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Product Details

What is BPH Buster

A sure shot organic solution for the damages of Brown Plant Hopper in Rice. Keep the rice crop free
from BPH. A very effective new generation organic input for minimizing the damage of BPH in rice
with multi pronged action on the pest. Repeated doses do not build resistance in the pest hence can
be used repeatedly for the good results against BPH

1.Neem Oil : 20% 2.Fish Oil : 25% 3.Cinnamon Oil : 25% 4..Karanj Oil : 20% 5.Sesame Oil : 10%

Damage symptoms:
Leaves turn to yellow and later brownish.  "Hopper burn".  Presence of honeydew and sooty
molds at the basal parts.  More severe during panicle initiation stage.

Mode of action
 Build resistance blockers in resistance building chain.  Attacks on nerve system of targeted pest.
 Strongest anti feeding activity forces the pest to stops feeding on the host.  Epidermal ecdysiast
have found of pest body.  Pest body loosing calcium++ from body in the form of water and muscle
contraction have found. act on the nervous system  It disrupts proper muscle function in insects and
therefore represents a novel, unique mode of action.  Treated insects show unique symptoms of
poisoning resulting in complete and irreversible contraction paralysis.  The insects loose muscle
control, stop feeding, and exhibit a pronounced contraction paralysis of the whole body. Typically, the
larvae become immobile or movements are very restricted and extremely slow.

Cultural practices:
• Monitoring of BPH at base of the plant 30 days after transplanting at weekly interval. • Alternate
wetting and drying the field during peak infestation. • Apply recommended dose of nitrogen fertilizer.

Biological control:
Spray BPH buster Dose- 2 ml per 1 litre of water or 250 ml per acre
Time of application
The BPH buster can apply when the number of eggs is few in the field will give the maximum effects
to suppress population growth of BPH.

Frequently Asked question ( FAQ)

1. What do you mean by BPH buster? A sure shot organic solution for the damages of Brown Plant
Hopper in Rice. Keep the rice crop free from BPH.
2. Is BPH buster is pesticide No, BPH buster is not a pesticide and only used for Agricultural purposes
3. Is BPH buster suitable for Organic farming? Yes BPH buster use is allowed in organic farming.
4. What are the doses of BPH buster? 250 ml per acre or 2 ml per ltr of water when larvae are first
5. Is there any alternative in chemical inputs for BPH buster? There is no solution available for BPH
control than BPH Buster.
6. What is BPH? Is it a pest & insect? It is a insect and commonly called as pest if harmful.
7. What are the uses of the products / Oil used in the composition of BPH Buster? We use BPH buster
for repelling Brown plant hoppers commonly coming on paddy. Several plant oils is used for
formulating this products which is Emulsifiable in water.
8. What is Hopper burn? Hopper burn or yellowing, browning and drying of plant happened due to
scorching as well as cell sap suck ultimately affected plant dries up and gives a scorched appearance
called “hopper burn―.
9. What do you mean by honeydew and sooty molds at the basal parts? Honey dew is nothing but
sugery excreta secreted by brown plant hopper on which sooty mould fungus grows.
10. What is panicle initiation stage? It is a paddy plant growth stage where panicle initiation starts in
11. What is epidermal ecdysiast? It’s ecdysiasts of epidermal layer of pest skin.
12. Repetition in “Mode of action―? There is no repetition in “Mode of action―
13. What is peak infestation? How do we find out? When infestation level at its peak is peak infestation,
like heavy infestation
Product Details
What is Tripmyte
It is a unique combination of herbal extracts that reduce the damages due to the infestations of both
Thrips and Mites and keeps the crop pest free for longer periods.

1. Neem Oil : 20% 2. Fish Oil : 25% 3. Sesame Oil : 10% 4. Cinnamon Oil : 25% 5. Karanj Oil : 20%

Mode Of Action
 Build resistance blockers in resistance building chain.  Attacks on nerve system of targeted pest.
 Strongest anti feeding activity forces the pest to stops feeding on the host.  Pest body loosing
calcium++ from body in the form of water and muscle contraction has found. act on the nervous system
 It disrupts proper muscle function in insects and therefore represents a novel, unique mode of
action.  Treated insects show unique symptoms of poisoning resulting in complete and irreversible
contraction paralysis.  The insects loose muscle control, stop feeding, and exhibit a pronounced
contraction paralysis of the whole body. Typically, the larvae become immobile or movements are very
restricted and extremely slow

2 ml per 1 Liter of water or 250 ml per acre as a foliar spray

Time of application
Start the spray in the early stages of infestation and repeat it at fortnightly intervals Add Mi Spray, a
sticker, spreader, Penetrator and activator @ 5 ml per 15 liters of spray solution.

