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New NPLV Rating Works The formula makes some assumptions

about chiller operating hours. It assumes that

“Weather” Your Plant Has a chiller spends 1% of its operating hours at
100% load and 85°F ECWT simultaneously,
a Single or Multiple Chillers 42% of operating hours at 75% load and
75°F ECWT, 45% of operating hours at 50%
load and 65°F ECWT, and 12% of operating
In December 1998, the Air-conditioning hours at 25% load and 65°F ECWT. These
and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) issued a values are based on weather data, recognizing
revised Standard, ARI 550/590-98, which the major impact of weather on both chiller
addressed efficiency measurements for loading and efficiency.
centrifugal, screw and reciprocating chillers. The result of the formula is a chiller-
The major change involved the formula used efficiency number, expressed in kW/ton.
to calculate average chiller efficiency. The If the chiller design conditions are the standard
formula was revised to improve its accuracy, ARI conditions (44°F leaving chilled-water
especially at off-design conditions. The goal temperature, 85°F ECWT or 95°F outdoor
was to give chiller buyers better information DB, 2.4 gpm/ton evaporator flow, 3.0 gpm/ton
with which to make energy comparisons. condenser flow, and standard fouling factors),
However, the revised formula was derived then the efficiency number is known as the
from analysis of a single-chiller system. This Integrated Part-Load Value (IPLV).
has raised concerns about its applicability But what about different chiller design
to multiple-chiller systems, which make up conditions? For departures from standard
the majority of chiller plants. This worry is ARI conditions (i.e., 83°F ECWT or different
groundless when the difference between flow rates), the efficiency number is known
multiple-chiller systems and single-chiller as the Non-standard Part-Load Value
systems is understood, along with how the (NPLV). Because IPLV is a specialized
formula works for both types of systems. subset of NPLV, which is used primarily
in manufacturers’ catalogs, we will focus
Background on NPLV in this Update.
The formula used in ARI Standard The ARI recognizes that an NPLV rating
550/590-98 to calculate average chiller can’t predict exactly what the absolute chiller
efficiency involves a set of four Operating efficiency would be in an actual installation.
Conditions. Each Condition consists of a NPLV does, however, provide a meaningful
“% Design Load” and a “Head.” The Head is way of comparing the relative efficiency of
represented by either an outdoor dry-bulb different chiller models. The actual efficiency
(DB) temperature for air-cooled chillers, or may differ from the NPLV by a few percent,
an entering condenser-water temperature but each chiller model will differ by a
(ECWT) for water-cooled chillers. For water- similar amount.
cooled chillers, the four Conditions are 100%
load @ 85°F ECWT, 75% load @ 75°F ECWT, The Multiple-Chiller Question
50% load @ 65°F ECWT, and 25% load @ Standard 550/590-98 states that NPLV
65°F ECWT. These temperatures were applies to single-chiller systems and that full
derived by averaging weather data from energy analyses should be used for multiple-
around the United States, and utilizing a chiller systems. The ARI (of which YORK is
typical cooling-tower approach. a member) recognized that multiple-chiller
systems make up the majority of chiller factors that determine the efficiency of a
plants. However, single-chiller plants are refrigeration compressor.
easier to analyze, so ARI started there. There are two factors: Load and Head.
It’s important to note that no analysis was Load is the amount of refrigerant gas that
ever done to determine whether the new the compressor must handle over time. Head
Standard would work for multiple-chiller is the pressure difference against which the
systems. Multiple-chiller plants are now compressor must operate. In a water chiller,
under study in an ARI committee. the lower pressure is determined by the
What makes multiple-chiller plants evaporator temperature. The higher pressure
different from single-chiller plants, as far is determined by the condensing temperature,
as chiller efficiency is concerned? In a which is determined primarily by the weather
single-chiller plant, the chiller sees the full conditions: the outdoor dry-bulb temperature
range of building cooling loads: from 100% entering the air-cooled condenser, or the
design load down to 10%, when the chiller wet-bulb temperature of the air entering
shuts off. In multiple-chiller systems, on the the cooling tower.
other hand, chillers cycle off as the building- Which has the greater impact on
cooling load gets lower, and the load on the compressor efficiency: Load or Head?
remaining chillers increases. The result is that Let’s look at water-cooled centrifugal
the individual chillers see higher loads, on chillers, the most common type of chiller
average. In fact, the more chillers there are used in large plants. Figure 1 shows the
in the system, the higher the average chiller energy performance of an “average”
load. Table 1 illustrates this phenomenon. centrifugal chiller. The performance was
simulated by averaging together the most
recent performance curves published by
Table 1 — Average Chiller Loads in YORK, Carrier and Trane in their catalogs.
Multiple-Chiller Systems (parallel chillers) The curves show the relationship between
Number of Building Building Building Chiller “% Design Load” and “% Design kW” for
Chillers in Total Load Average Load Average Load Average Load various ECWTs.
the System (Tons) (Tons) (%) (%) If we hold the Head constant (by using
1 4000 2000 50 50 only the 85°F ECWT line) and vary the Load,
what happens to chiller efficiency? We find
2 4000 2000 50 67
that the kW/ton varies relatively little — only
3 4000 2000 50 75 5%. This is illustrated in Figure 2, using the
4 4000 2000 50 83 same curves as in Figure 1.
A simple analogy may help clarify why
the change is so small. Imagine a catapult
A multiple-chiller system appears to (representing the compressor) throwing a
breach the assumptions used in calculating 10-lb rock (representing the Load) up a 20-
NPLV. The weather assumptions would be foot cliff (representing the Head). Say that
fundamentally unchanged, but the chiller- the power required for this operation is 1 HP.
loading assumptions would change, with If the rock is reduced to only 5 lb, then the
more hours being spent at higher loads. machine needs only 0.5 HP. Is the machine
Wouldn’t this make the Standard and NPLV becoming more efficient in terms of HP/lb?
inapplicable for multiple-chiller systems? No. If we divide power (HP) by Load (lb), we
get the same answer in both cases: 1÷10 =
The Multiple-Chiller Answer 0.5÷5 = 0.1 HP/lb.
Surprisingly, no. NPLV is also valid Alternatively, if we hold the Load constant
for multiple-chiller systems, despite the (at 100%, for example) and vary the Head,
difference in average chiller loading. YORK we find that change in chiller efficiency can
was one of the developers of the Standard, be as much as 30%. This is illustrated in
and is deeply involved in the study of multiple- Figure 3.
chiller systems for the ARI. In analyzing Let’s use our same simple analogy
these systems, YORK has found that the to examine this case. Imagine the rock
Standard does accurately predict chiller (representing the Load) stays at 10 lb, but
efficiency for multiple-chiller systems as well. the cliff (representing the Head) is lowered
How can that be, if the assumptions used to 10 feet. Now the catapult would require
in the formula have changed so radically? 0.7 HP to accomplish the operation. Has the
To find the answer, we need to look at the catapult become more efficient? Yes. If we
divide the power (HP) by the Load (lb), the Figure 1 — Off-design Performance of “Average”
answer is now 0.7÷10 = 0.07 HP/lb, which Water-cooled Centrifugal Chiller
is 30% better than when we only lowered
the Load in Figure 2. 100%
We said earlier that the chiller-loading
pattern in a multiple-chiller plant is different
than a single-chiller plant. However, the 80%
weather stays the same, no matter how

