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Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 151–160

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Journal of Ethnopharmacology
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Safety evaluation of an Ayurvedic medicine, Arogyavardhini vati on brain, liver

and kidney in rats
Gajendra Kumar a , Amita Srivastava a , S.K. Sharma b , Y.K. Gupta a,∗
Heavy Metal Toxicology Laboratory, Department of Pharmacology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029, India
Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Red Cross Building, New Delhi 110001, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ethnopharmacological relevance: Arogyavardhini vati, an Ayurvedic polyherbal formulation has been used
Received 28 July 2011 for liver and skin disorders in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. However, toxicity due to the presence
Received in revised form of heavy metals in this traditional medicine is a matter of concern.
15 December 2011
Aim of the study: To evaluate the safety of Arogyavardhini vati on brain, liver and kidney in rats.
Accepted 5 January 2012
Materials and methods: Arogyavardhini vati at doses of 50, 250 and 500 mg/kg (1, 5 and 10 times of
Available online 14 January 2012
human equivalent dose respectively), mercury chloride (1 mg/kg) and normal saline were administered
orally to male Wistar rats for 28 days. Behavioral parameters were assessed on day 1, 7th, 14th and
28th using Morris water maze, passive avoidance, elevated plus maze and rota rod. Biochemical parame-
Arogyavardhini vati ters (acetyl-cholinesterase activity, malondialdehyde, reduced glutathione), histopathology and mercury
Brain level in brain, liver, kidney were assessed at the end of the experiment.
Liver Results: There was no significant change in behavioral parameters, acetyl-cholinesterase activity, liver
Kidney function (ALT, AST, ALP and bilirubin) and kidney (serum urea and creatinine) function tests at all doses
Oxidative stress of Arogyavardhini vati (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) as compared to normal control. However, significant
Mercury change was observed in mercury chloride treated group. Mercury chloride treated group as well as Aro-
gyavardhini vati treated groups (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) showed increased levels of mercury in brain,
liver and kidney as compared to normal control. Histopathological results showed significant cytoar-
chitectural changes in brain, liver and kidney architecture in mercury chloride treated group. Whereas,
normal cytoarchitecture was observed at all doses of Arogyavardhini vati.
Conclusion: The finding of the present study suggests that Arogyavardhini vati in the doses equivalent up
to 10 times of the human dose administered to rats for 28 days does not have appreciable toxicological
effects on brain, liver and kidney.
© 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction side effects (Upadhyay et al., 2008). Ayurvedic experts have esti-
mated that 35–40% of the approximately 6000 medicines in the
Ayurveda is a widely practiced system of traditional medicine Ayurvedic formulary intently contain at least one metal. Therefore,
in India. It recommends the use of plant based medicines as well as heavy metals content in metal-based Ayurvedic preparation can
mineral based medicines including sulfur (S), mercury (Hg), arsenic still be thousand folds higher (Gogtay et al., 2002; Saper et al., 2008;
(As), lead (Pb), copper sulfate (CuSO4 ) and gold (Au) for treating Kapoor, 2010). Hg is one of the main components of many tradi-
assorted disease conditions. This specialty of Ayurveda practice of tional Ayurvedic medicines. Recent reports of high concentration
mineral, metallic compounds and herbal medicines use is known of heavy metals in Ayurvedic or herbal preparations have raised
as rasa shastra (Shastri, 1979; Satpute, 2003; Saper et al., 2008). much concern and controversy. Hg content found in traditional
The use of these metals in Ayurvedic medicines is done after a rig- medicines raised safety issues amongst the public (Kang-Yum and
orous process of purification (shodhana) and converting the metal Oransky, 1992; Lynch and Braithwaite, 2005; Cooper et al., 2007).
into compounds (marana). However, recently some metallic prepa- Therefore, it is imperative to know the safety profile of Arogyavard-
rations used in Indian system of medicine are suspected to be hini vati which is Hg based Ayurvedic polyherbal formulation used
harmful, causing hepatic, renal and neurotoxicity and many other for centuries.
Mercury is a well-known toxic heavy metal (ATSDR, 1999).
The major target organs of Hg are brain, liver and kidney.
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 11 26593282; fax: +91 11 26588662. There are plethora of studies which have shown association of
E-mail address: yk.ykgupta@gmail.com (Y.K. Gupta). heavy metal exposure with cognitive impairment and psychiatric

