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Department of Education

Region VI– Western Visayas

Schools Division of Iloilo
Buga, Leon, Iloilo

SUBJECT: PHILIPPINE POLITICS AND Theories on the Origin of the State:

1. Divine Right Theory- it posits the view that the
TOPIC: STATES, NATIONS AND state is a creation of God.
2. Patriarchal Theory- it posits the view that the
state originates from the family to a tribe, a clan and
later on, transforming into a state.
The Role of the State
3. Force Theory- it posits the view that a group of
A state is a community of persons more or less warriors imposed their will and formed a state.
numerous, occupying a definite portion of territory, 4. Social Contract Theory- it posits the view that
free from external control and having a government the state was formed due to agreements or contracts
to which the inhabitants render habitual obedience between the government and the governed.
(De Leon, 2009). The four elements of the state are 5. Economic Theory- it posits the view that the
people, territory, government, and sovereignty. state arose out of the needs of the people which
bounded them together to form a state.
People refers to the inhabitants living within the
state. There is no specific number of persons to be The Basis of a Nation
considered a state but they must be numerous The term “nation” (Cruz, 1999), strictly
enough for self-defense and must consist of male speaking as formed from its etymology “nasci” which
and female. The biggest state in terms of people is means to be born. It implies a relation of birth or origin
the People’s Republic of China while the smallest is and indicates a common race, commonly characterized
the Vatican, considered as a state within a state. by a community of language and customs. The nation is
a racial or ethnic concept while the state is a legal
Territory refers to the physical attributes of the concept.
state in terms of boundaries and size of land. The The Difference between State and Nation
land must be big enough to support the needs of the 1. Difference in the elements:
people e.g can be planted with crops and other
edible plants. The biggest state in terms of territory The state has essentially four elements –population,
is Russia while the smallest is again in Vatican. territory, government, and sovereignty. In the absence
of even one element, a state cannot really be considered
Government refers to the aggregate of authority a State on the other hand, a nation is a group of people
which governs society. It comes from the Latin who have a strong sense of unity and common
word gubernaculum which literally means “rudder”, consciousness.
the steering wheel of a ship. Thus, the function of The elements of common territory, common race,
the government is to guide the state towards its common religion, common language, common
political and economic destination in the same way history, common culture and common political
that the rudder guides the ship towards its course. aspirations help the formation of a nation, and yet none
of these is an absolutely essential element. The elements
Sovereignty refers to the power of the state to chart which characterize a nation keep on evolving as time
its own destiny without the interference of other goes by.
states. There are two kinds of sovereignty: external
and internal. External sovereignty means the state 2. State is a Political Organization while Nation is a
cannot be dictated by other states as regards its social, cultural, psychological, emotional and political
internal affairs while internal sovereignty is the
coercive power of the state to be obeyed by its The state is a political organization which satisfies the
citizens. security and welfare needs of its people. It is concerned
with external human actions. It is a legal entity. On the
other hand, a nation is a united unit of population which
is full of emotional, spiritual, and psychological bonds. 9. The State uses police power (force) for preserving
A nation has business with the physical needs of the its unity and integrity, the Nation is bound by strong
people. cultural and historical links:
3. Territory is essential for the State but not for a The state exercises police power. Those who dare to
Nation: disobey it are punished. A nation does not have police
power or force or coercive power rather, it is backed by
It is essential for each State to possess a fixed territory. moral and traditional power. A nation survives on the
It is the physical element of the State. State is a territorial power of sense of unity of the people. A nation appeals,
entity. But for a Nation territory is not an essential the State orders; a nation persuades, a state coerces; and
requirement, a nation can exist even without a fixed a nation boycotts, the state punishes.
territory. For example, the Palestinians were a nation
even though they had no fixed territory of their own. State and nation do not have the same boundaries, and
yet there is a tendency for a nation and state to be a one
4. Sovereignty is essential for State but not for Nation: entity. Most of the nation’s today stand organized into
Sovereignty is an essential element of the State. In the different states and are multinational states. The modern
absence of sovereignty, the State loses its existence. It is state is called a nation-state because all the (nationalities)
the element of sovereignty which makes the state living in one state area integrated into one nation.
different from all other associations of the people. It is 10. A single nation can consist of many states:
not essential for a nation to possess sovereignty.
However, each nation always aspires to be sovereign and There can be one nation comprising of many states. A
independent of the control of every other nation. single nation may cut among many states specially if
such nation merely migrated to their neighboring states
5. Nation can be bigger in Scope than the State: and became the dominant population. An example of this
The State is limited to a fixed territory. Its boundaries can is the Arab nation which consists of many Middle East
