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Pathology CJRebojo

Transcribed from Dr. Chichioco’s Lecture
- Reaction of vascularized living tissue to local injury
❖ Characterized • An ULTRAfiltrate of • A filtrate of blood • A purulent exudate
• Clinically by: blood plasma plasma mixed with rich in:
✓ Heat, Swelling, Redness, Pain, and Loss of Function permeability of inflammatory and • Leukocytes
• Pathologically by: endothelium is cellular debris (mostly
✓ Vasoconstriction followed by Vasodilation usually NORMAL • Permeability of Neutrophils)
✓ Stasis endothelium is • Prenchymal Cells
✓ Hyperemia usally altered
✓ Accumulation of Luekocytes
↓ Protein Content ↑ Protein Content
✓ Exudation of Fluids
✓ Deposition of Fibrin
• Followed by: 3. Leukocyte Exudation
- The process of repair, the reproduction of new capillaries and
fibrolblasts, organization, and cicatrization
❖ Etiology
‣ Microbial Infections → Pneumonia, Skin Infections, Etc.
‣ Physical Agents → Burns, Trauma--like cuts, Radiation
‣ Chemicals → Toxins and Caustic Substances (like battery acid)
‣ Others → Immunologic Reactions (rheumatoid arthritis)
❖ 4 Cardinal Clinical Signs of Inflammation (by Celsus 1 A.D.)
• Rubor = Redness
• Tumor = Swelling
• Calor = Heat
• Dolor = Pain
• Virchow added a 5th = Loss of Function


❖ Divided into 4 steps:
Time Course < 48 hours > 48 hours a. Margination, Rolling, and Adhesion
b. Diapedesis (tranmargination across the endothelium)
Cell Type Polymorphonuclear Mononuclear Cells c. Migration towards a Chemotactic Stimulus
Leukocytes (PMN) (Macrophages, d. Phagocytosis
Lymphocytes, Plasma - Recognition and Attachment
Cells) - Engulfment
- Killing or Degradation
• Oxygen Dependent
ACUTE INFLAMMATION ✓ Myeloperoxidase Dependent (most important!)
✓ Myeloperoxidase Indepdendent
- Changes which take place usually within the first few minutes to • Oxygen Independent
several hours to days after an injury ❖ Defects in Leukocyte Function
- Most commonly involves PMN’s as mediators • Margination and Adhesion
❖ 3 Key physiologic events: ‣ Etoh, steroids, AR leukocyte adhesion deficiency
1. Changes in Vascular Flow and Caliber (hemodynamic • Emigration toward a chemotactic stimulus
changes) ‣ Drugs
• Vasoconstriction → transient and inconstant ‣ Chemotaxis Inhibitors
• Vasodilation → first arterioles then capillaries • Phagocytosis
• Slowing of the Circulation → outpouring of albumin rich fluid ‣ Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD)
into the extravascular tissues results in the concentration of
RBCs in small vessels and ↑ blood viscosity Chemical Mediators of Inflammation
• Leukocyte margination →PMNs become oriented @ the ‣ Vasoactive Amines (Histamine and Serotonin)
periphery of vessels and start to stick • Plasma Proteases:
✓ Time Scale: Minor Damage (15-30 minutes); Major Damage ✓ Kinin System
(a few minutes) ✓ Complement System
2. Changes in Vascular Permeability (vascular leakage) ✓ Coagulation-Fibrinolytic
• In normal tissue from arteriole to venule ‣ Arachidonic Acid Metabolites
• Elicited by Histamine, Leukotrines and other chemical • via Cyclooxyenase → by Prostaglandin
mediators • via Lipooxygenase → by Leukotrines
• ↑ Intravascular Hydrostatic Pressure + ↓ Colloid Osmotic ‣ Platelet Activating Factor (PAF)
Pressure = edema (either a transudate or exudate) ‣ Cytokines (IL-1, TNF, IL-8, IL-12)
‣ Nitric Oxide (vasodilator, cytotoxin)
‣ Lysosomal Constituents of Leukocytes
‣ Oxygen derived free radicals
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Pathology CJRebojo

