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From the journal Armenian Review 3(1950), pp. 55-73.

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The ninth century was noted in Byzantine the university of the capital was left as the
history for its political and intellectual resur- sole nursery of science. But it, too, soon lost
gence. After centuries of slumber, the sci- its luster, and thanks to a succession of
entific mind finally was aroused, and the illiterate emperors, surrendered to oblivion,
forgotten science reappeared, shedding off and eventually ceased <to exist. Learning and
the dust of indifference. literature, having been deprived of the state
The leaders in this field were the Armen- patronage which they formerly enjoyed,
ians, as they had been in the political arena. withdrew to the monasteries, taking along
To their initiative spirit and intellectual ca- with them the last fragments of science.
pacity we owe the rise of the sciences in There was no longer any question about
Byzantium. The old cultural candles which the Hellenic sciences, nor could there be.
flickered in the various centers of the empire Very naturally, the walls of the monasteries
were almost all extinguished in the following could not have entertained those •scientific
century, during the reign of Justinian. With conclusions which were the birth of pagan
the exception of the University of Constan- outlook. The conquests of the pagan mind in
tinople which had been founded in 425 dur- physics, iihe speculative structures, and the
ing the reign of Theodosius II, there were philosophical revelations were repugnant to
higher educational institutions in Athens, the Christian scientists. The Bible had the
Alexandria, Antioch, Bereut, Edessa and answers to all the questions which plagued
Caesarea. mankind.
A glimpse at the curriculum of the Theo-
Justinian's policy of centralization waa
fataJ to the sciences. It was he who closed dosian university will show what the Chris-
tian governments considered as important in
the University of Athens in 529, or pro-
the ancient sciences. The university had 31
hibited the teaching of philosophy and juris-
prudence, to be precise. It was again he who professors, 3 of whom taught Latin rhetoric,
10 taught Latin grammar, 5 Greek rhetoric,
removed the teaching in jurisprudence in all
2 jurisprudence, and only one taught philo-
the cities, reserving it only to Constanti-
sophy. The principal subjects, therefore,
nople, and partly to Bereut. With the ex-
were grammar and oratory, and partly the
ception of the school in Edessa which was
science of laws. At the opening of this uni-
closed in 489 by order of Emperor Zeno,
versity in 425 the state language was Latin,
all the other schools 'Suffered, or disappeared and Greek was the official language of the
during Justinian's reign. Some dragged their church. One had to know both languages,
miserable existence unitil they were perman- and therefore, both were taught at the
ently engulfed by the Arabic deluge. Only university.
The Latin, however, was soon replaced by which was inseparable from logic and dia-
the Greek as the official language. Those lectics. The latter was nothing but the art
countries which constituted the Byzantine of debating, in the form of questions and
empire were not related to the Latins or the answers. A rigid language, skillful word,
Greeks either in language or by blood. Their and the erudite letter—these were the things
claim on the government was chiefly by vir- which the Christian church demanded. These
tue of their civilizations and was not racial. were invaluable weapons for the defense of
If in the end the preference was given to the the Christian doctrine against the pagan
Greek, the reason of course was the church. sophists who were experts in the use of the
Christianity had chosen the Greek language same weapons. The arts of oratory and de-
as the medium of its preaching. bating were necessary in fighting not only
The Greek which had begun during the the pagan sectarians, but the Christian here-
Seleucid era had become the leading lan- tics. Lastly, oratory was useful against the
guage in the Near East as the medium of learned Mussulman, with whom the advo-
international relations and the civilized cates of the church had frequent clashes.
citizenry. Its entry into the church was na- Barsegh of Caesarea had a significant an-
tural. Later it forced itself on the state. In alogy for this. "Even as the cities have high
a certain measure, and a certain sense, the walls for their defense," he said, "so religion
Byzantine state was the ecclesization of the has a high wall of its own, and that is dia-
Roman. The overwhelming majority of the lectics, which prevents the enemy from his
population was ignorant of the Greek lan- ravages, or from capturing the religious
guage. The Greeks themselves, who were creed so easily. To master the science of
settled in the seacoast regions, and partly in dialectics, one had to know the works of
the interior trade centers, were in need of Aristotle. The introduction of Porphyrius,
learning the classical Greek which was quite the Signature of Aristotle, Perarmenias, and
different from the spoken vernacular. similar works became the objects of study.
It is easy to understand, therefore, why This branch of literature was developed not
the Greek language was given the ascend- only in the Greek, but Armenian and Assyr-
ency in the university courses. The gram- ian languages. The immediate aim was to
mar of Dyonisius of Thrace was the accepted acquire knowledge in religio-ecclesiastical
textbook. Dyonisius lived in the second questions and controversies. It may safely
century before Christ, but his work won be stated that science, indeed, was the hand-
great fame and popularity in the Byzantine maid of theology, and served her immediate
era. The Greeks were followed by the Ar- interests.
menians and the Assyrians who translated , The conquests of antiquity in the field of
the Thracian's grammar into their languages. the established sciences were not considered
There is a rich literature in grammar, which as a part of daily needs; they were unap-
is proof that it was in great demand. With preciated treasures, goods without consumer
the ancients, as well as with Dyonisius, demand. These were: mathematics, geome-
grammar had a much wider meaning than try, astronomy and music, a quartet which
the word today connotes. It included litera- was called Tetraktus, or quadrivium, desig-
ture and history, which, in our modern nated by Grigor Magistros as the Quadruple
terminology, meant the liberal arts. 25 of 31 Arts. Khorenatzi, the ancient Armenian
professors of the Theodosian University chronicler specifies the four sciencese~as:
taught grammar. "Astronomy by the Chaldeans. Arithmetic
The next important subject was oratory by the Pheonicians, Geometry by .the Egyp*
A R M E N I A N S IN B Y Z A N T I N E S C I E N C E 57
tians. and Music by the Thracians." The In this rejuvenation, the first scientist, and
wisdom of the church felt no need of these the first maecenas (patron), both were
sciences and they remained hidden among Armenians.
the manuscripts, removed from public II
inquiry. The Armenian period of Byzantine history
One Arab historian describes the condition begins with Emeror Leo V, and not Basil
of Hellenic sciences amid a Christian setting the Macedonian, the beginning, and not the
in following words: "In the ancient Grecian latter part of the ninth century. Armenian
period and .the early centuries of the Byzan- influence was not weakened by the assassina-
tine Empire, science continued to flourish. tion of Emperor Leo. Michael II Psellus, the
The scientists and the philosophers, always stammerer, who was inferior to his victim in
held in high esteem and the objects of atten- every respect, was not the man who could
tion, busied themselves with the physical minimize his crime by any great exploit. His
sciences and the study of the human body son Theophilus was a more competent and
and the mind. They also busied themselves intelligent prince than his father, and more
with the quadruple sciences, namely mathe- cautious and circumspect than his profligate
matics which is the science of numbers, geo- son Michael. At all events, he was more pre-
metry which deals with the measurement of sumptuous than competent. Theophilus'
planes and forms, astronomy or the science wife was Theodora, the Mamikonian Prin-
of celestial bodies, and music which is the art cess. Her uncle from the father's side,
of the harmony of sounds. The sciences were Manuel Mamikonian, was strategos (com-
respected and enjoyed international esteem. mander-in-chief) of the Armenian divisions
Seated there on a solid and glorious pedestal, in the reign of Leo V, and continued to re-
they were on the upward rise from day to main the outstanding military figure of the
day when the Christian religion made its empire until his death in the days of Michael
appearance among the Greeks. It was a III. Theodora's sisters and their husbands,
fatal blow for the structure of science. It Arshavir Patrik and Constantine Bagoutzik,
toppled down from the heights and the doc- and her brothers Vard and Petron were the
trines disappeared. The creations of the most active persons during the Amorrian
ancient Greeks were destroyed and those Dynasty.
