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Cell. Mol. Life Sci.

DOI 10.1007/s00018-017-2665-z Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences


Mesenchymal stem cells from preterm to term newborns undergo

a significant switch from anaerobic glycolysis to the oxidative
Silvia Ravera1   · Marina Podestà1 · Federica Sabatini1 · Chiara Fresia2 ·
Marta Columbaro3 · Silvia Bruno4 · Ezio Fulcheri5 · Luca Antonio Ramenghi6 ·
Francesco Frassoni1 

Received: 20 March 2017 / Revised: 4 September 2017 / Accepted: 25 September 2017

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017

Abstract  We evaluated the energy metabolism of human distribution inside the cell; in fact, CLUH silencing in term
mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) isolated from umbilical cord MSC determined a metabolic fingerprint similar to that of
(UC) of preterm (< 37 weeks of gestational age) and term preterm MSC. Our study discloses novel information on the
(≥ 37 weeks of gestational age) newborns, using MSC from production of energy and mitochondrial organization and
adult bone marrow as control. A metabolic switch has been function, during the passage from fetal to adult life, provid-
observed around the 34th week of gestational age from a ing useful information for the management of preterm birth.
prevalently anaerobic glycolysis to the oxidative phosphoryl-
ation. This metabolic change is associated with the organiza- Keywords  CLUH · Endothelial cells · Energy
tion of mitochondria reticulum: preterm MSCs presented a metabolism · Mesenchymal stem cells · OXPHOS ·
scarcely organized mitochondrial reticulum and low expres- Preterm newborns · Term newborns
sion of proteins involved in the mitochondrial fission/fusion,
compared to term MSCs. These changes seem governed
by the expression of CLUH, a cytosolic messenger RNA- Introduction
binding protein involved in the mitochondria biogenesis and
Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are somatic cells
that display a great proliferation capacity, multi-lineage dif-
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this ferentiation and an extensive self-renewal ability [1]. At first,
article (doi:10.1007/s00018-017-2665-z) contains supplementary MSCs have been isolated from adult tissues, such as bone
material, which is available to authorized users.
marrow (BM) or adipose tissue, but these cells seem to lose
* Silvia Ravera their proliferative potential with aging [1]. Recently, also the
silvia.ravera@gmail.com umbilical cord (UC) has been considered as a great source of
MSC, because it contains a considerable number of MSCs
Stem Cell Laboratory and Cell Therapy Center, IRCCS
with properties similar to those of MSCs from bone marrow
Istituto Giannina Gaslini, 16147 Genoa, Italy
and adipose tissue [2], characterized by higher proliferative
Section of Biochemistry, Department of Experimental
rates [3].
Medicine, University of Genoa, 16132 Genoa, Italy
There is an increasing interest in understanding rela-
SC Laboratory of Musculoskeletal Cell Biology, IRCCS
tionships between energy metabolism, differentiation, and
Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, 40136 Bologna, Italy
proliferative potential. It is known that murine embryonic
Section of Human Anatomy, Department of Experimental
stem cells (mESCs) express a high glycolytic flux for their
Medicine, University of Genoa, 16132 Genoa, Italy
energy production probably to minimize reactive oxygen
Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Services, Division
species (ROS) production [4–6]. Moreover, the anaerobic
of Perinatal Pathology, Department of Translational
Research, IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini, 16147 Genoa, metabolism shifts to aerobic metabolism only during the
Italy differentiation in somatic cells [7, 8], suggesting a mitochon-
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, IRCCS Istituto Giannina drial role in the bioenergetic functions associated with the
Gaslini, 16147 Genoa, Italy differentiation of stem cells [9, 10]. For example, Shum et al.

