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Test Paper

No. 2 Name___________________________

1. Complete each of the sentences below with a word derived from the words in capitals:

a) It is a great_______________________when a friend lies to you. DISAPPOINT

b) I find horror films quite_________________________. TERRIFY
c) There are many people who have a _______________easy life. RELATE
d) The ________________________of the telephone was amazing. INVENT
e) Everyone should have basic__________________of first aid procedures. KNOW
f) For your own safety, it is_______________to wear a seat belt all the time. ADVICE
g) The ____________is sometimes difficult to find. TRUE
h) This boss has many___________________in his company. EMPLOY
i) Your friend in very_____________________. You can never trust him. RELY
j) Despite his nervousness, he won the race___________________. EASY

2. What makes you feel proud?

3. Describe one of the most efficient means of communication.
4. Write about three activities you got used to last year.
5. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of being a taxi driver.

6. Translate into English:

a) Daca ei ar fi vorbit fata in fata, ar fi aflat toate detaliile.
b) Noi intotdeauna luam cina acasa, dar acum luam cina intr-un restaurant .
c) Maine intre trei si cinci ei vor alerga in parc.
d) Aceste fete obisnuiau sa cante pe scena in fiecare luna.
e) Va fi o pierdere de timp daca vei merge in aceasta excursie.
f) Soferul l-a felicitat pe seful sau pentru alegerea sa .
g). Ele se gandesc sa se mute intr-o alta tara, dar eu nu cred ca este o idée buna.
g) Acest majordom isi cumpara costume scumpe de doua luni.
h) Limba lui maternal este engleza, dar el poate vorbi cinci limbi straine.
i) Profesorul a explicat ca soarele rasare intotdeauna in est.
7. Transform into indirect speech:
a) We always go here when we have time.
She said………………………………………
b) These children will tell you the truth tomorrow.
They informed us……………………………..
c) Do you like my new book?
He asked me…………………………………..
d) If she called, I would not tell her about your wedding.
He said……………………………………..
e) Open the box now!
Mother ordered me………………………………….. (5x4p=20p)

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