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First cycle

Art Appreciation

Evaluated by COPEEMS, AC updated

program in April 2015
Program Learning Unit

University of Guadalajara

Tonatiuh Bravo Padilla Itzcóatl GENERAL


Miguel Angel Navarro Navarro José Alfredo



Javier Espinoza de los Monteros Cardenas GENERAL


Yadira Cota Figueroa


Alberto Padilla Zamora EDUCATION CHIEF OF


Ernesto Herrera Cardenas Lorena Adriana Lara Fierros

Academic Secretary Carmen Martinez S ADMINISTRATIVE ECRETARIAT

Favela France Carlos Alberto Rojas García personnel director Veronica

Cruz Acosta TREASURY DIRECTOR Martin Miguel López


Rosa Eugenia Velasco Briones Education Director
SCHOOL Esmeralda Olmos de la Cruz COORDINATOR
Sandra Luz propedeutica Toledo González Fernando Calvillo calculation and computer science Vargas

Manuel Rosario Muñoz



Martin Nuño Gerardo Orozco


Enrique Zuniga Chavez


HEALTHY LIFE Lilia Mendoza Roaf Herlinda BROADCAST AND



PERSONAL Victor Hugo Prado ACADEMIC Vázquez


Program Learning Unit


Review and development of programs learning units Curricular (UAC) Baccalaureate General
Competence (BGC), responds to a series of training proposals made by teachers within the schools and
departmental colleges of schools that make up the Higher Secondary Education System. |

The update process recovers the experiences of our teachers and attends the observations made by the
Council for the Evaluation of Education Font Superior (COPEEMS), responsible for assessing the degree of
ownership of the principles of the Comprehensive Reform of the instance Higher Secondary education (RIEMS) in
schools of our country, while considering the demands and national trends, aspects that strengthen the curricular
axes curriculum BGC own: communication, mathematical thinking, understanding of human beings and citizens ,
understanding of the nature and training for welfare.

The exercise of updating the UAC is the result of a consistent, systematic and responsible work, which
involved a large number of teachers, authorities and students System Higher Secondary Education, who have all
the merit of the progress that represent those programs , expression of its commitment to training young people in

By updating programs of UAC, we ratify the Baccalaureate General Powers of the University of
Guadalajara as an educational project of superior training and preliminary midlevel, with a high humanist sense,
focused on learning, with a focus on skills student-oriented, so that it is able to build processes that bring it to solve
problematic situations change their paradigms and continue learning on their own experience.

Javier Espinoza de los Monteros Cardenas

Higher Secondary Education System
University of Guadalajara

Program Learning Unit

I. Identification Course

Learning Unit: First update:

Art Appreciation April 2015

Training area: Cycle (Degree): Key: Learning Unit Type:

Mandatory common basic First Workshop

Department: Hours of theory: Practice hours: Total hours: Credit value:

Humanities and Society 0 48 48 4

Academy: curricular axis:

Art and culture Human understanding and citizenship

II. Presentation

In the perspective constructivist partner skills, the ability to mobilize and integrate diverse knowledge and cognitive
resources is recognized when the learner is faced with a problem situation unprecedented, at which it is required to show
the ability to solve complex and open problems, in red dis- scenarios and moments.

It requires that the person to face the situation and on the spot, re-build the knowledge, propose a solution or
make decisions about possible courses of action, and do so in a thoughtful way, bearing in mind what sustains
their ways before it.
Competition is shown when the individual identified, selected, coordinates and mobilizes, articulated and complex
manner, a set of various knowledge in the context of an educational situation within a specific context.

To understand the development Baccalaureate General Competence (BGC) of the Uni- versity of Guadalajara set out in its
curriculum, it is necessary to address the expected profile of the student, identified in the Common Curriculum Framework
(MCC), the National System Baccalaureate (SNB), through agreements 444, 447 and 656, establish affinities and identify the
characteristics that make him an education that exceeds the desired properties for the graduate from high school national
Learning Unit, Art Appreciation, is located in the curricular axis of human understanding and Citizenship
BGC; for MCC, with the disciplinary field of Humanities.
This unit is considered as a course-workshop aims to give students first half, strategies in their learning
process to construct their own knowledge, performing activi- ties where the teacher is to stimulate young
reflective processes to assess and compare various forms of art and interact in diverse cultural contexts.

