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Conducts and leads the team on environmental monitoring and sampling activities such as

sourceemission, ambient air quality, workplace environment, ambient noise level and
wastewater/waterquality at different facilities or plants

•• Supervise the field team and leading on conducting Stack test emission using the USEPA methods
which approved method of EMB-DENR
• Supervise the field team and leading on conducting air ambient and WEM (working environment
• Source emission testing/monitoring for sulfur dioxide (SO2), sulfur trioxide (SO3), nitrogen dioxide
(NO2), heavy metals, particulate matters, sulfuric acid mist (H2SO4), carbon monoxide (CO),
hydrogen sulfide (H2S), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and other emission pollutants using US-
EPA methods which are also use by the DENR
• Ambient air sampling & monitoring for sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), total
suspended particles (TSP), heavy metals, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), volatile organic compounds (VOC),
and other measurable pollutants as per US-EPA and DENR methods.
• Workplace environment monitoring for sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), total nuisance
dust (TND), Total Respirable Dust (TRD), heavy metals, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), volatile organic
compounds (VOC), and other measurable pollutants as per BWC-DOLE standard. Workplace
environment monitoring for noise level, temperature, relative humidity (RH %), ventilation, air
velocity and illumination as per BWC-DOLE & Occupational Health and Safety standard.
• Involvement in identifying hazards which includes working in heights, handling of chemicals,
working on hot conditions, minimizing risk of potential hazards, abides general safety precautions to
minimize if not to eliminate accidents.

Administers and Conducts Environmental Monitoring of Stationary Source Emission, Ambient Air
Quality, Water and Waste Water Quality, Workplace Environment, and Noise Level Monitoring.

Key Contributions:
Consistently conducted toolbox safety meeting before the any sampling activity and guided
teammates all throughout the testing to guarantee the health and safety of field personnel.
Responsible for the safekeeping of capital for field expenses.
Performed environmental monitoring and assured proper sampling collection and recovery is
executed in accordance with the US-EPA methodologies.
Delegated duties and obligations of field personnel to avoid confusion and disorder.
Provided great number templates for various sampling data sheets, project test plan, calibration data
sheet, and tracking of projects.

Lead a Team in conducting DENR-EMB RA-8749 mandated US EPA Methods 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

10,23, 26a, and 29 Manual Reference Method Tests for compliance on New, Modified, and
Supervision and Conducting of Source Emission Testing, Ambient Air Quality Monitoring,
WaterQuality Monitoring and Work Environment Monitoring

•Act as a team leader, supervising the technicians in performing data gathering and test (if meet
international standards) industrial emission and discharges such as turbine unit, diesel engine, boiler,
etc. For particulate matter, sulfur dioxide (SO2), Sulfur trioxide (SO3), Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), Sulfur
Acid Mist, Metal content, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon dioxide etc.
•Field sampling in ambient air quality, water quality, noise level, soil, and workplace environment
•Workplace environment monitoring for noise level, temperature, relative humidity (RH %),
ventilation, air velocity and illumination as per BWC-DOLE & Occupational Health and Safety
•Provides report for computation and laboratory analysis as required by the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources.
•Calibration, maintenance, and troubleshooting of water and air quality sampling equipments and
•Responsible for the safety of workforce by conducting toolbox talk / pre job brief and risk
assessment prior to work assigned.
•Assistance to clients and site inspection of facilities for environmental sampling

* Stack Emission Testing – is a requirement for applying or renewal of Permit to Operate (PTO)
- Conduct site inspection prior to the testing date
- Conduct Emission testing to all kinds of sources (e.g. generator stack, boiler stack, furnace stack,
kiln stack) by the use of our equipment.Normal Parameters to be collected are as follows:
* Nitrogen Oxides (as NO2),Sulfur Oxides (as SO2),Carbon Monoxide (as CO) Particulate Matter (as
* Ambient Air Monitoring
- Conduct testing to the area where there’s a complaint or where polluted air can pass through.
Normal Parameters to be collected are as follows:
* Nitrogen Dioxide (as NO2),Sulfur Dioxide (as SO2),Total Suspended Particulate (TSP),Carbon
Monoxide (CO), etc.
*Workplace Environment Monitoring
- Conduct testing in the workplace or personal testing where there’s a compound element can affect
both employer and employee. Parameters to be tested are as follows:
* Air change, Air temperature, Ammonia (NH3),Carbon Dioxide (CO2),Carbon Monoxide
(CO),Hydrogen Chloride (HCL),Illumination, Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA),lead (Pb),Manganese
(Mn),Nitrogen Dioxide(NO2), Phosphoric Acid (H3PO4),Relative Humidity (RH),Sodium Hydroxide
(NaOH), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4), Total Nuisance Dust (TND),Volatile Organic
Compound (VOCs), etc.
*Niose Level Measurements
- conduct testing in the area where there’s a complain or where the noise level is beyond the limit
that can destruct the workers or residential area and that can cause of hearing problem.

As a Field Engineer of Berkman Systems I Supervise and lead my people during the Testing.


• Conduct Emission Testing on Stationary Sources by using the standards of USEPA (United States
Environmental Protection Agency)
• Conduct Ambient air Monitoring.
• Conduct Workplace Environment Measurement.
• Conduct Site Inspection prior to the testing date.
• Conduct Soil Sampling.

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