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Upward Pipe–Soil Interaction for Shallowly Buried

Pipelines in Dense Sand

Kshama Roy 1; Bipul Hawlader 2; Shawn Kenny 3; and Ian Moore, M.ASCE 4

Abstract: Uplift resistance is a key parameter against upheaval buckling in the design of a buried pipeline. The mobilization of uplift
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resistance in dense sand is investigated in the present study based on finite-element (FE) analysis. The prepeak hardening, postpeak softening,
density-dependent, and confining pressure–dependent soil behavior are implemented in FE analysis. The uplift resistance mobilizes with
progressive formation of shear bands. The vertical inclination of the shear band is approximately equal to the maximum dilation angle at the
peak and then decreases with upward displacement. The force–displacement curves can be divided into three segments: prepeak, quick
postpeak softening, and gradual reduction of resistance at large displacements. Simplified equations are proposed for mobilization of uplift
resistance. The results of FE analysis, simplified equations, and model tests are compared. The importance of postpeak degradation of uplift
resistance to upheaval buckling is discussed. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001957. © 2018 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Pipeline; Mohr-Coulomb model; Finite-element analyses; Dense sand; Upward movement.

Introduction (Dutta et al. 2015) or pipelines in ice gouging areas (Pike and
Kenny 2016).
Buried pipelines used for transporting oil usually operate at During installation of offshore pipelines in sand, ploughs de-
high temperature and pressure. Temperature-induced expansion, posit backfill soil in a loose to medium dense state (Cathie et al.
together with vertical out-of-straightness, might cause global up- 2005); however, it could be subsequently densified due to environ-
heaval buckling (UHB). Field evidence suggests that significantly mental loading. For example, Clukey et al. (1989) showed that the
large vertical upward displacement could occur in the buckled sec- sandy backfill of a test pipe section densified from relative density
tion and, in the worst cases, it might protrude above the ground sur- (Dr ) less than around 57% to around 85–90% in 5 months, which
face (Palmer et al. 2003). For example, Aynbinder and Kamershtein has been attributed to wave action at the test site in the Gulf of
(1982) showed that an approximately 70-m section of a buried Mexico. The uplift resistance offered by soil (Fv ) depends on up-
pipeline displaced vertically up to a maximum distance of around ward displacement (v) and generally consists of three components:
4.2 m above the ground surface. Sufficient restraint from the soil (1) submerged weight of soil being lifted (W s ); (2) vertical com-
above the pipeline could prevent excessive displacement and up- ponent of shearing resistance offered by the soil (Sv ); and (3) suc-
heaval buckling. Because burial is one of the main sources of tion under the pipe (Fsuc ). The component Fsuc could be neglected
pipeline installation cost, proper estimation of soil resistance is nec- for a drained loading condition at low uplift velocities (Bransby and
essary to select the burial depth—typically expressed as the embed- Ireland 2009; Wang et al. 2010).
ment ratio (H ~ ¼ H=D), where D is the diameter and H is the depth The force–displacement behavior is generally expressed in
of the center of the pipe. Pipelines embedded at 1 ≤ H ~ ≤ 4 in dense normalized form using N v ¼ Fv =γHD and v~ ¼ v=D, where γ is
sand are the focus of the present study, although it is understood the effective unit weight of soil, which is the dry unit weight in
that in some special scenarios H ~ could be outside this range, physical model tests and finite-element (FE) modeling of uplift
for example, for surface-laid offshore pipelines in deep water behavior presented in this study. Physical experiments showed that
N v increases with H~ and Dr (Trautmann 1983; Bransby et al. 2002;
Chin et al. 2006; Cheuk et al. 2008). A close examination of physi-
Pipeline Stress Specialist, Northern Crescent, Inc., 816 7 Ave. SW, ~ ≤ 4 shows that N v increases
cal model test results in dense sand at H
Calgary, AB, Canada T2P 1A1; formerly, Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of quickly with v~ and reaches the peak (N vp ) at v~ of around
Engineering and Applied Science, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Memorial
0.01–0.05. A quick reduction of N v occurs after the peak, followed
Univ. of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada A1B 3X5.
Professor and Research Chair in Seafloor Mechanics, Faculty of
~ The american lifelines alliance
by gradual reduction of N v at large v.
Engineering and Applied Science, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Memorial (ALA) guideline for design (ALA 2005) does not explicitly consider
Univ. of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada A1B 3X5 (corresponding the postpeak reduction of N v , and the maximum N v ¼ ϕ 0 H=44 ~ is
author). Email: bipul@mun.ca recommended, where ϕ is a representative angle of internal friction
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Design, Dept. of (in degrees). However, det norske veritas (DNV 2007) recognized
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton Univ., 1125 Colonel By the postpeak reduction of N v and recommended a N v –v~ relation us-
Dr., Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6. ing four linear line segments in which N v reduces linearly from the
Professor and Canada Research Chair in Infrastructure Engineering, peak to a residual value with v~ and then remains constant.
GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s—Royal Military College, Queen’s
The force–displacement curves obtained from model tests
Univ., Kingston, ON, Canada K7L 4V1.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 17, 2017; approved on
evolve from complex deformation mechanisms and the stress–
April 26, 2018; published online on August 23, 2018. Discussion period strain behavior of soil above the pipe. To understand these mech-
open until January 23, 2019; separate discussions must be submitted for anisms, the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique (White
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical et al. 2003) has been used in recent model tests (Cheuk et al. 2008;
and Geoenvironmental Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241. White et al. 2008; Thusyanthan et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2010).

