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Time Participant(s) Uttarance

00:40:01- (The teacher was sharing the paper)

00:40:57- T Kalo misalnya ini boleh ni apa digaris dulu atau di apa di
00:41:07 kreasi
00:41:08- (The students were doing the work and the teacher was
00:45:26 going around to check)
00:45:27- T Sok misalna kata-katana bade naroskeun ka ibu
00:45:36 T Dari manakah tempat, kan saur ibu ge orientation itu
00:45:55 terdiri dari place and time. Tempatnya pangandaran, jam
00:45:56- (The teacher was checking one of the student’s work)
00:46:24 Nah saha wae misalna
00:46:25- (The teacher was checking while The students were doing
00:46:46 the work)
00:46:47- T Inget kalo teks itu consist of orientation kalian bisa
00:47:47 menyebutkan place, time, and people (The teacher was
writing on the borad) event kejadian yang dilakukan, yang
ketiga penutupnya
00:47:48- (The students were doing their work again)
00:49:07- S Bu (The student was asking the question)
00:49:13- T (The teacher answered) boleh
00:49:16- (The students were continuing their work)
00:49:46- Bu pami di indeonesia keun heula wios?
00:49:49- Wios, pami di indonesiakeun heula mah corat coret heula
00:49:53 dina buku
00:49:54- (The students were continuing their work)
00:50:14- S Bu, pami lomba pramuka apa bu? Lomba pramuka apa?
00:50:21 Scout?
00:50:22- T Scout competition, com-pe-ti-ti-on
00:50:30- (The students were continuing their work and the teacher
00:50:47 was going around to check)
00:50:48- T Kan judul teh mempresentasikan (Explaining about the
00:50:51 title)
00:50:52- T Hey lihat foto yang kalian bawa, lihat, kalian perhatikan
00:51:05 coba. Udah diperhatikan fotonya?
00:51:06- Ss Udah
00:51:08- T Udah, coba kalian, hey, lihat dulu fotonya lihat yang
00:51:30 kalian bawa. Apa yang terbersit dari pikiran kalian ketika
kalian melihat foto itu? Coba apa yang terbersit, satu kata
aja yang kalian pikirkan tentang foto itu
00:51:31- S Dicarekan ku satpam bu
00:51:33- T Berarti bad kan, jelek kan berarti bad experience, nah
00:51:53 boleh itu judulnya bad experience tentang pengalaman
buruk Adi. Coba Salsa yang kamu pikirkan itu apa? Mana
00:51:54- S(Salsa) Eta bu nju di Trans Studio Bandung
00:51:56- T Trans Studio Bandung, oke berarti boleh judulnya kan
00:52:08 study tour boleh judulnya study tour to Bandung
00:52:09- T (Asking to other student)
00:52:11- S (Seiing the picture in the handphone)
00:52:13- T Dimana itu? Di dunia lain judulnta misalnya mmm hantu
00:52:53 kan? Dikejar hantu atau melihat hantu,.bisa judulnya
seeing a ghost, see ing a ghost artinya melihat hantu
meskipun hantunya, hantuuu. Coba apa hal yang terbersit
ketika kalian melihat foto itu
00:52:54 Ss Mmmmmmmmmmmm.. (Some of the students just have
00:53:17 been talking each other)
00:53:18- T Yang pertama apa yang terbersit?
00:53:21- (The students were continuing to do their work)
00:53:43- T Kalian coba tuangkan dulu, misalnya tiasa kalian curat-
00:54:52 coret heula dina bu? buku catatan misalna kejadianna
naon, dimana, tiasa terus orientasi apa aja. Bahasa
Indonesia dulu it’s okay tidak apa-apa. Coba lihat kalo
misalnya, coba apa yang kalian pikirkan boleh ditulis
misalnya senang, bahagia, sedih, gembira. Pikirkan, nanti
pikirkan dari sekarang, apa yang bakal kalian tulis di teks
recount itu, tingali kana fotona apakah itu mebantu,
membantu kalian untuk mengingatkan kembali
00:54:53- (The students were continuing their work and the teacher
00:54:58 was going around to check)
00:54:59- T Boleh curat-coret dulu, boleh
00:55:03- T Nah seperti itu, boleh curat-coret dulu
00:55:14- (The students were continuing their work and the teacher
00:56:46 was going around to check)
00:56:47- S Bu caritakeun?
00:56:50- T Enya, ke terjemahkeun
00:56:52- (The students were continuing their work and the teacher
00:58:47 was going around to check)
00:58:48- T Coba sekarang mah kalian buat curat0coret dulu deh,
00:59:07 jangan langsung ditulis ke kertas itu, jangan dulu. Coba
