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I´m going to speak to you a little bit about sound and song production.
I think that in develop repertoire there are these three types of sound that I use the
first one is the lyrical sounds just very much like the singing human voice this and I
think that´s why I string instruments were invented in the first place to imitate the
human voice the second one is a more speaking conversational sound which is also
used to very often and the third one are more sound effects and different colors and
imitating other instruments like plop down low for example and that´s a whole
different story.
I´m going to focus on the first time the singing sound and on an aspect that I think isn´t
it talked about so much often when people talk about song production they say that
it´s all about the right hands all about the right hand but when you think about how a
singer sing a singer vibrates and how to be brought up the singer doesn´t just switch
on and off but rather it grows from nothing and blooms even when even throughut the
phrase as they change notes that´s something that I think it´s important to you on the
violin as well what happens
This is not a song but this is something that´s going to make all of your songs better
ease vibrato this is the way I´ve been teaching the broto to everybody for a very very
long time and I hope it works for you the ONLY PROBLEM IS THAT I´M GOING TO DO
ALL of the steps and you should really be able to study each step for a couple of weeks
or even a month or two before you go on to the step so I will give you warming during
this video okay the first thing that I teach for vibrato is waving so you pretend that
you´re holding your violin and you just let your wrist flop forward and back. Hello-hello
you keep a good shape you don´t let it go all weird you just go hello-hello and notice
that this part is not moving hello so please master that and the waving you will do
throughout your vibrato studies until the very very last step then the next step after
that is to do rings and for that you´re going to need your violin so after you´re relaxed
your knees feet apart and get your violin on your shoulder we´re going to do
something that you haven´t done before which is to make a tunnel and take away your
first finger just a little bit´s it´s it used to be like this and now it´s not so if you aren´t
holding your violin here oh you´re going to feel it so make sure you support it with
your chin you´re just actually to your jaw and shoulder and set your first finger on the
corner the inside corner very lightly and I call that a ring with first finger barely touch
the string just bit to barely touch it so lightly and then you do the same with second
finger make a little ring and this is the time your knees might get stiff so loosen your
knees and then third finger very lightly and then fourth finger nice and round very
lightly barely touch this when you tickle it and then you lift it and drop your hand and
then you do that two more times I call those rings. The next step okay now you have to
do rings for like a week two weeks most people find them pretty easy but the next
step will take a little bit more practice because it´s tricky it´s called slides so remember
we´re doing waving and we´ve done some rings and now we´re going to combine the
two so we´ll make a ring with first finger and then start waving hello hello right on the
a string you can hear it makes a funny little sound what you have to notice is that my
thumb is not moving my thumb is staying put right there and I´m waving hello I´m not
letting my wrist move and I´m not doing the whole thing it´s just very controlled and
it´s on the corner of my first finger, oh, this is so tricky then after you can do second
finger very lightly we´re not pressing down we´re just going on top of the string, hello
hello, I´m keeping my pinky over – we can´t let pinky Helicopter get forgotten you´re
now a third finger I found still it wants to move it it´s not going to and then my pinky
that´s the trickiest because it feels for people who´ve never done this it feels so weird
so I though be careful of that another thing to be careful of is not to let your finger do
this like a caterpillar that is wrong all of the motion has to come right from your wrist
so yours initiating it right from your waiting so these are slides okay then the next step
so slides home on the whole I should think they take about a month a month every day
but I know you guys want to see the next step so here it is it´s called rolls and so we
we´ve done rings and we´ve done slides now we´re not going to allow the finger to go
up and down the string it´s going to stay in one place and go rolling so hello hello
rolling rolling and look from this angle it´s just and I´m not pressing down either not
pressing down second finger looks like this and from this angle roll they have oh this is
so hard you might end up looking like this kind of a pumping wrist or you might just go
oh you can´t do it so if you can´t do it always go back to a slide and then don´t move
and try rolling one thing that will help you is to watch the base of your pinkie and
make sure it´s coming back and forth hello. I´ll take a good look at the finger itself it´s
rolling right on the tip you might even be able to see a hole in my finger a little trough
my fingers been rolling here´s third finger star off with some slides and then roll don´t
press down and fourth finger some slides and then rolling old does this feel weird or
what so weird it takes a lot of coordination to do this but some of you geniuses might
be able to do it right away not very many it´s tricky okay so that´s the we´ve done
waves we´ve done rings we´ve done slides we´ve done rolls and now we get to do EOS
now guys when you do the roll but you´re going to let your finger push down just
enough to make a sound so I´m rolling and I´m going to make the weirdest sound it´s
gonna go roll toward my nose and go. Yes, this is just a to provoke.
The second finger slide roll push down a little bit on the string. Somebody might come
into your room and say what´s going on here something dying this is weird it is weird
but it´s fun and then fourth fingers slide roll and ES will be easy to do if you´ve been
able to do good rolls so after you can do ES then you´re going to set it with a
metronome and the metronome if it´s going we do two ES per bow and do that four
times and then second finger will sound like this third finger there´s the whole thing
and then the last one and that´s the whole vibrato story and why do we do it that way
because we have three things we have the posture for how to do it we have the wide
or how wide to do it and we have the control so it doesn´t get too fast or too slow
because we´re going to be putting it with a metronome so that´s how I do it and then
it starts at maybe a quart one a upper beat up to a certain point I think up to a 120
then to Es per beat from 60 up until 104 and as for I stop and say everybody has to
keep doing it forever that´s for broto that´s the end

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