% Design kW
many chillers are in the plant. Because 60%
Head (determined by the weather) will have
the major impact on chiller efficiency, and
Load (determined by the number of chillers) 40%
will have a minor impact, it stands to reason 75°F ECWT
that ARI 550/590-98 will accurately predict 20% 65°F ECWT
chiller efficiency in multiple-chiller plants.
Let’s analyze a multiple-chiller plant and
see if that is true. 0%
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Analysis of a Multiple-Chiller Plant % Design Load
Six systems were analyzed, addressing the
same building load, using from 1 to 6 chillers
each, using average U.S. weather data, and
run with 4 different operating schedules. Figure 2 — Chiller Efficiency Changes with
Variable Load /Constant Head
System Description of System
Number (all constant-speed) 0.583 kW/ton
1 One 3600-ton unit 100%

2 Two 1800-ton units

3 Three 1200-ton units 0.553 kW/ton kW/ ton varies
by only 5.1%
% Design kW

4 Four 900-ton units

5 Five 720-ton units 0.557 kW/ton
6 Six 600-ton units

Group Description of
Number Operating Schedule 20%
24 hr/day, 7 days /wk, chiller
shut off below 0°F outdoor DB
24 hr/day, 7 days /wk, chiller 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
shut off below 55°F outdoor DB % Design Load
12 hr/day, 5 days /wk, chiller
shut off below 0°F outdoor DB
12 hr/day, 5 days /wk, chiller
4 Figure 3 — Chiller Efficiency Changes with
shut off below 55°F outdoor DB
Variable Head /Constant Load
The Building Load Parameters: 100% 0.583 kW/ ton
Design Building Cooling Load = 3600 tons
kW/ ton varies
Design Outdoor Temperatures = 100°F DB/78°F WB by 30.0%
Design Cooling-Tower Approach = 7°F 0.408 kW/ ton
% Design kW

Design Efficiency for All Chillers = 0.583 kW/ton 60%

NPLV for All Chillers = 0.488 kW/ton
Design Leaving Chilled-Water Temperature = 44°F 40%

Minimum Entering Condenser-Water Temperature = 65°F

Average Internal Load = 40% of Peak 20%

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

% Design Load
TABLE 2 — Average Efficiency of the Six Chiller Systems (kW/ton)
Group System System System System System System
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0.493 0.476 0.480 0.481 0.482 0.483
2 0.487 0.486 0.489 0.492 0.493 0.496
3 0.494 0.482 0.487 0.487 0.489 0.491
4 0.491 0.490 0.494 0.496 0.498 0.500
Average 0.491 0.484 0.488 0.489 0.489 0.492

From this information, 24 analyses were Summary

done. These were created using the ASHRAE ARI Standard 550/590-98 states that
Temperature-Bin Method for calculating NPLV is only applicable to single-chiller
energy. The results are summarized in systems, because of its chiller-loading
Table 2 above. assumptions. However, it turns out that
The results show that the average the Standard is equally applicable to
kW/ton for single- and multiple-chiller multiple-chiller systems, because chiller
systems are the same, within reasonable loading (between 50% and 100% load,
accuracy. The new NPLV rating tracks where individual chillers operate in
efficiency for multiple-chiller systems multiple-chiller systems) only marginally
as well as single-chiller systems. impacts chiller efficiency. The major
factor in chiller efficiency is Head, which
is determined by the weather. And the
weather doesn’t care how many chillers
a plant contains.

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P.O. Box 1592, York, Pennsylvania USA 17405-1592 Subject to change without notice. Printed in the USA
Copyright  by YORK International Corporation 1999 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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