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1 24 hrs. Urinary Protein 80.00 15 HbA1C (Glycosylated Haemoglobin) 310.00

2 Seminal Analysis 60.00 16 LE Cell Count 40.00

3 Stool Concentration Method for Ova 30.00 17 MCH(Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin) 30.00
MCHC(Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin
4 Stool for OBT(Occult Blood Test) 20.00 18 30.00
5 Stool for Reducing substance 20.00 19 MCV(Mean Corpuscular Volume) 30.00

6 Stool pH 20.00 20 MF(Microfilaria) 40.00

7 Stool RE(Routine Examination) 30.00 21 MP(Malaria Parasites) 30.00

8 Urine for Acetone/Ketonebody 20.00 22 PCV(Packed Cell Volume) 30.00

9 Urine for Bence Jones Protein 30.00 23 Platelet/Thrombocyte Count 30.00

10 Urine for Bile Salt/ Bile Pigment 20.00 24 Prothrombin Time(PT) with INR 70.00

11 Urine for OBT (Occult Blood Test) 20.00 25 RBC Count 30.00

12 Urine for Porphobilinogen/Urobilinogen 20.00 26 RBC Morphology 30.00

13 Urine for Protein/Albumin 20.00 27 Reticulocyte Count 40.00

14 Urine for Reducing Substance 20.00 28 TC & DC 30.00

15 Urine for Sugar 30.00 29 TC(Total Leucocyte Count) 30.00

16 Urine RE(Routine Examination) 30.00 30 TC, DC & ESR 50.00


1 Abnormal cell 30.00 32 TC, DC & MP 50.00

2 Absolute Eosinophil Count 30.00 33 TC,DC, ESR & MP 60.00

3 Absolute Neutrophil Count 30.00 34 TC, DC ESR, Hb & MP 60.00

4 APTT/Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time 110.00 35 TC,DC,ESR, Hb & Platelet Count 60.00

5 Band Cell 30.00 36 TC,DC, Hb & MP 60.00

6 BT(Bleeding Time) & CT(Clotting Time) 30.00 37 TC,DC,Hb & ESR 50.00

7 Complete Haemogram 100.00 38 Toxic Granules 30.00

8 Coombs Test Direct 60.00 SEROLOGY

9 Coombs Test Indirect 60.00 1 A,B,O (Blood Group) & Rh factor 40.00

10 DC(Differential Count) 30.00 2 Aldehyde Test 40.00

11 ESR(Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) 30.00 3 ASO(Anti Streptolysin-O) Test 220.00

12 G6PD Qualitative/Quantitative 210.00 4 CRP(C-Reactive Protein) Test 140.00

13 Hb(Haemoglobin) & MP 40.00 5 Dengue- IgG 350.00

14 Hb(Haemoglobin) 30.00 6 Dengue- IgM 350.00



7 Dengue- NS1 400.00 7 BUN(Blood Urea Nitrogen) 40.00

8 HBsAg(Australia Antigen) 110.00 8 CPK(Creatine Phospho Kinase) 160.00

9 HCV Rapid Test 300.00 9 Ca(Calcium) 60.00

10 HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies 250.00 10 Cardiac Enzyme 600.00

11 Malaria Pf & Pv Antigen 320.00 11 CI(Chloride) 80.00

12 Mantoux Test(PPD 5 TU & 10 TU) 50.00 12 CPK-MB 250.00

13 P. falciparum Antigen 150.00 13 Creatinine 40.00

14 Pregnancy Test/Pregcolor Test 70.00 14 Electrolytes(Na,K,CI & HCO) 300.00

15 RPR(Rapid Plasma Reagin) VDRL 50.00 15 GGT(Gamma GT) 100.00

16 RF(Rheumatoid Factor) Test 160.00 16 Glucose Fasting 30.00

17 Widal Test(Slide method) 60.00 17 Glucose PP(Post Prandial) 30.00

MICROBIOLOGY 18 Glucose Random 30.00

1 Antibiotic Sensitivity 50.00 19 GTT(Glucose Tolerance Test) 200.00

2 Eye Swab Culture 60.00 20 HBDH(LDH-1) 150.00