increase or decrease but the process of change is always states like Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya and Yemen
very complex. However a nation may or may not remain to name a few.
within the bounds of a fixed territory. Nation is a The State and Globalization
community based on common ethnicity, history and
traditions and aspirations. Obviously its boundaries can The term globalization involves three different aspects in
easily extend beyond the boundaries of the State. the world economy. And none are more of profound
relevance than that of Ngaire Woods (2001) who
6. There can be two or more Nationalities living in one categorized them into:
1. Internationalization which is the increase in
They can be two or more than two nations with a single economic transactions across borders.
State. The United States of America for example is an 2. Technological Revolution- the effect of new
amalgamation of nations. Most of the modern states are electronic gadgets that allow global operation
multinational states. without regard for location, distance and borders.
7. Nation is more stable than State: 3. Liberalization which refers to the politics
undertaken by states which makes globalization
A nation is more stable than the state. When sovereignty possible.
ends, the State dies, but not the nation. A nation can
survive even without sovereignty. For example, after Some scholars would focus on technology while others
their defeat in the World War II, both Germany and like Martin Wolf (2001) consider policy as the
Japan lost their sovereign statuses and outside powers determining factor on the extent and pace of international
began to control them. They ceased to exist as States but economic integration.
they continued to live as nations. This was brought about when large parts of the
8. A state can be created while a Nation is always the globe decided to abandon economic policies of self-
result of evolution: imposed isolation from international commerce (Brink
Lindsey, 2000). This may have been due to the failure of
A State can be created with the conscious endeavors of other economic movements like the Fordist mass modes
the people. Physical elements play an important role in of production and the Keynesian principle of government
the birth of State. A nation on the other hand, is a unity intervention in trade and commerce in the 1970s.
of the people which emerges slowly and steadily. No
special efforts go into the making of a nation. Accordingly,” unhindered movement of capital,
goods and services across national frontiers leads to an
optimal and efficient allocation of scarce resources The Positive View
(Robert Went, 2000). Thus, without governments
imposing limitations and strict rules and regulations, While some experts contend that globalization had
resources are produced more efficiently, traded with eroded the international role of states, others point out
greater efficacy and consumed by more people in the “the role of powerful states in setting the rules of the new
world. international order and their influence over less powerful
states” (Woods, 2001). Thus, such contention may have
The economic and political balance is no longer focus on only some application on states of lesser significance but
the state but on international agencies and entitles such cannot be given weight with regard to dominant states.
as multinational corporations and credit institutions.
It is on issues of economic policy, where wealthier and
Mark Berger (2001) further emphasizes that there is more powerful countries are less constrained by
a shift in power from nation-states to increasingly globalization (2001). They can afford not to go with the
mobile types of capital and international financial general trend as they can withstand economic instability
institutions and organizations. For him, this and have the ability to absorb disturbances that go with
technological changes have “dramatically altered the volatile markets.
production processes and increased the speed and
scope with which information and ideas, as well as On the other hand, some critics of globalization blame
capital, move around the globe”. the distortion and vitality of markets and social
development on free markets gone haywire; when in fact,
Indeed, it seems that states no longer enjoy the status and however, these problems are due to the formidable
stature that they once enjoyed centuries ago; they seem presence of anti-market policies and institutions
to have vanished on the foreground, allowing other (Lindsey, 2000).
entities to take their place and take center stage.
And indeed, the role of states is not eroding, states and
As Ngaire Woods (2001) reiterates, globalization is governments still have a very important and substantial
“increasing interdependence among states, role to play in a successful economy (Woods, 2001).
increasing global interconnectedness and the capacity States provide a conductive atmosphere for business by
of states to influence others” which greatly needs eradicating security concerns and offering incentives e.g.
some consideration because it would further enhance tax holidays and exemptions. They implement economic
the strengths of stronger states while further policies and provide facilities such as infrastructure,
diminishing the clout of weaker ones. As a result, the transportation and communication capabilities.
economic gap between states could further expand
and tilt the balance of power which had already been This perspective is contrary to the view of the Liberals
eroded by the end of the Cold War. who point to the increasing irrelevance of national
borders in the conduct and organization of economic
Nevertheless, globalization is not the result of gradual activity. Such Liberals focus on the growth of free trade,
and spontaneous emancipation of the economic the capacity of transnational corporations to escape
sphere from government control. On the contrary, it is political regulation and national legal jurisdictions and
the result of conscious and sometimes violent state the liberation of capital from national and territorial
