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Chapter I
Society-A group of people who share common culture ,occupy same geographical territory, have same political
authority and are bound to each other by common history and dominant cultural expectations

Importance/Features of society-
➢ Decisions-In society decisions are not individualistic rather based on social env.
➢ Developing social relationships
➢ Similarity and differences between the members(Cooperation and conflict )-Helpful in personal
growth of an individual.
➢ Interdependence-Helpful in making everyone been able to help each other.
➢ Abstract concept-Has no physical form.
➢ Dynamic(ever changing)
Definitions of Sociology(Latin word ‘socius’-companion and Greek word ology-study of)-(Social
interaction and social phenomenon)
I. Sociology is:
A. Scientific study of human activity- observation, prediction, facts,data,analysis

(unbiased and Sociologists have to abide by certain rules for their observations).
B. Comprehensive study of society-Every minute detail.
C. Religious and philosophical observations based on morality whereas sociological
observations based on functioning of norms and values in society.
D. Subject matter our immediate social surroundings.
➢ Sociology is a science of Social phenomenon-subject to natural and invariable laws ,the
discovery of which is the object to investigation-August Comte.
➢ The subject matter of sociology is the interaction of human minds-L.T. Hobhouse
➢ All that which is social fact constitutes the subject matter of Sociology-Emile Durkheim.
Importance /Featuresof sociology:
I. Study of Social relationships and institutions-Family, school ,state etc.
II. Emperical study-Based on facts ,experiences and observations.Systematic study based on factual
data. Does not involve personal likes and dislikes
III. Social responsibility- sociologist has a social responsibility as a citizen to make us aware about social
happenings.But their analysis is just suggestive .
IV. Diverse subject matter- Ranging from crime to religion, from the family to the state, from the divisions
of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture, and from social stability to radical
V.unravel the connection between a personal problem and a public issue.:Explains individual
behaviour with respect to the society .Sociology aims at understanding how human actions and
consciousness both shape and are shaped by surrounding cultural and social structures .It is the "the vivid
awareness of the relationship between experience and the wider society." Sociological imagination is
the concept coined by the American Sociologist C. Wright Mills Sociological imagination explains
how individual and society are dialectically linked. Sociological imagination is a perspective that
allows us to consider how outside forces(time in history ,place we live etc)shape our life stories or

❖ Sociological imagination

o C. Wright Mills rests his vision of the sociological imagination precisely in the
unravelling of how the personal and public are related.

o The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the
relations between the two within society.

o The most fruitful distinction with which the sociological imagination works is
between ‘the personal troubles of the milieu(surroundings)’ and ‘the public issues
of social structure’.

o The facts of contemporary history are also facts about the success and the failure
of individual men and women. When a society is industrialised, a peasant
becomes a worker; a feudal lord is liquidated or becomes a businessman.

o Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood
without understanding both.
VI. Suggests solutions to many social problems like poverty, beggary, unemployment, family conflict,
deviant behavior etc.
VII. Solution to international problems-At the global level, sociology studies such phenomena as
population growth and migration, war and peace, and economic development.
VIII.Tells us about Pluralities and inequalities among societies-
In the contemporary world, we belong to more than one society. When amidst foreigners reference to
‘our society’ may mean ‘Indian society’, but when amongst fellow Indians we may use the term ‘our
society’ to denote a linguistic or ethnic community, a religious or caste or tribal society.
Common sense /Naturalistic verses sociological explantion
• Common sense-Impulsive,no deep observation
• Different from theological or philosophical perspectives.
• Questioning and logic involved in Sociology.
➢ Sociological-Based on facts,data and observation. Sociological thinking is based on ‘Why I hold a
specific view about a particular behaviour or a social issue?
➢ Page-8 table
Intellectual ideas that went into making of sociology:
➢ Many social anthropologists and sociologist under the influence of :
➢ 19th c entury -in works of early sociologists, Auguste Comte, Karl Marx and Herbert Spencer.
Sociologists and social anthropologists sought to categorise societies into types and to distinguish
stages in social development.
o Auguste Comte gave an identity to this discipline and hence is considered the father
of sociology.
o His belief that sociology would contribute to the welfare of humanity.

Society was divided into differernt stages based on these intellectual thougths:
➢ Types of pre-modern societies such as
o hunters and gatherers,
o pastoral and agrarian,
o Agrarian and non- industrial civilisations.
➢ Types of modern societies
o Industrialised societies.
➢ Assumption on Sociology-

o It was assumed that the west was necessarily the most advanced and civilised.

o Non- western societies were often seen as barbaric and less developed.

o Indian sociology reflects this thought which goes far back to the history of British
colonialism and the intellectual and ideological response to it.

➢ Organic evolution

o Charles Darwin-Organic evolution,New and better organism replace the previous

• Society and human body was considered to be same
• Each part of society a given function like a human body.
➢ Auguste Comte’s view-
o The subject can be used for social welfare.