3 Gram Stain, Miscellaneous 40.00 21 HCO, (bIcarbonate) 110.00

4 Pus Culture 60.00 22 HDL- Cholesterol 100.00

5 Sputum Culture 60.00 23 Inorganic Phosphorus/Phosphate 70.00

6 Sputum for AFB/Z-N 100.00 24 K (Potassium) 80.00

7 Stool Culture 60.00 25 LDH(Lactate Dehydrogenase) 150.00

8 Throat Swab Culture 60.00 26 LDL- Cholesterol 110.00

9 Throat Swab for KLB 30.00 27 Lipase 250.00

10 Urethral Smear for GND 30.00 28 Lipid Profile 370.00

11 Urethral Smear for Gram Stain 30.00 29 LFT(Liver Function Test) with GGT 280.00

12 Urine Culture 60.00 30 Microalbumin 300.00

13 Wound Swab Culture 60.00 31 Mg(Magnesium) 60.00

BIOCHEMISTRY 32 Na(Sodium) 80.00

1 24 hrs. Urinary Creatinine 110.00 33 NPN(Non Protein Nitrogen) 30.00

2 24 hrs. Urinary Uric Acid 50.00 34 Serum Amylase 200.00

3 ACR(Albumin creatinine ratio) 300.00 35 SGOT/AST 50.00

4 Albumin & Globulin 60.00 36 SGPT/ALT 50.00

5 ALP(Alkaline Phosphatase) 60.00 37 Total Cholesterol 50.00

6 Bilirubin Total, Direct & Indirect 60.00 38 Total Protein & Albumin with A-G ratio 100.00



AHBe-T(Anti Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen-

39 Triglycerides 100.00 10 400.00

40 Urea 40.00 11 Hepatitis C Virus Antibody Total 350.00

41 Uric Acid 50.00 12 Anti Microsomal Antibody 380.00

42 VLDL-Cholesterol 100.00 13 Anti Nuclear Antibody (ANA/ANF) 300.00

HISTOPATHOLOGY & CYTOLOGY 14 A4(Androstenedione) 530.00

1 Biopsy per slide 200.00 15 Anti Phospolipid Antibody IgG 450.00

2 FNAC( Fine Niddle Aspiration Cytology) 250.00 16 Anti Phospolipid Antibody IgM 450.00

3 PAP Stain for Malignant Cells,Cervical Smear 300.00 17 APO-A1(Apolipoprotien A1)) 340.00

4 PAP Stain for Malignant Cells, Miscellaneous 60.00 18 APO-B(Apolipoprotien B) 340.00

5 Scraped Cytology 60.00 19 Anti Sperm Antibody 530.00

HORMONES 20 Anti Thyroglobulin Antibody 380.00

1 FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) 200.00 21 B-hCG(Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) 330.00

2 F-T3 (Free T3) 210.00 22 CA 125 (Ovarian Cancer Marker) 600.00

3 F-T4 (Free T4) 210.00 23 CA 15.3 (Breast Cancer Marker) 550.00

4 LH(Lutenising Hormone) 260.00 24 CA 19.9 (Pancreatic Cancer Marker) 550.00

5 PRL(Prolactin) 200.00 25 Complement 3 400.00

6 T3(Total Tri-iodothyronine) 150.00 26 Complement 4 400.00

7 T3, T4 & TSH 350.00 27 ANCA- PR3/e-ANCA 600.00

8 T4 (Total Thyroxine) 150.00 28 Carbamazepine/Tegretol 400.00

9 TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) 150.00 29 CD 4 & T Helper Cells Percentage of CD 3 950.00

SPECIAL TESTS 30 Carcino Embryonic Antigen 350.00

1 17-OH Plrogesterone 550.00 31 CMV(Cytomegalovirus) IgG 225.00

2 ACL-A(Anti Cardiolipin Antibody IgA) 330.00 32 CMV(Cytomegalovirus) IgM 225.00

3 ACL-G (Anti Cardiolipin Antibody IgG 330.00 33 Cortisol 350.00

4 ACL-M (Anti Cardiolipin Antibody IgM) 330.00 34 DHEA-S(Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulphate) 380.00

