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Letters are selected for their expected interest for our readers. Some letters are sent to reviewers for
advice; some are accepted or declined by the editor without review. Letters must be brief and may be
edited, subject to the author’s approval of significant changes. Although some comments on published
articles and notes may be appropriate as letters, most such comments are reviewed according to a
special procedure and appear, if accepted, in the Notes and Discussions section. 共See the ‘‘Statement
of Editorial Policy’’ in the January issue.兲 Running controversies among letter writers will not be

THE DISORDER METAPHOR standard text for the introductory Classical toward the center of curvature at the turn-
Mechanics course in graduate level physics ing points must be toward the center of
The metaphor ‘‘disorder’’ for entropy
is more than 100 years old. Already in curricula throughout the U.S.’’ 共as stated in force.
the new Preface兲, some serious errors have Although this error has persisted in this
1882, Hermann von Helmholtz character-
remained through all three editions, with text for more than 50 years, its remaining
ized entropy as ‘‘Unordnung.’’ 1 Was he the
one of the worst now promoted to the front presence on the front cover is surely intol-
first? Who actually introduced the meta-
cover. The diagram on the front cover erable and should be corrected as soon as
phor and when? We would appreciate any
共which also appears on p. 80兲 is supposed possible.
references prior to 1882. And because this
metaphor is controversial and potentially to represent the nature of attractive central- 1
Stephen R. Addison, ‘‘Review of Classical Me-
misleading, who was the first to discuss its force orbits for bounded motion; the mo- chanics,’’ 3rd ed., by Herbert Goldstein,
shortcomings? tion depicted is, however, an impossible Charles Poole, and John Safko, Am. J. Phys.
one. Whereas the actual path at a turning 70, 782–783 共2002兲.
Hermann Helmholtz, Wissenschaftliche Abhan- Herbert Goldstein, Charles Poole, and John
point must always be concave toward the
dlungen 共Barth, Leipzig, 1883兲, Vol. 2, p. 972. Safko, Classical Mechanics 共Addison–Wesley,
center of force, the diagram in question has New York, 2002兲, 3rd ed.
The paper, entitled ‘‘The thermodynamics of
the orbit convex toward the center of force 3
Jerry B. Marion and Stephen T. Thornton,
chemical processes,’’ was reprinted from the
Sitzungsberichten der Akademie der Wissen- at some of the turning points 共where the Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems
schaften zu Berlin for February 2, 1882. Helm- orbit is tangent to the inner circle兲. This 共Saunders, Fort Worth, 1995兲, 4th ed.
holtz wrote as follows: ‘‘Unordered motion, in path is clearly impossible. The same error Martin Tiersten
contrast, would be such that the motion of each is repeated in Fig. 3.13 on p. 91. 共For a Department of Physics
individual particle need have no similarity to The City College, CUNY
correct version of this kind of motion, see
that of its neighbors. We have ample ground to New York, New York 10031
believe that heat-motion is of the latter kind, the diagram on the cover of the 4th edition
and one may in this sense characterize the of Classical Dynamics by Marion and
magnitude of the entropy as the measure of the Thornton.3兲 AUTHORS’ REPLY
disorder 关literally, of the ‘‘Unordnung’’兴.’’ I believe that at least a part of the reason
that this egregious error has not been We wish to thank Professor Martin Tier-
Ralph Baierlein sten for informing us about errors in three
Department of Physics and Astronomy widely noticed in the 50⫹ years of use of
Northern Arizona University figures of central force motion orbits that
this text is the deplorable fact that virtually
Flagstaff, Arizona 86011 have persisted through all three editions of
all mechanics texts have for a long time not
Electronic mail: ralph.baierlein@nau.edu the Goldstein Mechanics text. We are in the
included any treatment of normal and tan-
process of listing errata for the third edition
Clayton A. Gearhart gential components of acceleration 共often
on our Web site 具http://astro.physics.sc.edu/
Department of Physics called ‘‘arc coordinates’’ or ‘‘intrinsic coor-
Saint John’s University Goldstein/典, and we will include there some
dinates’’兲, restricting their treatments to
Collegeville, Minnesota 56321-3000 brief comments on orbits arising from cen-
Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordi- tral force motion.
Electronic mail: cgearhart@csbsju.edu
nates. Consequently, the relation F n We would appreciate it if Professor Tier-
⫽ m v 2 /R, where R is the radius of curva- sten and other members of the physics
ture and F n is the normal component of the community would send us any other errors
ERRORS IN GOLDSTEIN’S force, relating the component of force in that they notice so that we can list them on
CLASSICAL MECHANICS toward the center of curvature to the accel- the Web site and correct them in future
The review1 of the 3rd edition of Gold- eration v 2 /R in that direction, appears printings.
stein’s Classical Mechanics2 共with co- 共amazingly兲 not to be widely known among
physicists 共and, even when it is known, it is John L. Safko
authors Poole and Safko兲 in the July 2002 Charles P. Poole, Jr.
issue of AJP elicits the following com- not at the forefront of their awareness兲. Be- Department of Physics and Astronomy
ments. Despite this book’s having played cause an attractive force is always directed University of South Carolina
the role for so long of ‘‘...the acknowledged in toward the center of force, the direction Columbia, South Carolina 29208

103 Am. J. Phys. 71 共2兲, February 2003 http://ojps.aip.org/ajp/ © 2003 American Association of Physics Teachers 103

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