Tripmyte Benefits
TRIPMYTE is an organic liquid formulation that can be applied as a foliar spray, using ground
application or aerial application (potatoes, legume vegetables and corn only) to control many important
insect pests. TRIPMYTE can mix with water for application. Apply at the recommended rates when
insect populations reach locally determined economic thresholds. Consult your local extension
specialist or certified crop advisor to determine appropriate threshold levels for treatment in your area.
Use sufficient water to obtain thorough, uniform coverage.
Frequently Asked question ( FAQ)
1. What do you mean by Tripmyte? It is unique combination of herbal extracts that reduce the damages
due to the infestations of both Thrips and Mites
2. Is Tripmyte is pesticide? No, Tripmyte is not a pesticide and only used for Agricultural purposes
3. Is Tripmyte suitable for Organic farming? Yes Tripmyte use is allowed in organic farming.
4. Is Tripmyte dose is lesser than conventional miticide? The dose of Tripmyte is very low as compared
to conventional miticides.
5. What are the doses of Tripmyte? 250 ml per acre or 2 ml per ltr of water when larvae are first
Product Details
What is Plant Askort
A novel organic solution for reducing the crop damages due to biting and chewing pests. A friend to
the farmer and beneficial insects and a foe to the boll worms. An organic solution for the reduction of
yield losses in all crops from the attacks of a wide range of boll worms. The product ensures the
effective and longer periods of crop protection from all biting and chewing pest complex.

PLANT ASKORT is an organic liquid formulation that can be applied as a foliar spray, using ground
application or aerial application (potatoes, legume vegetables and corn only) to control many important
insect pests. PLANT ASKORT can mix with water for application. Apply at the recommended rates
when insect populations reach locally determined economic thresholds. Consult your local extension
specialist or certified crop advisor to determine appropriate threshold levels for treatment in your area.
Use sufficient water to obtain thorough, uniform coverage.

Frequently Asked question ( FAQ)

1. What do you mean by Plant Askort? 250 ml per acre or 2 ml per ltr of water when larvae are first
observed. Only first 3 to four instars can be controlled which is deadly hazardous.
2. Is Plant Askort is pesticide? No, Plant Askort is not a pesticide and only used for Agricultural
purposes only.
3. Is Plant Askort suitable for Organic farming? Yes Plant Askort use is allowed in organic farming.
4. What is the effect Plant Askort on Floricultural crops? Plant Askort is very useful in floriculture
5. What are the doses of Plant Askort? 250 ml per acre or 2 ml per ltr of water when larvae are first
observed. Only first 3 to four instars can be controlled which is deadly hazardous.
6. What are boll worms? Worms coming on cotton bolls is called bollworms.
7. How long is the protection period? Depends, generally 10 to 15 days protection period.
8. What is a foliar spray, ground application or aerial application? Foliar spray is aerial spray on plant.
Ground application is drenching in soil along with water.
9. What does the line mean in use rate - Only first 3 to four instars can be controlled which is deadly
Hazardous.? There are 6 growth stages of larvae like in human beings ( Childhood, Teen age, Grown
up, Old age) First 3 stages of larvae is hazardous and can do crop economic losses.
10. How different it is from others? What is so unique of Plant Askort? It is organic and long lasting
results. We can use it repeatedly without resistant development like antigen developed in human being
against any Antibiotics.

 250 ml per acre or 2 ml per ltr of water when larvae are first observed. Only first 3 to four instars can
be controlled which is deadly hazardous.
Product Details
What is FungiKawach
Protect the crop from fungal diseases in organic way, the cost effective organic solution with longer
periods of protection from fungal diseases. The diseases include leaf spots, Downey Mildew, Powdery
Mildew, Blights, and Sheath Rots etc

1. Copper Octonate : 10% 2. Heptaldehyde : 20% 3. Oenenthal Bi Sulphite : 20% 4. Fish Oil : 40% 5.
Emulsifier : 10%

Acts effectively on both prophylactic and curative for the control of many diseases as listed above as
this product has both contact and systemic action.