© ASCE 04018078-1 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018078

When the peak uplift resistance mobilizes in medium to dense sand, Table 1. Equations for modified Mohr-Coulomb model
two inclined symmetric slip planes form in the backfill soil starting Description Constitutive equation
from the springline of the pipe (White et al. 2008). Although the
Relative density index I R ¼ I D ðQ − ln p 0 Þ − R
slip planes slightly curve outward, their inclination to the vertical
(θ) is approximately equal to the peak dilation angle (ψp ). The ver- where I D ¼ Dr ð%Þ=100 and 0 ≤ I R ≤ 4
tical inclination of slip planes decrease with v, ~ and they become Peak friction angle ϕp0 − ϕc0 ¼ Aψ I R
~ A model test conducted by Huang et al.
almost vertical at large v. ϕp0 − ϕc0
(2015) showed that θ gradually increases in the prepeak, reaches Peak dilation angle ψp ¼

around ψp at the peak N v , and then decreases in the postpeak zone. Strain-softening parameter γ pc ¼ C1 − C2 I D
PIV data provide very useful information on soil deformation  0 m
patterns; however, the progressive formation of shear bands in Plastic shear γ pp ¼ γ pc
strain at ϕp0 and ψp pa0
dense sand due to strain softening can be better explained by using " pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! #
2 γ p γ pp
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numerical modeling techniques. More specifically, the postpeak re- 0 0 −1 0 0

Mobilized friction ϕ ¼ ϕin þ sin sinðϕp − ϕin Þ
duction of N v , as recommended by DNV (2007), could be
angle in Zone 2 γ p þ γ pp
examined/revised, implementing an appropriate soil constitutive " pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! #
model that can simulate the strain-softening behavior of dense sand −1 2 γ p γ pp
Mobilized dilation ψ ¼ sin sinðψp Þ
and change in θ and cover depth with v. ~ The prepeak hardening, angle in Zone 2 γ p þ γ pp
postpeak softening, and relative-density and confining pressure de-   p  
pendent ϕ 0 and ψ are the common features of the stress–strain γ − γ pp 2
Mobilized friction ϕ 0 ¼ ϕc0 þ ðϕp0 − ϕc0 Þ exp −
behavior of dense sand. In addition, the mode of shearing [triaxial angle in Zone 3 γ pc
(TX) or plane strain (PS)] significantly influences ϕ 0 and ψ. All of γ − γ pp 2
these features of the stress–strain behavior of dense sand have not Mobilized dilation ψ ¼ ψp exp −
angle in Zone 3 γ pc
been considered in the available guidelines or FE analyses. A large  0 n
number of FE analyses has been conducted using the Mohr- Young’s modulus E ¼ Kpa0
Coulomb (MC) model with constant ϕ 0 and ψ and therefore cannot
model the postpeak reduction of N v , except for the reduction due to Source: Data from Roy et al. (2016).
changes in cover depth (Yimsiri et al. 2004; Farhadi and Wong Note: Zones 1, 2, and 3 represent the elastic, prepeak hardening, and
2014). Yimsiri et al. (2004) also used an advanced soil model postpeak softening of the stress–strain curve, respectively [Fig. 1(b)].
(Nor-Sand); however, they could not simulate the significant reduc-
tion of N v as observed in model tests. Chakraborty and Kumar The novel aspects of the MMC model compared with models of
(2014) used the MC model for the lower-bound FE limit analysis. similar type used in pipe–soil interaction analysis (e.g., Jung et al.
Jung et al. (2013) incorporated linear reduction of ϕ 0 and ψ after the 2013; Pike 2016) is that the nonlinear variation of prepeak and
peak with plastic shear strain; however, they did not consider pre- postpeak ϕ 0 and ψ with γ p are defined with smooth transitions
peak hardening. Jung et al. (2013) also showed the importance of at the peak and critical state. This has a considerable influence
using PS strength parameters for pipe–soil interaction. on the uplift force–displacement response of a buried pipeline be-
In addition to physical and numerical modeling, limit equilib- cause the size of the failure wedge and soil resistance to upward
rium and plasticity solutions have also been proposed to calculate movement of the pipe depend on ϕ 0 and ψ.
the normalized peak uplift resistance, N vp (Merifield et al. 2001;
White et al. 2008). Because soil in these solutions is constrained to
satisfy normality (i.e., θ ¼ ψ ¼ ϕ 0 ), the plasticity solutions give a Finite-Element Modeling
more nonconservative uplift resistance than the limit equilibrium Two-dimensional FE analyses in plane strain condition are per-
solutions with θ ¼ ψp (<ϕ 0 ) (White et al. 2008). formed using Abaqus/Explicit FE software. Fig. 1 shows the typical
The objective of the present study is to conduct FE analysis to FE mesh at the start of uplifting. Taking advantage of symmetry,
examine uplift behavior of shallow buried pipelines in dense sand only half of the domain is modeled. A dense mesh is used near the
(H~ ≤ 4). An advanced soil constitutive model is adopted in FE
pipe (Zone A), where considerable soil deformation is expected. To
analysis to simulate not only the peak but also the postpeak uplift avoid mesh distortion issues at large displacements, an adaptive
resistance. The FE model is validated against a physical model test remeshing option in Abaqus is adopted in Zone A, which creates
and numerical results. A set of empirical equations is proposed to a new smooth mesh at a regular interval to maintain a good aspect
develop the uplift resistance versus displacement curve, including ratio of the elements. In Abaqus/Explicit, the adaptive meshing is
the postpeak degradation at large displacements. Finally, by con- performed using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method without
ducting FE analysis for structural response, the importance of changing the number of elements, nodes, and connectivities. The
postpeak uplift resistance on upheaval buckling is shown. bottom of the FE domain is restrained from horizontal and vertical
movement, and all the vertical faces are restrained from any lateral
movement. Mesh sensitivity analyses are performed to select an
Modeling of Soil optimal mesh (Roy 2017).
Four-node bilinear plane strain quadrilateral elements (CPE4R
MC and modified Mohr-Coulomb (MMC) models are used in this in Abaqus) are used for modeling the soil. The pipe is modeled as
study. In the MMC model, ϕ 0 and ψ vary with relative density (Dr ), a rigid body. The bottom and left boundaries are placed at a suffi-
mean effective stress (p 0 ), and accumulated plastic shear strain ciently large distance from the pipe to avoid boundary effects on
(γ p ). The details of the MMC model, including the required param- uplift behavior.
eters and calibration against laboratory test data, have been given The pipe–soil interface is modeled by defining the interface fric-
by Roy et al. (2016). The mathematical equations are listed in tion coefficient (μ) as μ ¼ tanðϕμ Þ, where ϕμ is the pipe–soil inter-
Table 1. face friction angle; ϕμ depends on pipe surface roughness and ϕ 0 of

