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SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL EPIDEMIOLOGY Stressful life event classifications:

 Positive Life Events

Social and behavioral dimensions that impact human - Good effects
health includes: - Examples; Graduation, marriage, birth of a new
1. Social Adversities child
2. Stress  Negative Life Events
3. Lifestyle practices - Associated with adverse life circumstances
LIFESTYLE - Example: retrenchment, arrest, incarcerated
 Defined as the choice of behavioral factors that
affect how we live; these choices often are a function CHRONIC STRAINS: life events that are sustained over a
of social influences. long period of time.

SOCIAL EPIDEMIOLOGY PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder)

 It is the discipline that examines the social  Anxiety disorder that some people develop after
distribution and social determinants of states of seeing or living through an event that caused and
health. threatened serious harm death.
 Covers the relationship between socioeconomic  Signs & symptoms : last 1 month
status and health, the effect of social relationships - Flashbacks
upon health outcomes, the epidemiology of mental - Nightmares
disorders and how social factors affect the choice of - Emotional numbness
health-related behaviors. - Intense guilt or worry
- Angry outbursts
BEHAVIORAL EPIDEMIOLOGY - Feeling on edge or avoiding thoughts and
 The study of the role of behavioral factors in health. situations that reminds the trauma
 Contributions of unhealthy behaviors to adverse  Coping skills
health outcomes. - Techniques for managing or removing
 Behavioral choices begins during childhood and sources of stress
adolescence. - Helps to mitigate the effects of stress
 Lifestyle dimensions relate to improper dietary
choices, substance abuse and avoiding exercises. WORK-RELATED STRESS
 Work overload, time pressures, threat of job layoff
Stress and Health and unemployment, interpersonal conflicts and
 Stress inadequate compensations
 One being, Physical, chemical or emotional  US BLS report
factors that causes bodily or mental tensions and  5,659 stress, anxiety and neurotic disorders
may be a factor in disease causation. cases involving days away from work in 2001,
 Stress in relation to adverse health effects : rate declined 25% between 1992 and 2001 from
- CVD 0.8 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 and 0.6
- Substance abuse in 2001.
- Mental disorders including PTSD.
- Work related anxiety and neurotic disorders TOBACCO USE
- Chronic disease as cancer and asthma  Cigarette smoking and other forms of tobacco use
- Impaired immune function increase the risk of many forms of adverse health
 Stressful Life Events outcomes
o Stressors that arise from happenings  Conditions includes : lung diseases, coronary heart
such as job loss, financial problems, and disease, stroke and cancer
death of a close family members  Exposure to Second Hand Smoke
o 2 domains of events  Passive smoking refers to the involuntary
 Health-related breathing of cigarette smoke by non-
 Monetary smokers in an environment where there
 Employment cigarette smokers present.
 Interpersonal
 Third hand Smoking Below 18.5 = Underweight
- Inhalation of chemicals derived from cigarettes 18.5 to 24.9 = normal
smokes that adhere to fomites. 25 to 29.9 = overweight
30 or higher = Obese
ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION _____________________________________________
 Significant cause of death in the US wherein in 2005,
21, 634 persons died of alcohol-induce causes. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND MENTAL HEALTH
- Alcohol poisoning
- Unintentional injuries PSYCHIATRIC EPIDEMIOLOGY
- Homicides  Studies the occurrence of mental disorders in
- Fetal alcohol syndrome the population
ALCOHOL TERMS:  Studies the incidence of mental disorders
 Heavy Drinking according to variables such as age, sex, and social
- Women : more than one drink per day on class.
average  DSM IV TR (diagnostic and statistical Manual of
- Men : more than two drinks per day on average mental disorder 4th edition is used to classify
 Binge drinking mental disorders
- Women : more than three drinks during a single - Anxiety d/o, mood d/o, impulse control d/o
occasion and substance use d/o
- Men : more than four drinks during a single
occasion Psychiatric Co-morbidity
 Excessive drinking - The co-occurrence of two or more mental
- Includes heavy drinking, binge or both disorders.
 Alcohol abuse
- It is a pattern of drinking that results in harm to Autism
one’s health, interpersonal relationships or - It is a condition that impairs the functioning in
ability to work. the social communication and behavioral
 Alcohol dependence domains.
 Chronic disease that includes - Appears by 3 years of age manifested in
- Strong craving for alcohol cognitive functioning, learning and processing
- Continued use despite repeated physical, sensory information.
psychological or interpersonal problems
- The inability to limit drinking
- The need to drink increasing amounts to feel
its effects.

 Methamphetamine
- Highly addictive substance that have powerful
stimulating effects upon the body
 Cannabis sativa


 Increasing in prevalence in the US
 Impacts the quality of one’s life and increases the risk
of chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease
and diabetes
 Factors associated with overweight and obesity are:
Inactivity, High-caloric consumption
 Body Mass Index (BMI)
o Body weight in kg /height in meters squared

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