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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemore

Tuesday, September 17, 2019 713-526-3399

Patrick on O’Rourke Gun Confiscation Scheme: “He’s done in Texas”

HOUSTON TX - “When I heard Beto’s now infamous statement in the debate last
week – “hell yes we are going to take your AR-15’s and your AK-47’s...” My first
thought was, thank God he lost to Ted Cruz. Because the Texas press never asked
him any serious questions in that race, it wasn’t clear until now what a radical left-
winger he is – the most radical of all the looney leftists and socialists currently
running for president.

“My second thought was he will never be a threat in Texas politics again. He’s stuck
in tiny single digits in the polls, so he’s not going to be president, but now the
Democrats can’t even put him on the ticket with the hope that he will help win
Texas. He’s a gun confiscator – he’s done in our state.

“So now he’s selling T-shirts with his “hell, yes” statement – another flailing attempt
to hide his naked ambition and distract from his doomed campaign.

“Beto says he has talked to people in Texas who own AR-15’s and they support his
confiscation plan – so he found some liberal who agrees with him. It’s a big state, but
the people I talk to don’t want to give up their guns. They know it is the evil
intentions of a shooter, not the gun that is a threat to our safety.

“I will never support banning the AR-15’s, AK-47’s or a phony buyback program –
the government can't buy back something they have never owned. This is what our
Second Amendment rights are about – making sure the government can never take
away our guns.”


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