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3D Teaching – involving body, mind and emotion

By Ma.Fernanda Molla • mfermolla@hotmail.com.

This workshop will show teachers the benefits of learning acting training techniques in order to
activate their classes and reach the different learning styles more effectively involving body
language, movement, observation, reflection, abstract thinking and emotions. It also adheres
to the notion that teaching is creative work that involves the teacher as a whole and not as a
mere information conveyor.

Deep and Surface Learning

Deep and surface approaches to learning are words that most academics will have heard. In
fact the idea that students can and do take a deep or surface approach to their learning is
probably one of the most used bits of educational research in education. It is a very powerful
and useful principle that we should apply most of the time to the way we teach.

Simply stated, deep learning involves the critical analysis of new ideas, linking them to already
known concepts and principles, and leads to understanding and long-term retention of
concepts so that they can be used for problem solving in unfamiliar contexts. Deep learning
promotes understanding and application for life. In contrast, surface learning is the tacit
acceptance of information and memorization as isolated and unlinked facts. It leads to
superficial retention of material for examinations and does not promote understanding or long-
term retention of knowledge and information.

Experiential learning -- Kolb’s learning cycle –

ABS International • Malaver 2072 • (1636) Olivos • Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone (5411) 4797 5974 • info@abs-international.org • www.abs-international.org
HOW do we apply all this theory?

Get ready to teach!

Connecting to your real self and emotions before and during your class.

-Active relaxation:
You sit on a chair and start checking the different parts of your body to get ready for
teaching. You make all the necessary movements to relax while you are active at the
same time.
-Checking your emotion:
Simply asking yourself how you are feeling at that very moment and dealing with the
emotion so it does not interfere with your class.
-Clarifying your objective:
Which is your Teaching objective for the class about to start?

Concrete experiences are most effective in learning when they occur in the context of some
relevant conceptual structure. But how can teachers create those experiences in class?

Smashing walls by Creating three- dimensional worlds inside the classroom…

--Building fictional worlds through action

Concentration in actions

ABS International • Malaver 2072 • (1636) Olivos • Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone (5411) 4797 5974 • info@abs-international.org • www.abs-international.org
- Recalling Emotions
Through stories, your own anecdotes and experiences. sharing passions, bringing the
world into the classroom
Using rhythm and musical instruments as aids: Emotions are related to rhythm. If it is
fast, we usually associate it with happiness and light weight, if it is slow; we tend to
think about sadness and heaviness.

--Transformation exercises:
Teacher in role- -Giving life to text: Don’t tell SHOW!
Rather than being an external facilitator, the teacher takes on a role, empowering the
creative dramatic activities.
Students in role

--Believability :generating images inside your brain

-- Body Language: becoming aware of the meaning one conveys through body language.

--Group management:
Through rhythm, using the word freeze, using the neutral state.

--Creative repetition
Use different objectives and approaches every time.
Transform repetition into a game or a group quest.

-Improvisation: Having your objective in mind, use whatever comes up in class.

-Experiment: Try different ways of doing things and learn from mistakes.

-Surprise effect: Change the structure of your class continuously to keep your students on the

Teachers are dealing with a new generation that is hungry for close human interaction. We
must keep in mind we are becoming less informative and more formative each passing year.

It’s time to shake the dust and MOVE!

Join us at:


and read more about teacheracting for FREE!

ABS International • Malaver 2072 • (1636) Olivos • Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone (5411) 4797 5974 • info@abs-international.org • www.abs-international.org
ABS International • Malaver 2072 • (1636) Olivos • Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone (5411) 4797 5974 • info@abs-international.org • www.abs-international.org

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