discoveries which were the product of the This was the brilliant period of the Mami-
genius of the ancients were distorted and dis- konian House. Vard Mamikonian so fax
figured." (Nasudi, Les Vrairies d'or, II, 320). prospered that he was in line as the legal
The following bold lines from a letter of successor of the last of the Amorrians, his
Grigor Magistros are indicative of the same nephew, and was about to lay the foundation
idea: "Albeit I am a pupil of fishermen, still of a new dynasty were it not for an erratic
I am not unfamiliar with the scientific quirk of fate which deprived him of the op-
achievements of the Athenians nor the Hel- portunity to ascend the imperial throne and
lenic erudition, howbeit our faith hath buried to offer it to its more fortunate champion,
the wisdom." Grigor was fully acquainted his kinsman Basil the Great. It was this
with the "Quadruple sciences." Vard'who became the patron (Maecenas) of
This disconsolate status of the sciences the sciences. He was a cultured man who
lasted for centuries until its revival in the loved learning, the sciences.and the scientists
ninth century. The old tree began to sprout cuk. His patronage of the sciences was not
new branches, at first under individual effort, limited to his personal sympathy but in-
and later under the protection of the state. cluded the state. The first manifestation of.
the state patronage was the opening of the prisoner servant learned from his master
new university in the palace called Mag- that the Emir was interested in scientific
navra. Even his enemies admitted his mer- problems, and promptly he revealed that he
its, his great and invaluable services to the knew geometry and wanted to meet the
cause of learning. The first head of the new Emir's scientist teachers. The Arab prince
university was Leo the Philosopher, another took the news to Mamoon who, being thirsty
Armenian who derived from a princely fam- of knowledge, instantly summoned the boy
ily. He was an intimate friend of Vard, and before him and asked him how true it was
in all probability the real author of the sci- what he had heard about him. The Calif did
entific institution. Vard entrusted him with not hide his skepticism, openly claiming that
the directorship of the new venture. Who no more able scientists than his teachers ex-
was Leo the Philosopher? isted under the heavens. This made the
Often, even in the memory of the contem- young -servant all the more anxious to meet
porary generation, especially in Byzantium, those scientists. The Emir granted his re-
famous characters are represented with quest and an appointment was arranged.
mythical lines. He had studied all the sci- The Arab scientists drew triangles and
ences and had acquired such a profound squares, enumerated Euclid's rules, and with
erudition which was inaccessible to anyone the solemnity of scientists, made a long list
else. Philosophy and the sister sciences, of axioms, saying this is called thus, and
mathematics, astronomy, geometry and that that. But why they were called -thus,
music were equally familiar 'to him. He had or what was the meaning or the cause, they
accumulated his intellectual treasures and did not know. They spoke glibly of the
had spanned the summit of science by virtue axioms but they could not comprehend the
of his innate rich talents, his indefatigable essence.
application, and his cloistered life. Away The Greek prisoner instantly sensed that
from the noise of the city, he had secluded their knowledge was faulty, or imperfect, as
himself in an indigent small house where he long as they could not reason the thing out.
received and taught all who came ito him Then he proceeded to explain the reasons.
anything they wanted to learn. He had Astonished, the scientists asked him where
many pupils. It was through the influence of he had acquired that much knowledge and
one of those pupils that the great scientist, if there were many scientists like him in
that hidden treasure, was brought to the Byzantium. The prisoner replied that, like
attention of the government, an incident many many others, he was counted among
which eventually transferred him to the im- the pupils and never among the real teachers.
perial palace. They were curious to know who his teacher
One of Leo's pupils who had studied geo- was. Their surprise was even greater when
metry took a position with one of the gen- they learned that his teacher was Leo the
erals as his secretary. When the general Philosopher who was still alive and living in
went to battle the Arabs he took along with poverty, unknown to the public.
him his secretary. The latter was taken Mamoon was deeply excited and immedi-
prisoner, and eventually was sold to a noted ately wrote to Leo the following letter:
Arab as his -servant. At that time the Chief "We have recognized the tree from -the
Emir was Mamoon who was noted for his fruit, the teacher from the pupil. Whereas,
patronage of learning. He especially loved with all thy philosophical profundity and thy
the Greek sciences, geometry in particular. virtuous conduct, thou hast remained un-
Once, in the course of a conversation, the known to thy compatriots, hast not reaped
the fruits of thy knowledge and wisdom, and to Leo in which he offered a number of geo-
h a f t n« been rewarded by thy compatriots metrical and astronomical problems, asking
w i t h the homage which is due thee, it would their solution. Leo answered all these prob-
be well that, were it thy pleasure, thou lems with extensive explanations, adding to
could'st come and join us, and make us par- it a number of predictions, and sent the letter
take of thy teachings. If thou should'st to the Emir. The latter was amazed by
deipn to accept this offer, and come to us, Leo's simple solution of the complex and
the entire nation of the Saracens will bend abstruse problems which was added proof
their necks before thee, and wrill load thee of his unmatchable erudition. He again
with riches, and honor thee with such gifts, tried to bring over the famous scientist by
the like of which has never been accorded to writing directly to the emperor:
any mortal." "I wanted to come to you in person,"
Mamoon gave the letter to the Greek wrote the Calif, "in proof of my friendship,
servant, loaded him with gifts, and ordered and at the same time to become your pupil.
him to deliver it to his teacher. He promised Howbeit, the rule which God has given me,
more new gifts, and even his freedom, if he as well as my countless subjects, make it
only succeeded in persuading the philosopher impossible for me to leave my country.
to leave his native land. Therefore, I beseech you to send me for a
The prisoner came to the imperial city and brief period the man who has won fame in
looked up his teacher. When he saw his philosophy and the sciences. Let him come
illuminated warm face, he went to pieces, he and live with me as my teacher, and impart
cried and embraced him, and wet his face, to me his knowledge and his virtue, to me
his neck, and his breast with his tears. The who am a lover of both one and the other.
teacher did not recognize him, and stood Surely you will not refuse me because I do
there, amazed at the behaviour of the not speak your language and am a stranger
stranger. The years he had spent in captiv- to your faith. Among good and noble friends
ity had changed his looks. When the youth such requests are respected, especially when
repeated his name, when and where he had the requester is such a man as I. In return,
studied under him, the philosopher recog- I am willing to offer you 2,000 liters of gold
nized him. The youth delivered the Emir's and to sign a peace treaty which is binding."
letter, but Leo, fearing the monarch's letter "Mamoon held in such high esteem Leo's
might arouse suspicions, and give way to coming and his popularity," writes the his-
unpleasant consequences, thought it wise to torian. But Theophilus rejected the Emir's
take into his confidence the great logodet, request. He thought it unwise to turn over
Theogdest the Eunuch. to the enemy a native gift, the treasure which
The Eunuch met Leo, and on his pan, had brought luster to the Byzantines and
told the whole thing to Emperor Theophilus. had been the object of wonder and respect.