Apply 250 ml per acre depending on severity as foliar spray.

Frequently Asked question ( FAQ)

1. What do you mean by FungiKawach? Protect the crop from fungal diseases in organic way, the cost
effective organic solution with longer periods of protection from fungal diseases. The diseases include
leaf spots, Downey Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Blights, and Sheath Rots etc
2. Is FungiKawach is pesticide No, FungiKawach is not a pesticide and only used for Agricultural
purposes only.
3. Is FungiKawach suitable for Organic farming? Yes FungiKawach use is allowed in organic farming
4. What are the doses of FungiKawach? 250 ml per acre or 2 ml per ltr of water when larvae are first
5. What is the action of FungiKawach? FungKawach can use as preventative as well as curative.
Product Details
What is White Crush
A novel herbal extract that effectively wards off the problems of White Fly infestation in crops both in
open fields and Poly houses for a longer period. The White Fly being a vector for several diseases like
viral infections, longer period of control enables crops to be yielding quality output with reduced sprays
of pesticides.  White Crush is the most promising unique organic insecticide, with excellent activity
against the dreaded White fly.  White Crush has got local translaminar action that effectively puts
the white fly population under check for a longer period.  An organic pesticide that gives results than
any chemical insecticide available for the control of White Flies.  Ability to stop resistance building
within pest body metabolism.

1. Neem Oil : 20% 2. Fish Oil : 25% 3. Sesame Oil : 10% 4. Stabilizers : 45%

2 ml per Liter of water as foliar spray or 250 ml per acre

Time of application
Initiate the spray activity once the white fly is at ETL (Economic Threshold Level) The spray can be
prophylactic and also as curative Repeat it after a fortnight of first spray for continued protection in the
times of higher incidence of pest around the vicinity.

Mode of Action
 Build resistance blockers in resistance building chain.  Attacks on nerve system of targeted pest.
 Strongest anti feeding activity forces the pest to stops feeding on the host.  Pest body loosing
calcium++ from body in the form of water and muscle contraction has found. act on the nervous system
 It disrupts proper muscle function in insects and therefore represents a novel, unique mode of
action.  Treated insects show unique symptoms of poisoning resulting in complete and irreversible
contraction paralysis.  The insects loose muscle control, stop feeding, and exhibit a pronounced
contraction paralysis of the whole body. Typically, the larvae become immobile or movements are very
restricted and extremely slow
Frequently Asked question (FAQ)
1. What do you mean by White Crush? It is aunique combination of herbal extracts that reduce the
damages due to the infestations of white fly and keeps the crop pest free for longer periods.
2. Is White Crush is pesticide No, White Crush is not a pesticide and only used for Agricultural
purposes only.
3. Is White Crush suitable for Organic farming? Yes White Crush use is allowed in organic farming.
4. What are the doses of White Crush? 250 ml per acre or 2 ml per ltr of water when larvae are first
5. What is White Fly? Is it a pest & insect? It is one kind of insect causes economical losses to crop
6. What are the uses of the products / Oil used in the composition of White Crush? Product is used to
control white fly and several plant oils is used for product formulation
7. When should it be used? Why? When infestation crosses ETL because if not control then white fly
sucks cell sap from leaves.
8. What prophylactic? Prophylactic means avoidance action
9. What id Foliar Spray? Foliar spary is aerial spray of solution on plant
10. Dosage 2nd line is not clear - Only first 3 to four instars can be controlled which is deadly
hazardous? There are 4 to 6 growth stages of maggots like in human beings ( Childhood, Teen age,
Grown up, Old age) First 3 stages of maggots is hazardous and can do crop economic losses.
Product Details
What is Y- Ras
It is a very unique and specific organic input for the longer periods of protection from the widest range
of viral infections during the very critical periods of crop growth. Y-Ras offers the considerable
reduction of the damage and quick crop recovery for relatively longer periods than any other available
chemical options.