Relevance of studying the beginning and growth of sociology in Europe

➢ Inter-relation-

• Between India’s past and British colonialism and capitalistic society.So was relevant
to study growth of Sociology in Europe.

➢ New issues and concerns needed to be resolved: This is due to the very fact that the subject
matter of sociology deals with issues and concerns developed in the new world order.

➢ Rapid changes in 18th and 19th centuries: These issues and concerns were developed during
the rapid changes that occurred in European societies in the 18th and 19th centuries.Examples:

• French Revolution: Sociology emerged as a subject after the French Revolution of 1789.
The French Revolution brought about a tremendous socio-political change in society,
leading to disruption of social life and other social relations.
Enlightenment movement in Europe:Thought about social problems.(rationally and

• Introduction of many new scientific methods like Social Survey.
➢ New vision developed due to Sociology-
Ex Poverty-Earlier considered a natural phenomena.
• Later was critically examined through sociological perspectives.
• Conclusions drawn.

➢ Rise of capitalism:Capitalism and industrialisation which developed in Europe undermined the old
settled order and gave rise to many issues like urbanisation or factory production which are
pertinent to all modern societies in varied form. The global impact of capitalism has been seen as
the cause of uneven transformation of societies.Thus these new societies needed to be
Material Issues-contributing to making of Sociology:
➢ Sociology as a distinct discipline of the scientific study of society emerged only in the second half of the
o Capitalism-Profit oriented system.
o Urbanisation

o Prosperity aswell as problems-Living and working conditions.

o Prosperous aswell as oppressed-Displacement of traditional occupation and emergence of a
new prospereous class.
o New working style based on punctuality and result-Era of clock time.
➢ Sociology was a need of the hour.*(The youngest of all Social Sciences.)
➢ The contributions of early thinkers including Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer ,Max Weber and Emile
Durkheim, Karl Marx etc. are immense in the development of this distinct discipline .
➢ Auguste Comte gave an identity to this discipline and hence is considered the father of
a. His belief that sociology would contribute to the welfare of humanity.

The growth of sociology in India

• Colonial rule-During the course of their rule in India, the British officials realised that for smooth
administration, it was important that they acquire knowledge of Indian society and culture. This
prompted the origin of Sociology in India.

• Britishers gave distinction between Sociology and Social Anthropology.

• Area of study were-Modern and Primitive societies.

• India was considered very backward.

• Contradiction according to Indian Sociologists:-No rigid divide possible as in India

there are villages aswell as metro cities.

• Biased view of Western thinkers: Western sociological writings about Indian society were
sometimes misleading. For instance, the understanding and portrayal of the Indian village was
unchanging. Many Indian scholars thus, took to sociological studies to close such gaps.
Indian Perspective:
➢ Religion-It was found in India even 4000 years ago as mentioned in Vedas
which was the meant of different social institutions.
➢ Social institutions-Like family, marriage, kinship etc also mentioned in
ancient scriptures and books.
Need of Sociology in India:
• Diversified nature of the Indian society -The diversified nature of the Indian society in terms of
region, language, religion, ethnicity, caste, etc also led to the growth of sociology in India in
connection with the discipline of social anthropology.

• Modernity in India:Indian sociologist realised that the transformation process of contemporary

Indian society is different from that of the western society. Modernity as understood in the western

European society is the outcome of scientific process and democratic ideas. Whereas as the same
process of modernity was introduced in Indian society under the colonial regime.(paradox)

Nature of Sociology:-Emperical and rational in nature

HenceNature:-Emperical and rational

i. Sociology can be called as Social science and not a natural Science.
ii. Sociology can be called as theoretical science and not an applied Science.
iii. Sociology can be called as abstract science and not a concrete Science.

Scope of sociology-
➢ Vast subject matter-
➢ Social interaction
➢ Social phenomena’s
➢ Social relationships
➢ It studies various aspects of society:
o In the micro(smaller) and macro(larger )sense.
o Socia.political,economic,historical aspects
2,Relationship with other Social Sciences

➢ Interdisciplinary approach:
o Gives answers –why some political ,psychological ans so on processes take place.
o Provides certain solution
o All the aspects require a sociological understanding for deep understanding.

