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Diane Lane P.


Practical Research 2

The Assumptions In Academic

The Impact of Tardiness in Every Student

When students are tardy, they negatively impact their teachers and other students.
Teachers are often required to allow tardy students to make up work, which often requires them
to restructure their lessons or re-teach missed material. Tardiness also takes other students'
attention away from a teacher's lesson, leading to more behavior problems and missed


But not only does a student who is consistently arriving late to school establish bad
punctuality habits, their tardiness also disrupts the learning of other students in their classes. A
study by Hammill Institute on Disabilities (Caldarella, Christensen, Young & Densley,
2011), looked at decreasing tardiness in primary school-aged students using teacher-written
praise notes. Arriving late to school can also mean that students miss out on activities designed
to build connections with their peers, potentially impacting their social interactions and
creating a greater sense of alienation from their classmates.

REFFERENCE: https://www.teachermagazine.com.au/articles/the-effect-of-student-tardiness-

Students who are late to classes may fall behind in their classroom work. If a
student misses the first part of a lecture, for example, he may miss the notes that he
will need to study for an upcoming exam. Some teachers do not accept late homework,
so they will not permit a student to turn in a homework assignment if he is tardy. This
can result in an incomplete or failing grade for the work.

REFFERENCE: https://classroom.synonym.com/effects-tardiness-students-8694652.html
The Family Background of a Student

Parental involvement is considered an important influence on academic progress.

Parental involvement has been positively linked to indicators of student achievement, including
teacher ratings of student competence, student grades and achievement test scores (Deslandes
et.al., 1999). Parent involvement has also been associated with other indicators of school success,
including lower rates of retention in grades, lower dropout rates, higher on-time high school
graduation rates, and higher rates of participation in advanced courses (Barnard, 2004). Families
with many children will have limited time to supervise each and every child’s homework. In
cases where both parents work, the responsibility is passed on to the grandparents.

REFFERENCE: https://www.ukessays.com/essays/education/effect-of-family-background-to-

A lot of studies show that there is a big effect of the nature of family background on the
academic performance of children in school. The family back ground plays has a big on the
academic performance of children at all levels of education in the school system. It is generally
accepted that the quality of family interactions has important associations with the children’s
academic motivation and achievement. For instance Ryan (2000) shows that there is a significant
effect of family background variables, parent support and teacher support on a child’s
educational attainment.

REFFERENCE: https://www.grin.com/document/384998

Education is a lasting process. Academic performance in primary education plays a crucial role
in obtaining further educational opportunities. Thus, it is necessary to examine how family
background affects children’s academic achievement at an early stage. Through analysis of data
from the Chinese Family Panel Study in 2010(CFPS2010), this paper proposes two pathways
through which family influences children’s academic performance. Firstly, parents compete for
high-quality educational opportunities for their children and better educational opportunities lead
to better academic performance. Secondly, parenting behavior and educational support for their
children could cultivate children’s learning habits and affect academic performance. We also
find urban students’ academic performance are more heavily affected by their families’
socioeconomic status compared with rural students. These findings bear important implications
for how to reduce the class difference in students’ academic performance and promote
educational equity in contemporary China.

REFFERENCE: https://journalofchinesesociology.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40711-
Bullying on students

Bullying is a behavioral phenomenon that has attracted the attention of educators and
policy makers in many parts of the world in recent years. For Fante (2005), bullying is a situation
which is characterized by intentional verbal or physical abuse, made repetitively, by one or more
students against one or more peers. The author states that this phenomenon is a form of violence
quickly growing in the world. In Brazil, during November 2015 the Federal government
established the nationwide initiative called the Systematic Program1 to Combat Bullying.2 This
federal law aims to combat bullying throughout society, especially in schools.

REFFERENCE: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1517758017300218

Bullying is a serious threat to our youth today. According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), bullying affects 20% of high school students and cyberbullying affects 16%
of high school students. Surveys compiled by the CDC also show that 33% of students ages 12-
18 who reported bullying at school and 27% of students ages 12-18 who reported cyberbullying
indicated that they were bullied at least once or twice a month. Middle schools reported the
highest rate of bullying (25%), at least once a week.