1. Oligo Sacharides : 20% 2. Organic Zinc : 10% 3. Organic Magnesium : 5% 4. Organic Iron : 5% 5.
Stabilizers : 50%

 Y-Ras enters the plant through the stomata opening and is translocated into the plant system
through the vascular bundles.  Y-Ras on entering the effected plant cell encapsulates the viron
particles. It reduces the separation of Virus particles in protein and nuclei particles. In the absence of
food virus becomes inactive.  Y-Ras opens up the conductive tissues blocked by the movement of
virus particles and the plant cell starts to recover.

Apply 250 ml per acre depending on severity as foliar spray. Repeat it 15-20 days depending on the
severity of the viral diseases around the crop in other fields.

Time of application
Start the spray in the early stages of infestation and repeat it at fortnightly intervals

250 ml per acre or 2 ml per ltr of water when larvae are first observed.

Frequently Asked question ( FAQ)

1. What do you mean by Y- Ras? It is a very unique and specific organic input for the longer periods
of protection from the widest range of viral infections during the very critical periods of crop growth
2. Is Y- Ras is pesticide No, Y- Ras is not a pesticide and only used for Agricultural purposes only.
3. Is Y- Ras suitable for Organic farming? Yes Y- Ras use is allowed in organic farming..
4. What are the doses of Y- Ras? 250 ml per acre or 2 ml per ltr of water when larvae are first observed.
6. How long is the Protection period? 10 to 15 days
7. What are the viral infections crops? Okra, Papaya, Banana, All vegetables, all horticultural crops,
cereals etc
8. What is very critical period of growth in crops? Critical stages- Vegetative growth i. Flowering stage
ii. Fruiting stage
9. How quick can be the recovery period once we use Y-Ras? Infected plant part can not recover but
new growing tips will be infestation free
10. What Y-ras? If not pesticides & insecticides? It is Nutrient balancing solution which gives plant to
fight against virus.
11. What are vascular bundles in plant / crops? Vascular bundle is a strand of conducting vessels in
the stem or leaves of a plant, typically with phloem on the outside and xylem on the inside.
7. What are viron particles? Virus particle that consists of an RNA or DNA core with a protein coat
sometimes with external envelopes and that is the extracellular infective form of a virus.
8. What do you mean by Virus particles in protein and nuclei particles? RNA and DNA of virus made
up of proteins and nuclei particles.
9. What are conductive Tissues in plants & crops? Vascular tissue/ conductive tissues is a complex
conducting tissue, formed of more than one cell type, found in vascularplants. The primary
components of vascular tissue are the xylem and phloem. These two tissues transport fluid and
nutrients internally.
10. When should it be used? It should be used when you can see infestation of white fly and thrips on
plant because they act as vectors of viruses on plant.
Product Details
Grow Magic
A certified Nano Tech solution for overall Crop Growth at very lesser doses per acre. It unique and
comprehensive Organic Crop growth enhancer right from the stage of seedling till harvesting


Frequently asked question (FAQ)

1. What do you mean by Grow Magic A certified Nano Tech solution for overall Crop Growth at very
lesser doses per acre. It unique and comprehensive Organic Crop growth enhancer right from the
stage of seedling till harvesting.
2. What is main active ingredient in Grow magic? A comprehensive organic crop growth enhancer
containing an herbal extract of an alkaloid called Jasmonate.
3. What are the benefits of Grow magic? • Grow Magic supplies nutrition and powerful growth
stimulants, but it also has ingredients designed to activate and strengthen the plant’s natural
defense system. • Regular applications elevate the plant’s natural defense system against a
range of disease causing fungi, bacteria and viruses. • Grow Magic enhance photosynthesis and
the plant’s ability to provide carbohydrates, proteins and other needed growth compounds. These
essential compounds are then transferred throughout the plant including the root system. • Reduces
flower and fruit drops, Increase fruit color, flavor , texture, structure, shape, size, odor, fragrance,
pigmentation, taste, palatability • Improves root development, Vegetative and reproductive growth
• Compatible with most all liquid fertilizers and chemicals for tank mix allowing easy application
4. Can we use this product in organic farming? As this third generation of Nano technology based
organic product and derived from Jasmine oil and can best suited in organic farming and fulfilling all
5. What are the doses? 100 GRAMS FOR 1 ACRE OF THE CROP IN 150 LITRES OF WATER AS
6. What are the stages to use Grow magic for best results?  5 DAYS BEFORE ACTIVE
7. Can we use Grow magic for soil application? For early establishment of seedling and plantation for
better white root development use 100 gm per acre along with basal doses of fertilizers.
8. What are Nano Tech Solution / Third generation of Nano Technology? The branch of technology
that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometres, especially the manipulation
of individual atoms and molecules. In Agriculture terminology, Nano technology is lower doses of
active ingredient for expected results.
9. What is Jasmonate? Jasmonate is Nano technology alkaloid derived from Jasmine oil and it act as
plant hormone in plants.
10. What is a Stabilizer? It is one kind of filler used during product formulation to stabilize it till results.
11. What is FOLIAR Spray? Foliar is nothing but application of solution aerially on plant.
12. What is Jasmine Oil? Jasmine oil is from which we are separating our product active ingredient