In this course the theoretical knowledge is linked to the environment, because through the approach to art experientially,
further enrichment and understanding of the human being in addition to awaken the sensitivity to appreciate the social and
cultural reality is achieved.

III. BGC graduate profile UdeG

aesthetic sensitivity
Enjoy and understand the manifestations of art; It contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage; evaluates the artistic production of
the country and the world.

Critical thinking
Sustains a personal position, informedly integrating diverse viewpoints, using their judgment dad Capacitación CG 2. It is sensitive
to art and participate in the appreciation and interpretation of their expressions in different genres.

Program Learning Unit

General skills MCC SNB

CG 2.1. Values ​art as a manifestation of beauty and expression of ideas, feelings and emotions. CG
2.2. Experience the art as a shared historical fact that allows communication between individuals and
cultures in time and space, while developing a sense of identity. CG 2.3. Participate in practices related to

IV. Purpose (general purpose)

The student appreciates art in its various manifestations and appreciates the elements that constitute it, and assumes a posture of respect for
the cultural diversity of their environment.

V. Specific skills
• Identifies the different artistic expressions to diversify their taste and aesthetic experience.
• Distinguishes the different elements of the artistic work and their interaction in the approximation to art.

• Reflect on the different artistic expressions to expand its taste, and experience diverse cultural and artistic
creations, including their historical content.

Correspondence with the basic and extended MCC1 Disciplinary competences of Humanities and basic communication

• 10. CDB-Hum assumes an objective personal position (critical, respectful and dignified) and, based on reason (logic
and epistemology), ethics and values ​against various forms of art.
• CDB-Hum 11. Analyzes reflexively and criticism from the artistic historical and philosophical to recognize them as part of the
cultural heritage considerations demonstrations.
• CDB-Hum 12. Develop your artistic potential, as a manifestation of his personality and identity rooted objectives
considering aesthetic appreciation elements.

You extended
• CDex-Com 6. Spread or recreates artistic expressions that are products of the human intellect and sensitivity, in order
to preserve their cultural identity in a universal context.
• CDex-Hum 4. Share art to reconstruct their identity in a context of cultural diversity expressions.

SAW. Elements of specific competences

Knowledge (theoretical knowledge)

1. Fundamental concepts about art in general
2. Diversity of disciplines that constitute art
3. Structural elements Art
4. Forms of expression of art
5. Categories for aesthetic value art as sublime, grotesque, beautiful, ugly, funny, etc.
6. Elements of various human emotions
7. The artwork and its content regarding historical facts, social and / or cultural

Skills (practical or procedural knowledge)

• Relates the conceptual art of the different artistic manifestations
• Reflects and analyzes the elements (form and content) structural internal and external art Versas di- disciplines

1 Ministry of Education, (2009). Resolution number 444 by which the powers are established
the common curriculum framework of the National Baccalaureate. Official diary. First section, Cap. III, art. 7

Program Learning Unit

• Describes and classifies the different artistic manifestations

• Establishes criteria for analysis of the various art forms and modalities
• Accurately describes the (internal and external) structural features of a work of art
• Demonstrates the significance of the various artistic works, in order to strengthen their sense of appreciation

Attitudes (available)
• Respects cultural diversity
• actively involved in the implementation of activities
• He is responsible for the delivery of their work
• It behaves respectfully when present an artistic creation

Values ​(formative knowledge)

• Equity
• Respecting diversity
• Cordiality in dealing with others

VII. Breakdown competency units (modules) Competence unit i

Approaching art
1. Art matter and object of knowledge.
2. Basics: art, culture, aesthetics.
3. Classification of the arts: music, painting, sculpture, theater, dance, architecture, cinema, photography, mixed.
4. Structural elements arts.
5. Values ​in the art: axiología
This unit contextualizes the student competition in their own socio-cultural environment in an inductive process, as
close to the various art forms globally; and about the pussy-arts foundation, recognizing its structural elements.

