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Circuit Training Workout # 43 Army Strong

Need: Medicine Ball, Dumbbells, Kettlebell

Walking Deads Across Gym Floor & Back (forward lunge to knee lift, one legged touch down, "hop switch" lead leg, repeat other side) TO One Leg Jump Touch Down 30s Each Side TO Butt Lift Raises to Toe Touch Crunches 1m (reverse lift into crunch with toe touch)

Mt. Climber into Knee Ups 1m (do 3 climbers then stand and throw lead knee forward, lower and repeat) TO Pendulum Abs 1m TO Prisoner Squats with Alternating Knee Ups 1m

Burpee with One Legged Push Ups 1m (jump back into 1-legged push up, alternate legs) TO Walking High Kicks Across Gym Floor & Back (walking forward, alternate kicking leg as high as you can) TO Pike Jumps 30s (plank position with wide feet, jump feet in and together)

Around a Square Walking Plank Ups 1m (high plank, to low plank to high plank, walk laterally, repeat high to low to high, walk back, repeat, walk laterally, repeat, walk forward.) TO Jumping Split Lunges Touchdown 30s Each Side TO Dumbbell Rolling Crunches 1m (roll back & up & forward fluidly)

Burpee Shuffles Across Gym Floor & Back (2 low shuffles, 2 burpees) TO Side Lunge Crossover Tap 1m Each Side TO Side Plank Archer Rows 1m Each Side

Wall Kick Backs 1m LEFT SIDE (hands on wall, knee tucks in explodes out, core tight) TO Circle Medicine Ball Burpees and Throws 1m (throw ball to partner, all drop into burpee, jump squat at top, repeat) Wall Kick Backs 1m RIGHT SIDE TO Kettlebell Torso Rotations 1m Each SIde

Slow Your Roll Kettlebell Sit ups 1m (slow & controlled) Dumbbell Alternating Lunges Figure 8 Pass Thru 1m (alternate forward lunges while passing weight under leg and to other hand) Dumbbell Alternating Leg Lift Crunches 1m (weight & leg meet at top, alternate)

Dumbbell Squat Alternating Side Leg Lift 1m TO Roll Back Jump Tuck 1m (roll back then explode into jump tuck) TO Crossed Leg Lowers 1m Each Side

Down Dog Hop Ups into Alternating Crescent Holds 1m (hop up twice in down dog, step into deep lung, hold 2 counts, repeat other side) TO Break Dancer Alternating Reach Backs 1m TO Dig Bump Groiners 1m (Sprawl into dog with pelvis on floor, jup forward into groiner, pause)

Alternating Bicep Death 3m (1m traditional, 1m twist, 1m hammer) TO Dive Bombers 1m TO Plank Rips 1m (in plank quickly rip elbows back)

Brutal Swinging Side Plank 30s LEFT Side to Wall Climbers 15s (feet on wall for climbers) TO Wall Sit 30s TO Brutal Swinging Side Plank 30s RIGHT Side to Wall Climbers 15s TO Wall Sit 30s

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