Another View of Chemical Mediators

• Vasodilation (vascular flow w/ caliber; hemodynamic changes)
✓ Prostaglanding, Nitrix Oxide
• Increased Vascular Permeability (vascular leakage)
✓ Vasoactive Amines (Histamine, Serotonin)
✓ C3a and C5a (through liberating amines)
✓ Bradykinin (most painful)
✓ Leuktorienes C4, D4, E4
• Chemotaxis, Leukocyte Activation (leukocyte exudation)
✓ C5a
✓ Leukotrine B4
✓ Bacterial Products
✓ Cytokines (IL-8)
• Tissue Damage (a leukocyte exudation)
✓ Neutrophil and Macrophage Lysosomal enzymes
✓ Oxygen Metabolites
✓ Nitric Oxide
• Fever
✓ Prostaglandins ❖ Functions
• Pain • Produce toxic, biologically active substances such as oxygen
✓ Prostaglandins metabolites
✓ Bradykinin • Cause influx of other cells such as other macrophages and
★ 2 Additional Points: lymphocytes
• These systems are all interrelated • Cause fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition
• There seems to be a very good system of checks and balances • Phagocytosis
❖ Time Scale predominate cell at 48 hours after acute inflammation
❖ 3 Ways in which MOs accumulate:
• Continued recruitment from the circulation --- secondary factors
• Division
- Can be due to: • Prolonged Survival
a. ↓ Vascular Supply = ↓ response and repair
b. Persistance of injurious elements Other Cells in Chronic Inflammation
c. Presence of microorganism/infection ‣ Lymphocytes
d. Malnutrition ‣ Plasma Cells
- Time Course: >48 hours (weeks, months, years) ‣ Eosinophils
- Cell Type: Mononuclear Cells (Primarily Macrophages, ‣ PMNs
Lymphocytes, Plasma Cells)
❖ Arises in various organs in 1 of 3 ways:
• Following Inflammation
• After repeated bouts of acute inflammation (Pneumonia)
• Without prior acute inflammation (Tb, viruses, silica, asbestos, - A type of pattern of chronic inflammation defines by the presence of
rheumatoid arthritis) granulomas which are small, 0.5-2 mm collection of:
❖ Histologically includes: • “epithelioid” histiocytes/macrophages
• Lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages • (Langhan’s) giant cells [coalesced histiocytes]
• Proliferation of Fibroblasts and small blood vessels • surrounded by a rim of Lymphocytes
• Increased connective tissue
• Tissue destruction
❖ Mononuclear Phagocytes (Macrophages/MOs/Histiocytes)
• The PMN is central to acute inflammation
• The MACROPHAGE is central to chronic inflammation
‣ Synonyms:
✓ Macrophages (MOs)
✓ Histiocytes
✓ Kupper Cells (etc.)
❖ Macrophage Origin:
• come from the same cell line but differ depending on their
• belong to the mononuclear phagocyte system (RES).
• RES consist of: bone marrow, peripheral blood, and tissue
❖ MO’s share in common:
• Mobility = SLOWER than PMNs
- Granulomas occur in response to various diseases:
• Phago- and pinocytosis
• Foreign Body
• Ability to become activated, especially by Lymphokines, T cells
• Tuberculosis (tb)
and anything that disturbs cell membrane → allows more • Fungal Infections
aggressive behavior in inflammation • Sarcoidosis
• Ability to secrete LARGE quantities of chemical mediators • Schistosomiasis
• Leprosy
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Pathology CJRebojo

❖ 2 factors necessary for Granuloma Formation: Angiogenesis

• Presence of indigestible organisms or particles (Tb, Mineral Oil, • Basal Membrane degradation of parent vessel
Etc.) • Migration of endothelial cells toward an angiogenic stimulus
• Cell Mediated Immunity (T-Cells) • Proliferation of endothelial cells behind the leading front of migrating
• Maturation of endothelial cells and organization into capillary tubes

