Final exam (computer test)

TOTAL 30 15 15

Student performance evaluation system for the course

Continuous rating (60%) Summative Rating (40%)

Attestation I Attestation II Examination (40%)

Class work: 30% Class work: 30% 1) computerized 50%

Attendance*/part. 10% Attendance*/part. 10% 50%
Skills (reading, listening, 20% Skills (reading, listening, 20% test
speaking) speaking) 2) speaking
2) speaking
TSIS: 25% TSIS: 25%
Paragraph 15% Paragraph 15%
Project 10% Project 10%
SIS: 20% SIS: 20%
GW2 10% GW2 10%
TM 10% TM 10%

Mid-term: 25% End of term: 25%

Test 10% Test 5%
Reading 5% Writing: paragraph 10%
Listening 5% Speaking: project 5%
Speaking 5% Level test 5%

Total 100% Total 100% Total 100%

Gross Total 100

*If the number of absences exceeds 20%, student will be automatically scheduled for a
Retake (summer semester)

Assessment is administered continuously throughout the course. The students are rated against
their performance in continuous rating administered throughout the semester (credited 60%)
and summative rating done during the examination session (credited 40%), total 100%.
Continuous rating is students’ on-going performance in class and independent work. Class
work is assessed for attendance, Language/ skills and in- class assessments.
Class sessions – will be a mixture of information, discussion and practical application of
language skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking) practiced in diverse situations.
T/SIS (Teacher Supervised Student Independent Study and Student Independent Study) -
comprises the following assignments: GW2 exercises, TM tests and exercises, paragraph writing
and Project. All tasks are done by students independently and checked by the teacher.
Mid-term is an achievement test, reading, listening and Grammar-vocabulary test in the formats
covered during the 1st Appraisal Period.
End-of-term is an achievement test, paragraph writing and Project presentation.
Final examination is a multiple choice test designed to monitor the students’ academic
performance, comprising 2 parts: Grammar and vocabulary.

Achievement level as per course curriculum shall be assessed according to the evaluation chart
adopted by the academic credit system:

Grade according to the

Letter Grade Percentage
traditional system
А 95-100
А- 90-94
В+ 85-89 Good

В 80-84
В- 75-79
С+ 70-74 Satisfactory

С 65-69
С- 60-64 Satisfactory
D+ 55-59
D 50-54 Satisfactory

FX 25-49 unsatisfactory
F 0-24 unsatisfactory with a retake

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