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 Sources of Error: In the experiment, we were tasked to determine the current and
voltage through resistors in a DC circuit using Kirchhoff’s Law. The possible sources
of error was the error of connecting the wires to the resistor box, batteries, voltmeter
and ammeter to each other. When this happens it may result to negative value or there
is no result at all. It is also possible that the equipment may were imprecise in giving
the data.

 Concepts/ Principles Used: The concept used in the experiment is the Kirchhoff’s
Law. It describe current in a node and voltage around a loop. It also states that the sum
of the voltage drops around a loop will be zero. These are the laws that will be used in
the experiment: Junction Law and Loop Law.

 Relation of Data to the Concept: The data gathered shows that the computed value are
lesser than the experimental value. In relation to the concept, using the junction rule
when the data gathered of current and put it into the equation I1- I2- I3 = 0. The result
were extremely close to zero. The same with the loop rule; the values are almost the
same. This verify the Kirchhoff’s Law.


 Overall success: The experiment about specific were successful. The group were be
able to determine the current and voltage through resistors in a DC circuit using
Kirchhoff’s Law and were able to compare the values obtained with the observed ones.

 Discussion of Concept in the Experiment: The purpose of this experiment is to verify

the Kirchhoff’s Law by obtaining the values of current, voltage and resistance to the
system. Kirchhoff's laws can help you to understand current and voltage in a circuit
and can also be used to analyze complex circuits that can't be reduced to one equivalent
resistance using what you already know about series and parallel resistors. Kirchhoff's
junction law says that the sum of currents entering a junction must equal the sum of
currents leaving the junction while Kirchhoff's loop law says that the sum of the
changes in voltage around and closed loop in a circuit must always be zero. These
concepts were used to obtained the computed values in the experiment.
 Understandings: After performing the experiment, I have learned all about Kirchoff’s
Law.(1) Some circuit that cannot be solved using simple parallel or series combination
can used the Kirchoff’s Law in solving those. (2) The junction rule states that the
algebraic sum of currents through any junction is equal to zero. It is also based from
the law of conservation of charge and that currents that entering a junction is positive
and current that is leaving is negative. (3) The loop rule states that the sum of potential
drops and voltages from the sources is equal to zero. It was based form the law of
conservation of energy.

 Application in my Course: In my field of study, civil engineering, is about constructing

and building infrastuctures. It is also part of my field to design the layout of the circuit
inside the infrastructure and to be able to do that you need to know the basics of the
Kirchhoff’s Law.

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