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Birth Chart


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Pla​ne​ta​ry ali​gn​ments

This graphic shows a snapshot of the planetary positions in their or‐

bits on Sunday, 24th September 2006 at 07:20 (GMT +2 hours) at the
place of birth Kotor, Mon​te​ne​gro with the co​or​di​na​tes:
eas​tern lon​gi​tu​de: 18°46'16'', nort​hern la​ti​tu​de: 42°25'29''
The constellation of the planets to each other is the basis for the follo‐
wing in​ter​pre​ta​ti​on of the as​tro​lo​gi​cal radix drawing.

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Horoscope of danilo


The planets run through the signs of the zodiac and form certain con‐
stel​la​ti​ons - the: „As​pects”:

q Con​junc​tion Same or very similar position of two planets. Mutual em‐

power​ment with con​tra​dic​to​ry as​pects.

t Sex​ti​le Harmonious constellation. Tensions with constructive,

usual​ly pur​po​se​ful drive.

r Squa​re Strong tension aspect. Even well harmonizing planets

ex​pe​ri​ence strong con​flict si​tua​ti​ons.

e Tri​gon Harmonious aspect with strong matches. Strongly sup‐

por​ti​ve; often drive and en​er​gy are mis​sing.

o Quin​cunx Links between zodiac signs without similarities. Low vol‐

ta​ges and wis​hes.

w Op​po​si​ti​on Aspect of tension, mostly in the area of relationships.

Often con​tra​dic​to​ry and con​flic​tu​al.

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Horoscope of danilo


You will certainly find contradictions in this evaluation because

some topics appear to be seemingly contradictory or mutually ex‐
clu​si​ve. Howe​ver, this is not a mis​in​ter​pre​ta​ti​on, but a pheno​me​non
which is present in almost all horoscopes. A person usually sees
themselves in a clear-cut manner, although one may have many
sides that one is not necessarily aware of. One acts and reacts dif‐
fer​ent​ly in cer​tain si​tua​ti​ons which can con​se​quent​ly have a va​ry​ing
ef​fect on others.

The horoscope, however, creates an overall picture of a person in

which all sides of a personality, conscious and unconscious, are ap‐
parent all at once. An object can be viewed from different perspec‐
tives as well: one sees a new picture every time, although the object
remains the same. This is the same as in humans. If you encounter
contradictions in this evaluation, you should observe how your
child acts and reacts in different situations. With time, you will be
ama​zed at how well this ana​ly​sis de​scri​bes your child.

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Horoscope of danilo

The distribution of the elements. A

look onto the radix.
The distribution of the elements is determined by analyzing the
signs in which a large number of planets are located. The signs of
the zodiac are assigned to the four elements: fire, earth, water, and
air. Earth signs are: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Air signs are: Ge‐
mini, Libra, and Aquarius. Water signs are: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pis‐
ces. Fire signs are: Aries, Leo, and Sagit​ta​ri​us.

If, for example, many planets are in the earth signs, then the earth
element is strongly emphasized in the horoscope, and the proper‐
ties of this element strongly influence the personality of a person.
Fire-fueled people are more dynamic, brave, and assertive. Air-fo‐
cused people are more intellectual and rational. People with an
emphasis in earth people are stable, quiet, and enduring. Water-fo‐
cu​sed peop​le are emo​tio​nal, sen​si​ti​ve, and ima​gi​na​ti​ve.

The above is only intended to be a guide and serves as an orientati‐

on. Now read which element and which cardinal direction (half) is
em​pha​si​zed in the ho​ro​scope of da​ni​lo.

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Horoscope of danilo

Weakness of the earth element

In the horoscope of danilo the earth signs are understated. This

means that he o en has trouble coping with his daily tasks. danilo
would like to be free and not tied down by obligations and respon‐
sibility. This means that as an adult danilo may exhibit impractical
and imprudent behavior. In short: structure and order will not be
his strengths.

Family, school, work, and everyday life will teach danilo some les‐
sons. He will have to learn to take care of his own things and to
keep things in order if he wants to avoid living in chaos. Certainly
danilo will have to be reminded o en at school to keep track of his
pa​pers and to main​tain order when it comes to his school sup​p​lies.

This constellation also says that danilo can live happily without
many possessions or money. He will not rely on the use of status
symbols to prove his worth. Possession, beyond a certain limit, will
feel more like a bur​den to da​ni​lo.

As his parents, you can teach danilo to stay grounded: take him to
the forest and let him explore nature, have him help in the garden
or maybe plant some herbs in a small bed. Also let your son work
with na​tu​ral ma​te​ri​als such as clay, plas​ter or salt dough.

