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COURSE: MKT 4398 – Strategic Brand Management

TERM: Fall 2009

Section 05: 12:30-1:45 T-Th

Room: HSB 101

PROFESSOR: Dr. Chris Pullig


OFFICE HOURS: T-Th 1:45 – 4:00 or by appointment

PHONE: 710-4769 (Office) and 836-0206 (Home)

EMAIL: Chris_Pullig@Baylor.edu

Course Description and Objectives: One of the most valuable assets for any firm is
the brand associated with its products and/or services. Despite this, very little attention
has been paid to the subject in business education. To address this, Strategic Brand
Management is an advanced elective that addresses important branding decisions faced
by an organization. Its basic objectives are: 1) to increase understanding of the
important issues in planning and evaluating brand strategies; 2) to provide the
appropriate theories, models, and other tools to make better branding decisions; and 3)
to provide a forum for students to apply these principles. Specifically, we will cover:
• Building customers’ brand knowledge
• Generating brand identities and value propositions
• Using the marketing mix to effectively deliver the brand to the marketplace
• Measuring brand equity
• Creating a comprehensive and effective brand architecture
• Managing brands over time

Course Organization and Administration: Strategic Brand Management is designed

to improve student’s marketing skills and understanding of specific marketing topics, as
well as “big picture” issues of how various aspects of marketing “fit together,” all from a
brand equity perspective. Accordingly, the course is organized around key product and
brand management decisions. The course involves lecture, case discussion and write-
up, a semester-long brand audit project, and exams.
The course will blend the theory and practice of product and brand management in a
classroom environment that promotes active experiential learning. A good theory is
invaluable because it structures problems and suggests possible solutions. We will take
a consumer/marketing focus on these problems and solutions. Thus, the majority of
theories covered will be from a consumer behavior perspective. The course readings
and activities are designed to help blend theory and practice. The readings will cover the
basic concepts and theoretical frameworks as well as provide current thinking on key
topics. Cases will allow us to apply these theories to real marketing problems.

Text: Strategic Brand Management, 3rd Edition, Kevin Lane Keller 2006.
Additional Readings and Cases: To be provided.

Course Requirements

1. Exams: There will be two (2) semester exams and one (1) final exam. All exams
will require application of theory and principles covered in the class. Format of
the exams will be mixed between essay, short answer, problems, and multiple
choice type questions.

2. Individual Assignments: There are four (4) individual assignments (3 case

write-ups and 1 field exercise) that are to be completed during the course of the
semester. These assignments are designed to reinforce important concepts
covered in the course. Detail on the assignments follows.

3. Brand Audit: Students will self-select a team consisting of 3-4 members for the
brand audit project. The goal of the brand audit is to have students conduct an in-
depth examination of a major brand of their choosing and suggest ways to
improve and leverage that brand equity. Select a brand undergoing a challenge
regarding its brand architecture, brand portfolio, brand extension, or brand
revitalization. Every team must study a different brand. We will discuss options
for selecting a brand on the first day of class. The assignment of brands will be
on a first-come-first-served basis.

4. Attendance and Class Participation: It is expected that each student will have
prepared for each day’s class by completing the daily reading assignment and
any assigned work. Informed class participation is an important component of the
course. Not only will your input enhance the classroom experience for others, it
will advance your learning of the material through active participation. If you do
not attend class and participate this will be reflected indirectly through exam
scores and your final grade. Baylor has a stated minimum attendance policy.
Please attend all classes and make the course more valuable to us all by
participating in discussion and exercises. Also, please have your cell phones
turned off for class each day.

5. Academic integrity is expected at all times and taken seriously. Baylor is a

special place, where Christian values should permeate everything we do,
including your work in this course. I expect you to uphold these principles and
demonstrate respect through your actions in completing exercises, exams, and in
class participation. Acting in a manner consistent with honor and integrity will
benefit every member of the community while enrolled at Baylor and in the future.
6. Research Extra Credit: Hankamer Faculty members are active in behavioral
and business research. Occasionally there may be an opportunity to earn extra
credit by serving as a voluntary participant in research. When such opportunities
arise an announcement will be made in class. However, there is no guarantee
that such an opportunity will arise, so do not count on it factoring into your course

Grading: The following is a breakdown of grade by assignment:

Exam I 15%
Exam II 15%
Final Exam 15%
Individual Assignments 15%
Brand Audit Project 25%
Brand Audit Presentation 5%
Participation 10%

Final Grades Assigned as Follows:

A 90%-100%
B+ 87.5%-89.9%
B 80%-87.4%
C+ 77.5%-79.9%
C 70%-77.4%
D 60%-69.9%
F 59.9% and lower
Schedule of Topics, Assignments, and Exams*
Date Day Topic Assignment
8/25 T Brand Management – An Overview Syllabus and Overview of Course
The Building Blocks of Brand Equity
8/27 Th The What and Why of Branding Chapter 1 – Industry Discussion
9/01 T Customer-Based Brand Equity Chapter 2
9/03 Th Customer-Based Brand Equity Chapter 2
9/08 T Positioning Chapter 3
9/10 Th Positioning Chapter 3
9/15 T MTV Case Discussion MTV Case Write-up Due
9/17 Th Internal Branding Chapter 3 and additional readings
9/22 T Review for Exam 1 Interim Report #1 Due
9/24 Th Exam 1-Material Covered 8/25-9/24 Chapters 1, 2, 3 Additional Readings
Creating and Measuring High Equity Brands
9/29 T The Brand Audit Chapter 3 (pgs. 126-137)
10/01 Th Measuring Sources of Brand Equity Chapter 9 - Qualtrics Training Session
10/06 T Research Lab Session Develop your research plan
10/08 Th Brand Audit – Preliminary Report Interim Report #2 Due
10/13 T Branding Elements and Legal Chapter 4
10/15 Th Marketing Programs to Create Brand Chapter 5 and 6 (Skim these chapters)
10/20 T Marketing Programs to Create Brand Red Bull Case Write-up Due
10/22 Th Leveraging Secondary Associations Chapter 7
10/27 T Brand Names and Extensions Chapter 12 – Brand Extension
Assignment Due
10/29 Th In-class Work Brand Audit Bring questions about your Brand Audit
11/03 T In-class Work Brand Audit Bring questions about your Brand Audit
11/05 Th Review for Exam 2
11/1 T Exam 2-Material Covered 9/29-11/05 Chapters 9, 4-7, 12
Managing Brands
11/12 Th What Makes a Strong Brand? Chapter 15 (pg. 642-644)
11/17 T American Express Case American Express Case Write-up Due
11/19 Th Final Work on Brand Audit Bring questions about your Brand Audit
11/2 T Thanksgiving Holiday
11/2 Th Thanksgiving Holiday
12/01 T Brand Audit Presentations
12/03 Th Brand Audit Presentations Final Brand Audit Write-up Due
12/0 T Study Days
12/1 Th Study Days
12/15 T Final Exam – (2:00PM-4:00PM) Comprehensive
*This schedule is subject to change.

Appendix A: Case Questions/Individual Assignments

MTV – Building Brand Resonance

1. What is the MTV brand image? How valuable are the MTV brand
associations? What should its core values be?
2. Describe the current sources of MTV’s brand equity. How have they changed
over time? How have they remained constant?
3. What is the role of music within MTV?
4. Technology is changing the way viewers watch television and interact with
programs. Discuss the role of the Internet and technology within MTV. What
has MTV done well to date to integrate technology with the brand and what
else should MTV do?
5. MTV Networks includes many sister channels such as Nickelodeon and
Spike TV. How has MTV been positioned within this network versus the other
channels? Is this the right strategy? What else would you do to optimize the
MTV Network brand portfolio?
6. Over the years, MTV has evolved from a channel about music to a channel
about the culture of music to a channel about culture. What does the future
hold for MTV—globally and domestically?

Red Bull – Building Brand Equity in Non-Traditional Ways

1) Describe Red Bull’s sources of brand equity. Do these sources change
depending on the market or country?
2) Analyze Red Bull’s marketing program in terms of how it contributes to the
brand’s equity. Discuss strengths and weaknesses.
3) Evaluate Red Bull’s move into herbal teas, fast-food chains, and magazines.
Does it make sense for the company to expand into these areas? What are
the potential benefits and dangers?
4) Because product usage was not marketed as being limited to one or even a
few occasions, Red Bull users could continue to use the product even as their
priorities shifted. The case states that, “a Red Bull consumer first attracted to
the product as a nightlife enhancer in his or her early twenties might later use
the drink as a morning pick-me-up or a revitalizer during a long day of
meetings.” How effective is Red Bull at advertising to these varied groups?