It is payable to generic competition 2 in this unit, specifically the attribute 2.1. As well as the CBD-huM10,
CDB-Hum11, CDex-Com 6 powers.

Competency Unit II

Relation of art-culture and assessment process

1. artistic and cultural diversity
2. Language and Art
3. Form and content
4. Art, expression of emotions
5. The communicative approach art
6. The process creative
7. Relationship: artist - artwork - receiver
The second unit of competence relates art to culture; fosters a more spe- cific approach to art through their own
language, so that students value what as an element of com- munication. The appraisal process; It includes active
participation by recognizing the elements of the creative process (artist-artwork-viewer), as signs of expression of
feelings and emotions in multiple contexts in which students can be represented or create links of cultural identity.

is payable to generic competition 2 in this unit, specifically attributes, 2.1, 2.2 and down the powers CDB-Hum 10
CDB-Hum 11 CDB-Hum12, CDex-Com 6 and CDex-Hum4.

Program Learning Unit

Iii competition unit

Art, universal language

1. The multiplicity of contexts in contemplation of art
2. The social function of art
3. The artistic work as a concrete form of culture
4. The artist and his representation of the environment

5. Periods in the history of art, reflecting the history of man

6. The works of art and cultural goods
Art, universal language; It allows you to acquire various tools for discussion and dialogue with the location of the
artistic work in various fields: political, historical, geographical, economic and cultural broader so judgmental.

is payable to generic competition 2 in this unit, specifically attributes, 2.1, 2.2 and down the powers CDB-Hum 10
CDB-Hum 11 CDB-Hum12, CDex-Com 6 and CDex-Hum4.

VIII. Work methodology

The contents define precisely through their organization, qualities that must have a student to meet the required
skills, ie their performance profile. At the end of the learning process must be assessed in relation to products
and support resources necessary for carrying out each of the activities and achievement of competencies.

the application of diagnostic tools are suggested as teaching strategies to recover previous knowledge of the
student in relation to the contents of the learning unit, and the use of ICT, application methods such as case
studies, problem-based learning , project-oriented learning, among others.

Regarding the learning strategies, individual and collaborative work suggests, can make use of ICT in various
activities and result in products: multimedia presentations, audio-visual materials, animations, in addition to organizing
exhibitions on topics related with art appreciation, diversity and the development of graphic organizers, reading reports,
reviews, reflective journals, etc.
For the evaluation of the learning unit, it will take into account the diagnostic assessment, formative and summative
going; both the teacher and the student, they will realize the achievement of skills through the assessment of the
requested products, which are determined by criteria and rubrics, and student self-assessment and peer performance of
their peers.

IX. Internal academic processes

Evidence of academic processes meet the task of interdisciplinary work carried out at meetings of academies
and departments held in each school and senior high dependence of the University of Guadalajara.

Teachers who belong to the academy, converge in their teaching and interdisciplinary activity through regular and
formal meetings with functions that focus on planning, monitoring and evalu- ation of activities concerning:

• Curricula of learning units that are proper.

• Performance criteria specific skills and achievement levels.
• Teaching strategies, teaching materials and support materials.
• Moments, means and tools for evaluation of learning.
• Actions to improve academic achievement, the completion rate and the formation of the student, through
group mentoring.
• Requirements for teacher upgrading.
• Dissemination of results and products of their work.
Academic activities may be regulated periodically; suggested is performed in three mo- ments: at the beginning, in an
interim period and the end of the cycle. However, according to the needs and projections of academic work will be
conducted with the same formality and in compliance with regulations established by the university, the times so require
academia or academic department.
Program Learning Unit

X. Academic teacher and role

teacher profile BGC2

I. Pedagogical Technical Skills

Relate to their teaching work, covering several processes: educational planning, design and evaluation of strategies and
learning activities, information management, use of information and communications technology, aimed at developing
• Planning processes of teaching and learning to develop skills in the disciplinary fields of this level of education.

