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A Relationship between Doodle and Stress among University Student in


Stress in general term means the various mental and bodily pressures experienced or felt by
people throughtout their lives. (G. Akrani, 2011). ​The definition by Meriam Webster
dictionary stress is defined as constraining force or influence such as a state resulting from a
stress especially one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an
existent equilibrium.​ Stress can be positive or negative way. Stress can be positive when
the situation offer an opportunity to a person to gain something. others, stress can be
negative when a person faces a social, physical and emotional problems.Back into the
research, ​nowadays, student tend to get stress when they are studying in university. It is
because many student have a lot of pressure which are assignments that have to submit
during the due date and activities to do at the same time. Stress is one of the problem that is
faced by majority of students in university. We use the word stress quite regularly in our
everyday life but we might not get a right definition about stress because its difference based
on the individual.Generally, doodle is spontaneous marks made to support thinking. (​Brown,
S. ,2014). Others, doodle can way to express. Doodle sometimes can be express by
drawing, scribbling or sketching. It is depend on the person which way they like to doodle

Research Problem
This research will focusing on universities student’s level of stress and how to cope with it.
Additionally, many of the emotional and physical symptoms that occur commonly in the
student population, such as headaches, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and the inability to
cope, can be attributed to or exacerbated by stress. (Dusselieret al 2005, 15 –24). Learning
doodle and its exposure might be one of stress reliever, therefore they are not only relieving
their stress but express their inner creativity

Research Objectives
Ø To investigate the relationship between stress and doodle
Ø To investigate how often student think that they tends to get stress.
Ø To find out if the doodle one of the methods to relieve stress.

Research Question
Ø What is the relationship between stress and doodle
Ø How often student think that they tends to get stress?
Ø Is the doodle one of the methods to relieve stress?

Limitation & Delimitations



-Brown, S. (2014). ​The Doodle revolution: Unlock the power to think differently​. Penguin.
-Gaurav Akrani (2011). What is Stress? Meaning , Definition nd Causes of Stress retrieved
from http://kalyan-city.blogspot.my/2011/03/what-is-stress-meaning-definition-and.html

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