The latter took an interest in the matter, He exalted Leo by ordering Patriarch Ho-
called Leo to him, gave him a pension, and vaness to ordain him metropolitan of Thes-
ordered him ito lecture in the Church of salonika. The Patriarch carried out the
Forty Children. This was how the great Emperor's command, having known Leo in-
philosopher came out of his oblivion and won timately as his kinsman.
fame among the intellectual and official A unique incident brought great fame to
circles of the capital. Leo in Thessalonika. It happened that for
It is also related that Mamoon, upon the years the country had been plagued by a
failure of his invitation, wrote another letter drought. The people were in great misery
and were suffering from the famine. Follow- circumstances of Leo's and Mamoon's ac-
ing certain astronomical observations, Leo quaintance is doubtful. According to an-
determined the precise season for the sowing other source, the intermediary was another
of the seed to insure a crop, and the peasants of Leo's pupils who was in the besieged army
followed his advice. The resultant crops during the siege of Amorea in 838. Having
justified the prediction and the peasants gone over to the Arabs, to save his life from
were prolific in the praises of their scientist imminent loss, this pupil who was an astron-
metropolitan. omer, notified the enemy that if they kept
Leo's fame rose to such heights that for up the siege of the cky for another two days
many it was an enigma how a man could they would be able to capture it. And that's
reach such perfection in all the sciences. Leo the way it happened. Amorea fell, part of
himself confided the secret to one of his the noted military were massacred, and an-
close friends. He had learned grammar and other part fell prisoners to the Arabs.
poetry in Constantinople, eloquence, philoso- The traitor saved his life at a base price
phy, and mathematics in the Island of An- by relying on the Arabs. It was he who told
tros. Here he met a learned man with whom the Emir about Leo the Philosopher. The
he studied but could not find what he was Emir wrote a letter to Theophilus, asking
looking for, and after acquiring 'the elemen- him to let the philosopher come to him, with
tary principles of knowledge, he took his promises of great gifts, and dispatched the
leave. He traveled all over, from monastery letter to Constantinople through one of the
to monastery, rummaging through rumpled prisoners. It was only then that Theophilus
manuscripts, and examining them critically. learned of the existence of a great scientist
He took along with him what he thought was within his domain, and instead of sending
important and ascended the peaks of the him to the Emir, appointed him lecturer at
mountains where, in the deep solitude, he the palace of Magravna, with all the facilities
carefully studied the books he had collected. he needed, and later, Leo became the Metro-
After he had mastered the last word in politan (Bishop) of Thessalonika.
knowledge, he returned to the capital and The same story is repeated, word for
began to disseminate the seeds among those word, by another historian, with the only ad-
who wanted to learn. dition that Leo was ordained Metropolitan
Leo busied himself with this occupation by Patriarch Methodius (Vsendo Sym. 640).
until he became a bishop. His tenure of the This latter information, however, is wrong.
metropolitan post lasted three years, after Leo lost his throne of Metropolitan in 843 as
which he returned to his scientific and pedo- one of the leaders of the iconoclastic faction,
gogical pursuks. He was appointed director when image worship was reinstated. And
of the palace school of Magnavra. Of his because he had served only three years as
three pupils, Theogoros taught geometry, Metropolitan, he must have been ordained
Theotikios, astronomy, and Komitas gram- in 839-840. Methodius succeeded Patriarch
mar. Yard was their patron, generous in his Hovanness who was dethroned in 843 for the
aid, and boundless in his love for knowledge. same reason, and kept the throne for 4 years,
He made frequent visits to the school, and 843-847. It is plain that he could not have
encouraged the pupils, thus, "giving wings ordained Leo.
to the sciences." The sciences took wings and The first source says nothing about the
swooped onward. time of the capture of Leo's pupil, whereas,
Obviously certain parts of this story are the second is sure that it took place in 838,
unauthentic. First of all, the story of the during the siege of Amorea. In this event,
the prisoner could not have had any dealings life and activity of Patriarch Hovanness,
with Mamoon who had died in 833. It is which is important, not only in order to
a Uo improbable that the event took place in
clarify the domestic setting of Leo, but be-
the days of Mamoon when Leo, as we have
cause Hovanness himself was an outstanding
seen, was comparatively young, and as yet
not quite ready for his future calling. Ma- figure with his education and his scientific
moon's intervention in Leo's life, his letter training.
writing, inspire no faith and must be re- Ill
garded as pure invention. The only founda- Hovanness came upon the scene during
tion, or the cause of the legend, no doubt the reign of Leo V the Armenian and played
was the fact that Mamoon was a great lover a big role in his ecclesiastical policy. It is
and patron of the sciences. regrettable that all the historians belong to
Perhaps Byzantium did have a definite the opposite camp, and therefore, are not
scientific mission. The Arabs were wont to impartial toward Hovanness or those who
respect Greek science and were trying to ap- thought like him. To heap praises upon their
propriate it through translations. On the partisans, and to hurl invectives at their
other hand, their thirst for learning, if not opponents has been the accepted rule. The
their actual supply, could have found an language they have used against Hovanness
echo in Byzantine intellectual circles. The is adequate proof that he was not a cham-
strivings of the two neighboring countries in pion to be dismissed lightly.
the field of education, to a more or less de- When in 813 Leo ascended the throne,
gree, was natural and almost indisputable. resolved on restoring the iconoclasm which
In all probability the legend of Leo's and had been repudiated in the Council of 787,
Mamoon's correspondence was founded on he looked around to find a capable theorist.
this fact. The election was won by a young clergyman
Too, we must take with a grain of salt by the name of Hovanness, a man of vast
that part of Leo's biography according to erudition for which he was called Grammati-
which he lived in great penury and was kos. In 814, at the behest of the Emperor,
forced to eke out a living by giving private Hovanness started on the preliminary labors.
lessons until he was introduced to the Im- He had to accumulate data for the forth-
perial court. It is unlikely because Leo did coming council, and to this end, all the im-
not derive from a common family. Suffice it perial libraries were at his disposal. The
to say he was a cousin of Patriarch Hovan- chief sources were the records of the Council
ness, Eksadelfos, as testified by his biog- of 753 which included all the important testi-
rapher (Com. Th. 185: Anepsios Kedr). monies of the ancient fathers in opposition
Hovanness was not a newcomer or a for- to the images. The work was carried on in
eigner, but was a native, and a scion of the the palace, in a special room where, as hostile
imperial city. He was not an unknown per- writers sarcastically refer to, a luxuriously
son, but came from a noble family which was loaded table was never missing. (Vita Nice-
called Morakartzam. (Cont. Th. 154). phori, ed. Boor, p.165).
Hovanness had a brother by the name of The Council took place and Patriarch
Arshavir who was raised to the rank of Niciphor lost his throne. A new election was
Patrician by Emperor Theophilus. Could necessary. Hovanness, although among the
it be that Leo was the son of this Arshavir, candidates, was not elected because of his
or some other brother of Hovanness f youth (Script, incert. 359). A close friend
We must pause here to take a look at the of Hovanness was Theodius Cassideras of
Melisse whose father, Michael, was a gen- from the original. Theophilus honored the
eral (strategos) in the army of Copronimus, architect by raising him to the rank of
Emperor of the Anatolian provinces. His patrician (Com. Th. 98).
other collaborator, and the third important Hovanness paid a second visit to Bagdad
figure, was Constantine Cassimat, the son of this time entrusted with a mission of signing
a defrocked priest who at first was teacher a peace treaty, and with secret instructions
of grammar and jurisprudence and later to contact Manuel Mamikonian, the famous
entered the clergy under the name of Anton. general, and to induce him to return to the
Theodius was the first to be elected Patri- imperial service in the fatherland (Gen. 63,
arch; after his death he was succeeded by Cont. Th. 119). Theophilus was satisfied
Anton, and finally, in 832, Hovaness be- with his mission, and when Anton died,
came the patriarchal incumbent. Emperor Hovanness inherited the patriarchal throne
Michael continued the respectful attitude of as the sole worthy candidate. He was patri-
his predecessor toward Hovanness, always arch from 832 to 843. After the death of
appreciating his position on iconoclasm, and Theophilus, his widow, Empress Theodora,
always respectful of his vast erudition. He listening to the intrigues of Logodet Theog-
also appointed him teacher of his son Theo- dist, restored the worship of images, but the
philus. We are indebted <to Hovanness for Patriarch was unshakable in his convictions
the best qualities of Theophilus, especially and preferred to abandon his throne. He
his affection for the arts and sciences. Theo- was exiled to a monastery called Clideon on
philus loved 'his teacher, appointed him the banks of the Bosphorus where he died,
Seneschal, and later raised him to the patri- probably in 860.
