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Hawassa University, Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering

Reinforced concrete Structures I

Chapter 6
Use of computer for repetitive works in designing
Different computer programs can be used for analysis and design of concrete structures. In this
document we use Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (Visual Studio and C++).

In order to use this programs we have to develop an algorithm of the design procedure.

Flexural design step for simply supported single reinforced concrete beam.

 Material strength
 Live Load
 Partition Load
 Length of the beam
 Beam width
 Bar size for longitudinal and shear reinforcement
 Concrete cover
Step 1. Design constant
0.85( )
= 1.25


= =

= 0.0035 = 200,000
= 0.8
To assure ductility
= 0.75
Step 2. Depth for deflection – Serviceability limit state
(Effective Length)
= 20 for simply supported beam
= 0.4 + 0.6
 Over all depth D for single row reinforcement arrangement
longitudinal reinforcement
= + concrete cover + stirrups +
longitudinal reinforcement
= − concrete cover − stirrups −

Lecture Note by Surafel T. Date: - December 29, 2016 Page 1

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering
Reinforced concrete Structures I

Step 3. Loading
Total Dead (kN/m)
Live Load (kN/m)
Design Load = 1.3Dead Load + 1.6Live Load
Step 4. Analysis
Design moment Md is the maximum moment in the section
Step 5. Design the section for flexure (moment)
Check the depth for moment

0.2952 ∗ ∗

= 1− 1−


≥ ≥

Lecture Note by Surafel T. Date: - December 29, 2016 Page 2

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering
Reinforced concrete Structures I

Flow Chart

Material properties and Beam Length

Design Constant

Depth for deflection

Design Load




= 1− 1−


≥ ≥

Lecture Note by Surafel T. Date: - December 29, 2016 Page 3

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering
Reinforced concrete Structures I

Program Source Code

User Interface

Public Class Form1

Public D As Double ' beam overall depth
Public b As Double 'beam width
Public L As Double 'beam length
Public deff As Double 'beam effective depth
Public ddef As Double 'depth for deflection
Public fcu As Double
Public fyk As Double
Public fyd As Double
Public fcd As Double
Public Rowb As Double
Public Rowmax As Double
Public Rowmin As Double
Public Row As Double
Public Areasteel As Double
Public Barsizelong As Double
Public BarsizeStirrups As Double
Public ConCover As Double
Public m As Double
Public Md As Double
Public PL As Double
Public LL As Double
Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles
'Input from user
b = Val(txtBeamWidth.Text) 'mm
L = Val(txtBeamLength.Text) 'mm
ConCover = Val(txtConCover.Text) 'mm
PL = Val(txtPartition.Text) 'kN/m