0378-8741/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
152 G. Kumar et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 151–160

manifestations (Von Berg and Greenwood, 1991; Laksmanna et al., effect on brain, liver, and kidney. The doses of Arogyavardhini vati
1993). Hg exposed human populations and laboratory animals (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) in rat was calculated by extrapolating the
have demonstrated neurological abnormalities including cognitive equivalent human dose (1, 5 and 10 times) and was administered
impairment, and behavioral disturbance (Steuerwald et al., 2000; orally between 10 and 11 a.m. daily for 28 days, in a volume not
Cordier et al., 2002). The accumulation and biotransformation of exceeding 1 ml/100 g rat weight. Neurobehavioral tests of rats were
Hg occurs in liver. Hepatic damages, ultra structural histopatho- performed on day 1, 7th, 14th, 28th. At end of the experiment,
logical changes have been observed as direct effect of Hg exposure blood samples were withdrawn from retro-orbital sinus and serum
(El-Shenawy and Hassan, 2008) and indirect effects are due to was separated for biochemical estimation (liver and kidney func-
oxidative stress (Farina et al., 2004; Sharma et al., 2007). Inorganic tions test). Animals were then euthanized and brain, liver, kidney
Hg has known to be highly toxic to the proximal tubules (Rodin were removed to determine the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA),
and Crowson, 1962; Gritzka and Trump, 1968). High doses of mer- reduced glutathione (GSH), acetyl-cholinesterase (AChE) activity
cury chloride (HgCl2 ) are directly toxic to renal tubular cells but and mercury. A portion of brain, liver, kidney was kept in 10%
chronic low-dose exposure induces an immunological glomerular formalin for histopathological evaluation.
disease. Some of its functions are so sensitive that abnormalities
start appearing depending upon the nature and the degree of initial 2.3. Neurobehavioral activity (cognition and motor coordination)
damage occurred (Remuzzi and Bertani, 1998). However, little is
known about the disposition and toxicity of Ayurvedic formulations 2.3.1. One trial passive avoidance task
containing Hg used in traditional medicines. Passive avoidance (Ugo Basile) was used to evaluate the memory
Arogyavardhini vati is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation used retention deficit according to the method described by Reeta et al.
for centuries with claimed efficacy and safety in treatment of jaun- (2009). In acquisition trial, rats were placed in a lighted chamber
dice and other liver and skin disorders. It consists of Picrorrhiza and a guillotine door separating the light and dark chambers was
kurroa, Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaka (Terminalia bel- opened. Initial latency (IL) to enter the dark chamber was recorded.
lerica), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Silajatu-suddha (Asphaltum), Immediately after the rat enters the dark chamber, the guillotine
Pura (Guggulu), suddha (Oleo raisin Commiphora mukul), Citra door was closed and an electric foot shock (0.2 mA) was delivered to
(Eranda – Ricinus communis), Tikta (Katuka), Nimba vrksa dalambha the floor grids for 3 s. The rat was removed from the dark chamber
(Neem leaves – Azadirachta indica), (nimba) – svarasa (Neem 5 s later and returned to its home cage. After 24 h, retention latency
leaves juice) and metal including rasa suddh (purified Mercury), (RL) time was noted in the same way as in the acquisition trial, but
Gandhaka-suddha (purified Sulfur), Lauha-bhasma (iron com- foot shock was not delivered.
pound), abhra (abhraka)-bhasma (Mica), Sulva (tamra)-bhasma
(copper compound). 2.3.2. Morris water maze
A double-blind trial for treatment of acute viral hepatitis was Morris water maze was used to evaluate the learning and mem-
