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Training Your Mind

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Disclaimer and Legal Notices:

The information provided in this guide is meant to be used for educational
purposes only. Please consult your physician to ensure you are healthy
enough to follow the tips given in this guide. I am not a doctor and this is not
supposed to be taken as medical advice. This is what has worked for me and
what is shared from current research. This is for informational purposes
only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities.
Please be responsible adults.

The Right Approach

Get Ready To Get Jacked
Frustration. Envy. Exasperation.
If you’re a guy failing to put on muscle, then you’ve been through those emotions
as you struggle in the gym for seemingly little reward. You see other guys who
merely have to look at a weight to get jacked. Week by week they get bigger,
stronger and more defined.

And then there’s you.

You sweat. You strain. You push to failure, valiantly fighting for every ounce of new
muscle. And still, the gains, if they do come, are painfully slow and lost too easily.

Why can’t you pack on muscle? The truth is that you can.
You simply have to train – and eat – smarter to get there.

If you’ve been struggling to put on mass, this manual is specifically designed for
you. It will allow you to stop spinning your wheels, getting you moving down the
mass building road, allowing you to consistently pack solid muscle onto your
frame, build phenomenal strength and become the best built guy in the gym.

It will do it without committing you to a crazy no carb/no fat diet where all you
eat is chicken or lifting stupidly heavy weights and spending a ton of money on
supplements. Instead it will educate you to the real science of muscle building,
allowing you the freedom to create your own clean bulking plan within the
parameters that the biggest dudes in the world use to create their physiques.

In 90 days flat, this guide will allow you to transform your body, taking you from
that skinny frail physique that doesn’t fill out your clothes to finally being proud
to take your shirt off and show the muscles that you’ve always wanted. But in the
process it will demand certain things of you…

Your ability to consistently apply, day in, day out, what you learn, will determine your
success on this program.

Get emotional about your goal to put on muscle; your passion will feed your motivation,
which will translate into action.

Success comes from a thousand tiny victories, not one smashing defeat. do the little
things right every day and the results will take care of themselves.

Think you’ve got what it takes?

Great, let’s smash this.

The Aesthetic
Physique Is In.
A muscular, aesthetic body, where
each muscle group is bulging and has
a distinct separation, your clothing is
no longer baggy on you and you put an
end to looking skinny and goofy, and
you have muscles that always looked
pumped with snake like veins across
your biceps is the ultimate symbol
that you’ve got your shit together.

Yet, for most hardgainers, gaining

muscle like that is a distant, hopeless
dream. Sure they devour every
promise that the muscle magazines
and websites throw at them, they
try crazy “Muscle Stack 5000”
supplements lol and follow precise
training programs.

Only problem is, most people never

achieve the ripped physique that they
see in the ads.

The majority of them end up chucking in the towel, convinced that they just don’t
have what it takes to build a muscular physique. The become resigned to the fact
that they’ll never be considered “big”, won’t be able to fill out the sleeves in their
shirts or pants and can give up hope on ever getting all three heads of their triceps

Well it’s time to turn the corner.
Ever heard of Albert Einstein? He was never known to pump any iron, but he was
a pretty smart dude. He once said this . . .

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result”?

How about Bruce Lee? He definitely did pump iron. In fact, he set the standard for
shredded 50 years ago. Here’s what Bruce said . . .

“Empty your cup so that it may be filled.”

The Point?
Empty your mind of all the falsely called knowledge that has cluttered your brain
about how to strip body fat from your body. Most of it will have been founded upon
lies, deceit or ignorance. Before we can get to the nitty gritty of your clean bulk
power plan, we’ve got to empty out the false beliefs so that we can rebuild upon
a solid foundation of real world knowledge. And that’s gonna’ require dispelling
some myths.

The Mental Game

Before We Get Into It
Something that I know will help drive you to crush this next 12 weeks is self

What do I mean by that?

I mean, you got this program for a reason. For most of you, it’s because you are
ready for change. You are ready to pack on the muscle. You want those lean gains
to get your muscles popping, whatever the reason is, lets use that reason.

Start Here
Get your phone out right now, find a place in your home with good natural lighting
and get pictures of your current physical form. Strip down to whatever clothing
you’re comfortable wearing in a picture of your body. Guys- this will probably be
some athletic shorts with no shirt. JUST TAKE THE PICTURES! Take them from all
different angles; front, side, back, angled, flexing, relaxed, etc.

Then take these pictures and first off, save them somewhere so you have them
easily accessible after you pack on pounds and pounds of muscle to your body
over the next 12 weeks and have a transformation picture to share. But also, print
them out and put them next to your mirror, next to your bed, next to your kitchen
cabinet. Use yourself as motivation to never look like that again!

I promise you, if you are committed to this program, you will be happy you took
those pictures. Too often I have people emailing me their after pics and I say that’s
great! But where’s your before pictures? And their answer is always the same..
“Well I wasn’t proud of my body before so I didn’t exactly take pictures that often..
But I wish I did now.”

So I don’t want that to be you. Take the pictures, thank me later.