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Horoscope of danilo

Emphasis on the air element

In the horoscope of danilo the element air is stressed. He tends to

ac​com​plish ever​y​day tasks pri​ma​ri​ly with the "tools" of the ele​ment
air: he will use the mind, his intellect, as well as writing and speech.
danilo will always find several ways to tackle and deal with certain
things. He will be very clever with his words which will help him a
lot in life.

danilo likes to approach other people and is not afraid to speak to

unfamiliar adults. He is extremely communicative, very social, and
will al​most al​ways have a crowd of fri​ends around him.

danilo will see feelings and emotions as somewhat useless aspects

of human expression. He is not very sensitive or good at dealing
with sensitive and emotional people; danilo cares most about tan‐
gi​b​le and un​der​stan​da​ble things. da​ni​lo will also act and react fle​xi​‐
bly in everyday life; this is particularly beneficial to him at school
and later on in his career. danilo learns and understands quickly
and has a fan​tas​tic me​mo​ry.

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Horoscope of danilo

Emphasis on the yang side

Fire, control, strength, external strength, tension, speed, movement,

cou​ra​ge, logic

danilo is always lively, active, dynamic, needs a lot of movement,

and especially variety. Early on, he will want be able to do every‐
thing on his own and can ea​si​ly get star​ted wi​thout any help.

When da​ni​lo grows up, he is often the lea​der, the "doer". This dis​po​‐
sition gives her many advantages in our performance and informa‐
tion oriented society, especially in regards to his profession. It is ty‐
pical for danilo not to wait until something happens. He himself
makes sure that things get moving and is responsible for making
sure things “get started”. danilo has an incredible amount of initia‐
ti​ve and en​er​gy.

Occasionally, danilo overdoes things. He will then be overwhelmed

by too much ac​tion or ac​tivi​ties which can make her get too wound-
up or even become aggressive or loud. Make sure (if necessary, in a
vigorous way) that your son develops a minimum of discipline and
responsibility so that in the future he is not faced with many started
but un​fi​nis​hed pro​jects.

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Horoscope of danilo

The emphasis on the halfs of the

horoscope of danilo
Similar to the distribution of the elements, this chapter presents
an initial summary of the personality of danilo. If the distribution
of the elements tended to be more about his temperament, this
chap​ter is more about his basic at​ti​tu​de towards life.

Emphasis on the lower half of the horoscope

danilo will evolve into a rather turbulent and emotional boy, who
o en – spontaneously and running purely on instinct – makes deci‐
sions that are not well thought-out. He will also display this in his
everyday life. danilo comes o as lively, authentic, and honest, but
is also o en rash and careless. He is very playful and creative,
wants to try out a lot of new things and likes to ex​pe​ri​ment.

danilo is interested in many different types of sports and hobbies.

Still, he is hap​piest when he is able to live out his crea​ti​vi​ty. Cer​tain​‐
ly, he will show a special talent with his artistic or creative abilities,
which should be encouraged and supported from an early age on.
Also, danilo will love and have a special admiration for all natural
and living things. He will develop a good sense for nature, plants,
and animals. Take danilo camping and on trips to the sea. You
should also go for walks with danilo or visit a botanical garden. da‐
nilo will absorb knowledge and experiences and enjoy them to the

Later, danilo will grow into a rather honest and sincere man who
will not be prone to telling lies. Others will easily be able to tell if he
tries to tell lies or make excuses. danilo has a pronounced sense of
jus​ti​ce and will al​ways de​fend his fri​ends.

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Horoscope of danilo

Emphasis on the left side of the horoscope

danilo is developing early into a quite strong-minded and ego-ori‐

ented boy, who generally likes to enforce his will and can easily be
overbearing. danilo should have little trouble announcing his de‐
mands or interests and going a er them. One can hardly claim that
he is or will become shy. danilo will want to tackle a lot of things
alone and independently, even without waiting on his parents.
Both you as his parents and his siblings will not always have it easy
with danilo. If it is necessary, hold your child back and show him
that he will not always be first, that he does not always get the big‐
gest piece of the cake and also that the loudest one doesn’t always

Too much parental supervision will soon become annoying to dani‐

lo. Even as an adult, he will quickly become independent and self-
reliant, being able to stand on his own two feet and manage his
own life.

In interpersonal relationships danilo proves himself as a reliable

and trustworthy partner and friend; he is very well-centered and ul‐
timately is sure of the fact that he can handle life on his own, which
will allow him to be independent and self-confident. danilo will
never have pro​blems with ma​king fri​ends and get​ting to know other
peop​le. That is why he will not be lo​nely in his life.