archal throne. The name of Hovanness has been sullied
It was also Hovanness' lot to take part in by his antagonists. As a champion of icono-
political life. When, on his accession, Theo- clasm, he has been accused by his opponents
philus wanted to send an embassy to the of all sort of crimes which are unworthy of
Arabic court, he thought Hovanness best the high calling of a patriarch. In reality,
suited for the mission. He was thoroughly there was no great difference between the
versed in political and state affairs, was an proponents and the opponents of icono-
eloquent speaker and an incomparable de- clasm. The controversy centered on whether
bator. Being an Armenian, -he was familiar they should respect or worship -the images,
with eastern customs and mores, and per- and to find a happy medium was not at all
haps was not unfamiliar with the Arabic difficult. But the clergy are adepts in rousing
language. No better choice could have been the passions, and sowing the seeds of hatred,
made for the embassy. where a modicum of circumspection could
It is beyond the range of our purpose to easily have restrained the malicious lips.
describe how well Hovanness fulfilled his Hovanness, as we have stated above, was
mission. Suffice it to say, Hovaness brought the son of a wealthy family, the scion of a
with him from Bagdad a draft of the royal famous dynasty. From his early youth he
court, based on which, the Emperor had a had worn the clerical garb and later became
new palace made in Brias. The construction an abbot in the monasteries of St. Sarkis
and supervision of the building according to and Bakkhos, both enlisted among the pal-
the plan of Hovannes was committed to an ace churches, and therefore, included in the
architect named Patricus. The new building imperial clergy (Gen. 83, Cont. Th. 154).
was so similar to the plan, in style and deco- His family wealth had enabled him to ac-
rations, that it could hardly be distinguished quire a thorough and manifold education.
His customary name was Grammatikos baths and all sort of conveniences, worthy of
(Cent. Th. 32, Georg. 766, Sym. 635), which the handiwork of a nobleman. Patriarch
meant that he had mastered the entire scope Hovanness made frequent visits at this man-
of the contemporary sciences, in as much as sion where he lodged for the night. Here,
the word Grammatikos has a wide meaning, he had a special laboratory in the cellar with
a s %\ have explained before. His fiercest a private stairway and door, a sort of hiding
enemies, who in their blindness have will- place where Hovanness surrendered himself
ingly declined to see anything good in him, to revelries, with mistresses and even virgin
have not hesitated in admitting his superior girls. They busied themselves here with for-
education and intellectual excellence. They tune-telling, resorting to various devices of
emphasize his logiotes, intellectual brilliance sorcery, such as the examination of the liver,
which made him the favorite of Michael lekanomanteia, necromancy, and spiritual-
Psellus (Cont. Th. 154). They emphasize ism, namely invoking the spirits of the dead.
his erudition in politics, he knew the mean- Among many others, Emperor Theophilus
ing of politike entaksia, political reforms, he was a participant in these mysterious orgies
was an intrepid opponent, a master polemi- (Cont. Th. 156-157).
cist, a master of arts (Cont. Th. 96). He was It would be supercillious to attach any
highly versed in philosophy and dialectics, worth to this nonsense. When Hovanness
which the historian ridicules as sophistry, was dethroned and was succeeded by Bishop
and therefore, they brought to him all those Methodius, the latter was accused of having
stubborn ecclesiastical recalcitrants who op- had a love affair with a woman. The pre-
posed the prevalent ecclesiastical line, to sumption is that the accusers were the cor-
bring them to their senses (Cont. Th. 102). respondents of Hovanness. Methodius was
Nevertheless, enemy chroniclers, carried vindicated by submitting himself to an un-
away by their religious or partisan passions, seemly test. He divested himself of his
called him not Hovanness but Hanness. That clothes and openly proved that he was
was the name of the Egyptian sorcerer priest physically incapable of committing the crime
who competed with Moses (Tim. II, chapter ascribed to him.
3, 8). They said Hovanness was not a com- If Hovanness was really guilty of love
mon man but a sorcerer. They also called affairs, the partisans of Methodius would not
him Simovn, referring to the Magus of that have spared him and would have hurled the
name. They would have you believe that same insult into the faces of their antagon-
from childhood he was possessed of the devil ists. But no such thing happened. It is plain
and a lunatic. He was given the name of that the scandals ascribed to Hovaness are
Pot as if he was a Kylilas (Scrip. Inc. 349, uncertain, and are nothing but the inven-
Kilzilas, Sym. 606), which in Hebrew means tions of gossipmongers and poisonous minds.
a messenger or a satellite of satan. He was The reputation of Grammatikos and Patri-
accused of the arts of lekanomanteia, phar- arch Hovanness for sorcery is to be ex-
makeia, and desecration (Georg. 766, Sym. plained by fact that he came from the east,
606). the land of the magi and the Chaldeans, and
They also relate that Hovanness had a that he was a wise man. Hovanness was an
brother by the name of Arshavir, a patrician Armenian, his brother's name Arshavir, and
who had a home outside the city, near the this much is enough to put his Armenian
monastery of Phokas on the bank of Bos- origin beyond all doubt. His father's name
phorus. This was a magnificent mansion likewise is Armenian. Hovanness was the
with a pillared courtyard, and equipped with son of Pankratios Skiastes (Vsendu-Sym.
606, taken from De Leone Bardae, an un- the ability of predicting the future. In this
named author, p. 349). sense Skiastes means a pseudo-prophet, the
Pankratios is the Greek form of the Ar- title which was given to Bagrat. It is the
menian name Bagrat. \Vho is this Bagrat same name and the same synonymous sur-
and what does the surname Skiastes mean? name—it is obvious that the reference is to
When in 792 Emperor Constantine VI the same man.
marched against the Bulgars, among others Men of learning, especially those who fol-
he was accompanied by Yard the Armenian lowed the natural sciences, were often called
prince, the strategos (commander-in-chief) by these derisive appelations. Hovanness
of the Armenian provinces and the father of was likened to Trophonius, the founder of
the future Emperor Leo the Armenian, and the Delphic Temple and whose name was
one called Pankratios the false prophet and synonymous with the oracle. Sandabaren
astronomer. Pankratios was endowed with (Cont. Th. 156) no doubt was a scientific
the talent of seeing into the future and had figure, .and perhaps that was the reason of
predicted the Emperor would be victorious his friendship with Phot. He too had a repu-
over the Bulgars. Relying upon his friend's tation as a miracle-worker and a teller of
prediction, Constantine neglected the neces- the future, and was compared to Apollo,
sary preparations for the battle, and as a (Sym. 693—Georg. 846).
result of his incautious and reckless attack, In the eyes of the Christians the Apollon-
suffered a crushing defeat. Led by their ian art was a sort of sorcery, and therefore,
king Kardam the Bulgars massacred the the scientists to whom these arts were as-
Emperor's army, and among the fallen were cribed, were regarded as sorcers maintain-
Prince Yard and the astronomer Pankratios ing secret ties with the demons. The demon
(Theoph. 6284). Hullilas (or Huzilas) was the patron of
This Pankratios was the father of Hovan- Hovanness; the Patriarch Phot had acquired
ness Grammatikos, the Armenian Bagrat. his vast erudition from the devil called Le-
The intimacy of Emperor Leo and Hovan- buphas (Sym. 672-3).
