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Family is the most important and valuable gift that God has given us. It is the first lesson in
relationships with others. Family is really an important word. It means to feel secure, to have
someone who you can count on, whom you can share your problems with. But it also means to
have respect for each other and responsibility and when we talk about responsibility we talk
about sacrifices, specially to the parents that are willing to do or risk anything for their children.

As children grow into adolescents it can be a challenging and demanding time of transition. As
young adults seek to become increasingly independent, parents may feel that their role is less
important and that family unity is being eroded not just children growing old into adolescents
but also the parents getting old as time as passes by, becoming more stronger by heart but
weaker in flesh, becoming more independent mentally but seeking some love to lean on.

Family values are a set of unwritten rules and codes that creates and helps build our
perception, vision towards society and many things that we face in our day to day life. Strong
family values can instill greater clarity in decision making regarding our life and leads to a
relatively easier and more balanced life. Giving strong values as a parent not only protects a
child but also create a civilized conscious citizen and help move society towards a more
harmless tomorrow. Strong family values can help check all the moral and ethical corruption in
various walks of life which otherwise ultimately contributes to inequality poverty crime and
what not.

Families are the basic, foundational social units in all human communities around the world,
and healthy individuals within healthy families are at the core of a healthy society. It’s in
everyone’s best interest, then, to help create a positive environment for all families. This can be
a labor of love for all of our social institutions: educational institutions, businesses, human and
family service agencies, religious institutions, health organizations — literally everyone involved
in the daily life of a community. Families are our most intimate social environment. They are
the places where we begin the vital processes of socializing our children, and teaching them —
in partnership with countless other in the community — how to survive and how to thrive in
the world.
The family that was chosen by the researcher is one of the less fortunate. The family has past
history of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis . Their family were only
complete during night time and when the sun shines they tend to separate ways in order to
survive. The head of the family goes to his small garden and the light of the home went into a
part time laundry job. Life was tough for them but the researcher sees hope in their eyes and
sees love through their smiles and sees a family that proves that God blesses them everyday.
General objectives

At the end of the interviews between the student and the family, the adopted family
will be able to improve their health, have a primary knowledge on how to prevent potential
diseases, and promoting their family health and interventions that are suitable, attainable and
convenient according to their needs In a given time frame.


After 1 day of home visit and student nurse-family interaction, the students will be
able to:

1. Encourages family t contribute towards community health

2. Establish rapport and trust with the family
3. Give health teaching about possible risk factors
4. Able to get data and past health histories
5. Plan possible interventions

Patient’s Code Name: MR.T

Age: 57 years old

Nationality: Filipino

Civil status: Married

Occupation: N/A

Date of last admission: August 2018

Sources of information: MR.T & MRS. K


Mr. T and Mrs. K lives together for 35 years. They have children, 5 boys and two girls.
The eldest which is a woman had a 5 offspring and the 3 rd woman has a 1 child. Only 4 of them
finishes secondary education and the rest they don’t attend to school anymore. They are
currently living at Purok Madasigon,Brgy. Banale, Pagadian city the only source of their income
is Mr. T has a small garden in the vacant lot and Mrs. K has a part time laundry job.

Mr. T was diagnosed with tuberculosis last year leaving only Mrs. K to do all the work
to sustain the needs of the family. After Mr. T treated, after that his son diagnosed with
tuberculosis and the youngest of them has also a past history of pneumonia. When Mr. T
diagnosed with tuberculosis the boss of Mrs. T decided to lend some money to Mrs K to make a
new house away from Mr. T for the meantime for 6 months because TB is contagious.

Mr. T And Mrs. K estimated their monthly income,1700 pesos every month to sustain
all the needs of their family. Their cr is separated away from their house and made out off sacks
and used woods Their house is near a river.. It Has a one room and their house is elevated to
avoid the flood during rainy seasons.


General condition: The head is symmetrically round,hard and smooth and free from
lesions and bumps. No presence of nits,lice and dandruff. Hair is white and evenly distributed.


Geera condtion;

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