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To my *ife, Sandy h r purring up with me f ~ all

r these years; ta Roger Ward for knowing the answers to most of life's
questions, and TO J for inspiring me to write.

Fim puMisked in2003 by MarorbooHs Tnrernarional, p c h y & b dstiipts? Pegs'$ hpraSive "@ti's"P
an imprint oFMEI PuUshing Company*Galtier Plaza, r d t r ~ ad erst p&ce ar Bn;sr of S h d awad ia but h e
Suite 200, $80 Jtl&na Stteer, St. Paul, first of tlie 23 &am inwhich it w mmd in 2001.
MN 55101-5885 USA
Q DmnEs U17: M b md David H, Jacobs Jr,, 2303

W r g h mervad
~ With tbe acepfion of brief
~ P p u p s q s I$ review no part of this
passages ~ O the
publiqrios;may be reproduced wiihout prior writrm
permissior~ thre.Publisha.

The infqepariq in rh+ baak is true and complete m the

be% of OW kp~wledge.All recommendations arcmade
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Publisher, wbg,aIso &claim any liability incurred in
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We ~ q dmh some words,,model names and d d p t i o n s ,

fbr w p k , mendmed herein are the property oT the
trad-k hot&. VPe ,use&em br identifiation puurporas
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J,nc&r.nathnaltitles arc also a d a b l e as discounts w3
in bulk quantity far i n d u s d or sales-promotioraal use. How r t ~paintpnr,m / bp k n i g % &&,> Bb+dH. Jr.
Far dew& wrice'r~Special Sales Manager at
Mamsbaoh ~ n ~ a t i m a l ~ o ~ e s&a Oistr.ibutors,
ps* - IMd@hdakm*pI
&76&-~583-3 ($la, :&. p q & k
Galtier Phza, Suite260,&?b Jackson Srrea St. Paul, mb~,
1. A u ~ r n ~ b i ~1, ~ s ~ David mb
- ~ t H,11. ~ i j e , seri&-
MN 551013883 USA.
On & rz3kjwg-e: Loa@c custom cbr painrer lbp Ward
painted his 1932 Ford ma&= Nisan Taupe Ifighr ranj at a
time when wry one & paitrnng rheir h a rods Mted by &?Palmer and Peter Badeflsteim
e His roa&rec nod out &om the sea of red, and
P o r ~ Red. Q w i ~ e dby 'arkSayers
sriU seem timeless when all of those orber w s hsm been
repainted a time or two dready

0 s &e b a k MWP 1knm w h you &king :.. It must

have been a $it1 &a picked out h e mIow on rbk1969
CWQ. Who eke ~ u I pdn r a C m m pearl white with

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