Grow Magicsupplies nutrition and powerful growth stimulants, but it also has ingredients designed to
activate and strengthen the plant’s natural defense system.
Regular applications elevate the plant’s natural defense system against a range of disease
causing fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Grow Magic enhance photosynthesis and the plant’s ability to provide carbohydrates, proteins and
other needed growth compounds. These essential compounds are then transferred throughout the
plant including the root system.
Reduces flower and fruit drops, Increase fruit color, flavor , texture, structure, shape, size, odor,
fragrance, pigmentation, taste, palatability
Improves root development, Vegetative and reproductive growth
Compatible with most all liquid fertilizers and chemicals for tank mix allowing easy application

A comprehensive organic crop growth enhancer containing an herbal extract of

an alkaloid called Jasmonate.

Jasmonate 5%

Potassium humate/ Amino acid 85%

Stabilizer 10%

Total 100 %
Product Details
What is Mi Spray?
Mi Spray is a new generation Silicone based non-ionic adjuvant which can be used with fungicides,
insecticides & herbicides, PGRs and fertilizers to enhance their performance and effectiveness. It
works as a sticker, spreader, rain fastener, activator and adjuvant which ultimately reduces cost and
improves profitability.

Mi Spray is
Non-ionic wetter, super spreader, Penetrants & surfactant
Produces rain fastness more quickly than typical surfactants
Superior leaf wetting, spreading & penetration
Increase effectiveness of Agro inputs
Increases soil wetting and maximizes effectiveness of soil fertilizers
Enhance penetration, wetting & spreading of broad range of agro chemicals via stomata
Better Spray coverage, within less water & agro chemicals

Mi Spray Benefits
Mi spray benefits by several ways to Agriculture, Horticulture
Spreading Mi Spray reduces surface tension of the spray water. It spreads a drop of water into 170 to
180 mm. Due to its ability to spread the water, it spreads little amount of pesticide on large area. Study
results, Mi Spray increase efficiency of spreading by 30 to 60 percent.
Sticking Mi Spray when mixed with spray water forms thin layer over the plant parts. This layer cannot
be washed out easily. Hence spray is not washed even when rainfall occurs for 30 mins. It prevents
the loss of expensive agro chemicals and increases its efficiency.
Penetration Mi Spray penetrates inside the plant leaf without harming the plant. It causes stomata
flooding. While getting penetrated inside the plant leaf, Mi Spray carries the agrochemical with it.
Hence the agrochemicals get totally used by the plant. Even the products like micronutrient fertilizers,
which are hard to penetrate in the plant, leaf are easily taken inside by Mi Spray.
With Bio Pesticides/ Bio fertilizers/ organic pesticides Bio pesticides are slow in action as compared
to chemical ones. Several environmental barriers are limiting factors for their effectiveness in field. Mi
Spray is proven to be compatible with several bio pesticides. It increases residual action as well as
results of bio pesticides. Thus Mi Spray works magically to bring more certainty in bio pesticide results.
In Floriculture Mi Spray is very useful in floriculture. It controls aphid, mealy bug, leaf miner like insects
and red mites effectively where contact of pesticides is important factor. Spraying Mi Spray before
harvesting gives a shiny luster on the flowers and increases shelf life.
Spray Volume The dose of Mi Spray is very low as compared to conventional sticker/ spreaders/
Pesticide Stains Sulphur/copper based products makes spots on plant/fruit/flower. Uses of Mi Spray
with these pesticides prevent pesticide stains & improve quality.