S. Ravera et al.

have observed that BM-MSCs displayed a high OXPHOS Carlbad, CA, USA) containing penicillin/streptomycin,
metabolism during osteogenic differentiation, albeit main- Glutamine (Gibco Invitrogen, Carlbad, CA, USA) heparin
taining the glycolysis rate similar to that of undifferentiated (PharmaTex Italia, Milan, Italy), and 5% platelet lysate at
cells [11]. Other authors have observed that adult stem cells 37 °C in 5% carbon dioxide (­ CO2) and in 21% O­ 2 (normoxic
remain in a prevalent quiescent state, down-regulating meta- condition). For hypoxic condition, UC-MSCs were incu-
bolic activity and relying mainly on glycolysis. However, bated for 48 h in a humidified hypoxic chamber (Binder,
glycolysis is not, per se, associated with low pace of prolif- Tuttlingen, Germany) at 5% C ­ O2 level and 1% O­ 2 balanced
eration since induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) may pro- with ­N2.
liferate indefinitely while maintaining high glycolytic rate Endothelial cells were obtained from cord blood samples
and globular immature mitochondria [12]. of premature and full-term infants as described elsewhere
Although mitochondria are considered the powerhouse of [19]. The cells were cultured in endothelial cell growth
the cells, their activity is not limited to the energy produc- medium EGM-2 Bullet Kit (Lonza-Euroclone) at 37 °C in
tion, but they are also involved in the regulation of cell cycle 5% ­CO2 and used in passage numbers 2–4.
and proliferation, through ROS production and the apoptosis
processes [13].
Recently, we have described that only the MSC-derived Proliferative potential
exosomes from full-term newborns [≥ 37 weeks of gesta-
tional age (GA)] are able to conduct a complete oxidative Adherent cells growing from small pieces of cords were har-
phosphorylation (OXPHOS) activity, producing ATP, while vested when they became confluent in a 100-mm Petri dish
exosomes from preterm newborns (< 37 weeks of GA) con- and were counted (p1MSC).
sumed oxygen, but did not produce ATP [14]. These data Adherent cells growing from 3.8 × 104 p1MSC were har-
anticipated that the MSCs undergo a “metabolic shift” from vested and counted when they were confluent in a 75-cm2
anaerobic to aerobic, during gestational development. tissue culture flask (p2MSC).
After those initial observations, in this work, we have
evaluated the asset of energy metabolism and the function
of mitochondria in the development of UC-MSCs isolated MSC immunophenotyping
from preterm and term newborns.
Immunophenotyping of the expanded term or preterm UC-
derived MSCs was done using flow cytometry, at passage
Materials and methods 2 [14]. After detachment using 0.05% trypsin/EDTA, cells
were washed, pelleted, and stained with fluorescein isotiocy-
Cell cultures anate-, phycoerythrin-, allophycocyanin- or VioBlue-conju-
gated monoclonal antibodies specific for CD14 (345784, BD
After written informed consent, umbilical cords from full- Biosciences), CD31 (560984, BDBiosciences), CD34 (130-
term (gestational age (GA) ≥ 37 weeks, n = 89, term) and 095-393, MiltenyiBiotec), CD45, (560976, BDBiosciences),
preterm (GA 26, 28, 34 and 36 weeks, n = 88 for each age) CD73 (130-097-947, MiltenyiBiotec), CD90 (130-095-400,
babies were collected following elective cesarean section MiltenyiBiotec), CD105 (130-094-941, MiltenyiBiotec),
[15]. Study was approved by the Institutional Review Board CD166 (559263, BDpharmigen) and SSEA-4 (130-098-
of the IRCCS G. Gaslini, Genoa, Italy (no. 164, 22nd July 369, MiltenyiBiotec). Nonspecific staining was determined
2013). using isotype-matched nonreactive mouse IgGs and 7-AAD
The MSCs were isolated from umbilical cord (UC) using (EBioScience). 7-AAD (EBioScience) was used to evalu-
a non-enzymatic digestion protocol [16]. Briefly, the adher- ate cell viability. After washing, at least 5000 events were
ent cells growing from small pieces of cord were collected acquired on MACSQuant Analyzer 10 (MiltenyiBiotec) and
after 14 days of culture and re-plated at low density (500/ the multicolor analysis was performed using FlowJo 10.0.6
cm2), using the same culture conditions until confluence, software (Tree Star, Ashland, OR, USA).
in a 75-cm2 culture flask. Finally, cells were harvested, Intracellular staining for the detection of pluripotency
counted, and identified by flow cytometry using standard gene was performed on UC-MSC as previously described
mesenchymal markers, at P2 [17]. Only samples presenting [19]. Cells were fixed/permeabilized using Fix/Perm buffer
a purity ≥ 95% have been evaluated for the energetic status. kit (BD Biosciences) according to manufacturer’s indica-
MSCs isolated from adult bone marrow [18] were used as tions. The following PE-conjugated antibodies were used:
positive control. Nestin, (Pharmigen), OCT3/4 (EBioScience), and Nanog
All cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified eagle (BD Pharmigen). Samples were then acquired on MACS-
medium (DMEM), low glucose medium (Gibco Invitrogen, Quant and data were analyzed by FlowJo.

Mesenchymal stem cells from preterm to term newborns undergo a significant switch from anaerobic…