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018078

(Dense mesh) Depends on


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≈ 2.2D

4.2D 2.8D D
(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Finite-element modeling: (a) finite-element mesh; and (b) mobilized friction and dilation angles.

the soil around the pipe. With loading, the soil elements around the silica sand was pulled up slowly at 10 mm=h to capture soil de-
pipe experience high shear strains that cause a reduction of ϕ 0 . formation using two digital cameras. However, in FE modeling,
Therefore, assuming a looser soil condition, μ ¼ 0.32 is used. the pipe is pulled at approximately 10 mm=s by maintaining
Furthermore, μ has a little influence on the uplift resistance and quasi-static simulation conditions.
μ ¼ 0.2–0.6 gives less than 2% variation in the peak resistance. Direct shear tests show that Leighton Buzzard (LB) silica sands
The numerical analysis is conducted in two steps. In the first step, has ϕc0 of 32° (Cheuk et al. 2008). Because ϕc0 in PS condition could
geostatic stress is applied under K 0 ¼ 0.5, where K 0 is the at-rest be around 2°–4° higher than in direct shear conditions (Lings and
earth pressure coefficient. The value of K 0 does not significantly Dietz 2004), ϕc0 ¼ 35° is used, which is around 3° higher than DS
affect the uplift resistance in FE analysis (Jung et al. 2013). tests results reported by Cheuk et al. (2008). For quartz and sili-
In the second step, the pipe is displaced up by specifying a displace- ceous sands, Q is around 10  1 (Bolton 1986; Randolph et al.
ment boundary condition at the reference point (center of the pipe). 2004). Although the values are within this range, Chakraborty
The MMC model is implemented in Abaqus by developing a and Salgado (2010) showed a trend of increasing Q with initial
user subroutine VUSDFLD written in FORTRAN. The stress and confining pressure (<196 kPa). In this study, Q ¼ 10 and R ¼ 1 are
strain components are called in the subroutine in each time incre- used. Bolton (1986) suggested Aψ ¼ 5 and kψ ¼ 0.8 for PS con-
ment. The mean effective stress (p 0 ) is calculated from the three ditions based on analysis of a large number of laboratory tests
principal stresses. The strain components are transferred to the prin- results on different sands. Roy et al. (2016) calibrated the present
cipal strain components and stored as state variables. The plastic MMC model against laboratory test results on Cornell filter (CF)
strain increment (Δγ p ) in each time increment is calculated as sand and obtained the values of C1 , C2 , and m to model the varia-
Δγ p ¼ ðΔεp1 − Δεp3 Þ, where Δεp1 and Δεp3 are the major and minor tion of ϕ 0 and ψ with γ p , and then conducted a FE simulation of the
principal plastic strain components, respectively. The value of γ p physical model tests of Trautmann (1983). Cheuk et al. (2008) did
is calculated as the sum of Δγ p over the period of analysis. In not provide any stress–strain curve of LB sand used in the physical
the subroutine, γ p and p 0 are defined as two field variables. The modeling. Both of these physical model test programs used
mobilized ϕ 0 and ψ are defined in the input file as a function of
uniform/poorly graded sand, although the mean particle size (D50 )
γ p and p 0 in tabular form, using the equations in Table 1. During
of the coarse fraction of LB sand is larger (D50 of around 2.24 mm)
the analysis, the program accesses the subroutine and updates the
in Cheuk et al. (2008) than that of CF sand (D50 of around 0.5 mm)
values of ϕ 0 and ψ with field variables. Although I D is not updated
in Trautmann (1983). However, based on laboratory test results,
in each time increment, the volumetric change in soil elements
Cheuk et al. (2008) recognized a minimal influence of particle size
due to shearing and its effects on ϕ 0 and ψ are captured in the
on frictional characteristics of LB sands—the peak and critical state
MMC model.
friction angles are 52° and 32°, respectively, for a coarse and a
fine fraction of LB sand. Furthermore, in Cheuk et al. (2008),
Model Verification the force–displacement curves for the coarse and fine fractions
of LB sands were similar, including the peak and postpeak degra-
A FE simulation is first performed for a physical model test con- dation. Therefore, in the present study, the values of C1 , C2 , and m
ducted by Cheuk et al. (2005, 2008) at the University of Cambridge of LB sand are assumed to be the same as CF sand. Table 2 provides
and is called the CD (coarse dense sand) test. A 100-mm-diameter the geotechnical parameters used in FE analyses. Fig. 1(b) shows
model pipe section embedded at H ~ ¼ 3 in dry Leighton Buzzard the typical variation of ϕ 0 and ψ with plastic shear strain.