REFFERENCE: https://www.psycom.net/effects-of-bullying

Personal resources include a student's self-belief. Some students may dismiss what seems to
others like hurtful verbal or social bullying because they are self-confident and have many other
positive experiences in their lives. Other students may feel deeply distressed and personally
responsible for being bullied. Other personal resources include strategies that students can learn
to 'deflect' or protect themselves from bullying. For example, some students use a mental image
of a force field or armour which bounces the verbal bullying off before it can hurt them. Arange
of strategies can be helpful in certain situations.

REFFERENCE: https://bullyingnoway.gov.au/UnderstandingBullying/Pages/Impact-of-
The Financial Of Students

Taken together, the financial findings speak to the need for colleges to make sure
students have the aid counseling and information they need regarding what’s best for long-term
success, McCormick said. Despite the bad rap that student loans are getting in the wake of a
flood of stories about students graduating tens of thousands of dollars in debt, “the evidence is
still pretty clear that borrowing is a better strategy than working full-time and going to school
full-time,” he said. “If students are using social media, maybe that’s another angle for reaching

REFFERENCE: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2012/11/15/finances-affect-students-

Transportation is one of the major problems facing students. Most students who do not
live close to their lecture venues usually walk a long distance on foot to their respective lecture
venues due to financial problem. For a student to transport himself to and fro school, he needs a
lot of money weekly, which can only be afforded by those that are financially buoyant. Another
thing that eats deep into the pockets of students is the issue of stationeries. Students need writing
materials and textbooks. At the end of session, some need to present seminars, write reports and
projects. These take a huge amount of money. Someone who is not financially strong cannot
carry out all these. In fact, these problems are what prompted the researchers to make an
investigation into the financial strength of students in relation to their academic performance.

REFFERENCE: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/afrrev/article/viewFile/101331/90521

According to a new study led by Harvard, Princeton and Warwick University scientists, financial
hardship may directly influence a person’s cognitive ability. The study followed Indian farmers
that are paid once a year upon selling off their harvest and found the farmers’ cognitive abilities
to be compromised significantly before receiving their pay. The farmers were tested at a moment
of accumulating debt before selling their harvest and once again after receiving a lump sum for
the year. The results were that once their financial worries had been resolved, the same farmers
scored much higher than they had previously.

REFFERENCE: http://panthernow.com/2013/09/17/effects-of-financial-stress-on-academic-
The Effects of Social Media In Every Student

Social media, however, has a negative aspects due to the fact that it affects
relationships with others, people easily get distracted, and it my cause cyber bullying. According
to researchers, social media is affecting the way kids look at friendship and intimacy. Patricia
Greenfield, a UCLA developmental psychologist says that teens’idead of friendship have been
influenced by their immersion in the on-line world since young people feel socially supported by
having large networks of on-line friends.

REFFERENCE: https://studymoose.com/the-effects-of-social-media-on-students-essay?email=

Social media is rapidly changing the communication setting of today’s social world. The
emergent of social media is significantly influencing the academic life of students. Institutions
and academician are continually trying with social media technologies hoping to excite critical
thinking skills, collaboration, and knowledge construction. Today social media has been
accepted by higher institution making it a platform where students connect with their instructors,
fellow students and other higher authorities across the board. This therefore called for the study
to explore and examine how social media has impacted on students’ academic life. The study
implored a qualitative approach in assessing these impacts. Ten (10) participants were
conveniently sampled and interviewed with a period of two weeks. After studying the
phenomena that were of interest to the study, and transcribing the various responses of the
participants the results reveals that social media is widely used by students of higher institution
and that participant are in support of the idea that social media contribute a significant quota to
the development of their academic life

REFFERENCE: https://globaljournals.org/GJHSS_Volume16/1-The-Impact-of-Social.pdf

“Using social media to cope with academic frustrations can be a good outlet, especially if the
student is connecting with another student that is having the same problem,” explained Heffner.
“Social media allows students to discuss class material via social media as well as help them
network.” Erienne Dickman, a sophomore at WPU, claims she manages her time well and does
not let herself get distracted by social media and only uses it to her advantage. Although social
media is sought to be a huge distraction for college students, it also helps with their learning and
adjustment to “college life.” Social media opens a whole new technological world for students,
however students choose to adapt to the new “world” is the ultimate decider of their academic

REFFERENCE: https://www.peacetimesonline.com/ae/2018/01/24/how-social-media-can-

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