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That there no single diet that is perfect for everyone.

Benefits of Eating Meat

Eating meat has several health benefits:

 Reduced appetite and increased metabolism: Many studies have shown that high-protein
diets that include meat increase metabolic rate, reduce hunger and promote fullness (48, 49,
50, 51).
 Retention of muscle mass: Animal protein intake is consistently linked to increased muscle
mass. In one study in older women, eating beef increased muscle mass and also reduced
markers of inflammation
 Stronger bones: Animal protein may improve bone density and strength. In one study,
older women with the highest intake of animal protein had a 69% decreased risk of hip
fractures (57, 58).
 Better iron absorption: Meat contains heme iron, which your body absorbs better than
non-heme iron from plants (59, 60, 61).

How to Maximize Benefits and Minimize Negative Effects

Here's how to ensure you're consuming meat in a way that's healthiest for you and the planet:

 Choose fresh products: Fresh meat will always be healthier for you than processed
 Give organ meats a try: Add these to your diet to take advantage of their high nutrient
 Minimize high-heat cooking: If you grill, barbecue or use another high-heat method, wipe
away drippings right away and avoid overcooking or charring.
 Consume unprocessed, plant-based foods: These are high in fiber, contain valuable
antioxidants and help make your diet well balanced.
 Choose organic meat from small farms: This is more environmentally friendly and better
from an ethical perspective.
 Select grass-fed beef: Cattle that consume a natural diet of grass, rather than grain, produce
meat that is higher in healthy omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants (68, 69, 70).

 Should You Eat Meat?
 Unprocessed and properly cooked meat has many nutrients and may have some health
benefits. If you enjoy eating meat, then there is no compelling health or nutritional reason to
 However, if you don't feel right about eating animals, you can also stay healthy by following
a well-balanced vegetarian diet.
 Ultimately, whether you consume meat is a personal choice and one that others should

Task 2. Choose the correct word in bold.

1. How many/much sugar would you like?

2. There is few/ little salt in this salad.

3. How many/ much meat sandwiches did you have for breakfast?

4. I didn’t eat many/ much sausages yesterday.

5. There is few/little orange juice in the jug. Will you give me more, please?

6. How many/ much tuna salad would you prefer to order?

7. You don’t have many/much sugar in your tea.

8. I don’t like too many/ much dressing for this dish.

9. How many/ much bacon do you need?

10. We don’t have many/ muchice creams for the party.

Would you like some more…….?

No, thanks. Too many/much……
fly swatter

Fill in the gaps using the words in the box.

connective tissue, fibres, cells, sources, tissue, solutions,
structure, muscle, pigments, tenderness
1. Meats represent one of the most popular _______ of protein. 2. An examination

of meat _______ enables us to form a picture of the parts. 3. The muscle ______

are tubelike in structure and tapering at each end. 4. These are held together by the

so called _______. 5. Fat _______ may be found held within the meshes of the

connective tissue. 6. Bundles of muscles fibres are held to the bony _______ of the

animal by dense strands of connective tissues called tendons. 7. Within the muscle

fibres are _______ of salts, vitamins A and B complex and others in small

quantities, enzymes and certain proteins — myosin (globulin), myogen (albumin)

and derived proteins. 8. The muscle fibres of red meat contain more hemoglobin

and muscle ________ than the light or colourless meat. 9. Glycogen and dextrose

are present in greater or lesser amount in all _______ fibre. 10. The location and

distribution of the fat greatly affect the ________ of the meat.

. Math the word with its definition.

1. aging 1. the fat from hogs after rendering

2. myosin 2. albumin

3. meat 3. bony collagen

4. tissue 4. connection of the protein and the pigment hematin

5. myogen 5. ripening

6. hemoglobin 6. texture

7. glycogen 7. flesh

8. lard 8. carbohydrate

9. ossein 9. globulin

10. carcass 10. a body of a slaughtered animal

1. pickle a.thick white fat used in cooking

2. brine b. to preserve food in vinegar and salt

3. treatment c. to cook something slowly

4. solution d. processing

5. steam e. a liquid in which a solid or a gas has been dissolved

6. stew

7. lard g. the mist that hot water produces

h. salty water, often used for preserving food

1. Поживна цінність м’яса визначається його хімічним складом,

калорійністю, смаковими якостями та травленням.

2. До складу м’яса входять вода, білки, жири, вуглеводи, екстрактивні

речовини, мінеральні солі, вітаміни.

3. Хімічний склад м’яса залежить від виду і угодованості тварини, її

породи, статі, віку, від кормового раціону.

4. М’ясо різних частин однієї і тієї ж туші дуже відрізняється за своїм

хімічним складом.

5. Білки є найважливішою складовою м’яса.

6. М’ясними напівфабрикатами називаються вироби, що завчасно

підготовлені для теплової обробки.

7. Еластин міститься в еластичних волокнах.

8. Колаген є найбільш розповсюдженим білком в усіх різновидах сполучної


9. Альбуміни та глобуліни відносяться до білків сполучної тканини.

10. Кісткова тканина в цілому складається із мінеральних та органічних


11. Жир не тільки підвищує калорійність м’яса, але й впливає на його колір,

смак, аромат, соковитість.

Is an argument between two vegans, still called a beef?


When the waitress asked how we’d like our steaks, I said, “Medium”, my

husband said, “Medium”, and our seven-year-old son said trustingly, “Large”.


There are different methods of preservation. They are: drying, smoking, salting, curing, refrigeration,
freezing, canning, freeze-drying and irradiation.

Drying-removal of moisture from meat from its original water content toabout 15%.

Smoking-process of subjecting meat to the action of smoke and heat generated by burning hard

wood and or saw dust. Salting-simple method of dehydration in the salt causes the withdrawal of

water from the tissue of both meat and spoilage organisms.

Curing-application of salt, sugar, nitrite (potassium or sodium nitrite) and other preservation and adjuncts.

Refrigeration-exposure of meat to the range of 36° to 50°F [2°C-10°C] to

retard mold and bacterial growth for a limited period only.

Freezing-exposure of meat to a temperature rang of 0°F to 32°F [-18°C-0°C] resulting to crystallization of

the water in the tissues, thus, inactivating the enzymes and the bacteria present.
Canning-hermetic or air tight sealing of food in cans or jars and heating under pressure (pressure cooker,
retort, autoclave) to reach temperature above

100°C at specific period of time.

Freeze-drying-removal of moisture from the tissues by sublimation or the

transformation of the moisture content into gas without passing the liquid state.

Irradiation-transfer of extremely large amount of energy to effect very rapid and

selective biological and chemical changes in meat.

Thanks people for coming

I’d like to take an opportunity to thank you for coming here today…
Beginning and stating objectives
Right, let’s make a start./
The object/subject of today’s talk is to…
I have four main points…
Introduce another speaker
Annie will be telling you about…
/Paul is now going to take over…
Recognising knowledge
You are certainly aware…
As you know…
Refer to a diagram/figures
I’d like to draw your attention to…
As you can see…
Enumerate points
To begin with/
First of all
To conclude/
In conclusion
Giving an example
As an illustration
Moving to another topic
This brings me/us to the key issue…
So to recap…
In conclusion
I’d like to finish/end/wind up by saying…
Before I finish I’d finally like to say..

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