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Terms and Abbreviations

GUID Globally Unique Identifier: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globally_Unique_Identifier IfcGuid Globally Unique ID in the IFC format. This format is
used only when referring to components in IFC files.

BCF BIM Collaboration Format

BCF file File in BIM Collaboration Format

Topic One topic, such as a problem in the design, described in BCF file

GUID Globally Unique Identifier: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globally_Unique_Identifier

 This document describes the BCF format that is used to exchange topics, such as, issues, scenes, etc. between different BIM software.

BCF file structure

A BCF file is a zip containing one folder for each topic with its file extension "bcfzip" for BCFv1.0 and BCFv2.0. The file extension as the version
number "bcfv2.1" is introduced since BCFv2.1. The root of the BCF zip contains the following files.

 project.bcfp (optional)
o An XML file referencing the extension.xsd to a project. The schema for this file is project.xsd.
 bcf.version
o An XML file following the version.xsd schema with information of the BCF schema used. The file content should be
identical to the contents of bcf.version

The folder name is the GUID of the topic. This GUID is in the UUID form. The folder contains the following files:

 markup.bcf
o An XML file following the markup.xsd schema that is described below.

 viewpoint.bcfv
o An XML file following the visinfo.xsd schema that is described below.
o Multiple viewpoints are possible since BCF 2.0. Names of these files are not predefined. Note: One viewpoint needs to be
be named viewpoint.bcfv even in the case of multiple viewpoints.

 snapshot.png
o A snapshot related to the topic (for compatibility with BCF 1.0). Multiple snapshots are possible since BCF 2.0. Names of
these files are not predefined. Note: One snapshot needs to be named snapshot.png even in the case of multiple

Note: The elements in the XML files must appear in the order given in the schemas and described below.

Project (.bcfp) file

The project file contains reference information about the project the topics belong to.

Attribute Optional Description

ProjectId Yes ProjectId of the project

In addition it has the following nodes:

Element Optional Description

Name Yes Name of the project.

Element Optional Description

ExtensionSchema No URI to the extension schema.

Markup (.bcf) file

The markup file contains textual information about the topic.

Header node contains information about the IFC files relevant to this topic. It has one attribute, ProjectGuid, which is the project GUID. Header has
also a list of File nodes.

Each File node has the following attributes:

Attribute Optional Description

IfcProject Yes IfcGuid Reference to the project to which this topic is related in the IFC file

IfcGuid Reference to the spatial structure element, e.g. IfcBuildingStorey, to

IfcSpatialStructureElement Yes
which this topic is related.

isExternal Yes Is the IFC file external or within the bcfzip. (Default = true).

In addition File has the following nodes:

Attribute Optional Description

Filename Yes The BIM file related to this topic.

Date Yes Date of the BIM file.

URI to IfcFile.
Reference Yes IsExternal=false “..\example.ifc“ (within bcfzip)
IsExternal=true “https://.../example.ifc“

Topic node contains reference information of the topic. It has one attribute, Guid, which is the topic GUID.

Attribute Optional Description

Guid No Guid of the topic

TopicType Yes Type of the topic (Predefined list in “extension.xsd”)

TopicStatus Yes Type of the topic (Predefined list in “extension.xsd”)

In addition it has the following nodes:

Element Optional Description

List of references to the topic, for example, a work request management system or an
ReferenceLink Yes
URI to a model.

Title No Title of the topic.

Priority Yes Topic priority. The list of possible values are defined in the extension schema.

Index Yes Number to maintain the order of the topics.

Labels Yes Tags for grouping Topics. The list of possible values are defined in the extension
Element Optional Description


CreationDate No Date when the topic was created.

CreationAuthor No User who created the topic.

Date when the topic was last modified. Exists only when Topic has been modified after
ModifiedDate Yes

ModifiedAuthor Yes User who modified the topic. Exists only when Topic has been modified after creation.

DueDate Yes Date until when the topics issue needs to be resolved.

The user to whom this topic is assigned to. Recommended to be in email format. The
AssignedTo Yes
list of possible values are defined in the extension schema.

Description Yes Description of the topic.

Stage Yes Stage this topic is part of (Predefined list in “extension.xsd”).

BimSnippet (optional)
BimSnippet is an additional file containing information related to one or multiple topics. For example, it can be an IFC file containing provisions for

Attribute Optional Description

SnippetType No Type of the Snippet (Predefined list in “extension.xsd”)

Is the BimSnippet external or within the bcfzip.

IsExternal Yes
(Default = false).

Element Optional Description

URI to BimSnippet.
Reference No IsExternal=false “..\snippetExample.ifc“ (within bcfzip)
IsExternal=true “https://.../snippetExample.ifc“

ReferenceSchema Yes URI to BimSnippetSchema (always external)

DocumentReference (optional)
DocumentReference provides a means to associate additional payloads or links with topics. The references may point to a file within the .bcfzip or
to an external location.

Attribute Optional Description

Guid Yes Guid attribute for identifying it uniquely

Is the Document external or within the bcfzip.

IsExternal Yes
(Default = false).