© ASCE 04018078-3 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018078

Table 2. Geometry and soil parameters used in the FE analyses after softening uplift resistances, respectively. The dimensionless
Parameter Model test (parametric study) uplift displacement, v, ~ required to mobilize N vp and N vs , are de-
fined as v~ p and v~ s , respectively.
External diameter of pipe, D (mm) 100 (300, 500)
The mobilization of N v shown in Fig. 2 could be explained from
K 150
n 0.5
progressive development of q shear bands, the zones of localized
3 p p
ν soil 0.2 plastic shear strain, γ p ¼ ∫ t0 2 ðϵ̇ij ϵ̇ij dtÞ, where ϵ̇pij is the plastic
Aψ 5
kψ 0.8
deviatoric strain rate tensor [Figs. 3(a–e)]. At N vp , plastic shear
ϕin0 (degrees) 29 strain mainly develops locally in an inclined shear band originating
C1 0.22 from the springline of the pipe; however, the shear band does not
C2 0.11 reach the ground surface for formation of a complete slip mecha-
m 0.25 nism [Fig. 3(a)]. The inclination of the shear band to the vertical (θ)
Critical state friction angle, ϕc0 (degrees) 35 is obtained by drawing a line from the pipe surface through the
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Relative density, Dr (%) 92 highly concentrated γ p zone. White et al. (2008) suggested that
Unit weight, γ (kN=m3 ) 16.87 θ ∼ ψp when the peak resistance is mobilized. Because ψp varies
Interface friction coefficient, μ 0.32
~ with p 0 (Table 1), they calculated a single representative value of
Depth of pipe, H 3 (1, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5, 4.0)
the peak dilation angle (ψRp ) using the in situ p 0 at the springline of
Note: Numbers in parenthesis in right column show the values used for the pipe [ð1 þ 2K 0 ÞγH=3]. For the geotechnical parameters listed
parametric study.
in Table 2, ψRp ¼ 25°, which is approximately the same as θ ob-
tained from the present FE analysis [Fig. 3(a)]. The complete slip
mechanism develops at v~ > v~ p when a considerable postpeak deg-
4 radation of N v occurs [Fig. 3(b)]. Similar types of curved failure
A' planes shown in Figs. 3(b–e) were also observed in model tests
B' (Stone and Newson 2006; Cheuk et al. 2008; Huang et al. 2015).
3.5 The formation of complete slip planes after v~ p can be attributed
ALA 2005 to noticeable vertical displacement of the ground surface after
A C'
3 =45 N vp in model tests (Dickin 1994; Bransby et al. 2002; Huang
B D' =40 et al. 2015).
Normalized force, Nv

2.5 DNV 2007 E' Although it is a different type of loading, because of progressive
development of shear bands, the attainment of peak load before the
C D formation of a complete failure mechanism was also found in
2 E model tests and numerical modeling for footing in dense sand
(Tatsuoka et al. 1991; Aiban and Znidarčić 1995; Loukidis and
1.5 Salgado 2011). However, in the simplified limit equilibrium
method (LEM), a complete slip mechanism is assumed to calculate
1 the peak load irrespective of burial depth; for example, White et al.
(2008) used the LEM to fit test data for H ~ < 8.0.
Cheuk et al. 2008 The slight increases in N v in Segment CD in Fig. 2 can be ex-
0.5 Present FE analysis (MMC) plained using γ p plots in Figs. 3(a–d). In Segment ABC of the
Present FE analysis (MC)
N v –v~ curve, the shear resistance (τ f ) gradually reduces along
0 the inclined shear band that was formed during initial upward dis-
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
placement [e.g., Figs. 3(a–c)]. However, the location of the shear
Normalized displacement, band shifts considerably to the right at v~ of around 0.18–0.4. Be-
cause the new shear bands form through the soil where τ f has not
Fig. 2. Comparison between FE simulation and model test results. been reduced by softening, N v increases slightly in Segment CD.
After Point D, the location of the shear band does not change sig-
nificantly with v~ (θ remains at around 8°). Therefore, the gradual
Force–Displacement Behavior decreases of N v with v~ after Point D is due to strain softening in the
shear band and the reduction of soil cover depth.
Fig. 2 shows the FE simulated force–displacement curves for Fig. 2 also shows that an FE simulated N v –v~ curve with the
H~ ¼ 3, on which the points of interest for further explanation are MMC model compares well with the model test results of Cheuk
labeled A–E for the MMC and A 0 –E 0 for the MC model. Adaptive et al. (2008). A slight increase in N v after a quick postpeak reduc-
meshing could not maintain a high-quality mesh at a very large pipe tion is also observed in model tests at intermediate depth of embed-
displacement. Therefore, the force–displacement curves only up ment, as in the one shown in Fig. 2 and also in other studies
to v~ ¼ 1.0 are presented in this study. For MMC, N v increases (Bransby et al. 2002; Stone and Newson 2006; Chin et al. 2006;
quickly and reaches the peak at v~ of around 0.03 and then quickly Cheuk et al. 2008; Saboya et al. 2012; Eiksund et al. 2013; Huang
decreases to Point C, primarily due to the strain-softening behavior et al. 2015). However, it does not happen at shallow burial depths.
of soil. After a slight increase between Points C and D, N v de- A similar trend is also observed in model tests for the bearing
creases again at a slower rate than in Segment AC. In the present capacity of footing in sand, which has been attributed to
study, Segment AC of the N v –v~ curve is termed the softening progressive formation of slip planes (Aiban and Znidarčić 1995).
segment, and the segment after Point C is called the large defor- The vertical inclination of the shear band gradually reduces with
mation segment. The values of N v at the peak and after softening ~ and at v~ ¼ 0.32, θ is around 8° [Fig. 3(c)]. However, θ does
(i.e., Points A and C) are defined as N vp (¼ Fvp =γHD) and N vs not reduce further at v~ > 0.32 [Figs. 3(c–e)]. As discussed sub-
(¼ Fvs =γHD), respectively, where Fvp and Fvs are the peak and sequently, in the limit analysis θ ¼ 0 is assumed at large v; ~

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018078

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Fig. 3. Shear band formation: (a–e) modified Mohr-Coulomb model corresponding to the points A–E marked at Fig. 2; and (f–j) Mohr-Coulomb
model corresponding to the points A'–E' marked at Fig. 2.

