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Marxism • An approach or a theory in literature that viewed works based on the economic
and social theories. • The Wife of Bath’s tale

• The Waste Land, by T.S. Eliot

• Memoir

• Greatest Figure

• Love in bleeding constipation


• It tends to create a system of true equality.

• It offers benefits to the society.

• It helps with capitalism.

• It reduces the tendency of debt.

• It protects the rights of unions.


• It tries to abolish religion.

• It negatively affects the educational system.

• It does not value the concept of private ownership.

• It limits opportunities for entrepreneurs.

• It can lead to communism.

For me this theory is not good because it has a biasesof a literary works because this theory focuses only
in the economic and social theories.

Queer theory is not a singular or systematic conceptual or methodological framework, but a collection
of intellectual engagements with the relations between sex, gender and sexual desire. Queer theory
includes both queer readings of texts and the theorization of 'queerness' itself. Queer theory is a set of
ideas based around the idea that identities are not fixed and do not determine who we are.Queer
theory also attempts to examine sexual difference separate to from gender altogether or with radical DE
privileges of the status of gender in traditional discourses. Queer literary criticism denotes a range of
approaches to textual scholarship that analyze and contest heteronormative structures and relations of
meaning.Post‐structuralist deconstruction of essentialist understandings of gendered and sexual
identities and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex political activism in the 1980s. It is closely
aligned with queer theory and is often cross‐ or multidisciplinary.

I provide commitment by Essex Hemphill as an example of a queer theory because this poem describes
typical situation of gay and lesbian children in their families.This poem entail that the men of these
poems are telling a story of how they have hidden their true selves from their families. Essex Hemphill
smile and fake it ‘tills the end that he is someone that he is not. He tries to hide his true sexuality just
not to disappoint his family or relatives.

b. Reader-response criticism overlaps with Gender criticism in aspects of reading in exploring how men
and women read the same text with different assumptions. This approach examines how sexual identity
influences the creation and reception of literary works of the authors.

c. The common theme of New Historicism and Post Modernism share they both common in traditional
task of literary criticism. They both refer to more historical and social. The author experience the
influenced about the poem because it can help us to develop the modernity and help the ability the
particular pieces of the work of the author.

d. Travel Theory the genre of travel literature encompasses outdoor literature, guide books, nature
writing, and travel memoirs.It is a way of writing in which you are going to share your personal thoughts,
perceptions, reactions, and experiences. And it is intended to be read and enjoyed in a linear manner
from start to finish.

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