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IDEOLOGIES OF GLOBALIZATION o Political belief systems are a pattern that only

lasts shortly whose changing structure

Michael Freeden - objects to calling “globalism” as an ideology demand reassessments on constant
for it is too early to pronounce on globalism’s status as an examining
Manfred Steger- sees “globalism” status as an ideology, for it  Second, it challenges 21’st century analysts of ideology
not only represents a set of political ideas and beliefs coherent to reappraise antiquated popular and conventional
enough to warrant the status of a new ideology, but also classification systems that might obscure more than
constitutes the dominant political belief system of our time they illuminate
against which all of its challengers must define themselves. o Scholars must evaluate significance of
discredited popular and conventional
 Michael Freeden argues that the current classification systems into more immense
fragmentation of established ideologies and the idea. They must willingly entertain wholesale
revived uncertainty concerning whether ideology still ideological information, and thus be prepared
exists have highlighted the difficulty of capturing the to rethink, revise and perhaps replace
changing morphologies of political belief systems outdated conceptual morphologies that no
 Globalism is the dominant ideology, yet Freeden states longer capture the dynamics of actually
that it is far too early to pronounce its status as an existing political belief system.
ideology  Third, it displays considerable intellectual imagination
 Yet, contra to Freeden, Steger states that it is not too by calling for experimental thought exercises designed
early to redraw old ideological boundaries and reclassify
 Steger’s article seeks to establish that globalism not ideological systems.
only represents a set of political ideas and beliefs o It gives us new view of perceptions to
coherent enough to warrant the status of a new reclassify ideological systems
ideology, but also constitutes the dominant political
belief system of our time IDEOLOGY: a system of widely shared ideas, patterned beliefs,
norms and values, and regulated ideals accepted as truth by
To address the problem of the current fragmentation of some groups
established ideologies, British political theorist proposes to two
fertile lines of inquiry: Globalization: Process, condition, or ideology?
 The term “globalization” has been used
 To question the implicit holism in the notion of an indiscriminately and has invited confusion
ideological family  Therefore, the term has no definite explanatory
- This is to question the clear understanding of ideology as meaning
a whole through the impression of ideological family  Future ideas of a global society produce an
indeterminate number of characteristics/scenarios.
Examining the first line of the inquiry more closely, Freeden  The term “globalization” is widely decontested
briefly discusses  Globalization (process) leads to more Globalization
“globalism” as a possible “holistic contender” but quickly (condition)
retreats to the sceptical view  Globality should not be an endpoint that prevents any
that it is far too early to pronounce globalim’s status as an further development.
ideology.  A social process that is changing our current social
- Globalism could be a useful solution as a whole yet still condition based on modern system of a state.
not evident enough to prove its status as an ideology  Create, multiply, stretch and intensify worldwide social
interdependencies and exchanges, deepening
 To question the dominant convention of classifying connections between local and foreign.
and categorizing ideologies, with a view to establishing  The process of Globalization may occur quickly or
the degree to which they constitute useful clusters slowly
- This is to question the central deal of classifying and  The constant repetition of public discussion of an
categorizing ideologies, with the concept of establishing the ideology's core claims tend to have injected into the
level of its usefulness minds of the people.
 As a strong discourse globalism has proven to be
Pursuing the second line of inquiry, Freeden recommends difficult to resist because it relies on the power of
imaginative “thought exercise” with the aim of providing insight “common sense” , that is, the widespread description
into some organizing feature according to of the real world.
which ideologies can be reclassified
- Giving meaning to ideologies to where it could be SIX CORE CLAIMS: six particular ways in which globalists
reclassified decontest their master concept “globalization”
 These claims absorb and rearrange bits and pieces of
several established ideologies and integrate them with
Freeden ends his editorial with an experimental reclassification new concepts into a hybrid meaning structure of
design based on select features of human behaviour: Pride, genuine novelty.
Fear, Gregariousness, Complacency, Vulnerability,
Insubordination, and Self-subordination. 1. Globalization is about the liberalization and global
integration of markets
Freeden’s article possesses a number of virtues:  Presence of free Trade
 Liberalization: a process that lessens the government
 First, it wisely reminds students of ideology that restrictions and regulations in an economy
political belief systems are ephemeral constellations
 Three additional factors to consider: the centrality of
whose shifting morphologies demand periodic
the concept “globalization” ;the conceptual shift of
scholarly reassessments.
markets from its adjacent or peripheral location in
liberalism and conservatism to globalism’s core; information, technological innovation, and the