conducted with Arogyavardhini by Antarkar et al. (1980) which had ory. The Morris water maze consisted of a large circular pool filled
showed significant hepatoprotective effects by Arogyavardhini. In with water (1.8 m in diameter, 0.6 m in height) and a platform
spite of this, safety issues are often raised because of Hg content. (10 cm in diameter) submerged 1 cm below the water’s surface. An
Therefore, the present study was designed with an aim to evaluate automated tracking system (Video tracking system, Stoelting, USA)
the safety of Arogyavardhini vati in experimental rats on brain, liver analyzed the total path lengths. Rats were given four acquisition
and kidney. sessions with an inter-trial interval of 10 min. Once a rat located
the platform, it was allowed to remain there for 10 s before being
2. Materials and methods removed from the tank. If a rat failed to locate the platform within
120 s, it was manually guided to it (Morris, 1984).
2.1. Experimental animal
2.3.3. Elevated plus maze
Male Wistar rats (150–200 g) were used in the present study. Elevated plus maze was used to evaluate the memory retention
The animals were obtained from the Central Animal Facility, All deficit according to the method described by Reeta et al. (2009).
India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and stock bred in the Rats were placed at one end of an open arm, facing away from the
departmental animal house. The rats were group housed in poly- central square. Time taken by the rat to move from open arm to
acrylic cages (38 cm × 23 cm × 10 cm) with not more than 4 animals closed arms was recorded and marked as initial transfer latency
per cage and maintained under standard laboratory conditions with (ITL). The animals were allowed to explore the maze for 30 s after
natural dark and light cycle. They were allowed free access to stan- recording initial transfer latency. Retention transfer latency (RTL)
dard dry diet (Ashirwad, Punjab, India) and tap water ad libitum. was recorded by placing the rats similarly on the open arm at spec-
However, 12 h before the behavioral testing, the rats were deprived ified intervals.
of food as this is known to enhance their motivation to perform
the test. All experimental procedures described were reviewed and 2.3.4. Rota rod
approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee, All India Rota rod was used to evaluate the muscle coordination of rats.
Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi India (497/IAEC/09). Rats were conditioned to the accelerating rod (Ugo Basile). Each
animal received a training session on the rota rod at constant speed
2.2. Drugs preparation and duration of treatment of 8 rpm and was tested until it achieved the criteria of remaining on
the rotating spindle for 60 s. Each rat received a single base line trial
Arogyavardhini vati (Maharshi Ayurveda Pharmaceutical Lim- on the accelerating rota rod in which the spindle speed increased
ited, New Delhi, India) tablet is, suspended in distilled water. HgCl2 from 4 to 40 rpm over a period of 5 min. After administration of
(Merck, USA) solution was made using distilled water. Rats were drugs for 28 days, each rat received a test trial (Gupta et al., 2005).
randomly divided into five groups consisting of 6 rats each, i.e. nor-
mal control, positive control (HgCl2 , 1 mg/kg) and Arogyavardhini 2.4. Biochemical estimation and histopathology
vati (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) treated groups. The dose of mercury
chloride was selected to match the level of Hg in the top dose of At end of the behavioral experiments, blood was withdrawn
Arogyavardhini vati and this dose is also known to have deleterious by puncturing the retro-orbital sinus for biochemical estimation.
G. Kumar et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 151–160 153