Small interfering RNA and transfection Fo–F1 ATP synthase activity assay

Predesigned siRNAs against human CLUH (5′-CCA​CCA​ To evaluate the Fo–F1 ATP synthase activity, 100,000
GCU ​ G GA​ C CA​ C GU ​ C UU ​ UAA ​ A -3′) and nonspecific preterm or term UC-MSC or endothelial cells were incu-
siRNA (named scramble) for control were obtained from bated for 10 min at 37 °C in a medium containing: 10 mM
Life Technologies. Transfection of siRNA was performed Tris–HCl, pH 7.4, 100 mM KCl, 5 mM K ­ H2PO4, 1 mM
as described previously [20]. Briefly, MSCs were grown EGTA, 2.5 mM EDTA, and 5 mM ­MgCl2, 0.6 mM oua-
in either six-well or eight-well Lab-Tek chamber slide at bain and 25 mg/ml ampicillin. Afterward, ATP synthesis
5 × 1­ 04 cells/cm2 in DMEM with 5% platelet lysate. At was induced by the addition of 10 mM pyruvate plus 5 mM
70–80% confluence, cells were incubated with siRNA malate or 20 mM succinate, to stimulate the pathways com-
transfection solution at 37  °C 5% C ­ O 2. After 24  h of posed by Complexes I, III, and IV pathway or Complexes
down-regulation, metabolic assays and confocal micros- II, III, and IV, respectively. The reaction was monitored for
copy analyses were performed. 2 min, every 30 s, in a luminometer ­(GloMax® 20/20n Lumi-
nometer, Promega Italia, Milano, Italy), by the luciferin/
luciferase chemiluminescent method. ATP standard solu-
Evaluation of ATP/AMP ratio tions between 1­ 0−8 and 1­ 0−5 M was employed (luciferin/
luciferase ATP bioluminescence assay kit CLSII, Roche,
To calculate the ATP/AMP ratio, the intracellular concentra- Basel, Switzerland). Data were expressed as nmol ATP pro-
tion of ATP and AMP was evaluated spectrophotometrically duced/min/106 cells [23].
[21]. For each assay, 20 µg of total protein was used. ATP The oxidative phosphorylation efficiency (P/O ratio)
was assayed, following NADP reduction at 340 nm, in a was calculated as the ratio between the concentration of the
solution containing: 50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0, 1 mM NADP, produced ATP and the amount of consumed oxygen in the
10 mM ­MgCl2, and 5 mM glucose in 1 ml of final volume. presence of respiring substrate and ADP. When the oxygen
Samples were analyzed before and after the addition of 4 µg consumption is completely devoted to the energy produc-
of purified hexokinase/glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. tion, the P/O ratio should be around 2.5 and 1.5 after pyru-
AMP was assayed following the NADH oxidation at vate plus malate or succinate addition, respectively [24].
340 nm. The medium contained 100 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0,
75 mM KCl, 5 mM ­MgCl2, 0.2 mM ATP, 0.5 mM phos-
phoenolpyruvate, 0.2 mM NADH, 10 IU adenylate kinase, Evaluation of glycolysis flux
25 IU pyruvate kinase, and 15 IU of lactate dehydrogenase.
To assay the glycolytic flux, the activities of hexokinase,
phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase, and lactate dehy-
Oxygen consumption measurements drogenase were measured at room temperature on 20 µg of
preterm or term UC-MSCs or endothelial cells total pro-
O2 consumption was evaluated using 100,000 preterm or tein. Enzymatic activity was expressed as mU/mg of total
term UC-MSC or endothelial cells, permeabilized with protein (nmol/min/mg of protein). NADH molar extinction
0.03% digitonin by a thermostatically controlled oxy- coefficient was considered 6.22 mM-1 ­cm-1, at 340 nm. The
graph apparatus equipped with an amperometric electrode reaction mixtures used for the determination of each enzyme
(Unisense-Microrespiration, Unisense A/S, Denmark). activity were the following [25]:
Before each experiment, the electrode was equilibrated Hexokinase (EC 100  mM Tris–HCl pH 7.4,
with the respiration medium containing: 137 mM NaCl, 5 mM ­MgCl2, 200 mM glucose, 1 mM ATP, 0.91 mM NADP,
5 mM KCl, 0.7 mM K ­ H2PO4, 25 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.4, and and 0.55 IU/ml of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
25 mg/ml ampicillin. The addition of the respiring substrates Phosphofructokinase (EC 100 mM Tris–HCl,
was performed with a Hamilton syringe, in the following pH 7.4, 2 mM M ­ gCl2, 5 Mm KCl, 2 mM fructose 6-phos-
order: 10 mM pyruvate plus 5 mM malate, 40 µM rotenone, phate, 1 mM ATP, 0.5 mM phosphoenolpyruvate, 0.2 mM
20 mM succinate, and 50 µM antimycin A. Pyruvate and NADH, and 2  IU/ml of pyruvate kinase and lactate
malate were used to stimulate the pathway composed by dehydrogenase.
Complexes I, III and IV, while succinate was used for the Pyruvate kinase (EC 100 mM Tris–HCl, pH
pathway formed by Complexes II, III and IV. To observe the 7.6, 2.5 mM ­MgCl2, 10 mM KCl, 0.6 mM phosphoenolpyru-
ADP-stimulated respiration rates, 0.08 mM ADP was added vate, 0.2 mM NADH, 5 mM ADP, and 1 IU/ml of lactate
after the addition of pyruvate and malate or succinate. dehydrogenase.
The respiratory rates were expressed as nmol O/min/106 Lactate dehydrogenase (EC 100 mM Tris–HCl
cells [22]. pH 7.4, 0.2 mM NADH, and 5 mM pyruvate.

S. Ravera et al.

The lactate concentration was measured in the growth This method is based on the reaction of MDA, a breakdown
medium, following the reduction of ­NAD+. The assay mix- product of lipid peroxides, with thiobarbituric acid TBA.
­ AD+, and
ture contained: 100 mM Tris–HCl pH 7.4, 5 mM N To evaluate the basal concentration of MDA, 50 μg of total
4 IU of lactate dehydrogenase. protein dissolved in 300 μl of milliQ water was added to
600 μl of TBARS solution, containing 15% trichloroacetic
Electrophoretic separation and semiquantitative WB acid in 0.25 N HCl and 26 mM TBA.
The mix was incubated for 40 min at 100 °C, centrifuged
Denaturing electrophoresis (sodium dodecyl sulfate-poly- at 14,000 rpm for 2 min, and the supernatant was analyzed
acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was performed spectrophotometrically, at 532 nm.
following a Laemmli protocol with minor modifications in Different MDA concentrations (0.75, 1, and 2 μM) were
a Mini-PROTEAN III (BioRad, Hercules, CA, USA) appa- used to obtain a standard curve.
ratus. Separating gel was a gradient gel from 6 to 20% w/v
acrylamide. For each sample, 20 µg of total protein was Catalase activity assay
loaded. Run was performed at 4 °C, at 70 mA for each gel,
for 120–150 min. Catalase activity was evaluated following the peroxidation
Electrophoretically separated samples were transferred of ­H2O2, at 240 nm. The assay medium containing: 100 mM
onto nitrocellulose (NC) membranes by electroblotting, at Tris–HCl, pH 7.4, and 2 mM H ­ 2O2. For each assay, 20 µg of
400 mA for 1 h, at 4 °C. NC was incubated with the spe- total protein was employed.
cific Abs (overnight at 4 °C) diluted in PBS plus 0.15%
tween (PBSt): anti-MTCO2 (subunit II of complex IV,
ab110258, Abcam); anti-ATP5B (β subunit of ATP syn- Confocal microscopy
thase, HPA001528, Sigma Aldrich); anti-OPA1 (ab42364,
Abcam); anti-DRP1 (ab54038, Abcam); anti-eIF3X (CLUH, Cells were washed with growth medium and incubated with
A301-764A, Bethyl Lab); SOD-2 (superoxide dismutase iso- 200 nM MitoTracker-633 probe (Life Technologies Ltd,
form 2, sc-18503, Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and anti-β- Monza, MB, Italy), for 20 min at room temperature. After
actin antibody (sc-47778, Santa Cruz Biotechnology). Sec- the incubation, sample was washed with PBS and imme-
ondary HPR-conjugated Abs were diluted in PBS 1:10,000. diately analyzed using a laser scanning spectral confocal
Bands were visualized by chemiluminescence with Immuno- microscope TCS SP2 AOBS (Leica, Heidelberg, Germany),
Star WesternC kit (BioRad Lab, Hercules, CA) and images equipped with Argon ion, He–Ne 543  nm, and He–Ne
acquired by means of the molecular imager ChemiDoc 633 nm lasers. Images were acquired through a HCX PL
XRS + System (Bio-Rad). Quantitative densitometry was APO CS 40 ×/1.25 oil UV objective and processed with
performed using the ChemiDoc XRS + System software and Leica. Images were acquired as single transcellular optical
data expressed as relative optical density (R.O.D.). sections.