ness was therefore based not only on their Whoever was endowed with such qualities,
ideological kinship, but their close family ties it may safely be said, was a wise man, versed
as well. Their fathers who fell in the same in the natural sciences, as well as the Bible.
battle could not have been strangers to each The natural sciences were regarded as pagan
other as comrades in arms, and especially as heritage, the outpourings of the devil. The
Armenians. gift of necromancy and fortune-telling were
In 815 Hovanness had been considered too likewise of the devil, the birth of pagan
young for the patriarchal throne. If at the sciences.
time he was between 25 and 30 which is still Bagrat, who was called a pseudo-prophet,
too young for the patriarchate, he must have was one of these scientists who delved in the
been born around the years 785-790, which natural sciences. The proof of this was the
means he must have been an infant when his fact that he was an astronomer. If our sup-
father was killed. The surname of Skiastes position, that Bagrat was none other than
attached to Hovanness' father Bagrat is like- Bagrat the Skiastes and the father of Gram-
wise indicative of the astronomer and matikos Hovanness, it becomes plain that
pseudo-prophet Bagrat. Skiastes is one of Hovanness and his brother Arshavir came
the surnames of Apollo—if the word is noth- not only from a noble, but well educated
ing but Greek — and is used for Apollo, family. They had inherited from their father
meaning a soothsayer or one endowed with their love of learning and had reaped the
first fruits of knowledge from the immediate tine the Iconoclast, had it stripped of its
circle which he had created. Arshavir, as pontifical vestments in a circus of horse
fl e have seen, had a mansion on the banks
races, had the lifeless body flogged barbar-
ously, and then had it burnt (Georg. 834,
0{ Bosphorus, near the Monastery of St.
Sym. 681).
phokas, where Hovanness' laboratory was
located (Cont. Th. 156). According to an- The fault was not Emperor Michael's. To
other source, Hovanness had another man- be sure, he was no model of morality, yet he
sion called Troulos outside the city where was too free of that moribund fanaticism in
he carried on sacrifices to the devils and religious matters to be capable of such a
indulged in predictions (Georg. 799, Sym. heinous act. Hidden behind him were Ho-
635). vanness' implacable enemies who were devo-
Such goings on took place in the home of tees of image worship but had completely
Arshavir, and it seems the reference is to the forgotten the spirit of Christ. This simple
same place. Obviously Troulos is none other episode alone is enough proof of the moral
than Arshavir's mansion on the bank of monstrosities to which they had stooped.
Bosphorus. Troulos obviously is the word After all this, their stupid and malicious
troullos which means a dome, which suggests slanders surrounding the name of Hovanness
that Arshavir's home was dome-shaped in are worthless.
the eastern style. It is said that Basil the Michael was assassinated in 867. The
Armenian later bought Arshavir's home and obvious conclusion is Hovanness' death must
convened it into a monastery, the same as have occurred earlier. It cannot be said that
he completely renovated the Monastery of he was just dead, when Michael exhumed his
Phokas (Cont. Th. 157). On the other hand, body. At the same time he dishonored the
the home of Hovanness, Troulos, was unin- body of Constantine Copronimus who had
habited as a nest of the devil (Georg. 799, died in 775. In all probability Hovanness'
Sym. 635), as if they were different man- death synchronized with the sale of Arsha-
sions. It should be observed, however, that vir's mansion, where his laboratory was lo-
Constantine Porphyrogenitus in enumerating cated. The mansion was bought by Basil
the buildings of Ba-sil, although mentioning when he was Parakemomin (Head Cham-
the renovation of Phokas, says nothing about berlain). He had risen to this rank as a re-
Arshavir's mansion (Vita Bas—Cont. Th. sult of his attempt on the life of Yard in
340). Therefore, it cannot definitely be said 858-9. Hovanness' death and the sale of the
that Basil really converted the famous man- mansion must be placed after this date, and
sion into a monastery. before 858-9. Now let us turn to Leo the
After his fall from the patriarchate, the Philosopher.
life of HoVanness is a complete blank. We * » *
only know that in his exile to the monastery IV
of Clideon he destroyed some images as a Leo was Grammatikos Hovanness' cousin
result of which the Empress Theodora had (Cont. Th. 185) and therefore the grandson
him chastized with two hundred blows and of Bagrat the Astrologer. Hovanness'
had him removed to the Monastery of Psika brother was patrician Arshavir, the owner of
(Cont. Th. 151). Even after his death the the famous mansion. Could it be that Leo
Unfortunate ecclesiastical was not left alone. was his son, or the son of another brother
They say Emperor Michael the Drunkard whose name is not mentioned by the
had \i\i body exhumed from the grave, to- historians?
gether with the ashes of Emperor Constan- The name Bagrat is the exclusive property
of the Bagratoonian family, to which no whether Grammatikos Hovanness had a
doubt belonged the astronomer. The name second brother who was the father of Leo
Arshavir is also charateristic of the Kam- the Philosopher, cannot be stated definitely.
sarakan family. If Bagrat's son bore the This Arshavir should not be confused with
name of Arshavir the explanation must be his cognomen <the patrician who was the hus-
sought in the mother's line. Bagrat's wife band of Empress Theodora's sister Kalo-
obviously was from the Kamsarakans. maria, and therefore a son-in-law of the
After Vardan, the monostrateg, who in Mamikonians. At the time of the assassina-
802 attempted to seize the Byzantine throne, tion of Theogdist the Eunuch in 856, Kalo-
the same attempt was made by another Ar- maria was living with her sister in the palace
menian by the name Arshavir in the same and was an accomplice of her brother Vard
year. This was a patrician and a questor by in his intrigues against Theogdtst. It ap-
office. His daughter Theodora was the wife pears that at the time Kalomada had lost
of Leo the Armenian. It is not improbable her husband and, as a widow, -had found
that Bagrat had family ties with the house of shelter with her sister in the imperial court.
Arshavir and this may account for the trans- Meanwhile, Hovanness' brother Arshavir
fer of the name Arshavir to Bagrat's son. was still alive when Basil was Parakimomen.
Arshavir the Questor could have been the The latter won that post after the assassina-
son of a close relative of Nerseh Kamsara- tion of Theogdist (Vard's attempt) about
kan who in 785 fell in battle together with 858-9, which proves that the two Arsha-
generalissimus Bagarat and Tajat Andze- virs, Kalomaria's husband and Hovanness'
vatzi. The latter was a general of the Bukel- brother, are two different persons. The for-
laria province who, having escaped from the mer could have been the son, or the grand-
intrigues of Empress Irene, had found refuge son, or a close relative of Arshavir the
in 782 with the Arabs, and together with the Questor. The princely families had the right
other two Armenian princes had gone against to retain their dynastic names as long as they
the Huns and the Kazars where all three fell signified their origins.
in the battle of Derbent in the summer of Admitted that Hovanness and Arshavir
785 (Ghevond (Leo) the Historian, p.160- could have been the grandchildren of Ar-
161). shavir the Questor's sister, it comes out that
We take it that Arshavir the Questor and Leo V was the husband of the aunt from
Bagrat the Astronomer were the sons of the mother's side. In this event, the friend-
•these princes, Nerseh Kamsarakan and gen- ship between Hovanness and Leo the Em-
eralissimus Bagarat. It will be recalled that peror becomes intelligible not only in view of
Bagrat was killed with Vard the patrician, their ideological conformity in regard to
the son-in-law of Arshavir and the father of ' image worship, but also viewed from their
Emperor Leo V, on the Bulgarian front. family kinship.