Brand Extension Assignment (3 page limit)

1) Select a recent brand extension that you think is a poor strategic decision and discuss
why you feel it was a poor decision.
2) Propose a new extension to any brand that you think is a good strategic decision and
discuss why you think it is a poor decision.

American Express: Managing a Financial Services Brand

What elements and characteristics comprised the equity in the American Express brand
in the 1960s? In the 1980s? How would you currently characterize the American
Express brand?
1) Evaluate American Express in terms of its competitors. How well is it positioned?
What are its points-of-parity and points-of-difference in its different business areas?
How has it changed over time? In what segments of its business does American
Express face the most competition?
2) Evaluate American Express’ integration of its various businesses. What
recommendations would you make in order to maximize the contribution to equity of
all of its businesses’ units? At the same time, is the corporate brand sufficiently
3) Was it worth the time and effort to make the “webisode” with Jerry Seinfeld? The
short film by Ellen DeGeneres? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
using the Internet to advertise a service-related company?
4) Of the advertising campaigns described in the case, which would you say was the
most effective? Why?
5) What is more important for American Express—expand its product line of new cards
(such as the IN:NYC card), or focus on offering new services to its cardholders (such
as offering statements in Braille or making its travel website easier to use)?

Case Analyses
A half-page response to each question asked for each case assigned is due at the
beginning of class. Case analyses are individual assignments and should be worked on
independently (i.e., no discussion with a classmate).

A written case recommendation when asked is a formal proposal submitted to

management. When writing a case analysis, consider the following points:

1) You may use the “bullet” point form for part of your answer. However, the point must
be understandable.

2) Do not simply restate data from the case. The CEO is already familiar with the
business and case facts!

Case question answers and recommendations will be graded on a √+, √, √- basis. A √+

is worth 25 points, a √ is worth 20 points, a √- is worth 15 points. A √+ is distinguished
from a √ by the strength of justification and supplemental analyses of case data. Failure
to submit a case analysis at the beginning of class due will result in grade of 0 points.

Case Lead-Off. I will randomly call on 2-3 students at the beginning of each class to
help lead-off a case discussion. You will be required to either give an overview of the
case or address one of the case assignment questions. Please be ready with your
recommendations. Your performance on the case lead-off will be included in the class
participation component of your course grade

Active Class Participation

Class participation is evaluated on the quality of your participation and its contribution to
improving the learning experience of the class. Note that quality is not necessarily a
function of quantity. You will be evaluated according to the following guidelines.
Outstanding (3): Contributions provided major insights as well as a fruitful
direction for the class. Arguments were well-supported (with tangible evidence)
and persuasively presented. If this person were not a member of the class, the
quality of the class discussion would have been significantly diminished.
Good (2): Contributions were on-target, fairly well-supported and persuasive. If
this person were not a member of the class, the quality of the discussion would
have been slightly diminished.

Attending Non-participant (1): Contributed nothing to the class discussion. A

person attends class but is silent and does not participate in the class’

Repetitive (0): If a person’s class comments were repetitious and obvious and did
not add value to the class. That is, you will be penalized for “airtime” without

Unsatisfactory (-1): Unsatisfactory contribution occurs if inadequate preparation.

If this person were not a member of the class, the quality of the discussions
would have been enhanced.

Absent or Late (-1): Obviously, one cannot participate if one is absent from the
course. If due to extenuating circumstances, you must miss class, a one
page executive summary of that session’s readings and cases must be
submitted prior to the class to receive a comparable credit for attending non-
participant (1 point), otherwise the participation points for that day will be –1.

Appendix B: Brand Audit Project Guidelines

Students will form brand management teams (3-4 members) to work on this project.
Your assignment is to take a brand and conduct a brand audit. Every team must study a
different brand within the insurance industry, and brands are assigned on a "first come,
first serve" basis. I will provide a list of good candidates at the beginning of class.

The goal of the brand audit is to assess its sources of brand equity and suggest ways to
improve and leverage that brand equity. Brand audits are made up of brand inventories
(comprehensive summaries of a firm’s marketing and branding program) and brand
exploratories (in-depth consumer profiles).