Transmission electron microscopy Gene expression analysis

For this analysis, UC-MSCs pellets from preterm and term Total RNA was isolated from 0.5 to 1 × ­105 term or pre-
newborns were employed. Cell pellets were fixed with 2.5% term UC-MSC, using the RNeasyPlus Mini kit (QIAGEN),
glutaraldehyde/0.1 M cacodylate buffer at pH 7.6 for 1 h according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Amount and purity
at room temperature. After post-fixation with 1% ­OsO4 in of RNA were assessed using a NanoDrop spectrophotometer
cacodylate buffer for 1 h, pellets were dehydrated in an etha- (Nanodrop Technologies) and 1 µg of total RNA was used
nol series and embedded in Epon resin. Ultrathin sections to synthesize cDNA by reverse transcription, using iScript
stained with uranyl-acetate and lead citrate were observed Reverse Transcriptase (BioRad). SYBR Green q-PCR was
with a Jeol Jem-1011 transmission electron microscope. 200 performed on an iQ5 (Bio-Rad). Results were normalized
mitochondria were examined for each sample. into two reference genes, β-actin and TATA-box binding
protein, selected by NormFinder for their highest stability
Determination of lipid peroxidation: malondialdehyde among a pool of common housekeeping genes [27]. Primers
assay were designed by NCBI/primer-BLAST primer designing
tool. Statistical analysis of the results was performed using
To assess the lipid peroxidation in preterm and term UC- the 2ΔCt method [28], and results were expressed relative to
MSCs or endothelial cells, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels term UC-MSC expression values. CLUH primers sequences
were assayed, using the thiobarbituric acid reactive sub- were TACA ​ TCA​ TGG ​ GCG​ ACT ​ ACG​ C (forward primer) and
stances (TBARS) assay, with minor modifications [26]. GGC​CAG​GTG​CAT​GTA​TTC​CT (reverse primer).

Mesenchymal stem cells from preterm to term newborns undergo a significant switch from anaerobic…

Statistical analysis Energy status of preterm and term UC‑MSCs

GraphPad Prism 4.03 for Windows (GraphPad Software, La The intracellular level of ATP appeared similar in each
Jolla, CA, USA) was used to carry out statistical analysis. sample (Fig. 2, panel a), while the AMP concentration
Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA was used to evaluate decreased with GA progressing (Fig.  2, panel b). This
the changes among term and preterm samples; the Bonfer- determined an increment of the ATP/AMP ratio propor-
roni post hoc test was then used to evaluate the difference tionally with the GA of the sample, reaching a maximum
between treatments at specific time points. in term UC-MSCs and BM-MSCs, used as positive control
(Fig. 2, panel c).

Energy metabolism in preterm and term UC‑MSCs
Characterization of preterm and term UC‑MSCs
The difference observed in the ATP/AMP ratio may depend
UC-MSCs derived from preterm and term newborns were by the pathways that UC-MSCs employ for the energy pro-
characterized by flow cytometry at passage 2. Both samples duction, thus, the activity of the oxidative phosphorylation
met the standard criteria [17]. In fact, the majority of col- (OXPHOS; in term of oxygen consumption and ATP syn-
lected preterm and term UC-MSCs were highly positive for thesis), as well as the activity of some glycolytic enzymes
the main MSCs markers CD73, CD90, and CD105, as well was investigated. Data show that the oxygen consumption
as of CD166, but negative for the typical hematopoietic and and the ATP synthesis (Fig. 3, panels a, b, respectively)
endothelial markers, such as CD14, CD31, CD34, and CD45 were very low in the early preterm stage (26–28 weeks) and
(Figure 1 Supplementary, panel a). Furthermore, the expres- increased concurrently with the GA.
sion of stemness markers, such as Nestin, Oct3/4, Nanog, In addition, when early preterm UC-MSCs were stimu-
and SSEA-4, did not differ in UC-MSC from preterm and lated with pyruvate plus malate in comparison with succi-
term samples (Figure 1 Supplementary, panel b). nate stimulation, they displayed a lower P/O ratio compared
In addition, as reported in Fig. 1, preterm cord samples to samples with higher GA, suggesting that the OXPHOS
(n = 89) grew a higher number of MSC both in the first and machinery displays low efficiency (Fig. 3, panel c).
in the second generation compared to term cords (n = 88) The increment of the OXPHOS activity during fetal life
(p = 0.01 and p = 0.003, respectively), although both sam- was confirmed by the expression of COXII, a complex IV
ples maintained a high proliferation rate. subunit codified by mitochondrial DNA and by the expres-
The identity of endothelial cells from preterm and term sion of β subunit of Fo–F1 ATP synthase, codified by
newborns was previously reported [19]. nuclear DNA (Fig. 3, panels d–f). By contrast, the activity
of hexokinase (HK), phosphofructokinase (PFK), pyruvate
kinase (PK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as well as
the lactate release were very high in preterm UC-MSCs and
decrease proportionally with their maturation (Fig. 3, panels
g–k). Moreover, as reported in Fig. 3, panel l, the LDH activ-
ity is inversely proportional to the oxygen consumption rate.