Lecture Note by Surafel T. Date: - December 29, 2016 Page 4

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering
Reinforced concrete Structures I
LL = Val(txtLive.Text) 'kN/m
If comblongitudinal.SelectedItem = "Ø6" Then
Barsizelong = 6
ElseIf comblongitudinal.SelectedItem = "Ø8" Then
Barsizelong = 8
ElseIf comblongitudinal.SelectedItem = "Ø10" Then
Barsizelong = 10
ElseIf comblongitudinal.SelectedItem = "Ø12" Then
Barsizelong = 12
ElseIf comblongitudinal.SelectedItem = "Ø14" Then
Barsizelong = 14
ElseIf comblongitudinal.SelectedItem = "Ø16" Then
Barsizelong = 16
ElseIf comblongitudinal.SelectedItem = "Ø20" Then
Barsizelong = 20
ElseIf comblongitudinal.SelectedItem = "Ø24" Then
Barsizelong = 24
ElseIf comblongitudinal.SelectedItem = "Ø30" Then
Barsizelong = 30
End If
If combstirrups.SelectedItem = "Ø6" Then
BarsizeStirrups = 6
ElseIf combstirrups.SelectedItem = "Ø8" Then
BarsizeStirrups = 8
ElseIf combstirrups.SelectedItem = "Ø10" Then
BarsizeStirrups = 10
ElseIf combstirrups.SelectedItem = "Ø12" Then
BarsizeStirrups = 12
End If
If comConcrete.SelectedItem = "C20/15" Then
fcu = 20
ElseIf comConcrete.SelectedItem = "C25/20" Then
fcu = 25
ElseIf comConcrete.SelectedItem = "C30/24" Then
fcu = 30
End If
If comSteel.SelectedItem = "S260" Then
fyk = 260
ElseIf comSteel.SelectedItem = "S300" Then
fyk = 300
ElseIf comSteel.SelectedItem = "S400" Then
fyk = 400
End If
'Step 1
fcd = (0.85 * (fcu / 1.25)) / 1.5
fyd = fyk / 1.15
m = fyd / (0.8 * fcd)
Rowb = 0.8 * (fcd / fyd) * (0.0035 / (0.0035 + (fyd / 200000)))
Rowmax = 0.71 * Rowb
Rowmin = 0.6 / fyk
'Step 2
ddef = (0.4 + 0.6 * (fyk / 400)) * (L / 20)
Dim Dincm As Double
Dincm = Math.Round(((ddef + ConCover + BarsizeStirrups + (Barsizelong / 2) +
5) / 10), 0)
D = Math.Round(Dincm * 10, 0)
deff = D - ConCover - BarsizeStirrups - (Barsizelong / 2)
'Step 3
Dim DL As Double
Dim pd As Double
line1: DL = PL + (b / 1000) * (D / 1000) * 25
pd = (1.3 * DL) + (1.6 * LL)
'Step 4
Md = (pd * (L / 1000) ^ 2) / 8
'Step 5
Dim dm As Double

Lecture Note by Surafel T. Date: - December 29, 2016 Page 5

Hawassa University, Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering
Reinforced concrete Structures I
dm = Math.Sqrt((Md * 10 ^ 6) / (0.2952 * b * fcd))
If dm > deff Then
Dincm = Math.Round(((dm + ConCover + BarsizeStirrups + (Barsizelong / 2) +
5) / 10), 0)
D = Math.Round(Dincm * 10, 0)
deff = D - ConCover - BarsizeStirrups - (Barsizelong / 2)
GoTo line1
End If
'step 6
Row = (1 - Math.Sqrt(1 - ((2 * Md * 10 ^ 6) / (fcd * b * deff ^ 2)))) * (fcd /
Dim Rowused As Double
If Row > Rowmax Then
Rowused = Rowmax
ElseIf Row < Rowmin Then
Rowused = Rowmin
Rowused = Row
End If
Areasteel = Rowused * b * deff
textbox.Text = "Design Summary" & _
vbNewLine & "*Design Constant" & _
vbNewLine & " " & "fcd = " & Math.Round(fcd, 2) & "Mpa" & " " & ",
fyd = " & Math.Round(fyd, 2) & "Mpa" & _
vbNewLine & " " & "m = " & Math.Round(m, 2) & " " & ", Rowmax = " &
Math.Round(Rowmax, 5) & _
vbNewLine & " " & "Row min = " & Math.Round(Rowmin, 5) & " " & ",
Row = " & Math.Round(Rowused, 5) & _
vbNewLine & "*Loading" & _
vbNewLine & " " & "DL = " & Math.Round(DL, 2) & "kN/m" & " " & ", LL
= " & Math.Round(LL, 2) & "kN/m" & _
vbNewLine & "*Section Detail" & _
vbNewLine & " " & "D = " & Math.Round(D, 0) & "mm" & " " & ", d = "
& Math.Round(deff, 2) & "mm" & _
vbNewLine & " " & "As = " & Math.Round(Areasteel, 2) & "mm2"
End Sub

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

End Sub
End Class

Lecture Note by Surafel T. Date: - December 29, 2016 Page 6

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