• Designing learning strategies and evaluation, designed to develop skills with Constructivist-cognitivist approach.

• Develops evaluation criteria and indicators for competitions, for disciplinary field.
• Manages information to update their information resources UA and thereby enrich the development of activities to
achieve meaningful and timely learning.
• Uses ICT to diversify and strengthen learning strategies skills.
• Develops communication strategies to promote collaborative work in the learning process. Teachers working in upper

secondary education, in addition to the above competences should be characterized by their sense of responsibility, ethics and

respect for adolescents. Know the stage of development of high school, and apply appropriate strategies to strengthen their

learning and integration.

II. Disciplinary experience in a field related to the learning unit Art Appreciation

1. Academic experience: in developing learning and assessment strategies for the management of related artistic
experiences and strengthening capacity of aesthetic content.
2. Vocational training or discipline: in related to the learning unit, preferably in visual arts, graphics, music, theater, performing,
visual, audiovisual and architecture or have completed sos curved, diploma or other disciplines (presented documentary
evidence socially recognized institutions, which will be evaluated and approved by the relevant departmental school), that
support the knowledge, understanding and pedagogical management of the contents of this curricular unit learning.

teacher profile SNB3

Competences and its main attributes that define the profile of teachers SNB are set out below:

1. Organize your continuing education throughout his career.

2. Domina and knowledge structure to facilitate meaningful learning experiences.
3. Plan the teaching and learning in response to competency-based approach, and places them in broad disciplinary,
curricular and social contexts.
4. Take practical teaching and learning effective, creative and innovative way to its institutional context.

5. Evaluate the teaching and learning with a training approach.

6. Build environments for autonomous and collaborative learning.
7. It contributes to the generation of an environment that facilitates healthy and comprehensive development of students.
8. Participate in continuous improvement projects of school and supports institutional management.

Role of teachers
In the competency-based approach, the actors are intended as learners; for each confers an active role, teachers and
students, not only in participation during the process of teaching They learn

2 System of Higher Secondary Education. (2008). General School Competence SEMS, U. G. Document base, P. 99-100 3 Ministry of Education.
(2008). Resolution number 447 by teaching skills that are set to
those providing education. Official diary, chap. II pp. 2-4
Program Learning Unit

dizaje but also in driving and orientation of content, objectives and learning styles. The teaching is oriented towards
integration transdisciplinar content, skills, attitudes and values, where concepts, theoretical references, procedures,
teaching strategies, materials and other aspects involved in the process are organized between various units
curricular learning, to create conceptual and methodological structures shared between several disciplines.

The teaching recognizes that the student is the main actor; It involves a change of roles' The teacher is a facilitator
of learning; systematizing its practice and causing exposes students to take a more active and responsible role in their
learning process-.4

XI. Learning Assessment

a) Diagnostic Evaluation
Its previous assessment purposes as well as the ability to demonstrate specific skills of knowledge learning unit.

At the beginning of the learning unit, we suggest using one of the following instruments:
1. SQA

2. Survey and artistic tastes preferences

3. Diagnostic test with questions and images on general background knowledge of art

b) Formative Evaluation
It is performed throughout the learning process and enables the teacher to design appropriate instructional strategies to support
students in their assessment process.
It occurs through evidence must meet certain criteria, which may be indicated levels achievements through
headings, checklists, observation, among others.

Products and / or evidence

Competency Unit I
It is suggested to use the following products:
• Graphic organizer
• Collage
• Presentations using ICT
• Reading report

Competency Unit II
The following products are suggested:
• Mural newspaper
• Comic books
• sociodrama
• critical essay

Competency Unit III

The following products are suggested:
• paintings
• mockups
• sculptures
• Videos

System 4 Upper Secondary Education (2008). Baccalaureate General Powers of SEMS U. of G. Document
base, p. 78-79
Program Learning Unit

c) Evaluation summative
With it seeks to determine the extent of competition and inform the student learning level reached during the
development of the learning unit and its respective accreditation and approval.