Oxidative stress production

The mitochondrial activity is always associated with the oxi-

dative stress production. Therefore, we evaluated the MDA
level, a marker of lipid peroxidation, the catalase activity,
and SOD2 expression. As reported in Fig. 4, panel a, MDA
Fig. 1  Proliferation rate of preterm and term UC-MSCs. Graph concentration was low in preterm UC-MSCs until the 28th
shows the proliferation rate of preterm (gray columns) and term
(white columns) UC-MSCs at first or the second passage in culture week of GA, increased around the 34th week of GA, reach-
(P1 and P2, respectively). Preterm cord samples (no. 89) grew a ing a maximum around the term stage. On the other side,
higher number of MSCs both at the first than at the second generation both catalase activity (Fig. 4, panel b) and SOD2 expres-
compared to term cords (no. 88) (p  =  0.01 and p  =  0.003, respec- sion (Fig. 4, panels c, d) increased concurrently with the
tively). Asterisk indicates a p  <  0.003 between preterm and term at
P1. Double asterisk indicates a p < 0.001 between preterm and term UC-MSC maturation, suggesting an improvement of the
at P2 endogenous antioxidant defenses.

S. Ravera et al.

Fig. 2  Energetic status of preterm and term UC-MSCs. a shows the are representative of at least four experiments. There is not sig-
intracellular concentration of ATP in preterm (26–36 weeks of GA), nificance different among term UC-MSCs (39 weeks of GA) and
term (39 weeks of GA), and BM-MSCs. The values appear similar BM-MSCs. Double asterisk indicates a significant difference for
in all samples, without significant differences. b Reports the intracel- p  <  0.001 between preterm (26–34 weeks of GA) and term UC-
lular concentration of AMP in preterm (26–36 weeks of GA), term MSCs (39 weeks of GA). Asterisk indicates a significant difference
(39 weeks of GA), and BM-MSCs. The values increase proportional for p < 0.005 between preterm (26–34 weeks of GA) and term UC-
to the age of the samples. The same trend was observed for the ATP/ MSCs (39 weeks of GA)
AMP ratio, showed in c. All data are expressed as mean  ±  SD and

Mitochondria morphology, organization, and biogenesis panel d). Data are confirmed by the densitometric analysis
reported in Fig. 5, panel e.
To understand whether the limited aerobic metabolism in
preterm UC-MSCs depends on either a lower mitochondria Role of CLUH in mitochondrial physiology
density or alterations of mitochondria structures, TEM and
confocal microscopy analysis were performed. (Fig. 5, pan- To understand whether the changes in mitochondria endo-
els a, b). Preterm as well as term and bone marrow MSC plasmic reticulum organization correlated with the expres-
showed comparable number of well-developed mitochon- sion of CLUH, a ribosomal factor involved in the mito-
dria, with rounded or elongated shape, characterized by chondria biogenesis and distribution [20, 29], RT-PCR, and
normally structured cristae and dense matrix. However, the western blot for CLUH was performed. In preterm samples,
mitotracker staining showed that while in term and BM- CLUH mRNA expression and protein signal were low but
MSCs mitochondria were organized, as expected, in a reticu- increased concurrently with the GA (Fig.  6, panel a–c,
lum (Fig. 5, panel c), in preterm samples, they were scattered respectively).
within the cytoplasm. In addition, by silencing CLUH in term UC-MSCs,
We have further evaluated, by western blot analyses, the a shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism was docu-
expression of OPA1, a protein belonging to the inner mem- mented with a significant decrement of OXPHOS pro-
brane involved in the fusion, and DRP1, a protein expressed teins and OPA1 expression compared to the control and
in the outer mitochondria membrane involved in the fission. the scramble sample (Fig. 7, panels a–e). The decrease
Both proteins were virtually absent in preterm UC-MSCs, of OXPHOS proteins expression accomplished an impair-
while they were expressed in term and BM-MSCs (Fig. 5, ment of ATP/AMP ratio, oxygen consumption, ATP

Mesenchymal stem cells from preterm to term newborns undergo a significant switch from anaerobic…

Fig. 3  Energy metabolism in preterm and term UC-MSCs. The nit of complex IV, and the β subunit of ATP synthase. The loaded
mitochondrial oxygen consumption (a) and the ATP synthesis from samples were: preterm UC-MSCs (28, 32 and 34 weeks of GA), term
Fo–F1 ATP synthase (b) were assayed to evaluate the mitochondrial UC-MSCs (39 weeks of GA), and BM-MSCs used as positive con-
oxidative metabolism in preterm (26, 28, 34 and 36 weeks of GA), trol. The densitometric analysis of the WB signals is shown in e and
term (39 weeks of GA) and BM-MSCs. To stimulate the pathway f, respectively. d–f are representative of at least four experiments and
composed by Complexes I, III, and IV, pyruvate    plus  malate (Pyr/ double asterisk indicates a significant difference for p  <  0.001 with
Mal; gray columns) was employed; while succinate (white columns) respect to the value of term (39 weeks of GA) and BM MSC. To eval-
was used to stimulate the pathway formed by complexes II, III, and uate the glycolytic flux and the anaerobic metabolism in preterm (26–
IV. In both cases, the mitochondrial function is very low in the early 36 weeks of GA), term (39 weeks of GA), and BM-MSCs, the activi-
preterm samples (26–28 weeks of GA), increasing proportionally to ties of hexokinase, (HK, g), phosphofructokinase (PFK, h), pyruvate
the age with a maximum in term (39 weeks of GA) and BM MSC. kinase (PK, i) lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, j) and the lactate release
All data are expressed as mean  ±  SD and are representative of at (k) were assayed. In all cases, the activity of these enzymes and the
least five experiments. There is not significance different between lactate concentration decrease proportionally with the age of the sam-
term (39 weeks of GA) and BM MSC. Double asterisk indicates a ple, reaching a minimum value in term (39 weeks of GA) and BM-
significant difference for p < 0.001 with respect the value of term (39 MSCs. The correlation between the oxygen consumption rate (OCR)
weeks of GA) and BM MSC. c Reports the P/O value after the addi- and the LDH activity is shown in l. Data are expressed as mean ± SD
tion of pyruvate    plus  malate or succinate. This parameter indicates and are representative of at least five experiments. There is not sig-
the efficiency of the OXPHOS machinery and must be around 2.5 for nificance different between term (39 weeks of GA) and BM MSC.
pyruvate  plus malate induction and 1.5 for the succinate addition. All Double asterisk indicates a significant difference for p < 0.001 among
data are expressed as mean  ±  SD and are representative of at least preterm UC-MSCs with respect to the value of term UC-MSCs (39
five experiments. d shows the WB analysis against COXII, a subu- weeks of GA) and BM-MSCs