intervention by advanced capitalist states (Burchill, constraints”. (Scott Burchill, 2001)
2001). By imposing their will on states in the periphery,
to open up their markets and adopt liberal policies or face Thus, while for them globalization had liberated the
sanctions and financial assistance disapproval, the global power of financial markets from the authority of the
financial setting became liberalized over-arching state (2001) and concludes that the state is
in decline; democracy is spreading and international
A globalized economy is one in which neither distance commerce is almost unfettered, Realists cite a number of
nor national borders impede economic transactions. important powers retained by the state despite
This would be a world where the costs of transport globalization including monopoly control of weapons of
and communications were zero and the barriers war and their legitimate use; and the sole right to tax its
created by differing national jurisdiction had citizens
vanished. These distinctions include more rapid
communications, market liberalization, and global Only the nation-states can still command the political
integration of the production of goods and services allegiances of its citizens or adjudicate in disputes
(Martin Wolf, 2001). Indeed, it is a world where state between them. And it is only the nation-state which has
borders no longer matter, state identities are no the exclusive authority to bind the whole community to
longer significant and global differences had international law.
For while technology is supposed to make globalization The negative effects of globalization according to Went
inevitable it also makes increased surveillance by the (2000) are dominant dictatorship of the markets, greater
state, particularly over people, easier than it would have social inequality; deterioration of wages, working
been a century ago (Wolf, 2001). Thus it expands the conditions and social security, ecological destruction and
power of states to counter the flow of information on deterioration and undermining of democracy. These are
people and gives them a better control on the activities the effects of the bargaining table in global negotiations.
of individuals thereby enhancing their power and
relevance. This was aptly illustrated in the globalization of the
Southeast Asian crisis which shock protagonists of free
Martin Wolf further explains that globalization trade and financial liberalization who had presented the
makes states necessary by contending that: development of these Asian economies as the ultimate
proof that such policies work (Went, 2000).
First, the ability of a society to take advantage
of the opportunities offered by international While opponents of globalization blame the recent
economic integration depends on the quality of public financial crises in Asia and Latin America on
good such as property rights, an honest civil service, unregulated capital movements which is partly true, the
personal security and basic education which are real cause is when governments abuse their access to
offered by states. international capital markets by adhering to
Second, it is the state which normally defines unsustainable monetary policies (Lindsey, 2000). States
identity and people would naturally want to retain must therefore learn to go with the tide so to speak and
their unique individual traits and culture rather than attune their policies to the needs of the globalized world.
be absorb in the overflowing trend of global effects.
And Finally, International governance rests In the final analysis, nation-states could lose direct
on the ability of individual states to provide and control over the value of their currencies and the
guarantee stability. The bedrock of international movements of capital around the world (Burchill, 2011)
order is the territorial state with its monopoly on if they fail to adapt to the challenges brought about by
coercive power within its jurisdiction globalization.
The Negative View For Woods (2001), governments and states are losing
While some scholars believe that globalization is nothing their capacity to control economic interactions because
new and that it has not affected the authority of states, the quantity and rapidity of flows make it more difficult
“other IPE critics posit the view that globalization is for governments to regulate trade, investments or capital.
dramatically diminishing the role of states” (Woods, With the liberation of the unregulated capital liberated by
2001). They contended that states have become obsolete the collapse of the Bretton Woods System in early
in the face of the growing tendencies of states to adopt 1970’s, this resulted in the increase in the power of
policies that liberalize their economies. transnational capital and the diminution of national
These dramatic changes that have swept the communist economic sovereignty (Burchill, 2001). And indeed,
world and the Third World countries have been driven globalization has certainly weakened the authority of
primarily by the recognition on the part of national nation-states.
leaders that their state-dominated systems had failed Prepared by: GROUP 3
(Lindsey, 2000). This failure resulted in a wave of Marlie Camano
economic reforms e.g. tax cuts and privatizations not Jesebelle Cajulao
only in these countries but also in industrialized Jodelyn Mae S. Cangrejo
democracies. However, much of these changes become Kyle Camarino
possibly only after the stagflation of the 1970’s Ace Gezer Capilarta
discredited the “mixed economy” and the
macroeconomic policies (2000).
According to Mark Berger (2001), the nation-states
always had serious limitations as an instrument of
liberation and progress. Its monolithic character has
made it incapable of adapting to the current needs of the
times. It is no longer able to respond to the onset of
globalization that threatens to undermine even its very
own existence. Its failures maybe traced to its rigid
structure, limited views and bias undertakings.

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