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Second Periodical Examination

Direction: Read the statement carefully. Choose the best answer. Write the corresponding letter in your paper.
1. When your body has too much carbon dioxide, the blood becomes too acidic. What will be the reaction of your body?
A. Breathing is slowed C. Breathing stop
B. Breathing is increased D. Breathing slowed and increased
2. Food are spoiled when acted upon by the growth of harmful microorganism. At what pH did harmful bacteria grow
and multiply?
A. near pH 7 B. pH 9-10 C. pH 2 –8.5 D. pH 10 -14
3. The acidic pollutants in the air that come from the burning of fuels used in power plants, factories, and vehicles
produced gases which are acidic. Which makes rain acidic. What is the pH of “acid rain”?
A. pH 5.6 B. below pH 5.6 C. above pH 5.6 D. pH 7
4. Why is it important to read the product label of the personal care product that we are using?
A. To choose which is the best product C. To avoid harmful effects on the body
B. To choose the cheapest product D. To choose the most suited product
5. A basic substance that is used to open clogged kitchen and toilet pipes, sinks and drains.
A. lye or liquid sosa C. muriatic acid
B. slaked lime D. laundry detergent
6. An acid that is used in construction to remove excess mortar from bricks and in home to remove hardened deposits
from toilet bowls.
A. lye or liquid sosa C. muriatic acid
B. slaked lime D. laundry detergent
7. All of the following are the safety ways in handling and using acids and bases EXCEPT.
A. Store above 60 degree celcius. C. Keep tightly sealed.
B. Do not take internally. D. Keep out of reach of children.
8. Why is it that we should avoid acids and bases with high concentration from direct contact with mouth, eyes and
A. Acids and bases are irritant. C. Acids and bases are poisonous.
B. Acids and base can eat away flesh. D. Acids and bases can explode.
9. What is the process of mixing acids and bases?
A. Acidity B. Neutralization C. Pickling D. Naturalization
10. It is the products when an acid and a base combine.
A. lime and water B. salt and lime C. salt and water D. lime and carbon
11. It is the substance that balances the excess acids in the stomach.
A. Antacid B. Calcium oxide C. calcium hydroxide D. acetic acid
12. Liquid waste from factories often contains acid, if this reaches a river, the acids will kill the fish and other living
things. What can be added to water to prevent this?
A. Antacid B. Calcium oxide C. calcium hydroxide D. acetic acid
13. Which of the following group of substances contain metallic elements?
A. aluminum, copper, potassium C. phosphorus, chlorine, bromine
B. oxygen, carbon, sulphur D. carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen
14. Which of the following elements is most likely ductile at room temperature?>
A. aluminum B. mercury C. nitrogen D. sulphur
15. Chlorine, iodine and bromine are non-metals. What BEST distinguishes a non-metal from a metals is its ________.
A. homogeneity B. boiling point C. poor conductor of electricity D. ductility
16. Which is TRUE about metals?
A. They have a varying melting points. C. They are good conductors of heat
B. They have low melting points D. They are used to prevent thermal or electrical conductivity
17. Some metals like silver and gold are used in making jewelry. What property of these metals is considered for this
A. It is expensive. C. It is malleable.
B. It is corrosive D. It is shiny.
18. Substance A and Substance B were tested for their physical characteristics. The results showed that substance A
and substance B are malleable, heat conductor, shiny and ductile. What is the nature of substance A and substance B?
A. acids B. metals C. non-metals D. metalloids
19. Jeffrey wants to find out some of the distinguishing characteristics of metals. He used aluminum can, iron nail, gold
ring and silver spoon. He finally noted that these materials display the same kind of properties. Which of the following
describes the characteristics of a metal observed by Jeffrey?
A. metals are brittle C. metals are malleable
B. metals are insulators D. metals are non-conductors of heat
20. Aluminum is passed into mills and rolled to produces foil to wrap food. Which of the following statements is/are
TRUE about the property of aluminum based on the information?
I. It can be hammered into sheets. III. It can be drawn into thin wires.
II. It can be rolled thinly. IV. It allows electricity to pass through a material
A. III only B. IV only C. I and D. III and IV
21. It is the most abundant element found in the human body?
A. oxygen B. carbon C. hydrogen D. nitrogen