Serum was separated to measure liver and kidney functions test 3.2. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on Morris water maze
parameters. Animals were then decapitated under ether anesthe-
sia and brain, liver, kidney was quickly removed. Half of the tissues Arogyavardhini vati treated groups (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) did
were cleaned with ice cold saline and stored at −80 ◦ C to determine not show significant change in total distance traveled during the
the level of MDA, GSH, AChE activity and Hg and remaining tissue acquisition trials and probe trial to reach the platform on day 1, 4,
was kept in 10% formalin for histopathological evaluation. 7, 14 and 28 as compared to normal control group. However, there
was significant increase in distance traveled during probe trial on
2.4.1. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in brain day 28th to reach the platform of HgCl2 treated group as compared
AChE activity was done in the rat’s brain according to the to normal control (p < 0.001) (Fig. 2).
method of Ellman et al. (1961). Enzyme activity was expressed as
change in optical density/min/mg protein. Protein estimation was 3.3. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on elevated plus maze
carried out by the method of Lowry et al. (1951).
There was no significant change in latencies of Arogyavardhini
vati treated groups (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) as compared to normal
2.4.2. Measurements of MDA and GSH levels in brain, liver and
control on day 1, 2, 7, 14 and 28. However, there was significant
(p < 0.001) increase in mean retention transfer latencies on day 28th
Malondialdehyde, an indicator of lipid peroxidation was deter-
of HgCl2 treated group as compared to normal control group which
mined by the method of Ohkawa et al. (1979). The concentration
indicate impairment of cognitive function (Fig. 3).
was expressed in nmol/g-wet tissue. Glutathione was measured
according to the method of Ellman (1959) and concentration was
expressed as mg/g-wet tissue. 3.4. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on rota rod

Arogyavardhini vati (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) treated groups did
2.4.3. Determination of liver and kidney function test
not show significant change in the time spent on the spindle of the
To assess the state of the liver and kidney, serum aspartate
rota rod as compared to normal control group on day 1, 7, 14 and 28.
aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline
However, there was significant decrease in time spent on spindle of
phosphatase (ALP), bilirubin, urea and craetinine levels were
HgCl2 treated group on day 28th compared to control group which
estimated by using semi auto analyzer (Mini techno, USA). Concen-
showed motor incoordination (p < 0.001) (Fig. 4).
tration of the enzymes was evaluated according to the instruction
of manufacturer of assay kits (Logitech India Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, India).
3.5. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on AChE activity in frontal
cortex and hippocampus
2.4.4. Mercury estimation in brain, liver and kidney tissues
Mercury level was estimated in tissue by inductively coupled
There was no significant difference in AChE activity of Aro-
plasma–atomic emission spectrophotometer (ICP-AES, JY 2000-2,
gyavardhini vati treated groups (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) as
France). Brain, liver and kidney tissues were digested by cold vapors
compared to normal control group in frontal cortex as well as in
digestion procedure according to the method of Jacobs et al. (1960).
hippocampus. However, there was significant (p < 0.001) decrease
Hg levels were expressed in ␮g/g-wet tissue.
in AChE activity in frontal cortex as well as in hippocampus of HgCl2
treated group as compared to normal control group (Fig. 5).
2.4.5. Histopathological study
Tissue specimens from brain, liver, and kidney of all experimen- 3.6. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on MDA and GSH levels in
tal rats were collected at the end of the study and fixed in 10% brain, liver and kidney
formalin, processed by conventional method, embedded in paraf-
fin, sectioned at 4–5 ␮m and stained by Haematoxylin and Eosin There was no significant difference in MDA level at all doses
(Bancroft et al., 1991). Tissues were examined under a light micro- of Arogyavardhini vati treated groups (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) as
scope (Nikon, Japan). Histopathological evaluation was carried out compared to normal control group in brain, liver and kidney. GSH
by Department of Pathology, AIIMS, blinded to the groups. level at all doses of Arogyavardhini vati treated groups (50, 250
and 500 mg/kg) were akin compared to normal control group in
2.5. Statistical analysis brain, liver and kidney. However, a significantly increased MDA
and decreased GSH levels were observed in the brain, liver and kid-
Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (Standard Error of the Mean). ney of HgCl2 treated group as compared to normal control group
A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Tukey test (p < 0.001) (Table 1).
was used for statistical analysis. SPSS (version 16) statistical soft-
ware was used for the analysis of data and p < 0.05 was taken as the 3.7. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on mercury level in brain, liver
level of significance. and kidney

3. Results There was significant (p < 0.001) increase in Hg levels with

increasing doses of Arogyavardhini vati treated groups (50, 250 and
3.1. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on passive avoidance task 500 mg/kg) and HgCl2 treated group as compared to normal control
(step-through paradigm) group in brain, liver and kidney (Table 2).