To assess sources of brand equity, it is necessary to profile consumer's brand

knowledge structures. A variety of sources of information can be used to assemble this
profile. Students are encouraged to consult trade magazines and business publications,
and consult with company sources. Furthermore, you are expected to conduct your own
survey as part of the exploratory research. After developing a detailed and accurate
profile or “mental map” of brand knowledge structures from the brand exploratory, the
next task is to provide recommendations concerning how the brand should be managed
by analyzing the brand inventory. How can brand equity be built and how can it be
effectively leveraged into new product categories to maximize profits? To answer this
question, students will critically analyze current marketing programs and make
suggestions for new marketing programs.

The formal requirements for the brand audit project are two progress reports and a final
paper and presentation, as follows:
1. Interim Reports (10% of your project grade). The first interim report is due on
September 22nd. This report should sketch your preliminary vision of a “mental map” for
the brand in terms of the strength, favorability, and uniqueness of salient brand
associations and outline a preliminary draft of the questionnaire for the brand
exploratory. The second interim report is to serve as a research plan for the brand audit.
In it you should detail the issues you wish to research and the method by which you will
do your research including specific questions, etc. Each interim report should be no
longer than 3 pages in length double-spaced.

2. Final Report (90% of your project grade). The final report is due at the beginning of
the class on the last day of class, December 3rd. The final report consists of a brand
inventory, brand exploratory and provides recommendations concerning how to build
and manage equity for the brand chosen. Your written summary should not exceed 15
double-spaced typed pages, plus a one-page executive summary and appendices as
necessary (1” margins, 12-point type). Each team will present their brand audit to the
class in 15-minute presentations the last two weeks of the semester. In addition I would
like a copy of the presentation slides on the day of the presentation. Each of you will be
asked to evaluate the contribution of your team peers at the conclusion of the course.
These evaluations will be used in determining project grades for each individual in on
your team

Guidelines for Final Brand Audit Report

The final report consists of a brand inventory, brand exploratory and provides
recommendations concerning how to build and manage equity for the brand chosen.
Your written summary should not exceed 20 double-spaced typed pages, plus a one-
page executive summary, appendices as necessary, and complete references (1”
margins, 12-point type). The final report is due the last class day, May 4.

Suggested Components of Final Brand Audit Report (sequence may vary)

1. History and Overview (1 page or less)

The first page is an overview of the brand and its history.

2. Key Challenges Facing Brand (1page or less)

The second page should set-up the key challenges facing brand. The challenges should
relate to brand architecture, brand portfolio, brand extension, and/or brand revitalization.

3. Brand Inventory (about 5 pages plus exhibits)

Brand inventories are comprehensive summaries of a firm’s marketing and branding


a.) Detail the brand architecture.

i. Graphically display the brand hierarchy.

ii. Discuss the roles of brands in the portfolio. Focus on your selected brand and other
brands deemed relevant to your brand.
iii. Discuss the hierarchy relationship of your brand.

b.) Analyze the firm’s branding and marketing programs. How do they contribute to
brand knowledge? How consistent have they been over time? Is there consistency
between the brand and marketing elements?

i. Analyze the brand graphics (logos, names, packages).

ii. Analyze the brand’s past and current advertising campaigns.

iii. Analyze the brand’s product, promotions, distribution, and pricing.

c.) Profile competitive brands and market situation.

4. Brand Exploratory (about 5 pages plus exhibits)

Brand exploratories are in-depth profiles of consumers’ brand knowledge structures.

a.) Develop a detailed and accurate profile of current brand knowledge structures. In
appendix, provide specifics about survey and data collection to assess brand knowledge

b.) Assess the brand’s associations at each level of CBBE pyramid.

c.) Discuss if consumers’ knowledge structures have undergone any significant or recent

5. Recommendations (about 2-3 pages)

Make 3-4 recommendations to the brand concerning how the brand should be managed
over the next 5 years by critically analyzing the brand inventory and brand exploratory.
Your recommendations need to be supported by data from your brand inventory and
brand exploratory.

Brand Audit Presentations

Each team will present their brand audit to the class in 15 minute presentations + 3-5
minutes of Q&A on December 1st or 3rd. Such a short time prohibits a comprehensive
coverage of the brand audit contained in the final report. Identify and present the key
points of the brand inventory and brand exploratory that are relevant to your
recommendations. Dress is business casual. E-mail me PowerPoint slides for your
presentation at least 1-hour prior to your presentation.

Additional Resources:



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