Vard was a scion of the Artzrouni family. It is said of Hovanness that he came from
It seems that these three houses, the Kam- an exceedingly noble family (Cont. Th. 254).
sarakans, the Bagratoonts, and the Artzrou- If he really was a relative of Arshavir the
nis were interlinked with family ties. Only Questor, as we have supposed he is, we can
in this way can we account why Bagrat's son understand how this was true, because Ar-
was called Arshavir. It is quite possible that shavir the Questor was not a common figure
Bagrat's grandson, Leo the Philosopher, but an influential senator and a candidate to
owes his name to Leo V the Emperor. the throne. The office of Questor required a
Whether Leo was the son of Arshavir, or mastery of the Greek and Latin languages,
high literary talent, and a comprehensive
knowledge of jurisprudence.
cause he was scarcely 30 in 840 when he
became metropolitan. His biographer's le-

gend of Leo's correspondence with Mamoon,

Leo the Philosopher belonged to the cul-
at the time he was giving lessons in an ob-
tured and erudite family of Bagrat the As- scure hut, likewise transgresses against the
tronomer. Hovanness Grammatikos, and facts. Mamoon died in 833, while Leo could
Questor Arshavir,—the son of a noted house not have been born before 810. In the days
in the full sense of the word. Even disre- of Mamoon, therefore, he was a mere lad,
garding his supposed relationship to Ar- and could neither have given lessons nor
shavir the Questor and Bagrat, judging from have corresponded with him.
the literary period of Hovanness and Ar-
shavir, the Troulos mansion which was an In all probability Leo's scientific and
intellectual rendezvous would be enough to pedogogical activity began after he abdicated
assert with certainty that Leo, their nephew, his post of metropolitan in 843. At that time,
was brought up under the most favorable although Yard was one of three trustees of
circumstances. From his childhood he had crown prince Michael, he nevertheless was
all the facilities of a good education. There not influential in political affairs. As Logo-
could be no talk of poverty. That Leo lived det, Eunuch Theogdist had won over the
in penury, was forced to make a living by confidence of Empress Theodora and had
giving lessons, or that he lived in obscurity, neutralized the influence of Yard in state
as his biographer has said, in no wise cor- affairs. Yard had been obliged to limit his
responds with the facts. The atmosphere of activity to educational pursuits. He took
the Troulos mansion was far from poverty great care to revive the so-called external,
or obscurity, where Leo had grown up. Not or secular sciences (Cont. Th. 185). To
only he was not wanting in material assets, this end, he founded schools first at the
but on the contrary, thanks to advantages church of the Forty Children and later in
offered by the munificence which he enjoyed, the palace of Magravna, putting them in
he was able to travel to distant centers, as charge of Leo the Philosopher.
far as Andros, to go through the collections The discovery of Leo could not have taken
of manuscripts, and to satiate his thirst for place in the days of Theophilus as his biog-
learning. He had studied grammar, poetry, rapher would have us believe. Equally er-
and rhetoric in the capital under no less cap- roneous is the contention that Theogdist was
able a teacher than his uncle who was called his first patron (Cont. Th. 189). His biog-
Grammatikos, no doubt because of his vast rapher is not a friend of Yard. He is a
erudition. Thereafter he traveled extensively partisan of Basil and is inspired by Constan-
to complete his education by private applica- tine Porphyrogenitus. Driven by the urge
tion. The picture of poverty and obscurity to minimize the name of Yard, he makes
which his biographer has painted for us is Theogdist Leo's patron and ascribes to him
merely a mythical embellishment, wholly the latter's appointment as lecturer at the
devoid of historical basis. Forty Children's school. Chronologically,
It was his domestic munificence which Theogdist could not have patronized Leo in
made Leo metropolitan Bishop of Thessa- the days of Theophilus. Neither he could
lonika, apparently when he was too young have patronized him after Theophilus, be-
for the position. If his uncle was not old cause of the change in religious policy. Leo
enough in 815 to become patriarch he must lost his metropolitan throne in 843 as a re-
have been not more than 25-30. Therefore sult of the victory of image worship. And
:n SI 5 Leo must have been an infant, be- s'.nce Theogdist was the soul of the new
policy, it is unthinkable that the fanatical script:
eunuch could have supported his fallen an- 1
tagonist in any other career. The example Boundless is thy knowledge, the repository which
the ancients
of Patriarch Hovanness, who lost his throne In their dissertations have expounded, pertaining
under the same circumstances, precludes the to all wisdom.
Howbeit. thy soul was lost, when thon did'st drink
thought that his nephew Leo would be dealt the salty water,
with greater tolerance or clemency. And thon did'st wallow in the sea of wickedness,
O miscreant!
Yard was the maecenas (patron) of Leo Thou did'st desert the faith snblime and supernal,
After thy baptism in the holy basin of Christianity,
in his scientific and pedogogical activities O miserable.
after 843. If it's true that Leo lectured at the Haying denied the mystery, terrible and sublime,
The mightiest miracle of the Holy Scriptures,
Forty Children's school, this too must be Headlong thou did'st tumble into the monstrous
ascribed to the patronage of Yard. The abyss of Hellenese abomination
And wert swallowed up by the soul-devouring
opening of the University of Magravna is beasts, O Leo.
placed by the historian at 843 (Cont. Th. Who is the soul who will not pity thee, mourn not
thy fall,
192). And since we have found it historic- Who will not weep at sight of thy plight, to this
ally impossible that Leo could have lectured thou hast come?
No longer can thy weary foot lean against that
before this date, it would be more convenient rock,
to start his lectures at the school of Forty To walk the path with steps firm and straight.
Children from this date, and place the And having abandoned the holy Trinity, thon
worshippest now
courses at Magravna somewhere between The galaxy of false gods. 0 fool.
856 and 866, under the tutelage of Yard. Hearken, O ye offspring of men, the famed people
During this decade Yard had full control of of Christ,
Ye have not known of this man's heresy;
the government and ruled the empire in the Zens is his god whose wife is Hera,
name of his nephew Michael, and it was dur- Zeus the paramour of virgin beds.
ing this period that Leo's activity as an Zeus and a whole horde of celestials,
As enumerated by Homer, the famous Melisse-born.
educator reached brilliant heights. His im- Come then, all ye noble comrades,
mediate associates were Theodore, Theo- Let's tell him thus to his face in unison:
Begone thon evil-headed, descend into the dark
dekius, and Komitas who taught geometry, Hades,
astronomy, and the courses in literature. Perish thou, together with thy wisdom, thy misery,
and thy wickedness,
These were Leo's pupils, probably graduates Co thon and join Periplegethon at the Tartarus,
of the school of Forty Children. Join the Crissipes and the Socrateses,
The Pericleses, the Plato's, the Aristotle's and the
Leo was the director of the school. Un- Epicureans,
And thy friends the Euclids and astronomer
fortunately, nothing from his writings has Ptolemies,
come down to us. However, a very clear The queen of wisdom, the Homeric muse,
As well as the Hesiods and the Arats.
idea of the direction of his teachings, and its 3
spirit, has been transmitted to us by a satiri- To be enveloped by the eternal fire thou art
cal writing directed against him. The author Together with thy wonderful company
of this satire is none other than one of Leo's Whom thou lovest and callest prophets,
And art in collusion with their occult deceits.
pupils, one Constantine, who, disillusioned All this, I Constantine, fed by thy Calliope's milk,
by the knowledge he had gained at the foot Accumulated the wisdom,
And having studied the secret of they heart,
of his master, ventures to unmask the anti- Understood and exposed thy hidden evil.