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Horoscope of danilo

The ascendant. Impact and

appearance – the first impression of
The as​cen​dant – lat. „the ri​sing sign” – is the zo​di​ac sign that rose or
was rising at the east horizon at the time of the birth of danilo. It
symbolizes the beginning of the day, for exactly this person and this
very moment. From it, one can deduce what sort of entry into life
danilo had. Based on the ascendant you can also see the prevailing
mood of danilo and how he approaches his environment. This
shapes the overall first impression the public has of him, including
physical attributes and certain details in appearance which are at‐
tributed to the various zodiac signs. The surrounding environment
sees danilo through his rising sign, the ascendant, and danilo sees
the world through it as well.

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Horoscope of danilo

Libra rising

danilo is experienced by
others as a fundamentally
harmonizing and balancing
boy who is in​te​rested in
being just and social. The in‐
terests of others are o en
placed higher than his own.
It can happen that danilo
does quite a lot for others,
but then realizes that he
doesn’t do enough for himself which will leave him annoyed. For
this reason, there is o en conflict because danilo wants to restore
the balance between giving and taking. Thus, he switches between
harmony and aggression, seeking balance in the relationship bet‐
ween himself and his fellow human beings. Still, he always strives
for har​mo​ny and ba​lan​ce.

danilo is friendly and diplomatic, amiable and charming. As an in‐

fant and small child, he almost always smiles and approaches other
children so that he will practically always have at least one play‐
mate around
him. Relations with people and, above all, with his own family are
very important to danilo; it will be hard for his parents to let him
out into the big open world – he o en chooses to stay home and
spend com​for​ta​ble time with his fa​mi​ly.

As a baby and small child, danilo seldom has problems at the din‐
ner table and sleeps all through the night early on. During puberty,
however, he tends to be lazy and is o en a couch potato who likes
to stay put in front of the com​pu​ter. You have to keep an out that he
does not be​co​me over​weight.

The young danilo tends to be indecisive and has to learn to make

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Horoscope of danilo

the right choices by and for himself, be it a career choice or a suita‐

ble partner. It is hard for him to definitively say "no" because he
does not want to hurt an​yo​ne’s fee​lings.

danilo has artistic talents and loves to work with colors and diffe‐
rent materials. He has learned by observing that you, as his par‐
ents, reward and encourage harmonizing, balancing and slightly
unclear conduct. So he increasingly tries to gain your affection with
this kind of be​ha​vi​or.

Unity – ascendant conjunct Mars

danilo tends to have a very loud and salient presence. He has a ten‐
dency to be active and dominant, sometimes even aggressive,
towards his peers. danilo does not shy away from any conflict and
wants to dispute all issues to the very end. Sometimes this can re‐
sult in pret​ty vio​lent and loud ar​gu​ments.

This visibly conflict-oriented behavior and aggression is evident in

early childhood but most clearly on display as a young adult. It can
quick​ly have ne​ga​ti​ve con​se​quen​ces on his adult life as da​ni​lo often
relies on his hardheadedness to push his way through conflicts or
even everyday problems. Those who are closest to him, like siblings
and friends, will usually retreat as they will come to experience that
dealing with this constant form of conflict will become too stre‐

Certainly, it can sometimes be useful to defend one’s opinion loud‐

ly, but danilo will revert to this method even when other solutions
would be more appropriate. Try to slow him down when necessary
or outright stop him whenever he crosses the line. This will help da‐
nilo develop a greater sensitivity for how to use the appropriate be‐
ha​vi​or in the ap​pro​pria​te si​tua​ti​on.
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Horoscope of danilo

Minor aspect of tension – ascendant quincunx Uranus

{: NAME:} o en does not really know whether to adapt or to stand

out in a more individual and eccentric manner. That is why he o en
fluctuates in his behavior between adaptation and personal
restraint, or eccentricity and self-centeredness. It is quite hard to
find a healthy me​di​an here. He must first be​co​me self-con​fi​dent and
courageous enough to behave naturally and to understand situati‐
ons and to be​ha​ve ac​cor​dingly.

Give da​ni​lo time and do not cri​ti​ci​ze his be​ha​vi​or too often. He must
learn and recognize when his behavior is having a negative impact.
This is the only way for him to de​ve​lop in the right di​rec​tion.

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Horoscope of danilo

The Sun. The zodiac sign of danilo.