Element Optional Description

URI to document.
ReferencedDocument Yes IsExternal=false “..\exampleDoc.docx“ (within bcfzip)
IsExternal=true “https://.../ exampleDoc.docx“

Description Yes Description of the document

RelatedTopic (optional)
Relation between topics (Clash -> PfV -> Opening)

Attribute Optional Description

RelatedTopic/GUID Yes List of GUIDs of the referenced topics.

The markup file can contain comments related to the topic. Their purpose is to record discussion between different parties related to the topic.
Comment has also the Guid attribute for identifying it uniquely. In addition, it has the following nodes:

Element Optional Description

Date No Date of the comment

Author No Comment author

Comment No The comment text

Viewpoint Yes Back reference to the viewpoint GUID.

ModifiedDate Yes The date when comment was modified

ModifiedAuthor Yes The author who modified the comment

The markup file can contain multiple viewpoints related to one or more comments. A viewpoint has also the Guid attribute for identifying it
uniquely. In addition, it has the following nodes:

Element Optional Description

Viewpoint Yes Filename of the viewpoint (.bcfv)

Snapshot Yes Filename of the snapshot(.png)

Index Yes Parameter for sorting

Viewpoints are immutable, therefore they should never be changed once created. If new comments on a topic require different visualization, new
viewpoints should be added.

Visualization information (.bcfv) file

The visualization information file contains information of components related to the topic, camera settings, and possible markup and clipping

A component set has the following attributes:

Attribute Description

Default visibility of physical components. That means components that are not of
type IfcSpace, IfcSpaceBoundary or IfcOpening.

DefaultVisibilitySpaces Default visibility of components with type IfcSpace.

DefaultVisibilitySpaceBoundaries Default visibility of components with type IfcSpaceBoundary.

Attribute Description

DefaultVisibilityOpenings Default visibility of components with type IfcOpening.

The components node contains a set of Component references. The numeric values in this file are all given in fixed units (meters for length and
degrees for angle). Unit conversion is not required, since the values are not relevant to the user. The components node has also the
DefaultVisibility attribute which indicates true or false for all components of the viewpoint.

A component has the following attributes:

Attribute Optional Description

IfcGuid Yes Select the component in a BIM tool

This flag is true if the component is actually involved in the topic. If the flag is false, the
Selected Yes
component is involved as reference.

This flag is true when the component is visible in the visualization. By setting this false, you
Visible Yes can hide components that would prevent seeing the topic from the camera position and
angle of the viewpoint.

Color of the component. This can be used to provide special highlighting of components in
the viewpoint. The color is given in ARGB format. Colors are represented as 6 or 8
Color Yes hexadecimal digits. If 8 digits are present, the first two represent the alpha (transparency)
channel. For example, 40E0D0 would be the color Turquoise. More information about the color
format can be found on Wikipedia.
In addition, it has the following information:

Element Optional Description

OriginatingSystem Yes Name of the system in which the component is originated

AuthoringToolId Yes System specific identifier of the component in the originating BIM tool

Exporting Components in Viewpoint

There can be lots of component references in a viewpoint. Therefore, these references must be kept to a minimum. The following rules are
developed to export the components in compact and unambiguous way.

The components in viewpoints are exported according to the following rules: Divide all components to the following
sets: Openings, Spaces, SpaceBoundaries, and Components.

 Components are physical building components, such as walls and doors.

 Spaces are the rooms in the building.

 Openings are the virtual elements modeling voids in components.

 SpaceBoundaries are the virtual elements between spaces and building components, such as, walls and doors.

For each set of sets above, divide them further to the following subsets:

V: Visible components I: Invisible components S: Selected or colored components, subset of V

Apply the following rules for Components, Spaces, Openings, SpaceBoundaries

Example components

1. If I is empty and S equals V

a) Export S with DefaultVisibilityComponents=true

b) Set visible=true for all components in S

2. If V is smaller than I

a) Export V with DefaultVisibilityComponents=false

b) Set visible=true for all components in V

3. Else

a) Export I and S with DefaultVisibilityComponents=true

b) Set visible=true for all components in S

c) Set visible=false for all components in I

OrthogonalCamera (optional)
This element describes a viewpoint using orthogonal camera. It has the following elements:

Element Optional Description

CameraViewPoint No Camera location

CameraDirection No Camera direction

CameraUpVector No Camera up vector

ViewToWorldScale No Scaling from view to world

PerspectiveCamera (optional)
This element describes a viewpoint using perspective camera. It has the following

Element Optional Description

CameraViewPoint No Camera location

CameraDirection No Camera direction

CameraUpVector No Camera up vector

FieldOfView No Camera’s field of view angle in degrees.

Lines (optional)
Lines can be used to add markup in 3D. Each line is defined by three dimensional Start Point and End Point. Lines that have the same start and
end points are to be considered points and may be displayed accordingly.