There was no significant change in latencies of Arogyavardhini 3.8. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on liver and kidney function
vati treated groups (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) as compared to normal test parameters
control on day 1, 2, 7, 14 and 28. However, there was significant
decrease in mean latency of HgCl2 treated group on day 28th as There was no significant change in the serum ALT, AST, ALP,
compared to normal control group (p < 0.001), though no change in bilirubin, urea and creatinine levels of Arogyavardhini vati treated
mean latency on day 1, 2nd, 7th and 14th was observed (Fig. 1). groups (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) as compared the normal control
154 G. Kumar et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 151–160

Fig. 1. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on step through latency in rat. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM. ***p < 0.001, as compared to normal control.

Fig. 2. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on Morris water maze in rat. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM. ***p < 0.001, as compared to normal control.
G. Kumar et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 151–160 155

Fig. 3. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on elevated plus maze in rat. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM. ***p < 0.001, as compared to normal control.

Fig. 4. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on rota rod in rat. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM. ***p < 0.001, as compared to normal control.

Table 1
Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on MDA & GSH of rat’s brain, liver and kidney tissue.

Treatment groups MDA (nmol/g wet-tissue) GSH (mg/g wet-tissue)

Brain Liver Kidney Brain Liver Kidney

Normal control 84.59 ± 4.31 64.66 ± 1.48 180.29 ± 3.48 2.23 ± 0.06 3.31 ± 0.21 4.02 ± 0.09
Mercury chloride (1 mg/kg) 122.40 ± 16.99*** 176.15 ± 6.79*** 242.49 ± 1.64*** 1.07 ± 0.15*** 1.71 ± 0.18*** 1.64 ± 0.21***
Arogyavardhini vati (50 mg/kg) 79.21 ± 3.22 67.50 ± 1.90 183.87 ± 3.22 2.31 ± 0.04 3.17 ± 0.25 3.99 ± 0.04
Arogyavardhini vati (250 mg/kg) 78.49 ± 5.25 67.73 ± 2.28 186.74 ± 5.26 2.25 ± 0.02 3.15 ± 0.07 3.85 ± 0.03
Arogyavardhini vati (500 mg/kg) 70.97 ± 3.75 69.11 ± 1.80 191.04 ± 3.75 2.27 ± 0.02 3.06 ± 0.29 3.64 ± 0.02

All values are expressed as mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple comparisons.
p < 0.001, as compared to normal control.
156 G. Kumar et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 151–160

Fig. 5. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on rat frontal cortex and hippocampus acetylcholinesterase. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM. ***p < 0.001, as compared to normal
control (Hippocampus); ### p < 0.001, as compared to normal control (frontal cortex).

Table 2
Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on mercury level of rat’s brain, kidney and liver.

Treatment groups Mercury level (␮g/g wet-tissue)

Brain Liver Kidney

Normal control 1.84 ± 0.17 13.40 ± 1.03 12.49 ± 1.34

Mercury chloride (1 mg/kg) 151.03 ± 14.13*** 775.02 ± 34.07*** 948.78 ± 19.70***
Arogyavardhini vati (50 mg/kg) 7.11 ± 1.12*** 21.01 ± 2.98*** 23.68 ± 3.78***
Arogyavardhini vati (250 mg/kg) 9.36 ± 1.36*** 26.50 ± 1.89*** 30.34 ± 5.4***
Arogyavardhini vati (500 mg/kg) 13.34 ± 1.90*** 27.83 ± 3.21*** 34.31 ± 2.64***

All values are expressed as mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple comparisons.
p < 0.001, as compared to normal control.