Christian spirit of his teachings after his (Migne, P.G. 107 C. LXI).
death. The script is entitled "Contra Leo The ungrateful pupil's writing serves the
the Philosopher, by Constantine his pupil," exact opposite aim from what the author
and is written in the Homeric style. Follow- had intended. He could not have furnished
ing is a verbatim translation of the entire us with more eloauent ev.dence of Leo's and
his university's scientific spirit. This is not rather grave. They condemned the pupil for
a satire, but the best proof of Leo's free and his ingratitude to his spiritual parent, to
* unshackled thought. which the pupil was obliged to reply with a
First of all, noteworthy is the broad circle fresh writing entitled: "The Defence of Leo
of the lectures in which classical literature the Philosopher, According to Which he
holds a high position, including not only Worshipped Christ and Cursed the Hellenic
Homer and Hesiod, but almost all the foun- Heathen Gods."
ders of the important philosophical schools, This title cannot be authentic because k
such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicureus is in glaring variance at the contents. It was
and Procles, which were made the subject of not Leo who was defending himself against
study. Euclid and Ptolemy are specifically Constantine, as the author of the title
pointed out as Leo's friends, which indicates thought, no doubt as a result of careless
his specialty of geometry and astronomy. reading. It is the same Constantine who,
Instruction was imparted in a spirit of recalling the discontent against him, starts
liberal-mindedness, free from religious bias, to attack his teacher anew, and to prove that
which accounts for the general impression, he was basically right in his charges. This
especially on the part of those who were im- is what Constantine writes:
bued with the spirit of Christianity, that the "Many have censured me with evil words
lecturer was sympathetic with the pagan and ridiculed me saying: 'What a writing!
outlook, whereas, the truth is, they were What an honorable compensation for the
merely approaching the subjects under study education you received! You paid him well
as scientists, and not as religious philoso- who was your second father, O brave. In
phers. Constantine's exposures are not an return for the education he gave you, you
outburst of wounded vanity, or the hatred erected an eternal monument for him, calling
of a pupil. His complaint is not personal, him a fool, a blasphemer, and an apostate.'
but is the expression of the temperament of Others have blamed me, being unadvised
certain strata of the people. Hellenic sciences perhaps of my solid ground. They have
at this time were considered as abominable, dared to say that my words are lies, dictated
or something to be dreaded and shunned, to by malicious enemies, who bribed me into
be exact. People thought they undermined attacking my deceased teacher. I listen to
the foundations of Christianity, and they ac- their drivel as much as possible, enduring it
tually scandalized the true believers. The patiently." (Migne, P.G. 107, c. 660).
charge that Leo worshipped Zeus and his Constantine then turnes to the attack. He
celestial compeers was of course an exag- explains comprehensively his attitude toward
geration. The truthful gist of this accusation the Hellenic sciences and the pagan world.
was the fact that Leo did not take the Chris- He declares that "the word of God is the
tian creed as his postulate or starting point. only source of truth, Christ is the witness."
A first glimpse at Constantine's writing He curses those who deny the truth and do
leaves the impression as if his satire was not worship "the holy Trinity in one." He
aimed not at Leo but against those persons concludes his writing with the following sig-
whose opinion of the famous scientist was nificant words: "This is the reason why, be-
varied and conflicting, however, a second ginning with now, I love eloquence, and why
writing on the same subject by the same I chose the venerable Bishop Phot as my
writer leaves no doubt that his shaft was teacher, who fed me with the divine milk."
really aimed at Leo. It appears that certain Leo and Phot present a perfect contrast.
circles regarded Constantine's accusation Leo was the representative of Hellenic sci-
ences, Phot of Christianity. On the other taken in the opposite sense, meaning, Leo
hand, we know that Phot, the founder of the perished in the church together with the
famous library, was a great lover of classical other worshipers. It is strange that Leo
literature. The contrast between the two should advise the others to leave the church
consists of the fact that Leo was a specialist while himself remaining behind. Obviously
of the so-called Hellenic quadruple sciences, the advice ascribed to Leo and his escape
whereas Phot specialized in the historical are a pure invention. It is incompatible with
works. The crux of the controversy between the fame of the great scientist that one who
the two, therefore, could not have been was well versed in the secrets of nature
classical literature as such, but only the na- should fall a victim of the earthquake, and
tural sciences. It was believed that these consequently, they have distorted the true
sciences were in disagreement with many story by claiming that all the worshippers
points of the Scriptures. During the Byzan- perished inside the church while Leo was
tine period Hellenic literature was the ob- saved by seeking shelter under -the pillars.
ject of study to a more or less degree. What In his writing which appeared after the
was spurned, or ignored, were the so-called death of Leo, Constantino asserts that he
quadruple sciences, and it was their revival chose Bishop Phot as his new teacher. The
which gave rise to complaints in ecclesiastical latter could of course have busied himself
circles, and right here is centered the impor- with giving lessons only after he had abdi-
tance of Leo. cated his patriarchal throne which took place
From Constantine's reference it is obvious in 867. He was reinstated in the year of
that Leo was already dead when the ungrate- 879. Constantine must have studied under
ful pupil rose against him. While the exact him between these two dates when Leo
year of Leo's death is unknown, we know must already have been dead. This observa-
that he was alive during the first years of tion confirms our theory that Leo was dead
Basil's reign. In all probability he did not by the year 870.
live much after Basil. In the days of Basil V
a great earthquake took place in the capital, Leo was a Byzantine Armenian, born and
during the festival of Polyektos, which brought up in the capital. It may fairly be
lasted 40 days and nights, destroying many stated that he was a native product both in
churches, including the Holy Mother of God aspirations and his insatiable thirst for learn-
Church called Sigma. It is related that Leo ing. It should not be forgotten, however,
the Philosopher was at the church of Sigma that his grandfather was Bagrat the Astron-
at the time of the earthquake. He immedi- omer who was not indebted to the capital for
ately warned the worshippers to get out of his knowledge but brought it with him from
the church but they would not listen to him his fatherland of Armenia, which gives us
and they all perished. Leo himself, however, the right to presume that to a certain extent
together with two others, sought shelter un- his blood spoke in Leo. In saying this, I
der one of the pillars and was saved (Georg. do not necessarily refer to heredity, but to
840, Sym.688). the family traditions. Without intending to
The festival of Polyektos is celebrated on delve into the intricacies of Armenian and
the 9th of January. The earthquake took Byzantine intellectual relationships, I would
place in the third year of Basil's reign in like to draw a parallel between Leo and
870 (according to Sym. 688 whose annals another Armenian scientist, to bring out the
although unreliable, seem to be correct in spiritual intimacy between the two. This
this instance). This story could easily be scientist was Ananias Shirakatzi who lived

in the 7th century, and occupied the same contacted some acquaintances who, upon
position in Armenian education as Leo did learning the purpose of his mission, told him
in Byzantine education. He was the first to he had gone through all this trouble for
sow the seeds of science among the Armen- nothing.. They were surprised that Ananias
ians. Fortunately, we know more about him had not heard of the famous scientist Thu-
than about any other ancient writer, thanks khikos of Trebizond who likewise was well
to his writings. This is what Ananias tells versed in Armenian letters, so much so many
about himself: students from the capital repaired to him to
His education is divided into several per- complete their advanced education.
iods, the first of which he describes in the Just then, at the behest of the Patriarch
following succinct and meaningful words: of Constantinople, a certain deacon named
"I colkcted the learning of our Armenian Philager was escorting a group of students to
nation and I mastered the Holy Scriptures." Trebizond to study under Thukhikos. An-
This means that he studied and mastered anias joined the company and eventually
the entire storehouse of Armenian learning met Thukhikos who spent his time in lectur-
and became an erudite man. But this was ing at the church of St. Eugiene the Virgin.
not enough to satisfy his thirst for learning. Ananias spent eight years here accumulating
He wanted to acquaint himself with the art knowledge in the sciences of his wanting, and
of figures (mathematics)—"Having a great familiarized himself with countless manu-
longing for the art of figures, I thought noth- scripts "which had not been translated into
ing counted in learning without calculations, Armenian, for there were so many writings,
thinking this was the mother of all learning." so many secrets and revelations, books on
The situation was exactly the same which history and medicine and chronology, and
had been confronted by Leo the Philosopher there was not one book which could not be
who, after having mastered rhetoric and found there."
grammar in the capital, began to dream of Ananias speaks with admiration of Thuk-
acquiring the natural sciences. Like Leo, hikos' knowledge of the Armenian language.
