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You are an Introvert with Intuition as your strongest dominant function and Feeling as your
second strongest "helping" function. This means that your greatest strength is your ability to
take in information by focusing on the large picture and the future possibilities of a situation.
You are insightful and you trust your vision. You provide long-term vision and future-
focused, innovative ideas. Your future-focused insights are directed at serving human needs.

Your second greatest strength (helping function) is your ability to make decisions that are
based on their impact on those around you. You are sympathetic, considerate, and act to
ensure the future well-fare of those around you.


INFJs are likely to do well in occupations that allow them to use their insight to facilitate the
emotional, intellectual, or spiritual development of those around them. Those include, but are
not limited to, Religion; Counseling; Teaching; Art; Social Work; Human Resource
Development; Speech and Rehabilitation Therapy; Creative Writing; Fashion Design; Interior
Design; and Journalism.

INFJs like to work alone or in compatible small groups. They can be good team-members as
long as the group contains people strongly focused on ideals that make a difference to human
well-being. They have a healthy respect for rules and procedures while simultaneously being
open to change that addresses people's needs.

As an INFJ your ideal work environment is one containing creative organized people focused
on human development and well-fare. You like to work in a quiet, orderly environment that
allows some privacy. You also like to work in an environment that is service-oriented and
that rewards a thorough approach that is creative and insightful.

As an Introvert, your greatest strength may not be visible to those around you. You are likely
to use your Intuition internally and others may not to be privy to the valuable insights upon
which you draw to make decisions. What others will see is your conviction that your decision
is for the best of the future of those around you. As a result, this may create the negative
impression that you are too stubborn and unyielding. If this applies to you, you are strongly
encouraged to share the insights upon which you have drawn to make decisions. You are also
encouraged to present those insights and ideas assertively lest they be overlooked or under-

Your blind spots include your Thinking and your Sensing; those are referred to as your
tertiary and inferior functions, respectively. Because you base your decisions on people and
values, as opposed to logical analysis, you are likely to ignore common sense in your
decision-making. Furthermore, in taking in the information around you, you may be so
focused on the future possibilities of a situation that you may ignore the present realities. For
example, you may be so focused on the long-term implications that you may neglect the day-
to-day details. Finally, you are likely to be so focused on innovation that you may neglect
what is practical. If so, you are strongly encouraged to develop a more practical approach to
doing things.

Being a J, you are likely to value order and planning to such an extent that you may become
disoriented during times of crisis and unexpected change. If so, you are strongly encouraged
to relax and be more open to the present situation.

Being aware of your blind spots is vital. It sheds light on the areas that you need to develop.
For example, it is important that you remind yourself to take present realities into
consideration. It is also important that you try to overcome your initial resistance to what is
practical. It is also important that you include more flexibility in your work environment.
Finally, it is important that balance your desire for harmony with a logical analysis of the

Knowing your own, and other people's, type is very helpful. It allows you to appreciate
differences instead of being frustrated by them. In knowing what your strengths are, you are
able to capitalize on them. In knowing what your blind spots are, you can take steps to
compensate for them. One way you can take steps to compensate for your blind spots is to
seek the assistance of someone who does not share your type.

Introverts tend to spend more time in thought than in action. This is an advantage in cases
that require ample thinking time before taking action. However, it can also be a disadvantage
in cases that require immediate action. As a rule, you are encouraged to consciously put a
limit on your thinking time and push yourself to take action. If you find yourself unable to do
so, you are encouraged to seek the assistance of an Extrovert who will surely push you to take

Intuitive people are more comfortable dealing with matters that require creativity and
imagination. They are very much about "what can be" as opposed to "what is". They are
instinctively aware of the large picture and the long-term ramifications of a situation. This is
an advantage in cases that require a creative response that meets the long-term vision of a
situation. However, it can be a disadvantage in cases that require a more practical response
that is appropriate to the day-to-day realities of a situation. As a rule, you are encouraged to
consciously include practical details in your view of things and to push yourself to be more
realistic. If you find yourself unable to do so, you are encouraged to seek the assistance of a
Sensing person who will surely provide you with the "reality check" and practical input that
you need.

Feeling people are more comfortable making decisions based on their impact on those around
them. They love to come up with solutions that foster harmony and advance personal values.
They will see and emphasize the positive. This is an advantage in cases that require a
personal response that is mutually acceptable to others. It can, however, be a disadvantage in
cases that require a more logical response. As a rule, you are encouraged to push yourself to
take more logical, and less personal, matters into consideration when making your decisions.
If you find yourself unable to do so, you are encouraged to seek the assistance of a Thinking
person who will surely provide you with the logical input that you need.

Judging people are more comfortable making plans and taking immediate action. They love
to put closure to matters before moving on to the next thing. They lead a structured life,
setting goals and working to achieve them. This is an advantage in cases that require setting
objectives, making plans and methodically implementing them. It can, however, be a
disadvantage in cases that require a more flexible response. In those cases, what is needed is
to deal with matters are they arise. As a rule, you are encouraged to include more flexibility
in your life. This will help you to feel less overwhelmed when things do not go according to
plan. If you find yourself unable to do so, you are encouraged to seek the assistance of a
Perceiving person who will surely provide you with the calmer, more adaptive view that you


When you express yourself, you are quietly supportive and encouraging. You seek to help or
educate people and present your ideas in a way that is personally meaningful. You seek
harmony and connections. You like to engage in one-to-one conversations that are in-depth,
honest and personal. You value genuine and honest conversations and are quick to see
insincerity. You like to hear communication that is complex and challenging. You like to hear
alternative perspectives. You like to hear communication that is abstract and out-of-the-box.
You like to hear information that is linked to ideals and how people will be affected. You like
to get feedback as early as possible when working on projects or making plans. You do not
like to hear communication that is too logical at the expense of the people and values

As an Introvert, you are hesitant to share your ideas with others until some trust has been
established. If so, you are strongly encouraged to overcome your initial hesitation and share
your ideas more freely. In concentrating on the large picture, you are likely to present
information in a manner that is too abstract and neglect to give immediate and practical
application. If so, you are strongly encouraged to present information in more concrete terms
while making sure to give practical applications. In your focus on ideals, you may tend to
present your beliefs in a manner that could be overly emotional or moralistic. This will result
in a one-way communication where others will find it difficult to give you feedback and
where you will similarly find it difficult to incorporate their feedback. In your need for
harmony, you are likely to have difficulty giving and receiving corrective feedback. If so, you
are strongly encouraged to provide constructive feedback and not to take constructive
feedback that is directed at you personally.





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