Table 3
Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on rat’s liver and kidney functions test.

Treatment groups Liver functions tests Kidney function tests

ALT (IU/l) AST (IU/l) ALP (IU/l) Bilirubin (mg/dl) Urea (mg/dl) Creatinine (mg/dl)

Normal control 129.48 ± 1.39 106.50 ± 1.74 41.92 ± 0.53 0.13 ± 0.01 16.32 ± 0.78 0.43 ± 0.03
Mercury chloride (1 mg/kg) 223.78 ± 12.01*** 191.64 ± 7.38*** 104.20 ± 6.46*** 1.09 ± 0.09*** 42.98 ± 3.07*** 1.19 ± 0.09***
Arogyavardhini vati (50 mg/kg) 127.75 ± 1.82 105.08 ± 1.88 42.52 ± 0.86 0.16 ± 0.02 17.70 ± 1.76 0.45 ± 0.04
Arogyavardhini vati (250 mg/kg) 126.25 ± 2.29 104.10 ± 1.83 40.95 ± 0.79 0.14 ± 0.01 16.55 ± 1.58 0.42 ± 0.04
Arogyavardhini vati (500 mg/kg) 127.67 ± 1.56 103.68 ± 1.25 39.75 ± 0.77 0.11 ± 0.01 14.80 ± 1.28 0.40 ± 0.03

All values are expressed as mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple comparisons.
p < 0.001, as compared to normal control.

group, while significant (p < 0.001) change was observed in HgCl2 4. Discussion and conclusion
treated group (Table 3).
Ayurvedic medicines are herbal based traditional medicines
(Gogtay et al., 2002; Chopra and Doiphode, 2002). The heavy met-
als in Ayurvedic products are being added intentionally according
3.9. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on brain, liver and kidney to Ayurvedic formulary. The presence of heavy metals is not con-
histology taminants but is unavoidable in any herbometallic formulation.
Ayurvedic experts have estimated that 35–40% of the approxi-
The brain, liver and kidney of normal control and Arogyavard- mately 600 medicines mentioned in the Ayurvedic formulary may
hini vati treated groups (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) showed normal contain at least one metal (Gogtay et al., 2002). The metals in
cytoarchitecture. However, HgCl2 treated group showed expected Ayurvedic formulations may not be present in elemental form
toxicities, i.e. necrosis of neurons in brain, inflammed periportal because during the process of sodhna, they may not retain their
zone in liver and disruption of epithelium in proximal convoluted original physiochemical form. Therefore, the mere presence of a
tubules in kidney (Figs. 6–8). chemical compound of metallic origin has nothing to do with the
G. Kumar et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 151–160 157

Fig. 6. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on rat’s brain histology. Light micrograph of (a) control rat brain showing normal architecture (H&E ×10). (b) 1 mg/kg/day, HgCl2 treated
rat showing pyknosis of neurons, congestion of blood vessels and necrosis of Purkinje cells of the cerebellum (H&E ×20). Arogyavardhini vati treated rat (c) 50, (d) 250, (e)
500 mg/kg/day, showing no histopathological changes (H&E ×10).