however, the present FE analysis shows that the shear band does not simulation with the MMC model and physical model test results.
become completely vertical even at large v~ (e.g., v~ ¼ 0.5). Because In order to explain this force–displacement behavior, γ p at five v~
of change in mobilized ϕ 0 and ψ with loading, the failure mecha- is plotted in Figs. 3(f–j). The inclination of the shear band (θ)
nism changes from an inclined slip plane [Fig. 3(b)] to a flow remains almost constant (around 25°) during the whole process
around mechanism [Fig. 3(e)], which is also indicated by the veloc- of upward displacement of the pipe. The linear postpeak reduction
ity vectors in the inset of Fig. 2. Based on PIV results, similar fail- of N v with the MC model is due to the reduction of cover depth
ure mechanisms have been reported from physical experiments with v. ~
(Bransby et al. 2002; Cheuk et al. 2008). In summary, the postpeak reduction of N v with the MMC model
for this burial depth occurs due to the combined effects of three
factors: (1) decreases in size of the failure wedge, (2) reduction
Limitations of Mohr-Coulomb Model of shear resistance with γ p , and (3) reduction of cover depth.
To show the advantages of the MMC model, FE simulation is also The MC model cannot capture the effects of the former two. How-
performed with the MC model. Based on Cheuk et al. (2005, 2008) ever, the proposed MMC model can simulate the effects of all three
laboratory test results ϕ 0 ¼ 52° and ψ ¼ 25° are used for the MC factors. Moreover, the simulations with the MMC model are similar
model. Although not explicitly mentioned in the design guidelines, to physical model test results.
equivalent values for these two parameters should be carefully se- DNV (2007) suggested the following equations to develop the
lected because they vary with γ p . In general, the equivalent values force–displacement curve for dense sand for 2.5 ≤ H ~ ≤ 8.5 where
of ϕ 0 and ψ should be smaller than the peak and higher than the N vp ¼ 1 þ fH; ~ N vs ¼ 1 þ αf fH; ~ v~ p ¼ ð0.5%–0.8%ÞH; ~ and
critical state values. A number of previous studies simulated pipe– v~ s ¼ 3v~ p . The prepeak behavior is defined by a bilinear relation,
soil interaction using constant equivalent values of ϕ 0 and ψ for the where the slope changes at ðβ v~ p ; αN vp Þ. Based on the DNV (2007)
MC model (e.g., Yimsiri et al. 2004). An equivalent ϕ 0 has also recommendations for dense sand, f ¼ 0.6, αf ¼ 0.75, v~ p ¼
been recommended for other geotechnical problems in dense sand, 0.008H, ~ α ¼ 0.75, and β ¼ 0.2; the force–displacement curve is
for example, the bearing capacity of shallow foundations (Loukidis plotted in Fig. 2. Although only one test is simulated, DNV
and Salgado 2011) and the lateral capacity of pile foundations (2007) gave considerably lower N vp, higher N vs, and lower v~ s than
(API 1987). the physical model test and present FE results with the MMC
Fig. 2 shows that the MC model calculates slightly higher N vp model.
than the MMC model. This difference will be reduced if lower The maximum N v based on ALA (2005) (¼ ϕ 0 H=44) ~ is shown
equivalent values of ϕ 0 and ψ are considered. However, the by two horizontal arrows on the right vertical axis for two ϕ 0 . ALA
key observation is that N v decreases almost linearly with v~ after (2005) requires a constant equivalent ϕ 0 and does not consider any
the peak for the MC model, which is very different from the postpeak reduction of resistance.

© ASCE 04018078-5 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018078

A number of studies and design guidelines discussed v~ p and
FE analysis (MMC)
4 N vp , and therefore, a very brief discussion of these two values
Proposed equation
is provided. In general, v~ p decreases with the increase of Dr and
3.5 increases with H ~ (Trautmann 1983; Dickin 1994; ALA 2005;
DNV 2007). Cheuk et al. (2008) found v~ p is around 0.03H or
Normalized force, Nv

0.01H from model tests on dense sands. For the range of soil prop-
2.5 erties and burial depths considered in the present FE analysis, v~ p
does not vary significantly with H ~ between 1 and 4. However, FE
2 simulations show a significant increase in v~ p with H ~ for deep burial
conditions (Roy et al. 2018). Fig. 5 shows that N vp for the MMC
model increases almost linearly with H. ~ Moreover, N vp obtained
1 from the present FE analysis is comparable with available physical
model tests and FE results.
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0.5 s~0.14–0.24 The mobilized N v after a quick postpeak reduction (i.e., N vs ),

shown by the squares in Fig. 4, increases with H. ~ However, unlike
0 ~
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ~vp , the displacement at N vs (i.e., v~ s ) increases with H.
Normalized displacement,

Fig. 4. Comparison between simplified equations and FE results for Proposed Simplified Equations for Uplift
different H. Force–Displacement Curve

The solid lines in Fig. 4 show the proposed N v –v~ relation for sim-
plified analysis, which consists of a bilinear curve up to N vs fol-
lowed by a slightly nonlinear curve at large displacements. DNV
9 (2007) recommended that N v remains constant after N vs (Fig. 2).
Present FE analysis (MMC, D=100mm) [90%] The parameters required to define the proposed N v –v~ relation are
Wang et al., 2010 (Centrifuge, D=258mm) [Saturated, 85%]
Trautmann, 1983 (Laboratory test, D=102mm)[80%] Fvp , vp , Fvs , and vs .
Bransby et al.,2002 (Laboratory test, D=48mm)
Dickin, 1994 (Centrifuge, D=1000mm) [77%]
Chin et al., 2006 (Centrifuge, D=190mm) [85%] Peak Resistance
7 Cheuk et al., 2008 (Centrifuge, D=100mm) [92%]
Saboya et al., 2012 (Centrifuge, D=500 mm) [70%] Depending on slip plane formation, inclined and vertical slip
Yimsiri et al., 2004 (FE, MC, D=102mm)[80%]
plane models are commonly used to calculate uplift resistance
Peak dimensionless force, Nvp