bikin dulu mm, kira-kira apa sih yang mau ditulis, di
curat-coret dulu
00:59:08- (The students were continuing their work and the teacher
00:59:48 was going around to check)
00:59:49- T Sebutkan siapa saja, my friend, my friends are
00:59:52- (The students were continuing their work and the teacher
00:59:55 was going around to check)
00:59:56 S Bu melaksanakan naon?
00:59:57- T Melaksanakan? Mana? (Looking at the student’s work) to,
01:00:15 untuk lomba kan? To join, berarti to join J-O-I-N. Lomba
apa itu?
01:00:16- S (The student told the name of that competition)
01:00:22- T Join competition
01:00:25- (The students were continuing their work and the teacher
01:00:47 was going around to check)
01:00:48- T Okay, silahkan boleh ditanyakan you can ask me
01:00:55- (The students were continuing their work and the teacher
01:01:03 was going around to check)
01:01:04- S Bu bahasa inggrisna naon teh mmm motor bu?
01:01:10- T Motorcycle
01:01:12- (The students were continuing their work and the teacher
01:02:26 was going around to check)
01:02:27- T Boleh bahasa indonesia nya dulu boleh, lebih bagus lagi
01:02:48 kalo misalnya kalian langsung ke bahasa inggris. Hebat.
01:02:49- (The students were continuing their work and the teacher
01:03:10 was going around to check)
01:03:11- S Ibu pami event naon?
01:03:15- T Kejadiannya, apa yang dilakukannya apa aja misalnya
01:03:21 jajan, foto-foto
01:03:22- S Bu ari pengalaman?
01:03:29- T Experiences, experiences
01:03:34- (The students were continuing their work and the teacher
01:04:41 was going around to check)
01:04:42- S Ibu bahasa inggrisna jembatan naon?
01:04:44- T Bridge
01:04:48- T (The tecaher was writing the word “bridge and much
01:05:23 experiences” in the board)
01:05:24- (The students were continuing to do their work)
01:05:46- T Yang mau ditanyakan atau diterjemahkan boleh
01:05:51- (The students were continuing to do their work)
01:05:56- T Kan itu ada dua foto ya, misalnya foto pertama kan
01:06:27 menceritakan tentang event, orientation nya itu gimana
pas awal datang. Foto kedua kan, event kejadiannya apa
aja. Kan itu foto tuh berarti kan kalian ceritakan dulu tuh
foto pertama tentang apa, kemudian foto kedua tentang
01:06:28- (The students were continuing to do their work)
01:06:35- T Kan ada dua foto silahkan, misalkan menceritakan dulu
01:06:47 foto pertama seperti apa, kemudian ceritakan momen yang
di foto itu
01:06:48- (The students were continuing to do their work)
01:08:01- T Udah sampe mana? (The teacher was walking around to
01:10:29 check the students’ work)
01:10:30- T Nih kenapa ibu suruh bawa dua foto agar kalian teu lieur
01:10:47 teu pusing tidak lupa apa yang terjadi. Kan foto teh,
ooohh sedang bahagia sedang sedih, waah rame
papanasan, misalkan gitu.
01:10:48- (The students were continuing to do their work.
01:14:28 Meanwhile, The teacher was walking around to check the
students’ work)
01:14:29- T Hey itu baru sampe mana?
01:14:31- (The students were continuing to do their work.
01:15:26 Meanwhile, The teacher was walking around to check the
students’ work)
01:15:27- S Bu ari guludug teh naon?
01:15:31- T Storm, storm
01:15:34- (The students were continuing to do their work.
01:16:32 Meanwhile, The teacher was walking around to check the
students’ work)
01:16:33- T Because the time is over, it’s better for us to continue for
01:16:57 writing the recount text at the next meeting. Jadi nanti kita
lanjutkan lagi di pertemuan selanjutnya. Kalian boleh
kumpulkan lagi itu fotonya
01:16:58- (The students were collecting the photos to the teacher)
01:17:59- T Alright, everyone sits down
01:18:04- (The students prepared their learning things such as bag,
01:18:19 book, etc)
01:18:20- T Sit down ! I think it’s enough. Any question? Ada
01:18:29 pertanyaan?
01:18:30- Ss Tidak
01:18:32- T Because there is no question. Let’s say hamdalah
01:18:36- Ss Alhamdulillahirobbil alamiin

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