synthesis, MDA production, and catalase activity (Fig. 7, glycolytic enzymes (HK, PFK, PK, and LDH; Fig. 7, panel
panel f–l). Finally, the mitochondrial reticulum of term i) as well as the lactate production (Fig. 7, panel j) were
UC-MSCs appeared less organized with respect to the increased in the CLUH silencing sample in comparison
controls (Fig. 7, panel m). By contrast, the activities of with the controls.

S. Ravera et al.

Fig. 4  Oxidative stress production in preterm and term UC-MSCs. value of term UC-MSCs (39 weeks of GA) and BM-MSCs. c Reports
a shows the concentration of MDA, a lipid peroxidation marker, in the expression of SOD2, an antioxidant mitochondrial enzyme. The
preterm (26–36 weeks of GA), term (39 weeks of GA), and BM- loaded samples are: preterm UC-MSCs (28, 32 and 34 weeks of GA),
MSCs. b shows the catalase activity in preterm (26–36 weeks of term UC-MSCs (39 weeks of GA), and BM-MSCs used as positive
GA), term (39 weeks of GA), and BM-MSCs. In these panels, data control. The densitometric analysis of the WB signals is shown in d.
are expressed as mean  ±  SD and are representative of at least five c, d are representative of at least four experiments. Double asterisk
experiments. There is not significance different among term (39 indicates a significant difference for p  <  0.001 among preterm UC-
weeks of GA) and BM MSC. Double asterisk indicates a significant MSCs with respect to the value of term UC-MSCs (39 weeks of GA)
difference for p < 0.001 among preterm UC-MSCs with respect to the and BM-MSCs

Effect of hypoxia on the metabolism of preterm Metabolic changes in endothelial cells form umbilical
and term UC‑MSCs cord blood of preterm and term newborns

To confirm that preterm UC-MSCs are characterized by an To evaluate whether other tissues display a metabolic shift
anaerobic metabolism, the preterm and term UC-MSCs, as from anaerobic to aerobic metabolism, during the fetal
well as BM-MSCs have been grown in hypoxic condition development, the energy metabolism was evaluated also in
(1% oxygen tension for 48 h) (Fig. 8). Preterm UC-MSCs endothelial cells.
grown in hypoxic condition showed comparable values of WB analysis shows that preterm endothelial cells
ATP/AMP ratio and OXPHOS activity with respect the (32 weeks of GA) displayed a lower expression of CLUH,
same cells cultured in normoxia (panels a–c). Moreover, COXII, β subunit of ATP synthase, and OPA1, as reported
also the TEM analysis did not show significant morpho- for preterm UC-MSC, with respect to the endothelial cells
logic changes (panel d). By contrast, term UC-MSCs (39 of 36 and 38 weeks of GA (Fig. 9, panels a–e). The differ-
w) and BM-MSCs grown in hypoxia show a great impair- ence in the expression of OXPHOS proteins suggested that
ment of ATP/AMP ratio (panel a) and aerobic metabo- preterm endothelial cells are characterized by an anaerobic
lism (panels b, c). The low oxygen tension also caused metabolism, which shifts to an aerobic respiration pro-
evident swelling of mitochondrial cristae, which appear portionally to the GA. In particular, preterm endothelial
less-defined (panel d). cells are characterized by a lower ATP/AMP ratio (Fig. 9,

Mesenchymal stem cells from preterm to term newborns undergo a significant switch from anaerobic…

Fig. 5  Mitochondrial morphology and organization of mitochon- organized in term (39 weeks of GA) and BM-MSCs. d Reports the
drial reticulum in preterm and term UC-MSCs. a Reports the TEM expression of OPA1 and DRP1, involved, respectively, in the mito-
analysis to evaluate the morphology of mitochondria in preterm (28 chondria fusion and fission. The loaded samples are: preterm UC-
and 35 weeks of GA), in term (39 weeks of GA), and BM-MSCs, MSCs (26–34 weeks of GA), term UC-MSCs (39 weeks of GA), and
while table in b shows the number of mitochondria/cell, expressed BM-MSCs, used as positive control. The densitometric analysis of
as mean  ±  SD. No relevant difference in mitochondrial morphol- the WB signals is shown in e. Each panel is representative of at least
ogy or number is observable in the samples. c shows the structure four experiments. Double asterisk indicates a significant difference
of mitochondrial reticulum, stained with mitotracker deep red. In for p < 0.001 among preterm UC-MSCs with respect to the value of
early preterm sample (28 weeks of GA), mitochondria appear punc- term UC-MSCs (39 weeks of GA), while asterisk indicates a signifi-
tuated and not organized in a network. In preterm sample (34  w of cant difference for p < 0.005 between term UC-MSCs and BM-MSCs
GA), the mitochondrial reticulum is more evident and becomes well

panel f), oxygen consumption (Fig. 9, panel g), and ATP endothelial cells. This low OXPHOS activity is compen-
synthesis (Fig. 9, panel h) with respect to the term cells. sated by a high glycolytic rate (Fig. 9, panel i) and lactate
Moreover, also the lipid peroxidation (Fig. 9, panel k) production (Fig. 9, panel j).
and catalase activity appeared diminished than in term