5 Anti Chlamydia Antibody IgG 400.00 35 Anti-ds DNA 350.00

6 Anti Chlamydia Antibody IgM 400.00 36 Estradiol/Estrogen 270.00

7 Anti Cyelie Citrullinated Peptide Antibody 600.00 37 Estriol 430.00

8 Angiotensin Converting Enzme 900.00 38 HBeAg(Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen) 430.00

9 Alpha Feto Protein 480.00 39 Folic Acid/ Folate 330.00



40 Free Prostate Specific Antigen 500.00 69 Rubella-IgM 280.00

41 Free Testosterone 550.00 70 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 480.00

42 Anti Hepatitis A Virus(HAV)- IgM 550.00 71 Anti Tuberculosis(TB)- IgA 250.00

43 Anti Hepatitis A Virus(HAV)- Total 450.00 72 Anti Tuberculosis(TB)- IgG 250.00

44 HLA-B-27 Typing 850.00 73 Anti Tuberculosis(TB)- IgM 250.00

45 AHBc-IgM(Anti Hepatitis B core Antigen-IgM) 400.00 74 Testosterone 340.00

46 AHBc-T(Anti Hepatitis B Core Antigen-Total 400.00 75 Thyroglobulin 380.00

47 AHBc-T(Anti Hepatitis B Surface Antigen-Total 400.00 76 Total Iron Binding Capacity 230.00

48 HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) IgG 250.00 77 Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutination Assay 350.00

49 HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) IgM 250.00 78 Tissue Transglutaminase-IgA 400.00

50 Anti Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) IgM 530.00 79 Toxoplasma Gondii(TOXO) IgG 280.00
51 Human Growth Hormone 330.00 80 Toxoplasma Gondii(TOXO) IgM 280.00

52 Homocystine 800.00 81 Valproic Acid 450.00

53 PAP(papanicolaou) Smear 300.00 82 Hemoglobin Alkaline & Acid Electrophoresis 400.00

54 HSV-1(Herpes Simples Virus I) IgG 250.00 83 Serum Protein Electrophoresis 330.00

55 HSV-II(Herpes Simplex Virus I) IgM 250.00 84 Western Blot 1530.00

56 HSV-II(Herpes Simplex Virus II) IgG 250.00

57 HSV-II(Herpes Simplex Virus II) IgM 250.00 MISCELLANEOUS

58 IgA (Immunoglobulin A) 430.00

59 IgG (Immunoglobulin G 450.00 1 Ferritin 350.00

60 IgM(Immunoglobulin M) 450.00 2 Insulin 350.00

61 Iron 130.00 3 Microalbumin, Urine 300.00

62 Leptospira IgM 430.00 4 PSA(Prostate Specific Antigen), Total 260.00

63 Lipoprotein-a 350.00 5 Total IgE(Immunoglobulin E) 300.00

64 ANCA-MPO/p-ANCA 600.00 6 Vitamin B12/ Cyanocobalamin 370.00

65 Phenytoin/Dilantin/Eptoin 400.00 7 25-OH Vitamin D3 650.00

66 Progesterone 280.00

67 Intact Parathyroid Hormone 550.00 CONTRAST RADIOGRAPHY

68 Rubella- IgG 280.00

Ascending Urethrogram{Doctor's visit &
1 300.00
Dye extra)
2 Barium Meal Follow Through 700.00

3 Barium Meal Stomach & Duodenum 400.00

4 Barium Swallow of Oesophagus 400.00



HSG(Hysterosalpingogram)[Doctor's visit & Dye

6 ICR (Barium Meal Ileocaecal Region) 400.00 1 Abdomen AP/LAT 220.00

7 MCU (Micturating Cystourethrogram) 300.00 2 Chest AP/LAT/ OBL/PA(Each view) 110.00

8 Memography(Left/Rifht) 250.00 3 Left/Right Arm AP/LAT 150.00

SKULL RADIOGRAPHY 4 Left/Right Clavicle & Shoulder Joint AP/LAT 150.00
1 IOPA(Intra Oral Peri Apical) [per film] 40.00 5 Left/Right Clavicle AP/LAT 150.00

2 Left/Right Mandibular AP/LAT 150.00 6 Left/Right Clavicle Interior & Superior 150.00

3 Left/Right Mastoid AP/LAT 150.00 7 Left/Right Elbow AP/LAT 150.00

4 Left/Right Orbit AP/LAT 150.00 8 Left/Right Finger AP/LAT 150.00

5 Left/Right Scapula AP/LAT 150.00 9 Left/Right Forearm/Humerus AP/LAT 150.00

6 Left/Right Temporo Mandibular Joint(Open & Close) 150.00 10 Left/Right Hand AP/LAT 150.00

7 Nasal Bone LAT 150.00 11 Left/Right Shoulder AP/LAT/Axial 260.00

8 OPG(Orthopantomogram) 200.00 12 Left/Right Shoulder Joint AP/LAT 150.00

9 OPG(Orthopantomogram) with Report 350.00 13 Left/Right Wrist AP/LAT/OBL 260.00

10 PNS(Para Nasal Sinus) OM/LAT 220.00 14 Left/Right Wrist with Hand/Forearm AP/LAT 150.00

11 Skull AP/LAT 150.00 15 Soft Tissue Forearm/Humerus AP/LAT 150.00

SPINE RADIOGRAPHY 16 Soft Tissue Neck AP/LAT 150.00
1 Cervical Spine AP/LAT 150.00
2 Cervical Spine Extension/Flexion 150.00 RADIOGRAPHY(LOWER EXTREMITY)