Sociology and Economics-

Sociology and Economics as social sciences have close relations. Relationship between the two is so close
that one is often treated as the branch of the other, because society is greatly influenced by economic
factors, and economic processes are largely determined by the environment of the society.
Sociology Economics
1Studies social relations Studies economic relations
2.Extensive-It studies all aspects of social Special science-Economic aspect
3.Study of Sociology is Collective in nature. Study of Economics is individualistic in nature.
4.It is a general science. It is a special science

I. Economics include study of production and distribution of goods and services ,the relations of price,
demand and supply; money flows; output and input ratios Economic development influence man’s
social life. There exist a close relation between economics and sociology.
II. Objective of the economic analysis is to formulate precise laws of economic behaviour. Sociological
approach looks at the issue in a broader context of norms, values, practices and interests.It thus
provides a critical social analysis.
III. Economic perception suggests a technical solution to the issue and sociology encourages a
questioning and critical perspective.
IV. Economic Sociology-Interdisplinay perspective:

➢ Investment of companies on advertising.

o Ads made as per socio psychological influence
➢ Answers the questions related to economic trends.
➢ Thus provides solutions .It gives farsighted solutions.

Sociology and Political Science(Humans in political spectrum)

Sociology and political science are so closely and deeply related to each other that one becomes
meaningless without the other.”Historically, Sociology has its main roots in politics and philosophy of
history”. The state, which is the centre of political science in its early stage, was more of a social than
political institution.
Sociology and Political Science-
Sociology Political Science
1Science of Society. Science dealing with political theory and govt.
2.Social Perspectives.-Who become powerful in Government perspectives.-power most important.
3.Why man has become political being Man is a political being.
4,General Science Special Science
I. Political science is the study of the State and the Government. The Political parties, election system,
political systems, forms of government, political ideologies etc. are shaped and modified by human
beings. The state discharges its functions through the Government. No state can exist without human
beings.. The Government has three parts.(a) The Legislature. (b) The Executive and (c) the Judiciary.

II. Political Science provides precise and straightforward political laws whereas as Sociology examines it
critical and analyses its practicality as per the society.
III. Political sociology-
IV. Actual study of political behaviour.
V. Political problems are often explained and interpreted with the help of sociological principles. Every
political problems as a social background.
VI. Ex-Sociological reasons of political party in power, influence of gender, caste etc in power making.
Emergence of caste politics and pressure groups in politics combines pol Science and Socio.

Sociology and History-

Sociology and History are closely and intimately related to each other. Sociology cannot be separated from
History and History cannot be isolated from sociology. “History is the past Sociology and Sociology is the
present History”,
History deals with concrete facts like events involving kings ,wars etc and Sociology creates abstract from
the concrete.

Sociology History
1Causes of happenings or social processes in Description of Historical facts.
present and past.
2.Examines the events of repetitive nature and links Only the analysis of the past societies.
to present. Provides solutions to the problems.
3.Analytical discipline Descriptive discipline.
4.General Science Special Science.

Sociology and History study society from two different angles .History studies past society. Sociology is
concerned with the present society and to some extent with the future, but the present society cannot
be analyzed without reference to the past society.
II. Social History
➢ Sociology provides solutions based on the descriptions provided by History.
➢ Studies social patterns,gender,relationsalong with the rulers, wars.
➢ Example after independence the new gov made policies as per their past colonial History.Some changes
were planned in industrialisation based on the past observations.

Sociology and Psychology

Sociology and Psychology are closely related with each other. Both are interrelated and inter-
dependent. Often defined as the science of behaviour, it involves individual and his/her intelligence,
learning process, motivation, personality, etc. Psychology is concerned with the exploration of the depth of
man’s mind and behaviour in society.
Sociology Psychology
1Study of society(social group). Study of individual.
2.Studies group interaction,-how society shapes Studies effect of these interactions on individuals.
behaviour(social imagination)
➢ Durkheim proved in his study of suicide.
3. Studies social processes. Studies mental processes-
4.Studies society from the viewpoint of community. Studies society from psychological viewpoint.

I. ·Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour (individual).The subject matter of psychology is
individual's intelligence, leaning, motivations, hopes, fears, etc.,
II. Sociology studies behaviour as it is being shaped by society
III. Social Psychology
➢ Primary interest individual
➢ Also important to study how individual behaves in groups.
➢ Latest social trend FB based on Social Psychology.

·Sociology and Anthropology

Anthropologists and sociologists are social scientists concerned with understanding the human condition,
past and present, and equipped with the skills of developing rapport in unfamiliar situations, collecting and
analysing quantitative and qualitative data, thinking analytically at the macro and micro levels,
Sociology Anthropology
1Study of present society. Study of primitive society.

2.More interested in social relationships. Culture,values,norms practised and their

3. Concerned with social planning Not concerned with social planning..
4.Studies society from the view point of community. Studies society from psychological viewpoint.

I. Anthropology is the study of Human race, especially of its origin, development, customs and beliefs.
II. Social and cultural anthropology :- Mans behaviour in social situation
III. Social anthropologist studies simple societies but sociologist studies complex societies
IV. Social anthropology:
➢ All aspect of society but simple one.
➢ Sociology borrows many Scientific methods from Anthropolgy.
➢ Like small tribal group.
➢ Ex-Andaman
➢ Today’s India a lot of overlapping as distinction between simple and complex society is
becoming more and more difficult.

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