S. Ravera et al.

Fig. 6  Expression of CLUH in preterm and term UC-MSCs. The fig- indicates a significant difference for a p  <  0.005. The WB data are
ure shows the q-PCR (a) and WB analysis (b signals and c densito- representative of at least four experiments. Double asterisk indicates
metric analysis) to evaluate the expression of CLUH in preterm (26, a significant difference for p < 0.001 among preterm UC-MSCs with
28 and 34 weeks of GA) and term (39 weeks of GA) UC-MSCs. The respect to the value of term UC-MSCs (39 weeks of GA)
q-PCR data are representative of at least five experiments and asterisk

Fig. 7  Metabolic changes in term MSCs silenced for CLUH. a▸
Reports the WB analysis against CLUH, COX II, β subunit of ATP
Specific metabolic pathways involved in the energy produc- synthase and OPA1 in term MSCs (CTRL), scramble MSCs (SCR)
tion influence cell functions. Two main pathways are active and term silenced for CLUH (siRNA CLUH). b–e show the relative
in mammalian cells during development: the oxidative densitometric analyses normalized on the actin signal showed in a.
phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and the anaerobic glycolysis, The WB data are representative of at least three experiments. Double
asterisk indicates a significant difference for p < 0.001 among CLUH
which are finely regulated according to cell requirements silencing term UC-MSCs with respect to the value of term UC-MSCs
and specification. (CTRL). All the metabolic analyses were performed on term MSCs
OXPHOS that occurs in mitochondria represents the prin- (CTRL), scramble MSCs cells (SCR), and term MSCs silenced for
cipal site of aerobic energy production, synthesizing ATP by CLUH (siRNA CLUH). The energy status in terms of ATP/AMP
ratio is reported in f. The OXPHOS activity, as oxygen consumption
oxygen consumption [30]. Anaerobic glycolysis is consid- and ATP synthesis are shown in g and h, respectively. i Reports the
ered as a source of energy that could be advantageous either activity of hexokinase (HK), phosphofructokinase (PFK), pyruvate
when a low O ­ 2 consumption is required either in limited oxy- kinase (PK), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), while j shows the
gen availability conditions [31]. Even if anaerobic glycolysis lactate released. The lipid peroxidation and the catalase activity are
reported in k and l, respectively. The organization of mitochondrial
is less efficient than OXPHOS in terms of energy produced, reticulum was observed to confocal microscopy, using mitotracker as
it does not determine an oxidative stress production, limiting fluorescence probe (m). Each panel is representative of at least three
the structural damages [32] and the relative aging of the cell experiment and double asterisk indicates a significant difference for
[6]. The balance between anaerobic and aerobic metabolism p < 0.001 among CLUH silencing term UC-MSCs with respect to the
value of term UC-MSCs (CTRL)
influences the chromatin structure, gene transcription, and
maintenance of pluripotency [33].
In this work, we have analyzed the energy metabolism of intracellular AMP concentration that decreases during the
preterm and term UC-MSCs, observing a metabolic switch GA progression (Fig. 2). However, both preterm and term
from anaerobic to aerobic metabolism, during fetal develop- UC-MSCs contained a similar ATP intracellular concentra-
ment. In fact, oxygen consumption and ATP synthesis were tion, indicating that, at any age, cells are able to produce
very low in early preterm samples and increased around the the necessary amount of energy to sustain their functions.
34th week of GA at the expense of glycolytic flux (Fig. 3). In fact, preterm UC-MSCs displayed a higher proliferative
These data were particularly evident when the mitochondrial potential in comparison with term UC-MSCs (Fig. 1), giving
function was stimulated with pyruvate plus malate, which rise to a large progeny when cultured in vitro. Our results
induces the OXPHOS activity through the complexes I, III, suggest that preterm MSC display a metabolic asset very
and IV, the principal pathway of the electron transport chain. similar to what has been shown in ES or iPS that mainly use
In addition, the evaluation of OXPHOS efficiency showed a glycolytic metabolism without impairment of their prolif-
that in preterm UC-MSCs, oxygen consumption is not com- eration capacity [34].This pathway seems associated with
pletely linked to ATP synthesis, indicating a partially uncou- higher protection to oxidative stress and DNA damage [6].
pling (Fig. 3). In fact, in a complete coupling condition, The same results were observed by evaluating the energy
the P/O value after the induction with pyruvate plus malate metabolism in endothelial cells isolated from umbilical cord
should be around 2.5 [24], while in early preterm UC-MSCs, of preterm and term newborn (Fig. 9).
the P/O value was around 1.6–2.1 (Fig. 3, panel c).This Interestingly, we observed that low aerobic metabo-
less efficient mitochondria metabolism determines a high lism in preterm UC-MSCs is not due to an alteration of

Mesenchymal stem cells from preterm to term newborns undergo a significant switch from anaerobic…

mitochondrial morphology or to a low number of mito- highly efficient, providing the necessary connection
chondria within the cell. Rather, it seems linked to the between biochemical parameters and qualitative features
lack of an organized mitochondria reticulum (Fig. 5), a fundamental for the functionality of living cells [35]. In
complex structure that renders the oxidative metabolism fact, only term UC-MSCs and BM-MSCs show such an