ClippingPlanes (optional)
ClippingPlanes can be used to define a subsection of a building model that is related to the topic. Each clipping plane is defined by Location and

Bitmap (optional)
A list of bitmaps can be used to add more information, for example, text in the visualization. It has the following elements:

Element Optional Description

Bitmap No Format of the bitmap (PNG/JPG)

Reference No Name of the bitmap file in the topic folder

Location No Location of the center of the bitmap in world coordinates

Normal No Normal vector of the bitmap

Up No Up vector of the bitmap

Implementation Agreements
Since BCF 2.0 is compatible with version 1.0, there are some ambiguities in the implementation. The following agreements are written to clarify the

One to Many Mapping between Viewpoints and Comments

The schema would allow to have many to many mapping between viewpoints and comments. This is not allowed. A viewpoint can have multiple
comments, but a comment can only refer to one viewpoint.

Status and VerbalStatus to be Phased out

Status and Verbal Status of Comment will be phased out and replaced by TopicStatus and TopicType in Topic.

When interpreting BCF 1.0 files use the following logic:

 use Status of most recent comment as value of TopicType

 use Verbalstatus of most recent comment as TopicStatus.

When interpreting BCF 2.0 or higher files: VerbalStatus and Status on comment level should all be neglected if TopicStatus and TopicType are
present in Topic.

When writing BCF 2.0 or higher files:

 write the current type and status to Topic's TopicType and TopicStatus

 write Status and VerbalStatus at Comment level for backward compatibility.

.BCFZIP encoding guide

Software tool vendors are encouraged to follow the following guidelines to ensure that the .BCFZIP files produced by their software can be
correctly exchanged with other tools.

Use forward slash as path separator

The forward slash (“/”) should be used as a path separator rather than the backslash (“\”). Windows developers should consult the following MSDN
page when attempting to follow this guideline: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt712573(v=vs.110).aspx

Correct Incorrect

742b0df3-9a99-4da3-95ad-171e282f8122/snapshot.png 742b0df3-9a99-4da3-95ad-171e282f8122\snapshot.png

Create directory (folder) entries in the zip file's central directory

When creating the zip archive make sure to create directory (folder) entries in the .BCFZIP file’s central directory.

Example of a zip file with directory entries (Correct)

Archive: correctly_encoded_file_with_directory_entries.bcfzip
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
217 2015-02-18 09:12 bcf.version
0 2015-02-18 09:12 bff0f7ed-6b0d-4aad-ab28-401cc1db7f6e/
1782 2015-02-18 09:12 bff0f7ed-6b0d-4aad-ab28-401cc1db7f6e/markup.bcf
565 2015-02-18 09:12 bff0f7ed-6b0d-4aad-ab28-401cc1db7f6e/viewpoint.bcfv
181641 2015-02-18 09:12 bff0f7ed-6b0d-4aad-ab28-401cc1db7f6e/snapshot.png
--------- -------
184205 5 files
Example of a zip file without directory entries (Incorrect)

Archive: incorrect_file_without_directory_entries.bcfzip
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
35525 2015-02-25 09:28 742b0df3-9a99-4da3-95ad-171e282f8122/snapshot.png
681 2015-02-25 09:28 742b0df3-9a99-4da3-95ad-171e282f8122/viewpoint.bcfv
1057 2015-02-25 09:28 742b0df3-9a99-4da3-95ad-171e282f8122/markup.bcf
119 2015-02-25 09:28 bcf.version
--------- -------
37382 4 files

How to verify

On windows 7 using 7zip and the windows command prompt

1. Download and install 7zip from http://www.7-zip.org/download.html

2. On the start menu type ‘cmd’ and select cmd.exe
3. Execute the following:

“c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" l $PATH_TO_BCFZIP

Example output

7-Zip [64] 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18

Listing archive: E:\BIM\bcf files\bulkExport_1topic.bcfzip

Path = #### Path to the bcfzip file
Type = zip
Physical Size = 183599

Date Time Attr Size Compressed Name

------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------
2015-02-18 09:12:40 ..... 217 161 bcf.version
2015-02-18 09:12:40 D.... 0 0 bff0f7ed-6b0d-4aad-ab28-401cc1db7f6e
2015-02-18 09:12:40 ..... 1782 632 bff0f7ed-6b0d-4aad-ab28-401cc1db7f6e\markup.bcf
2015-02-18 09:12:40 ..... 565 336 bff0f7ed-6b0d-4aad-ab28-401cc1db7f6e\viewpoint.bcfv
2015-02-18 09:12:40 ..... 181641 181678 bff0f7ed-6b0d-4aad-ab28-401cc1db7f6e\snapshot.png
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------
184205 182807 4 files, 1 folders

On Unix or Linux shell

1. Start your favourite shell and execute the following:

$ unzip -l $PATH_TO_BCFZIP
Example output

Archive: /mnt/engineering/BIM/bcf files/bulkExport_1topic.bcfzip

Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
217 2015-02-18 09:12 bcf.version
0 2015-02-18 09:12 bff0f7ed-6b0d-4aad-ab28-401cc1db7f6e/
1782 2015-02-18 09:12 bff0f7ed-6b0d-4aad-ab28-401cc1db7f6e/markup.bcf
565 2015-02-18 09:12 bff0f7ed-6b0d-4aad-ab28-401cc1db7f6e/viewpoint.bcfv
181641 2015-02-18 09:12 bff0f7ed-6b0d-4aad-ab28-401cc1db7f6e/snapshot.png
--------- -------
184205 5 files

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