1. For the student certifying the learning unit suggest the following products:
• Development of portfolio of evidence
• Exhibition of works
• Artistic representation

2. also be taken into account:

• departmental examination
• coevaluation
• Self appraisal

Note: The weighting assigned is subject to agreements within the Academy campus.

XII. accreditation

Article 5. The final results of the evaluations will be expressed according to the centesimal scale ratings from 0 to 100, in
whole numbers, considering minimum passing score of 60. The subjects are not subject to quantitative measurement, they
are certified as accredited (A) or credited (NA). Article 20. To that students have the right to record the final outcome of the
assessment in the ordinary period established in the school calendar approved by the General H. University Council is
I. Be enrolled in the curriculum and corresponding course, and
II. Have a minimum of 80% attendance at classes and recorded during the course activities. Article 27. If the student is
entitled to register in the special qualifying period is required:
I. Be enrolled in the curriculum and corresponding course.
II. You have paid the fee and submit the voucher.
III. Have a minimum of 65% attendance at classes and recorded during the course activities.

XIII. Bibliography

a) Basic
Salazar Flores / Gómez Huerta. (2014). The appreciation of art. Visual and auditory in urban everyday. Homeland.
Mexico. Farga, M. and Lopez A. (2014). History of art. Pearson. Mexico Luévano Ruiz, M. Aguilar Ruvalcaba, F.
(2011). Art appreciation. Editorial threshold.

b) Complementary
Fleming, W. Art, music and ideas. Editorial Mc Graw Hill Hauser, A. (2005). Social history of literature and art. Editorial
Novoprint Lozano Fuentes JM (2007) History of art. Editorial Patria Aguirre Gutiérrez, MR (2010) To understand art. Editorial
Minerva Acha, J. (2008) Art appreciation and its effects. Editorial Trillas. Flores Salazar, AV, Gómez Huerta, ML, Sierra
Villarruel, B. (2011) Appreciation of art. The

visual and auditory in urban daily. Editorial Patria.

Note: The bibliography before the year 2009, is recommended as basic contents remain in the history and theory of art,
besides having a general spectrum of themes and disciplines throughout history.

Program Learning Unit

Digital library http://wdg.biblio.udg.mx/

Solana, I. An emerging thinking on contemporary art. Scaffold: Magazine
Social Research in December 2009, Vol. 6 Issue 12, p. 249-277. Retrieved November 19, 2010 in the database
SocINDEX with Full Text (EBSCO). GAMA, LE Art and politics as interpretation. Journal of Social Studies in
December 2009,
Issue 34, p99-111. Retrieved November 19, 2010 in SocINDEX database with Full Text (EBSCO).

Secretary of Public Education. (June 23, 2009). Number 444 AGREEMENT laying
the powers set up the common curriculum framework Official diary, P. First section.

Secretary of Public Education. (29 October 2008). Number 447 AGREEMENT laying
establish teaching skills for those providing education. Official diary, P. Third section 1-6.

Secretary of Public Education. (20 November 2012). Number 656 AGREEMENT laying
amending and supplementing the number 444 Agreement establishing the powers which constitute the common
curriculum framework of the National High School are established and diverse number 486 by the extended disciplinary
powers of the general baccalaureate sets is added. Official diary, P. First section.

Middle school system. (2008). General Baccalaureate Competencies SEMS

U. G. Document base. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico: s / e.

Updated by:

Leonor Alicia Quinonez Ledesma high 11

Mata del Carmen Villegas Eréndira Built headquarters / SEMS Teaching

Adriana Elizabeth Martinez Ocaranza high 10

Raúl Hernández Pérez high 10

Cosio Velázquez Erika Janeth high school 9

Reviewed by: Date:

Education address Propedéutica April 2015

Note: Bibliography updated and approved by the Council of Coordinators Academic Year


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