6 Yimsiri et al., 2004 (FE, NorSand, D=102mm)[80%]

Jung et al., 2013 (FE, MC, D=102mm) [80%] (Schaminee et al. 1990; White et al. 2008). In the latter one, the
ALA (2005) [φ'=45°, 40°] slip plane forms at an angle θ to the vertical, whereas θ ¼ 0 in
5 the former one. Experimental studies show that the vertical slip
plane model is primarily applicable to loose sand at medium H ~
4 (White et al. 2001; Wang et al. 2010). For dense sand, two sym-
metrical inclined slip planes form from the springline of the pipe at
θ ∼ ψRp (White et al. 2008; Huang et al. 2015).
Based on LEM, the peak uplift resistance (Fvp ) can be calcu-
lated from an inclined slip plane model as the sum of the weight of
2 the lifted soil wedge (W s ) and the vertical component of shearing
resistance along the two inclined planes (Sv )
DNV (2007) [f=0.5, 0.6]
Fvp ¼ γD2 H ~ − π þH ~ 2 tan θ þ FA H~2 ð1Þ
0 1 2 3 4 5  
1 þ K 0 ð1 − K 0 Þ cos 2θ
FA ¼ ðtan ϕp0 − tan θÞ − ð2Þ
2 2
Fig. 5. Comparison of peak uplift force from numerical analysis and
physical model tests. Eqs. (1) and (2) are derived assuming that the inclined slip sur-
faces reach the ground surface when Fvp mobilizes, causing global
failure of the soil block. The first part of the right-hand side of
Eq. (1) represents the contribution of W s and the second part is
Effect of Burial Depth for Sv.
The lifting of the pipe reduces the cover depth and inclined
Fig. 4 shows the force–displacement curves for H ~ ¼ 1–4. FE mod- length of slip planes, although it does not have significant effects
eling for H ~ > 4 has been given by Roy et al. (2018). Although the on Fvp because v~ p is very small. However, lifting has a significant
simulation is performed for every H ~ ¼ 0.5 interval, only four effect on Fvs , as discussed in the subsequent sections. In order to be
curves are shown in Fig. 4 for clarity. Three key features of the consistent in the proposed equations for the peak and postpeak
N v –v~ curves are (1) although N vp (open circles) increases with resistances [Eqs. (3) and (4)], the lifting effect is also incorporated
~ v~ p is around 0.03 for the cases analyzed; (2) v~ s increases with
H, in the following revised equation for the peak resistance. In other
H; and (3) the slope of the curve at large deformation (i.e., after words, the uplift resistance is calculated based on the current
squares) decreases with H. ~ position of the pipe (H ~ − v~ p )

© ASCE 04018078-6 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018078

~ − v~ p Þ − π ~ − v~ p Þ2 tan θ effect, FE simulations are performed for a varying embedment ratio
Fvp ¼ RγD2 ðH þ ðH ~ ¼ 1–4), diameter (D ¼ 100–500 mm), and relative density of
8 (H
 dense sand (Dr ¼ 80–90%). It is found that a change in Dr in this
~ − v~ p Þ2
þ F A ðH ð3Þ range has minimal influence on pipeline response because ϕp0 and
ψp remain the same, with I R ¼ 4.0 at a low mean stress and high
relative density (Bolton 1986), although γ pp slightly decreases with
The reduction factor R is discussed in the following sections. an increase in Dr (first four equations in Table 1). The proposed
MMC model should not be applicable to loose to medium dense
sands because it cannot capture the volumetric compression due
Effects of Shear Band Formation on Peak Resistance to shear.
Fig. 6(a) shows the mobilized ϕ 0 and formation of slip planes for Fig. 6(b) shows that the reduction factor R (¼ Fvp FE =Fvp LEM )
four embedment ratios. Here, θ ∼ ψRp ¼ 25° is used to define the decreases with an increase in embedment ratio, which is because of
soil wedge in the LEM. The slip planes in FE simulations are lo- overestimation of W s and ϕ 0 in the LEM as discussed previously.
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cated on the right side of this line and curve outward near the Moreover, R is almost independent of pipe diameter. The overesti-
ground surface. Therefore, the weight of the lifted soil wedge is mation of uplift resistance in LEM is significant at large embed-
less in FE simulations than the LEM, especially for a large H ~ ment ratios—for example, the LEM calculates an approximately
(e.g., H~ ¼ 4). Moreover, although ϕ 0 ¼ ϕp0 is used in the LEM, 22% higher peak resistance than FE calculated value for H ~ ¼ 4.
this is valid only for a small segment of the slip plane [e.g., near
Point A in Fig. 6(a) for H ~ ¼ 3]. Below this point, ϕ 0 < ϕp0 because
Uplift Resistance after Initial Softening
the large plastic shear strain (γ p ) causes strain softening. Above this
point, γ p is not sufficiently large (i.e., γ p < γ pp ) to mobilize ϕp0 ; Similar to Eq. (3), a simplified equation is proposed for the uplift
therefore ϕ 0 is less than ϕp0 also in this segment of the slip plane. force after initial softening, Fvs [Eq. (4)]. At a large displacement,
The ratio between the prepeak and postpeak segments of the slip the failure planes reach the ground surface [Fig. 3(c)] and therefore
plane increases with embedment ratio. R ¼ 1 is used. Because significant strain softening occurs, ϕ 0 along
Overestimation of W s and ϕ 0 gives a higher Fvp in the LEM the slip planes reduces almost to ϕc0 . Considerable ground surface
(Fvp LEM ) than FE simulation (Fvp FE ). In order to investigate this heave occurs at this stage [Fig. 3(c)], which increases with pipe


Reduction factor for peak resistance, R






D=100 mm
0.65 D=300 mm
D=500 mm
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Fig. 6. Effect of burial depth on peak resistance: (a) soil failure; and (b) reduction factor R.

© ASCE 04018078-7 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018078

displacement, and its maximum height above the pipe is smaller Comparison between Simplified Equations
than v. At a large v, surface heave occurs over a wider zone than and FE Results
the width of the soil wedge at the ground surface defined by θ
(< ψRp ) in the LEM. Based on this observation, the additional weight Fig. 4 shows that the proposed equations can model the force–
due to surface heave is calculated assuming a trapezoidal soil displacement behavior obtained from FE simulations. In this figure,
wedge having slope angle α (≤ϕc0 ) and height 0.9v, as shown in the solid lines are drawn by calculating Fvp and Fvs using Eqs. (3)
Fig. 8(b), for a simplified equation [Eq. (4)]. The base width of and (4), respectively, and then dividing the values by γHD. The
the trapezoid is obtained by drawing two slip planes at θ ¼ ψRp . value of R in Eq. (3) is obtained from Fig. 6(b).
Trapezoidal heave was also observed in physical experiments Fig. 7(a) shows that Eq. (3) without the reduction factor
(Schupp et al. 2006; Wang et al. 2012). The following equation (i.e., R ¼ 1) calculates higher peak resistance than FE result,
is proposed for Fvs : and the difference increases with H ~ because of overestimation
of W s and mobilized friction angle. When R (¼ 0.8–0.95) is
  adopted, as in Fig. 6(b), the calculated peak resistance using
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Fvs ¼ γD2 þ ðH ~ − v~ s Þ2 tan θ