Now Lets Get Into It
More than 90% of guys who set out to build clean muscle fail.They pull themselves
to the gym, do the same tired workout, down their protein drink, troll the muscle
forums – and end up looking like the same scrawny dreamer that they started out
being. Out of frustration, they might end up investing in a program like this one.
But, then they’ll immediately skip to the workout section. After all,that’s the meaty
part, right? Creating a mind blowing physique is about throwing weight around,
not indulging in mindless psychobabble.

Those guys will never achieve a quality physique. In fact, they will spend the rest
of their workout lives spinning their wheels. Until they – until you – realize that
the key to muscle growth has little to do with working out, or even eating
right, they will be eternally condemned to bodybuilding purgatory.

The simple fact is that 90% of building a quality physique is about what is going
on between your ears. Why do you think that Arnold was able to become the
greatest bodybuilder on the planet while many guys who trained right along with
him, using the same, if not more, weight, you’ve never heard of?

The reason is that Arnold was a master

at self motivation, visualization and
goal setting.
To be successful at creating a lean, muscular physique, you need to take a leaf
out of the book of professional athletes who treat their workouts like a battlefield
mission. If you want to get the most out of your training effort, you need to apply
laser-like focus to every aspect of your workout. In fact, you should divide your
mental training focus into 2 aspects: Before and during.

1. Visualize yourself working out in
the hour before you get to the gym.
Know what workouts your going to
be doing. See yourself grabbing the
weights and powering through those
last 3 difficult reps. Focus on your
immediate goal, which is to do more
than you did in your last workout -
an extra rep, another 5 pounds of
weight. Do this for every exercise.

2. Discuss your specific workout plans

for that day with your buddies. Tell
them you are absolutely focused
on getting 4 reps with 100 pound
dumbbells on the bench. Put
yourself on the line.

3. Surround yourself with positive

people. Remember . . . If you lay with
dogs, you’ll get up with fleas. Actively
seek out people who will support
you. They will pull you up when you
need it and reinforce your daily goals.

4. Be distracted early. When you first walk into the gym, pause to take in the
surroundings. Observe who’s present and what they’re doing. Doing this early
allows you not to be distracted when you flick the switch and your workout begins.

5. Ramp up your inner fire. 60 minutes prior to hitting the gym, your engine
should be idling at 5. When you walk through the door, it should be in 2nd
gear at a seven. While you’re cranking out your warm up set, it’s up to an 8.
And when you’re ready to bang out your first set you’re cruising at a 10.

While Training

1. Zone in on the target muscle. Create that mind/muscle connection. When

training pecs, put your mind into your chest. That way you’ll be able to fully
engage the muscle and recruit as many muscle fibers as possible.

2. Switch off your brain. At least the part of it that is bent on sabotaging your
workout. You know the part. It’s constantly trying to rationalize with you to
get you to do less. So you don’t run out of time. So you don’t over-train. Don’t
negotiate with this side of your brain. Instead, tell your brain that what you’re
doing is easy. Don’t focus on the weight that you’re lifting. Visualize your body
as a machine, your arms and legs as pistons, mechanically driving the weight
up and down.

3. Play mind games on yourself. Pro athletes have been using it to do amazing
things for decades. Tom Platz is a legend among bodybuilders for his amazing
leg development. His work-outs were the epitome of intensity.

Here’s how he’d achieve it:

Platz would constantly play mental tricks on himself during a set. While doing
a set of squats, for instance, he would convince himself that his wife had
been kidnaped and that someone was holding a gun to her head. Unless he
completed the prescribed number of reps, she would be dead.

Can you imagine the intensity that you could generate if that was your reality?
Well, it can be. Here are some other mental tricks that you can play on yourself
in order to demand more from yourself during those final difficult reps.

4. Tell
yourself that a millionaire has just offered you $10 million to get that next

5. Picture your crush or significant other standing over you, watching you to eke
out that last rep.

6. Imagine that an explosion has just occurred in the part of your body that you’re
working. Let the power of the blast explode you through that final rep (just
don’t sacrifice form on this one).

7. Insult yourself. Sometimes a little bit of strategic negative self talk can work
wonders. There’s a classic scene in Pumping Iron where Arnold Schwarzenegger
is spotting Franco Columbu on a set of bench press.
Franco gets the weight stuck on his chest and, rather than helping him, Arnold
calls him a ‘lazy bastard.’ Franco then grits his teeth and powers the weight
back up. You don’t need Arnold around. Call yourself a lazy bastard.

8. Make it a life or death experience. Picture yourself hanging off a cliff by your
fingertips. If you can’t get that weight up, then your grip is going to fail and it
will all be over.

9. Get angry with the weights. Consider that they are challenging you, mocking
you. They are calling you a scrawny little bitch. Don’t let them win. Be better
than them.
Call on your self pride and defeat those nasty pieces of iron.

10. View yourself as the hardest worker in the gym (keep it to yourself, you might
appear cocky). Imagine that everyone knows that you are the hardest trainer
there. You have a reputation to live up to. Don’t let them down.

Keep In Mind!
Here at the Vinsanity Shred, we have an awesome team of qualified professionals
who are ready to make a custom plan for you at any time!

Shoot us a quick email if you’re interested and someone will get back with you



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