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Chapter 1


Students are key stakeholders and the most essential resources in education. It is

eligible for the students to always show discipline either inside or outside the school. To

attain a better place for the students, school management implements school rules that

will drive to discipline.

Discipline is one of the fundamental qualities of each student for self-control

awareness of responsibility and future planning, compliance with regulations, respect for

differences, and value of honor. When the school is consisted of students possessing

discipline, it may lead to a harmonized school and school performance will be quickly

improved. Consequently, developing the discipline of the students has been inculcated

through socializations and subjects from elementary up to now, especially the childhood

because it is essential for a long-term development of discipline.

“Student’s discipline is a prerequisite to almost everything a school has to offer

students.” (McGregory,2006) Seifert and Vornberg connect discipline and culture and

climate of the school, according to them, satisfactory climate will exist within the school

if a certain level of discipline existed first. In school where discipline is a serious

problems, for example, bullying, vandalism, improper throwing of garbage, dating inside

the campus, and many other, sometimes because of these problems the students choose to

transfer to ‘better’ school. Since the well-behaved students usually perform well, their

transfer can affect the overall performance of the school. However, punishment can

aggravate behavior instead of curving it.

“Discipline of others isn’t punishment, you discipline to help, to correct, to

improve, to prevent, no to punish, humiliate, or retaliate.”(Wooden J.) this thought can be

related to the teachers or anyone who has concern of students’ discipline enhancement,

hence, hand books were made, all the different school rules implemented in a school are

written on that book to also remind the students of the dos and don’ts.

Discipline can be viewed as a contemporary crisis, which is beginning to reflect

trends in many parts of the World. One significant issue of concern is that indiscipline in

educational institutions does not discriminate, essentially transcending the boundaries of

gender, class and race. The impact has implications for educational institutions; teachers

have less time to deliver teaching in order to effectively 'manage' classroom disruption, as

well as face other related problems. It has become a huge concern among educators,

policy-makers and the public in general, owing to the outbreak of aggressiveness among

peers, violence within teacher-student relationship and vandalism. Inspite of the

numerous efforts made by the stakeholders, the problem seem not to be receding. The

purpose of this study was to investigate whether rules and regulations have an effect on

students discipline.

At Ventinilla High School, there are some school rules or ‘students code of

discipline’. These are all written on the hand book of Ventinilla High School. There are

school rules during the flag ceremony, inside the classroom, during examination, along

the corridors, inside the reading center, inside the campus, at the canteen and store,

proper use of comfort room, proper disposal of trash, off-limits areas, outside the school,

attendance, dress code and grooming that includes proper wearing of uniform and hair

style, law prohibiting fund in school, child protection policy, gambling, vandalism,
alcohol beverages and cigarette and the use of cellphone and internet. If ever the students

break these rules there will be disciplinary actions.

Statement of the Problems

This study aims to know the effectiveness of school rules in enhancing the

discipline of the students of Ventinilla High School. After this study, the following

questions have to be answered.

1. How may school rules be described in terms of…

1.1 wearing proper uniform

1.2 hair dressing

2. How may the discipline of the respondents be described?

3. Is there a significant relationship between school rules and discipline

enhancement of the students at Ventinilla High School?

4. What recommendation can be proposed to enhance the discipline of the

students as the respondents?


School rules and discipline enhancement of the students of Ventinilla High

School have no significant relevance.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will be focusing on the effectiveness of school rules in disciplines

enhancement of the students of the students of Ventinilla High School this first semister

at Ventinilla, Paniqui, Tarlac.

Significance of the Study

After this study, it is expected that the findings of this study will be beneficial to

the students, teachers, principal, parents, and the future researchers.

Definition of Terms

The following terminologies are defined either operationally or conceptually for

further knowledge.

Effectiveness. The degree to which something is successful in producing a

desired result. Also, it is the successfulness of the school rules that enhance the discipline

of the students.

School Rules. Set of guideline of the students of Ventinilla High School to act or

behave in standardise way.

Enhancing Discipline. The process wherein the students will develop their

discipline through the school rules of Ventinilla High School.

Students. The learners of Ventinilla High School who will be used in this study

to know the effectiveness of school rules in enhancing the discipline of the students.

Ventinilla High School. The school located at Ventinilla, Paniqui, Tarlac where

the respondents of this study, study at.

Wearing Proper Uniform. All the students are obligated to prescribed uniform.

For the male, black pants, white polo with school logo. Only white undershirt are allowed

and must be properly tucked and buttoned at all times. For the females, blouse with logo
and skirt (the length of the skirt must be three inches below the knee.) Both males and

females need to wear black shoes and their I.D.

Hair Dressing. This includes the hair style, hair color, and hair cut.

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