Outcome of Chronic Inflammation

• Resolution/Regeneration/Restitution of Normal Structure
• Repair/Organization/Healing by connective tissue/Fibrosis/Scarring
• It can continue indefinitely -- some disease process are capable of
continuing indefinitely such as rheumatoid arthritis
Deposition of Extracellular Matrix (ECM)
RESOLUTION - The breakdown of subsequent deposition of ECM that leads to scar
formation and remodelling
- It is the return of the tissue to its normal state • Fibroblasts → lay down the ECM
❖ Factors Necessary for Resolution:
• Metalloporteinases → synthesize and degrade the ECM
• Removal of Offending Agent
• Regenerative ability if cells have been destroyed
• Intact stromal framework Remodeling or Maturation and Organization of the Fibrous
❖ Categorization of cells based on regenerative ability
• Labile Cells - The primary component is COLLAGEN as it provides the tensile
✓ cells which continue to proliferate throughout life (gut, skin, strength.
bone marrow) - Collagen is also degraded (collagenases) and it is the balance of
• Stable Cells synthesis and degradation which leads to orderly wound formation
✓ cells which retain the capacity to proliferate throughout life but
usually do not UNLESS stimulated (liver, kidney, pancreas,
• Permanent Cells
✓ cells which cannot reproduce themselves after birth (neurons,
cardiac and skeletal muscles)
❖ Stromal Framework
- It is not enough to be able to regenerate
- There must be an adequate stromal framework


- aka. organization/healing by connective tissue/fibrosis/scarring

- similar to wound healing
- Definition: Damage to both parenchymal cells and stromal
framework which results in the replacement of nonregenerated
parenchymal cells by connective tissue which over time produces
fibrosis and scarring
Granular Tissue
- The early specialized vascular and fibrous tissue formed - Essentially the same as repair
- Grossly it looks pink and granular • Healing by first intention (aka. primary union)
- Histologically: one sees vessels and fibroblasts • Healing by second intention (aka. secondary union)
- In Second Intention Healing (compared to first)
✓ There is a big hole that needs to be filled in
✓ The hole is filled with abundant granulation tissue
✓ With time the wound contracts more than a wound which healed
by first intention. This occurs with the passage of time and is
secondar to myofibroblasts

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Pathology CJRebojo

Fibrous Inflammation
• Serous fluid + Plasma Proteins (fibrinogen)
• Seen commonly in infections of the pleural cavity and pericardial

Serous Inflammation
• Marked by outpouring of a thin fluid that, depending on the site of
injury is derived from either blood serum or secretions of
mesothelial cells lining the peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial
Time Scale for Repair/Wound Healing cavities.
• First Hours: Fibrin clots forms with overlying scap
• 24 Hours: PMNs appear at margin of incision Suppurative or Purulent Inflammation
• 24-48 Hours: Basal cells at edges proliferate and start to migrate • Serous + Fibrous + Plus
along the cut margins of the dermis • Especially common in Staph infections
• Day 3 • Acute Appdenicitis is an exampls
✓ Macrophages replace PMNs and granulation tissue invades
incision space. Ulcer
✓ Epithelial cell proliferation continues • A local defect, or excavation of the surface of an organ or tissue
• Day 5: • Produced by the sloughing (shedding) of inflammatory necrotic
✓ Incisional space is filled with granulation tissue tissue
✓ Neurovascularization is MAXIMAL • Defined by the presence of necrotic tissue on or near a surface
✓ Collagen fibrils bridge the gap
✓ Epidermis covers its normal thickness E N D (CJRebojo 2013)
• 2 weeks:
✓ Continued proliferation of fibroblasts and accumulation of
✓ Edema, new vessels, and inflammatory infiltrate are ABSENT
• 1 month:
✓ Scar covered by intact normal epithelium
✓ Tensile strength increases with additional time

Wound Strength over Time:

- At the end of 1 week → wound strength approx. 10%
- It increases rapidly over the next 4 weeks
- It peaks at about 3rd month and achieves about 70-80% of the
tensile strength of unwounded skin



- Systemic and Local Host Factors influence the adequacy of

inflammatory-reparative response:
• Protein Deficiency
• Vitamin Deficiency (esp Vit. C)
• Steroids
• Infection is the single most important cause of delay in wound
• Rupture (wound dehisence)
- Abberations in Growth:
• Excessive amounts of Collagen → keloid
• Excessive amounts of Granulation Tissue → proud flesh
• Uncontrolled proliferation of Fibroblasts → fibromatoses

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