~ − v~ s Þ −
ðH Eq. (3) compares well with FE results, which is also comparable
8 with ALA (2005) but higher than DNV (2007) (Fig. 5). When the

effects of surface heave are considered, the calculated resistance
~ − v~ s Þ2 g þ 0.9v~ s 1 þ ðH
þ fFA ðH ~ − v~ s Þtan ψRp ð4Þ after initial softening using Eq. (4) (i.e., squares in Fig. 4) also
agrees well with FE results (Fig. 7(a)).
The contributions of W s and Sv on N vp and N vs are evaluated
Because the slip plane does not become completely vertical using Eqs. (3) and (4) and are shown in Fig. 7(b). The sum of the
[Figs. 3(c–e)], θ ¼ 8° is used to calculate Fvs using Eq. (4). Finally, first and third part in Eq. (4) is considered as W s . The vertical re-
replacing v~ s by v~ in Eq. (4), the uplift resistance at large displace- sistance offered by W s is higher than that of Sv . Comparing the
ments (v~ > v~ s ) can be calculated. contribution of W s on N vp (where θ is around ψRp ¼ 25°) and
on N vs (where θ is around 8°), it can be concluded that θ has a
significant effect on uplift resistance. Similarly, the contribution
Displacement at Peak Resistance and Initial Softening of Sv on N v increases significantly with θ, which depends on soil
Although not noticeable in Fig. 4, a very small increase in v~ p with property and more specifically on dilation angle. Therefore, an ap-
H~ is found, which can be approximately represented as v~ p ¼ propriate soil constitutive model, like the one used in the present
0.002H ~ þ 0.025. However, a considerable increase in v~ s with H ~ study, is required for modeling uplift resistance.
is found, which can be expressed as v~ s ¼ 0.0035H ~ þ 0.1. How- The performance of the proposed simplified equations is
ever, one should not extrapolate these empirical equations outside explained further by plotting Fv against (v~ − H) ~ as in Fig. 8(a).
this range of H ~ (= 1–4) simulated in this study because the failure The calculated N vs using Eq. (4) without surface heave is around
mechanisms could be very different. For example, the pipeline will 10% smaller than N vs obtained from FE analysis. The contribution
be partially embedded if H ~ < 0.5. On the other hand, flow around of heave to N vs increases with pipe displacement for the range of v~
mechanisms govern the response for large H. ~ simulated in this study. However, downward movement of sand
FE results show that the ratio v~ s =v~ p is greater than 3, as recom- particles and infilling the cavity below the pipe could slow down
mended by DNV (2007), especially for a large H. ~ One potential the formation of heave and even reduce previously formed heave
~ the formation of the inclined shear band
reason is that, at a large H, together with change in shape (trapezoid to triangular), especially
continues even after the peak until it reaches the ground surface, when the pipe moves closer to the ground surface, as observed
which requires some additional upward displacement of the pipe in physical experiments (Schupp et al. 2006; Wang et al. 2012).
[Figs. 3(a and b)]. In other words, the contribution of heave decreases at large

6 6
MMC result (N
(Nvp) Nvp
Nvp (R=1)
MMC result (N
vs) DNV (2007) [f=0.6, 0.45] Weight
W component of Nvpp
s of Nvs
5 5
Sv of Ncomponent
vs of Nvpp
Eq. (3) R=1.0 Weight
W component of Nvp
s of Nvp
Sv of Ncomponent
vp of Nvp
Normalized force, Nv

4 4
Normalized force, Nv

Eq. (3)

3 3

2 2

Eq. (4)
1 1

Eq. (4) without weight from the surface heave

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Performance of simplified equations: (a) comparison with FE analysis; and (b) contribution of weight and shear components.

© ASCE 04018078-8 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018078


3 Eq. (3) (R=1.0)

Uplift force, Fv

Eq. (4) without weight

2 from the surface heave


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-4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5
(a) (b)

Fv A


O vp vs ~H v

~ plots; (b) idealized heave;

Fig. 8. Comparison between force–displacement curves from FE analyses and simplified equations: (a) Fv versus v~ − H
and (c) idealized Fv − v curve.

displacements, which is shown schematically by the dashed line coating thickness (tc ) of 50 mm, steel yield strength (σy ) of
(BC) in Fig. 8(c). These processes could not be simulated using 448 MPa, and steel thermal expansion coefficient (α) of 11 ×
the present numerical technique. Therefore, for structural response 10−6 °C−1 . The pipe is buried in dense sand (Dr ¼ 90% and
of the pipeline presented in the following sections, the post- γ 0 ¼ 10 kN=m3 ) at an embedment ratio (H) ~ of 3. The density
peak segment of the force–displacement curve is defined by AB 0 C of steel, concrete, seawater, and oil in the pipe are 7,850, 2,800,
[Fig. 8(c)], where Fv at B 0 is calculated using Eq. (4) without heave 1,025, and 800 kg=m3 , respectively, which gives submerged pipe
and it mobilizes at v ¼ vs . weight (oil-filled) of 1.6 kN=m.
Wang et al. (2012) showed that the postpeak segments of the To initiate upheaval buckling response associated with increas-
uplift curves for loose sand for varying burial depths tend to follow ing oil temperature (T), two initial imperfection ratios (v0 =L0 ) of
a backbone curve similar to Eq. (4). There is only one postpeak 0.005 (v0 ¼ 0.16 m and L0 ¼ 31.56 m) and 0.011 (v0 ¼ 0.45 m
segment in loose sand. However, an Fv –v~ curve for dense sand and L0 ¼ 41.05 m) are considered, where v0 is the maximum ini-
has two postpeak segments—a quick reduction of Fv just after tial vertical imperfection and L0 is the initial imperfection length.
the peak, followed by the gradual reduction after v~ s. Fig. 8(a) shows The initial shape of the pipe is defined using Taylor and Tran
that, for dense sand, the postpeak segments even after Fvs do not lie (1996)’s empathetic model. A 3,500-m-long pipe is simulated to
on a unique line. avoid boundary effects in the buckled section. The modified Riks
method is used to capture any snap-through buckling response that
Effect of Postpeak Degradation of Uplift Resistance may occur (Abaqus; Liu et al. 2014).
on Upheaval Buckling The force–displacement behavior of soil is defined using three
sets of nonlinear independent spring formulations that do not con-
Finite-element analysis is performed to investigate the structural sider load coupling or interaction (e.g., Kenny and Jukes 2015). For
response of a steel pipeline having the following properties: outside the modeling of upward resistance, two types of force–displacement
diameter (D) of 298.5 mm, wall thickness (t) of 12.7 mm, concrete relations are used. In Model 1, the Fv –v relation is defined as