How to Use Mi Spray

Mi Spray can be used with almost all agrochemicals including insecticides, Fungicides, Miticide,
Bactericides, Herbicides, Amino acid, Humic acid formulations, Micronutrient fertilizers etc.
Take half of water needed for spraying and add your pesticide/fertilizers as needed in the tank.
Add Mi Spray in sufficient quantity to the tank and stir.
Add remaining 50% water and stir thoroughly.
Finish the mixture on same day of preparation. Prepare fresh mixture on next day if needed.
Close the half used bottle of Mi Spray carefully. Protect it from water drops an dust.
Keep Mi Spray bottle away from children in lock and key.
Use Mi Spray as per the dose mentioned on bottle.

Maximum spray usage and distribution across leaf.
Reduces surface tension of spray solutions much more than conventional adjuvants.
Augments rain fastening under specific conditions.
Spreads quickly, carrying insecticide into the inaccessible sites inhabited by pest and to those parts
of the crop canopy prone for infection by diseases.
Helps to unlock the power within plant & wide range of agrochemical formulations and nutrition
products. It acts as a PERFORMANCE ENHANCER.
Many physical or environmental factors limiting the performance of agrochemical sprays can be
alleviated or effectively managed with Mi spray.
More productivity with efficient use of costly inputs and water. Reduction in spray volume and numbers.
More profit realization with better quality produce.

Frequently Asked question ( FAQ)

What is Mi Spray?
Mi Spray is
Non-ionic wetter, super spreader, Penetrants & surfactant
Produces rain fastness more quickly than typical surfactants
Superior leaf wetting, spreading & penetration
Increase effectiveness of Agro inputs
Increases soil wetting and maximizes effectiveness of soil fertilizers
Enhance penetration, wetting & spreading of broad range of agro chemicals via stomata
Better Spray coverage, within less water & agro chemicals.

Is Mi Spray is pesticide?
No, Mi spray is not a pesticide

Is Mi spray is synergic to all Agricultural inputs?

Mi Spray can be used with almost all agrochemicals including insecticides, Fungicides, Miticide,
Bactericides, Herbicides, Amino acid, humic acid formulations, Micronutrient fertilizers etc.

Is Mi Spray suitable for Organic farming?

Yes, Mi Spray use is allowed in organic farming. Bio pesticides are slow in action as compared to
chemical ones. Several environmental barriers are limiting factors for their effectiveness in field. Mi
Spray is proven to be compatible with several bio pesticides. It increases residual action as well as
results of bio pesticides. Thus Mi Spray works magically to bring more certainty in bio pesticide results.

Is Mi Spray alters the results of Agricultural inputs?

It increases residual action as well as results of bio pesticides. Thus Mi Spray works magically to bring
more certainty in bio pesticide results. It acts as a PERFORMANCE ENHANCER.

Is Mi spray act as pesticide stain remover on agro produce?

Sulphur/copper based products makes spots on plant/fruit/flower. Uses of Mi Spray with these
pesticides prevent pesticide stains & improve quality.

Is Mi spray dose is lesser than conventional stickers?

The dose of Mi Spray is very low as compared to conventional sticker/ spreaders/ Penetrants.

What is the effect Mi Spray on Floricultural crops?

Mi Spray is very useful in floriculture. It controls aphid, mealy bug, leaf miner like insects and red mites
effectively where contact of pesticides is important factor. Spraying Mi Spray before harvesting gives
a shiny luster on the flowers and increases shelf life.

What is penetration action of Mi Spray and is this helpful?

Mi Spray penetrates inside the plant leaf without harming the plant. It causes stomata flooding. While
getting penetrated inside the plant leaf, Mi Spray carries the agrochemical with it. Hence the
agrochemicals get totally used by the plant. Even the products like micronutrient fertilizers, which are
hard to penetrate in the plant, leaf are easily taken inside by Mi Spray.

What do you mean by sticking action of Mi Spray?

Mi Spray when mixed with spray water forms thin layer over the plant parts. This layer cannot be
washed out easily. Hence spray is not washed even when rainfall occurs for 30 mins. It prevents the
loss of expensive agro chemicals and increases its efficiency.