Ananias had been unable to find a teacher in He could translate from Greek into Armen-
Constantinople. "Among the Armenians I ian so fluently and so fast, says Ananias, that
found no man of wisdom," he writes, "nor you would think you were listening to the
found a book on arts in the whole world." original Armenian, and not to a translation.
There was nothing he could do, except, like After having stored up all the knowledge he
Leo, to travel in his quest for knowledge. could at the foot of Thukhikos, Ananias re-
Having set out for the land of the Greeks, turned to the fatherland to impart his knowl-
he arrived in Theodosiopolis where he met edge to others. "I brought my mighty art to
a man by the name of Eleazar, a man well this country, "says Ananias," without the aid
versed in ecclesiastics, and from whom he of anyone, and no one even thanked me for
learned about a famous mathematician my trouble." He bitterly records that many
named Christosatour who lived in Fourth came to study under him but went away be-
Armenia (a subdivision of Armenian Mi- fore finishing their education, to impart to
nor). Ananias went to Christosatour and others what themselves had not fully ac-
spent some time with him, but he did not quired. "Hypocrites and vainglorious men
stay more than six months because he was who make a show of learning and love to be
soon convinced that Christosatour was not called Rabbi by men. They have said the
a man of exceptional erudition. Thereupon accusations against me are nothing but mali-
he decided to go to Constantinople. Here he cious machinations."
The accusers, of course, were his former mathematician by the name of Nicholav
pupils who spread false rumors about their Artavasd Rhabdas (now pronounced Rfo
teacher, much the same as Constantine and das). The first article, paper 194, is titlC(j
his like had spread about Leo. Embittered "A Short and Simple Lesson in Mathernati •
by the slanders, Ananias pours out the vials written in Constantinople by Nicholayos A
of his wrath upon the heads of the Armen- tavasd of Smyrna, called Rhabdas, math
ians, saying: "The Armenians do not care matician and geometrist, at the request o'
for meaning or knowledge, but are indolent the most honorable Georg Khatzyke."
and easily tired." If in the words "meaning" The other article, paper 22S, bears th-
(the Armenian words may also be interpre- title: "To rny Dearest Friend Theodo
ted as wisdom) and "knowledge" (the Ar- Tzabouke of Klaghomentz, written by No
menian word may likewise be interpreted as cholayos Artavasd the Smyrnan, Rhabdj'
learning or science) the author has reference the Byzantine (from Constantinople)."
to the natural sciences, he has a right to com- One of these twin names, Artavasd, i*
plain, otherwise it is the exaggeration of the purely Armenian, indicating that he had jus;
disgruntled, if not an absolute slander, to arrived in Smyrna from the east and had
deny the Armenian innate love of investiga- been renamed Nicholayos, his surname
tion. Ananias' specialty were the "Quad- Rhabdas. Artavasd has written his work a'.
ruple Arts," consisting of arithmetic, music, the request of Georg who was called Khat-
geometry, and astronomy. zyke, obviously the Armenian name of Kha-
The sciences which Ananias loved could chik, affectionate form Khatchatour, and
have never altogether disappeared, no mat- known ever since the 10th century when
ter how much they might have been forgot- even one of the Catholicoses bore the name
ten, always bound <to survive in the custody Both Georg Khachik and Theodor are Ar-
of a few followers. Bagrat the Astronomer menians. Tzaboukh is none other than the
probably is one of these custodians of An- word "Chavoush." Theodor bore his title no
anias' precious learning which he owed not doubt because he was a Chavoush (gen-
to the capital but to his native Armenia. The darm) at the imperial court. Farther back,
spirit of the school of Magnavra which Leo the name of this office was Tzautzes which
inoculated did not come to an end after his is the same word as Chavoush, a title which
death, nor did the Armenians keep aloof in was held in high esteem at the time. Georg
•the subsequent advancement. In the 10th Khachik was an officer of the palace, the
century the sciences and the university were head of the office which handled all the
patronized by an enlightened magistros in petitions addressed to the Emperor.
the person of Constantine Dziranadzin, the This was how an Armenian scientist wrote
learned emperor who was the grandson of two studies at the request of two of his com-
Basil the Armenian. It is not OUT intention patriots. Neither of them is a subtle writing-
to follow here the development of the sci- In one article he explains the four operations
ences during the subsequent centuries. We of addition, subtraction, division and multi-
will only recall here another Armenian name, plication. The other paper deals with the
a famous mathematician who lived in the fractions, the laws of multiplication, and the
twilight of Byzantine civilization. process of extracting the square root.
In the National Library of Paris there is a A French scientist has made a small re-
Greek manuscript, No. 2428, which consists search study of Xicholayos Artavasd Rhab-
of mathematical studies, including two ar- das in which he dwells largely on the method
ticles which are the work of an Armenian of extracting the square root. He proves that

tie method which the German scientist these three, Georg Khachik, Theodor Cha-
fuentner ascribed to contemporary mathe- voush, and Artavasd Rhabdas were not of
,aticians Opperman and Alexeyev really be- the delegation which accompanied the
long5 to Artavasd (P. Tannery, Manuel Mo- daughter of the Armenian king to the im-
ibopoulos et Nicolas Rhabdas, Bulletin des
Sciences Mathematiques, 2 Serie, 8. 1884). perial capital. Mariam was accompanied by
•j-^is makes a humble gift of the Armenians her sister who was to have married a western
,o the science of mathematics. prince but who died on the way. The sur-
Artavasd is also known for a geometrical name of Rhabdas strikes me as the abbrevia-
ivork, a Greek manuscript (Cod. Suppl. tion of the word Rhabdophoros which means
frfec. 682) which is found in Paris. He lived a page, literally a staff-bearer. In all prob-
in the 14-th century, during the reign of An- ability, like Khachik and Chavoush, Arta-
dronicus Palaeologus. He was still alive in vasd too was an officer of the imperial court.
|341 as seen by one of his calulations. Hav- The Armenian names which still cling to
ing determined the Easter in the year of them are an indication that they had freshly
6849, the 17th cycle of the sun and the 9th arrived from the east and were not old resi-
of the moon, Artavasd calls the year THE dents of Byzantium.
PRESENT YEAR. From the calulations it Thus, the torch of the sciences which we
is apparent that he was referring to the year see in the hand of Ananias Shirakatzi in the
1341 when Easter fell on April 8th. It is 7th century, which in all probability through
known that Michael, the son of Andronicus Bagrat was transmitted to Leo the Philoso-
Palaeologus was married to Mariam, the pher and shone in the Palace of Magnavra,
sister of Hetoum II, Armenian king of Cili- the same torch was still flickering in a mod-
cia, to which marriage was born a son, An- est Armenian circle in the Capital of
dronicus III, who ascended the throne in Byzantium, on the eve of the Empire's
1328 and reigned until 1341. downfall.
It is a subject of curious speculation if (Translated by J. G. M.)

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