3 Coccyx AP/LAT 150.00

4 Conedown Sacroilliac Joint AP/LAT 150.00 1 Bones(Two views in single plate) 150.00
5 Dorsal/Thoracic Spine AP/LAT 150.00 2 Coccyx AP/LAT 150.00

6 Dorsi Lumber/Thoraco Lumber Spine AP/LAT 260.00 3 KUB(Kidney, Ureter & Bladder) 220.00

7 Lumber Spine AP/LAT 150.00 4 Left/Right Foot AP/LAT 150.00

8 Lumbo Scaral Spine AP/LAT 150.00 5 Left/Right Ankle Joint AP/LAT 150.00

9 Sacroilliac Joint AP/OBL 260.00 6 Left/Right Calcaneum LAT/Axial 150.00

10 Sacrum & Coccyx AP/LAT 150.00 7 Left/Right Femur/Thaigh AP/LAT 150.00

11 Sacrum AP/LAT 150.00 8 Left/Right Foot/(Toe) AP/OBL 150.00

12 Whole Spine AP/LAT 600.00 9 Left/Right Heel AP/LAT/ Axial 260.00

10 Left/Right Hip AP/LAT 150.00

11 Left/Right Knee Joint AP/LAT 150.00

12 Left/Right Leg with Ankle AP/LAT 150.00



13 Left/Right Leg with Knee AP/LAT 150.00 DOPPLER STUDY

14 Left/Right Tibia Fibula/Leg AP/LAT 150.00

15 Pelvis AP/OBL 300.00 1 Carotid Doppler Study 1150.00

16 Pelvis with Both Hip AP 150.00 2 Doppler Study, Neck 750.00

ABDOMINAL SONOGRAPHY 3 Doppler Study, Renal Vessel System 1150.00

1 Follicular Study 650.00 4 Echo-Cardiography Plain 480.00

2 Hepato-Biliary system(Liver,Gallbladder & Pancreas) 330.00 5 Pregnancy Doppler Study 530.00

3 KUB(Kidney, Ureter & Bladder) 330.00 6 Echocardiography Doppler Study 780.00

4 KUBP(Kidney, Ureter & Bladder & Pelvis) 330.00 12 Pregnancy with Anomaly Scan 750.00

5 KUBP(Kidney, Ureter & Bladder & Prostate) 330.00

6 Lower Abdomen 330.00 MISCELLANEOUS

7 lower Abdomen Screening 170.00

8 USG of Pelvis 330.00 1 ECG(Electrocardiogram) 60.00

9 Pelvis Screening 170.00 2 Endoscopy Upper Gastro Intestine(GI) 500.00

10 Pelvis with TVS 530.00 3 Endoscopy Routine 50.00

11 Pregnancy 330.00 4 Master Check-up 900.00

12 Pregnancy Screening 170.00 5 NCV Facial Nerve 750.00

13 Pregnancy with TVS 530.00 6 NCV Lower/Upper Limbs 500.00

14 Upper Abdomen 330.00 7 NCV Both Limbs 750.00

15 Upper Abdomen Screening 170.00 8 EMG Lower/Upper Limbs 900.00

16 Whole Abdomen 580.00 9 EMG Both Limbs 1200.00

17 Whole Abdomen Screening 300.00 10 EEG Sleep/Awake 400.00

HIGH RESOLUTION SONOGRAPHY 11 Master Check-up with Plate 1080.00

High Resolution Sonography(Single Joint)Ankle,
1 530.00
Hip, Knee, Shoulder etc
High Resolution Sonography(Single gland)
2 530.00 NEW TESTING
Salivary Gland, Thyroid
3 High Resolution Sonography 530.00 1 COLONOSCOPY 1200.00
4 High Resolution Sonography Muscle(Single site) 530.00

5 High Resolution Sonography Neonatal Brain 530.00

6 High Resolution Sonography Tendon (Single Site) 530.00

7 High Resolution Sonography Thorax/Chest 530.00

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