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Table Field Names Field Description Data Type

minDT Minimum time of dumping int
duration to be classed as
maxDT Maximum time of dumping int
duration to be classified as
filters_haul HaulUpper Upper range of haul int
duration to be considered
HaulLower Lower range of haul int
duration to be considered
filters_MT tk Equipment type of trucks char 16
minMT Minimum measured tons int
amount to be considered
maxMT Maximum measured tons int
amount to be considered
tk Equipment type of trucks char 16
ex Equipment type of shovels char 16
minsp Minimum spot duration to int
be classified as valid
maxsp Maximum spot duration to int
be classified as valid
minld Minimum load duration to int
be classified as valid
maxld Minimum load duration to int
be classified as valid
load load number of material real
scheme# scheme number for int
scheme scheme name varchar
group group name to be grouped varchar
by during reporting
shovel Equipment type of the char
scheme# scheme number for int
scheme scheme name varchar
group group name to be grouped varchar
by during reporting
Table Field Names Field Description Data Type
truck Equipment type of the real
scheme# scheme number for int
scheme scheme name varchar
group group name to be grouped varchar
by during reporting
shiftindex shiftindex number float
ddbkey float
truck id of the truck char
loc location id char
grade grade id char
blast blast location id char
bay aux bay eqmt id char
measureton tonnage computed by float
weighing system
timearrive dump arrival time real
timedump start of dump time real
timeempty end of dump time real
timedigest time load digested real
calctravtime expected travel time real
load material type real
extraload dumped added through real
changeload utility
lift_up total uphill lift real
lift_down total downhill lift real
liftdist_up total uphill distance traveled real
liftdist_down total down distance traveled real
dist total distance to the dump real
efh equivalent flat haul real
loadtype type of dump: regular or real
dumptons true tonnage dumped – float
shiftlink used to link to shift dumps float
database records
dumped dump id int
oper id of truck oper char
eoper if of shovel oper char
idletime idle time for dump real
Dumpingtim dumping time for dump real
val_dmp flag for valid dump real
idmp flag for interrupted dump real
shiftindex shiftindex float
ddbkey float
eqmtid eqmt id char
pit pit location at start of shift char
[size] truck or excav size float
unit# unit type smallint
unit unit type name char
Table Field Names Field Description Data Type
eqmttype# equipment type smallint
eqmttype equipment type name char
extraload# eqmt added by changload smallint
extraload char
flagged if eqmt has
trammer trammed real
shiftindex shift index float
ddbkey float
gradeid id of the grade char
loc digging location char
required dump for this
[dump] material char
inv remaining tonnage float
grade00 material grades float
grade01 float
grade02 float
grade03 float
grade04 float
grade05 float
grade06 float
grade07 float
grade08 float
grade09 float
grade10 float
grade11 float
grade12 float
grade13 float
grade14 float
grade15 float
grade16 float
grade17 float
grade18 float
grade19 float
spgr specific gravity float
load# material type of grade real
[load] char
blend# blend category smallint
blend char
shiftindex index of the shift float
gradeid id of the grade char
gradeparam enum grade reference smallint
grade value of grade float
shiftindex shift index float
ddbkey float
truck truck eqmt id char
excav shovel eqmt id char
grade grade id char
loc location id char
used to link to the dumps
dumprec database record float
Table Field Names Field Description Data Type
tonnage calculated by
measureton weighing system float
timearrive arrival time at excav real
timeload start of load at excav real
timefull end of load at exacv real
expected travel time to
ctrteh excav real
expected full haul travel
ctrtfh time to dump real
atrteh actual travel time to dump real
actual full haul travel time
atrtfh to dump real
[load] material type real
load added through changed
extraload load utility real
lift_up total uphill lift real
lift_down total downhill lift real
liftdist_u total uphill distance traveled real
liftdist_d total down distance traveled real
total distance to the dump
disteh empty haul real
total distance to the dump
distfh full haul real
equivalent flat haul
efheh distance empty haul real
equivalent flat haul
efhfh distance full haul real
type of load: regular or
loadtype trammed real
true tonnage loaded –
loadtons calculated float
used to link to shift loads
shiftlink database float
oper truck oper id char
eoper excav oper id char
beginspot begin spotting time at excav real
queuetime queuing time for load real
spottime spotting time for load real
loadingtim loading time for load real
fullhaul ready time full haul real
dumptime ready time while dumping real
emptyhaul ready time while empty real
idle time between last
bucket and first bucket of
hangtime next load real
loadnumber number of the load real
val_sp flag for valid spot real
val_ld flag for valid loading time real
val_mt flag for valid measured tons real
flag for valid spot and
val_spld loading times real
flag for valid spot, loading
val_spldmt and measured tons real
Table Field Names Field Description Data Type
val_ehaul flag for valid empty haul real
val_fhaul flag for valid full haul real
ot flag for over trucked real
ut flag for under trucked real
flag for interrupted spot
isp time real
flag for interrupted loading
ild time real
ifh flag for interrupted full haul real
flag for interrupted empty
ieh haul real
flag to determine if the load
dmp has been dumped real
shiftindex shift index float
ddbkey float
locid location id char
pit SHLOC of containing pit char
region SHLOC of containing region char
elev elevation of location real
unit# physical unit of location smallint
unit char
shiftindex shift index float
ddbkey float
operid id of operator char
name name of operator char
crew# crew operator belongs to smallint
crew char
shiftindex shift index float
ddbkey float
eqmtid id of equipment char
logintime time of oper login real
locid location id char
operid operator’s payroll number char
name operator’s name char
total seconds in all time
totaltime categories float
pit in which this operator
pit worked char
unit# unit of equip smallint
unit char
total number of loads for
totalloads oper float
totaltons total tons for the operator float
total truck or excav loading
loadtime time float
total truck or excav idle
idletime time float
total truck or excav spotting
spottime time float
loadcnt total truck or excav loads float
Table Field Names Field Description Data Type
shiftindex shift index float
ddbkey float
timecat# time category number smallint
timecat time category name char
total seconds time the time
[time] category real
shiftindex shift index float
ddbkey float
reason reason number char
name name of the reason char
status status of the reason real
delaytime delaytime for the reason real
category details for the
category reason real
maintenance time for the
mainttime reason char
shiftindex shiftindex float
ddbkey float
eqmt eqmt id char
operid operator id char
start time of the status
starttime change real
end time of the status
endtime period real
duration duration of the status period real
reason for the status
reason change int
status status change int
category category of the event int
comments for the status
comment change char
shiftindex shift index float
shiftlink link to loads record float
timecat00 duration in time category real
timecat01 real
timecat02 real
timecat03 real
timecat04 real
timecat05 real
timecat06 real
timecat07 real
timecat08 real
timecat09 real
timecat10 real
timecat11 real
shiftindex shift index float
shiftlink link to loads record float
timecat00 duration in time category real
Table Field Names Field Description Data Type
timecat01 real
timecat02 real
timecat03 real
timecat04 real
timecat05 real
timecat06 real
timecat07 real
timecat08 real
timecat09 real
timecat10 real
timecat11 real
Load load type real
Material Type Material type nvarchar
Name of the material type
to be displayed as during
Load Measure reporting e.g. tons etc varchar

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