formation of six highly original ideological claims. proliferation of skilled jobs.
 Global integration: the process in which certain local  Free trade and free markets have proven their ability
markets open up to the global economy to lift full societies out of poverty
 Globalization means the spread of free - market  Despite the irregularities, they insisted that the market
capitalism to virtually every country in the world. itself will correct it
 The more you let market forces rule, and the more you
open your economy to free trade and competition, the 5. Globalization furthers the spread of democracy in the
more efficient your economy will be. world
 Globalization-market-liberty-integration; represents an  Neoliberal claim: freedom, free trade, free markets,
objective diagnosis of the real world. A chain that and democracy are synonymous
saves as fact on what is actually a contagious political  Globalization process strengthens the existing affinity
initiative. between democracy and the free market
 Single economic strategy; can contribute to the spread  “Thatcherism” proximity to market and making
of freedom, choice and openness in the world. economic choices.
 Globalization represents primarily an economic  This claim is largely based on a narrow, formal-
phenomenon (Friedman) procedural understanding of democracy.
 Globalization is about the triumph of markets over  This focus on the act of voting– in which equality
governments. prevails only in the formal sense– helps to obscure the
conditions of inequality reflected in existing
2. Globalization is inevitable and irreversible asymmetrical power relations in society.
 Globalization turns into concept “historical  The promotion of polyarchy allows globalists to
inevitability”. advance their project of economic reconstructing in a
 Protectionism is against globalization, as protectionism language that ostensibly supports the democratization
means protecting a country’s own interest over its of the world
neighbors  “Polyarchy” represents an elitist and regimented
 As societies continue to interact with each other, ideas model of low intensity or formal market democracy. It
are exchanged, as well as goods and services, governs effectively.
perceptions are changed, and thus globalization is  Claim five became firmly linked to the Bush
inevitable. administration’s neoconservative security agenda
 The process of Globalization is irreversible means it is
not able to be undone or altered, and inexorable 6. Globalization requires a global war on terror
means impossible to stop or prevent  It combines the idea of economic globalization with
 We can’t stop globalization to happen. openly materialistic and nationalistic ideas associated
 “We cannot simply wish away the process of with the American - led global War on Terror.
globalization. It is a reality of a modern world. The  Running a considerable risk of causing irreparable
process is irreversible.” - Manuel Villar damage to the conceptual coherence of globalism.
 Globalism’s political responsiveness and conceptual
3. Nobody is in charge of globalization flexibility
 Because of the presence of anonymous stocks, bonds,  Combines the idea of economic globalization with
and currency traders in the free market openly militaristic and nationalistic ideas associated
 People are not in charge of globalization; markets and with American-led global War on Terror
technologies are  Possesses paradoxical character
 “It is not controlled by any individual, any government,  Less important than the previous five claims
any institution.” - Robert Hormats  Some cultural theorist said that globalization was
 “The great beauty of globalization is that no one is in actually Americanization or McDonaldization in
control. The great beauty of globalization is that it is Universalist disguise.
not controlled by any individual, any government, any
institution” – Robert Hormats, vice chairman of CONCLUSION
Goldman sachs  Manfred Steger states that with the six core claims as a
 it became increasingly difficult to defend the claim new thought system, asymmetrical power structures
because it became obvious that the survival of would be sustained in society that benefit a loose,
globalization depend on the political leadership of the heterogeneous, and often disagreeing global alliance
US because it stands unchallenged as the world’s of those political and economic forces referred to as
economic leader, a remarkable turnaround from the “globalists”
1980s when many Americans had doubts about U.S.  Students of ideology could no longer rely on the
“competitiveness” and created the international outdated categories of the last two centuries to make
monetary fund that provides emergency loans to sense of current ideological dynamics
countries with temporary balance payment problems  Everything flows and nothing stays fixed
 There is a need for further assessment on globalism’s
4. Globalization benefits everyone in the long run ideological status
 According to John Meehan, periodic problems in  The study of globalism would benefit from creative
employment and social services might be necessary, interdisciplinary research designs and methodologies
but in the long run, they will benefit society in terms of that combine both qualitative and quantitative
productivity approaches.
 According to the G-7 Summit, it provides great
opportunities for the future, it has many aspects
including unprecedented expansion of investment and
trade; the opening up to international trade of the
world’s most populous regions and opportunities for
more developing countries to improve their standards
of living; the increasingly rapid dissemination of

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