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Machine learning have recently revolutionized the oil and gas industry (Alcocer and Rodrigues 2001, Al-
Fattah and Startzman 2001, Kohli and Arora 2014, Okpo et al. 2016, Sinha et al. 2016, Tariq et al. 2017,
Luo et al. 2018, Nande 2018, Rashidi et al. 2018, Sidaoui et al. 2018, Xu et al. 2019). As a data-rich
industry, machine learning finds applications in every corner ranging from production forecast to drilling
efficiency (Hegde and Gray 2017, Fulford et al. 2016). Given the significance of geomechanical
properties of the rock, the volume of studies has attempted to leverage machine learning techniques. For
instance, Li et al. (2018) developed a workflow implementing various machine learning algorithm to
accurately provide an URTeC 897 2

alternative to synthesize the sonic logs and geomechanical properties afterwards. In the same time, Hadi
and Nygaard (2018) used Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to develop an empirical model to estimate the
shear velocity from conventional logs. Another dimension was presented by Jain et al. (2015) where they
proposed an approach to integrate both core and log spectroscopy which provided better estimations of
the mineralogy.

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