22. It is the most abundant element in the earth?
A. oxygen B. silicon C. aluminum D. iron
23. Which of the following parts allow different activities of the cell to happen?
A. cytoplasm B. lysosome C. vacuole D. vesicle
24. If the chloroplast of a plat cell are damage, which will it be unable to do?
A. protect the cell C. excrete waste materials
B. make food for the cell D. give instruction for cell to reproduce
25. Which part of the cell function in the excretion of waste materials?
A. cell wall B. cell membrane C. vacuole D. golgi body
26. It is the part of the cell which plays a role during cell division.
A. chloroplast B. cell wall C. centrioles D. nucleus
27. Which is the control center of the cell?
A. chloroplast B. cell wall C. centrioles D. nucleus
28. You are asked to identify an unknown slide. Which of the following could help you identify that it is an animal cell?
I. absence of centrioles IV. Angular and rigid
II. irregular shape V. absence of chloroplast
III. presence of cell wall
A. I and III B. II and V C. I and IV D. III and IV
29. A cell has a defect that results in the loss of its ability to regulate the passage of water, food, and wastes into and
out of the cell. In which of the following cell structures in this defect most like to be located?
A. ribosomes B. chloroplast C. cell membrane D. endoplasmic reticulum
30. In a biology class, students were asked to use a microscope to distinguish between plant and animal cells. A student
noticed a difference between the vacuoles in plant and animal cells. How do the vacuoles in plant cells differ from
animal cell vacuoles?
A. Plants cells vacuoles are usually larger. C. Plant cell vacuoles are usually smaller.
B. Plant cell rarely contain vacuoles. D. Plants cells usually contain more vacuoles.
31. At which smallest level of organization in an organism can the characteristics of life be carried out?
A. cell B. organ C. organ system D. tissue
32. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Groups of organs working together are called cells.
B. Group of cells working together are called tissues.
C. Group of organs working together are called organisms.
D. Groups of tissues working together are called organ systems.
33. Which is the correct sequence – from biggest to smallest – of the levels of organization in an organism?
A. cell – organ – organ system - tissues C. tissue – cell – organ – organ system
B. organ – organ system – tissue – cell D. organ system – organ – tissue – cell
34. Cancer starts from cells that start to grow uncontrollably fast. They destroy tissues and organs. What does this say
about the effects of diseased cells on the higher levels of organization in an organism?
A. Diseased cells do not affect the other parts of the organism.
B. Cancer involves only certain kinds of cell and does not affect any other kind of cells.
C. Diseased cells affect only the next higher levels of organization that they make up – the tissues.
D. Diseased cells damage the higher levels of organization they make up: tissues, organs, organ systems, and
eventually, the whole organism.
35. Which two parts of the light microscope magnify the image of an object
A. eyepiece and mirror C. objectives and mirror
B. eyepiece and objectives D. objectives and diaphragm
36. It moves the body tube and objectives up and down.
A. eyepiece B. coarse adjustment C. fine adjustment D. arm
37. Which part is make possible the changing of the objectives?
A. coarse adjustment B. fine adjustment C. revolving nosepiece D. dust shield
38. Which part will you adjust if the onion cell you are observing under the HPO is not clear?
A. coarse adjustment B. fine adjustment C. revolving nosepiece D. dust shield
39. What is the correct way of carrying a microscope?
A. Hold the arm by grasping it with one hand and support the base with the other arm?
B. Hold the arm by grasping with one hand and the stage with the other hand?
C. Hold the base by grasping with two hands.
D. Hold the arm by grasping with one hand.
40. A plant is viewed using a 10X eyepiece and a 43 X HPO. How much will the cell be magnified?
A. 10 X B. 43X C. 143X D. 430 X
Second Periodical Examination

Direction: Read the statement carefully. Choose the best answer. Write the corresponding letter in your paper.

1. Philippines always experience earthquakes and volcanic eruptions because we are located along
________________., A. Pacific Ring of Fire C. Philippine Ring of Fire
B. Pacific Region of Fire D. Philippine Region of Fire
2. A break on the earth crust.
A. focus B. fault C. epicentre D. plane

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