toxicity of the finished product after reaction with several organic but its involvement in HgCl2 induced cognitive impairment can-
and inorganic materials of herbal origin, which is finally responsi- not be ruled out. There are several studies which shows decreased
ble for pharmacological effect (Gogtay et al., 2002; Chauhan, 2008; ChAT and AChE activity in brain tissues after Hg exposure (Dwivedi
Garnier and Poupon, 2006; Dash, 1986). et al., 1980; Frasco et al., 2005). However, Arogyavardhini vati
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, 2001) has (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg), administered orally for 28 days did not
adopted a reference dose (RfD) for methyl Hg of 0.1 ␮g/kg body affect the AChE activity in frontal cortex and hippocampus, cog-
weight/day. Arogyavardhini vati formulation used in the present nitive and motor function of rat as compared to normal control
study contains total Hg of 1841.36 ␮g/g. The calculated total group. There are plethora of experimental studies on Hg based
ingested Hg at doses of 50, 250 and 500 mg/kg were 92.07, 460.35 Ayurvedic formulations which have shown safety at recommended
and 920.70 ␮g/kg, respectively. The dose of HgCl2 in the study is dose and duration, i.e. Samirpannag Rasa (Ravi and Jha, 1995), Rasa
1 mg/kg which is approximately the same as the high dose of Aro- Karpur (Rao and Joshi, 1991) and Rasa Sindoor (Kumar and Joshi,
gyavardhini vati. Thus, in therapeutic dose of Arogyavardhini vati 1992).
(500 mg/day), Hg ingested per day was many fold higher than the Oxidative stress is an important mechanism for tissue injury
reference dose. It was interesting to note that even this high con- in Hg poisoning (Halliwell and Gutteridge, 1984; Ichikawa et al.,
centration of Hg in Arogyavardhini vati for 28 days did not cause 1994; Ward et al., 1994). The toxicity of HgCl2 is attributed to the
significant toxicity on liver, kidney and brain. The nonoccurrence high affinity of Hg(II) to thiol groups owing to depletion of cellu-
of toxicity could be due to the fact that Ayurvedic detoxification lar GSH (Augusti et al., 2007) and production of free radicals are
process (Sodhana) might have contributed in some modification involved in Hg-induced tissue injury (Stohs and Bagchi, 1995; Nath
of metal property resulting abolition of toxicity, yet retaining its et al., 1996; Zalups, 2000; Jagadeesan and Sankarsami, 2007). In our
pharmacological property. study, Arogyavardhini vati (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) did not affect
Hg exposure causes neurotoxicity, hepatotoxicity and nephro- the MDA and GSH levels in brain, liver and kidney. This indicates
toxicity have been reported in several studies (Rodin and Crowson, that Arogyavardhini vati does not cause oxidative stress.
1962; Gritzka and Trump, 1968; Von Berg and Greenwood, 1991; Hg level in tissue has been widely used as a biomarker for mon-
El-Shenawy and Hassan, 2008). Cognitive impairment has also been itoring the extent of mercurial exposure (Grandjean et al., 1999).
reported in mercury treated rats (Baraldi et al., 2002; Coluccia et al., There is evidence that chronic exposure to low concentration of Hg
2007). ACh level has found to be decreased in Alzheimer’s dis- causes tissue injury (Sug et al., 1997). In the present study, there was
ease (Frasco et al., 2005). In the present study, though the effect significant increased Hg level in brain, liver and kidney at all doses
of Arogyavardhini vati on the ChAT activity has not been evaluated of Arogyavardhini vati (50, 250 and 500 mg/kg) as compared to the
158 G. Kumar et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 151–160

Fig. 7. Effect of Arogyavardhini vati on rat’s liver histology. Light micrograph of (a) control rat liver showing normal architecture (H&E ×10). (b) 1 mg/kg/day, HgCl2 treated
rat showing pyknosis, vascular, degenerative and necrotic changes in the liver (H&E ×20). Arogyavardhini vati treated rat (c) 50, (d) 250, (e) 500 mg/kg/day, showing no
histopathological changes (H&E ×10).

Fig. 8. Effect of chronic administration of Arogyavardhini vati on rat’s kidney histology. (a) The kidneys of normal control show normal histological architecture. (b) In
mercury chloride (HgCl2 ) treated group, congestion of blood vessels and epithelium disruption in proximal convoluted tubules was observed. Arogyavardhini vati treated
rat (c) 50, (d) 250, (e) 500 mg/kg/day, showing no histopathological changes (H&E ×10).
G. Kumar et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 151–160 159

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