What do you mean by spreading action of Mi Spray

Mi Spray reduces surface tension of the spray water. It spreads a drop of water into 170 to 180 mm.
Due to its ability to spread the water, it spreads little amount of pesticide on large area. Study results,
Mi Spray increase efficiency of spreading by 30 to 60 percent.

What are the benefits of Mi spray?

Maximum spray usage and distribution across leaf.
Reduces surface tension of spray solutions much more than conventional adjuvants.
Augments rain fastening under specific conditions.
Spreads quickly, carrying insecticide into the inaccessible sites inhabited by pest and to those parts
of the crop canopy prone for infection by diseases.
Helps to unlock the power within plant & wide range of agrochemical formulations and nutrition
products. It acts as a PERFORMANCE ENHANCER.
Many physical or environmental factors limiting the performance of agrochemical sprays can be
alleviated or effectively managed with Mi spray.
More productivity with efficient use of costly inputs and water. Reduction in spray volume and numbers.
More profit realization with better quality produce.

What are the doses of Mi Spray for Agricultural Crops?

Mi Spray Doses Agriculture ml / ltr

Insecticide 0.5

Herbicide 1

Glyphosate 1

Fertilizers and micro nutrients 0.5

Plant growth promoters 1

Soil wetting/ drip irrigation 1

Lawn and herbs/ shrubs 0.5

What are the doses of Mi Spray for Horticulture Crops?

Mi Spray Doses Horticulture crops ml/acre

Insecticide 100

Herbicide 200

Glyphosate 200

Fertilizers and micro nutrients 100

Plant growth promoters 200

Soil wetting/ drip irrigation 200

Lawn and herbs/ shrubs 100

What are the doses of Mi Spray for Vegetables?


Product Details
ModipHy is very innovative product which helps not only to maintain pH of spray solution but also it
stabilizes their pH for longer period of time. The ideal range of pH For dipping: 5.5 to 6.5 in grapes
crop For foliar spray: 6 to 6.5 on all type of crops

By the use of ModipHy, activity of pesticides, weedicides and other nutrients etc. will increase than
normal. It helps to reduce salt (Minerals), T.D.S. and E.C of water which also helps to make the
nutrients available to plants easily. It never retains any stains over applied area of plant. It helps to
maintain pH of tank mix solution during spray. This helps to convert water used for preparing spray
solution from unsuitable form to suitable form It increases efficiency of used agro inputs It improves
absorption and utilization of applied agro inputs It reduces the number of sprays and cost of plant
protection It is compatible with all type of chemical and organic inputs uses in agriculture. This product
can be used for the commercial industries to reduce pH, TDS and EC in waste water. It is 100 % Eco-
friendly product.

ModipHy must be added drop by drop to the water used for preparing spray solution. When it is added
to the water, the color of the water changes to light red, On continuous addition of ModipHy drop by
drop, the color of the water changes to aqua blue (Blue Color) indicating that the water is in desirable
range of pH i.e., around less than 7.

1. What is ModipHy? ModipHy is pH balancer
2. What do you mean by pH? A measure of acidity or alkalinity of water soluble substances (pH stands
for 'potential of Hydrogen'). A pH value is a number from 1 to 14, with 7 as the middle (neutral) point.
Values below 7 indicate acidity which increases as the number decreases, 1 being the most acidic.
3. What is pH stand for? The “p― stands for potential and the “H― stands for Hydrogen.
Okay, so that makes it as clear as mud. What is potential Hydrogen? A scientific explanation would
state that pH refers to the plant's ability to attract hydrogen ions. A less scientific explanation says pH
is the acid/alkaline balance.
4. What is pH scale? A pH of 0 is totally acidic, while a pH of 14 is completely alkaline. A pH of 7 is
5. What is Full form pH? pH was originally acronym for French clause "pouvoir hydrogène," which
can be translated into the English as "power of hydrogen," "hydrogen power," or "potential of
hydrogen." pH is used to quantify acidic or alkaline nature of a chemical which is measured in terms
of H+ ions concentration. Hence the name pH.
6. What is pH of a solution? pH. The pH of a solution is a measure of the molar concentration of
hydrogen ions in the solution and as such is a measure of the acidity or basicity of the solution.
7. What is PH water level? H is a measure of how acidic/basic water is. The range goes from 0 - 14,
with 7being neutral.

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