© ASCE 04018078-9 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018078

loading. Simplified equations were proposed to establish the force–
displacement curves for practical application. The following con-
clusions can be drawn from this study:
• Slip planes do not reach the ground surface when the peak
Temperature difference, T (°C)

resistance is mobilized for higher burial depths.

• The proposed MMC model can simulate the rapid reduction
of resistance after the peak, followed by gradual reduction at
large displacement, as observed in model tests. However, the
Mohr-Coulomb model showed a linear reduction of resistance
60 due to change in cover depth.
Tc • For an embedment ratio of 3–4, soil failure initiates with slip
v0/L0 ~0.005 plane mechanisms and then the flow around mechanisms are
30 observed at large displacement.
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Ty v0/L0 ~0.011
• The angle of inclination of the slip planes to the vertical (θ) is
approximately equal to the peak dilation angle when the peak
0 resistance mobilizes. However, it decreases with upward displa-
0 1 2 3 4
cement due to decreases in the dilation angle. The angle θ
Buckle amplitude, vm (m)
significantly influences the weight of the soil wedge and thereby
Fig. 9. Effect of postpeak reduction of uplift resistance on permissible uplift resistance.
temperatures (solid lines for Model 1 and dashed lines for Model 2). • Uplift resistance at large displacement does not remain constant
but decreases with upward displacement.
• Unlike peak displacement, displacement required to complete
initial softening increases significantly with the H=D ratio.
• Postpeak reduction of uplift resistance could significantly
OAB 0 C, as shown in Fig. 8(c). Using Eqs. (3) and (4), respectively, reduce the permissible temperature during operation.
the uplift resistances at Points A (9.14 kN=m) and B 0 (5.16 kN=m)
are calculated with vp ¼ 9.3 × mm and vs ¼ 61.5 mm, as dis-
cussed previously. The Model 2 is same as the Model 1 but Acknowledgments
without postpeak degradation where Fv remains constant after
Point A (i.e., elastic and perfectly plastic behavior). Based on ALA The works presented in this paper have been supported by the
(2005), the axial and vertical downward soil resistances of 4.62 Research and Development Corporation of Newfoundland and
and 607.5 kN=m, respectively, are calculated, which mobilize at Labrador, Chevron Canada Limited, and the Natural Sciences
3 and 30 mm displacements, respectively. and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Fig. 9 shows the variation of temperature increase with the
maximum buckle amplitude (vm ). For both v0 =L0 ratios, the T–vm
curve with postpeak reduction is below that without any reduction. Notation
Previous studies suggested a number of permissible temperature
The following symbols are used in this paper:
increase criteria including (1) the critical (T c ) and safe (T s ) temper-
ature for snap-through buckling response (represented by the circle Aψ = slope of (ϕp0 − ϕc0 ) versus I R curve;
and square symbols in Fig. 9); and (2) temperature required for the C1 , C2 = material constants;
onset of first yield (T y ) for stable buckling (i.e., maximum D = pipe diameter;
stress ¼ σy ) (Hobbs 1984; Taylor and Gan 1986). In this study, Dr = relative density;
the maximum stress is calculated from axial stress and bending E = Young’s modulus;
moment obtained from the numerical simulations. For the snap- Fsuc = suction force under the pipe;
through buckling response case (v0 =L0 ¼ 0.005), Fig. 9 shows Fv = uplift force;
the reduction of T c and T s of 10°C and 23°C, respectively, when Fvp = peak uplift force;
the postpeak reduction in uplift resistance is considered. For the Fvp FE = Fvp calculated by FE;
stable buckling case (v0 =L0 ¼ 0.011), the postpeak reduction
Fvp LEM = Fvp calculated by LEM;
could decrease T y by 17°C. Previous studies also recognized the
Fvs = after softening uplift force;
importance of postpeak reduction of uplift resistance and suggested
using full force–displacement curve considering large vertical H = distance from ground surface to the center of pipe;
H~ = embedment ratio (¼ H=D);
displacements (Klever et al. 1990; Goplen et al. 2005; Wang
et al. 2009). I D = relative density/100;
I R = relative density index;
K = material constant;
Conclusions K 0 = at-rest earth pressure coefficient;
kψ = slope of (ϕp0 − ϕc0 ) versus ψp curve;
The uplift behavior of buried pipelines in dense sand have been
L0 = initial imperfection length;
investigated using finite-element modeling. The stress–strain
m = material constant;
behavior of soil was modeled using a MMC model that considers
the variation of angles of internal friction (ϕ 0 ) and dilation (ψ) with N v = normalized uplift force;
plastic shear strain, density, and confining pressure as observed in N vp = normalized peak uplift force;
laboratory tests on dense sand. Comparison with a model test result N vs = value of N v after softening;
showed that force–displacement, soil deformation, and failure n = exponent;
mechanisms can be explained from the variation of ϕ 0 and ψ with p 0 = mean effective stress;

© ASCE 04018078-10 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2018, 144(11): 04018078

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