S. Ravera et al.

Fig. 8  Energy metabolism, oxidative status, and mitochondrial mor- formed by complexes II, III, and IV. c shows the ATP/AMP ratio. d
phology in preterm and term UC-MSCs grown in hypoxic condition. Reports the TEM analysis. Mitochondria from UC-MSC (preterm)
All data show a comparison of preterm (28 weeks of GA) and term patients appeared morphologically normal before and after hypoxia
(39  weeks of GA) UC-MSCs and BM-MSCs grown in normoxic or treatments. On the contrary, both term than BM-MSC showed mito-
hypoxic condition (1% ­O2, for 48  h). a, b report the mitochondrial chondria with swelling cristae (white arrowheads) after hypoxia treat-
oxygen consumption and the ATP synthesis trough Fo–F1 ATP syn- ments. (Scale bars, 1 μm). Each Panel is representative of at least five
thase. To stimulate the pathway composed by complexes I, III, and experiments. Double asterisk indicates a p < 0.001 between the sam-
IV, pyruvate  plus  malate (Pyr/Mal; gray columns) was employed; ple grown in hypoxia and grown in normoxia
while succinate (white columns) was used to stimulate the pathway

organized mitochondria reticulum that is not observed in To verify whether the metabolic switch during the fetal
preterm cells. The immaturity of the mitochondria appara- development is led by CLUH, a silencing of this protein was
tus was confirmed by the expression of OPA1 and DRP1, performed in term MSCs (Fig. 7). Data show that CLUH
two proteins involved in fusion/fission processes, which siRNA-treated term MSCs displayed an energy metabolism
increased proportionally with the GA (Fig. 5). Modifica- and a production of oxidative stress similar to that observed
tion of bioenergetic profile was observed also in MSCs in the preterm MSCs, confirming the hypothesis that the
from mice, during the commitment, due to the changes hypo-function of mitochondria in preterm MSCs is linked
in mitochondrial morphology and fission/fusion process, to the low CLUH expression. These results further extend
suggesting a central role for mitochondrial dynamics in the observation by other authors [20, 29], who described an
the maintenance/commitment of MSCs [36]. In particular, association between CLUH expression and mitochondrial
mitochondrial elongation and an increased expression of function and corroborate the concept that CLUH favors the
fusion proteins were observed in the early steps of adipo organization of mitochondrial reticulum promoting the oxi-
and osteogenesis differentiation, while chondrogenesis has dative metabolism.
been characterized by a fragmented mitochondrial phe- The aerobic metabolism is always associated with an
notype, associated with an increment of fission proteins increment of oxidative stress production [37, 38]. However,
expression [36]. the proportional increment of malondialdehyde (MDA)
These metabolic changes seem under the control of level, during the metabolic switch, was balanced by the
CLUH, a cytosolic messenger ribonucleic acid (RNA; catalase activity and the expression of SOD2 (Fig. 4), sug-
mRNA)-binding protein involved in the mitochondria bio- gesting that UC-MSCs have sufficient endogenous antioxi-
genesis and distribution inside the cell [20]. As shown in dant defenses. On the other hand, it is important to note that
Fig. 6, both the mRNA and the protein expression of CLUH early preterm UC-MSCs produce MDA, despite the high
appeared less represented in preterm sample and increased glycolytic metabolism. This lipid peroxidation may be due
proportionally with the GA. to the uncoupled OXPHOS metabolism, as demonstrated

Mesenchymal stem cells from preterm to term newborns undergo a significant switch from anaerobic…

Fig. 9  Metabolic characterization of endothelial cells isolated from (38  weeks of GA). All the metabolic analyses were performed on
umbilical cord of preterm and term newborns. a Reports the WB early preterm endothelial cells (32 weeks of GA), preterm endothelial
analysis against CLUH, COX II, β subunit of ATP synthase, and cells (36 weeks of GA), and term endothelial cells (38 weeks of GA).
OPA1 in early preterm endothelial cells (32  weeks of GA), preterm The energy status in terms of ATP/AMP ratio is reported in f. The
endothelial cells (36  weeks of GA) and in term endothelial cells OXPHOS activity, as oxygen consumption and ATP synthesis are
(38  weeks of GA). b–e show the relative densitometric analysis shown in g, h, respectively. i Reports the activity of hexokinase (HK),
normalized on the actin signal showed in a. The WB data are rep- phosphofructokinase (PFK), pyruvate kinase (PK), and lactate dehy-
resentative of at least three experiments. Double asterisk indicates a drogenase (LDH), while j shows the lactate released. The lipid per-
significant difference for p  <  0.001 among preterm endothelial cells oxidation and the catalase activity are reported in k and l, respectively
(32 weeks of GA) with respect to the value of term endothelial cells

by the low P/O value (Fig. 3). In fact, one of the causes of values that determined a hypoxic condition in adult [41,
the oxidative stress is the uncoupling between the electron 42]. This condition seems to play a pivotal role in the fetal
transport chain and the ATP synthase activity [39], because, development [43, 44], considering that hypoxia plays a
in this condition, the oxygen consumption rate considerably critical role in the formation and development of the heart
increases, favoring the formation of reactive oxygen species [43], through the HIF modulation which regulates numer-
(ROS). ous functions, such as energy metabolism, erythropoiesis,
It is important to consider that the results described cell survival and death, vascularization, angiogenesis, and
herein have been obtained on UC-MSCs grown in nor- differentiation [44–46]. However, it was observed that
moxic condition, while in vivo they reside in hypoxic UC-MSCs expanded under normoxia seem to display a
environments [40]. In fact, a comparison of arterial blood high ­O2 consumption rate, suggesting that glycolysis may
pO 2 has shown that fetal oxygenation is close to the be an environmental adaptation for UC-MSCs [47]. To

S. Ravera et al.

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