While the ascendant symbolizes the mask of personality, the sun
stands for the inner core of danilo. Both the ascendant and the
sun, together with the moon, form the basic personality of dani‐
lo. The moon symbolizes the emotions of danilo and his uncon‐
scious response to external stimuli. The properties of the sun will
be experienced by danilo quite late in life (from his mid 20's on).
He will first identify with the characteristics of his ascendant,
later in childhood, the moon will begin to play a role. The planets
can be seen as working like ac​tors in a play. Like ever​y​thing on the
material level, the different energies can be used differently and
di​rec​ted into po​si​ti​ve or ne​ga​ti​ve paths.

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Horoscope of danilo

Sun in Libra

Elements and qualities: air

sign, autumn, male, Venus,
op​po​si​ti​on pair Aries

Deep down, danilo is a boy

that is more focused on
others. He needs and sear‐
ches for a lot of contact with
others. On his own, he can
be somewhat unsure of
himself even if this is not im‐
mediately apparent. This does not mean that danilo runs the risk of
being incapable of life. No, he can, very well, make decisions alone
and act independently. danilo simply prefers not to do this as he
likes to include his surrounding environment when making decisi‐
ons. He can only really be happy when the person he cares about
most is also happy.

Even as a small child, danilo is happiest when he is surrounded by

others. He will not want to miss a thing! danilo will never want to
fall asleep on his own, he will prefer to be carried around and have
a chance to observe everything around him. The little danilo smiles
and shines at everyone and constantly tries to make contact with
others. danilo likes to play with others, in pairs or in a group. He
usually adapts to his playmates and adjusts himself to the group,
which does not matter to him, because the main thing for him is to
be able to socialize and have fun playing together. Sometimes da‐
nilo forgets himself too much and does not express his wishes; as a
parent, you can teach your child that there is nothing wrong with
ex​pres​sing your own wis​hes and de​si​res.

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Horoscope of danilo

The growing danilo is almost always exemplary; he can participate

early on in all social events and is o en the pride and joy of the fa‐
mi​ly. Even in pu​ber​ty, the young da​ni​lo ra​re​ly cau​ses dif​fi​cul​ties and
is practically never rude or mischievous. In fact, he has no problems
with growing up; on the contrary, danilo has a very natural way of
dealing with himself and rejoices at his increasing maturity. Howe‐
ver, danilo also needs to learn how to plan his life and make decisi‐
ons about his education or career. Show danilo what opportunities
are available to him so that he can have a better guide of where his
strengths are and what his calling may be. This will help him to bet‐
ter ori​ent him​s​elf and de​fi​ne his goals.

Since the young danilo has a hard time being alone, he will allow
himself to enter into his first relationships in order to always have
company and not feel so alone. This approach can lead to unsatis‐
factory constellations, as he quickly realizes that some interperso‐
nal bonds do not work as well as he had in​iti​al​ly hoped. Then da​ni​lo
will not dare to end the relationship because he does not want to
hurt his part​ner. This can leave him fee​ling un​hap​py.

Through his respectful, social, friendly, and sensitive nature, danilo

is o en the mediator in his circle of friends. He quickly detects con‐
flict situations and can intervene and settle them diplomatically wi‐
thout hurting others. danilo will be successful in social or health
professions. He can also go far in politics if he works on his self-

danilo always wants to do right by everyone and to not cause any

unrest, especially with regard to his parents and his family. This is
why he so​me​ti​mes finds it dif​fi​cult to make quick and im​portant de​‐
cisions. He will try to not only consider his own priorities but will
also want to con​sider the wis​hes of ever​yo​ne else. This will lead him
to often de​ci​de against his own wis​hes, and ins​tead, make de​ci​si​ons
based on what every else wants. danilo does not want to hurt, ne‐
glect or favor anyone. It may take a while before he has found the
right path for himself. Show your son that you still love him, even if
he behaves selfishly when making decisions. If you do not, he will
have a hard time brea​king free of this be​ha​vi​or on his own.
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Horoscope of danilo

Sun in the houses

The position of the sun in the houses shows how a person experien‐
ces himself, what he identifies with and where he feels the most
comfortable. Here he discovers his creative power and finds happi‐
ness and ful​fill​ment.

Since the child has not yet reached the necessary stage of develop‐
ment in order to recognize his nature and accordingly, to take his
life plan into his own hands, the interpretation of the sun in the
houses is rather a tendency during childhood and adolescence. Alt‐
hough it may already be visible at an early age, it will only be truly
ap​pa​rent as an adult.

Sun in the twelfth house

Mu​ta​ble house, water house

The sequence of houses symbolizes the stream of life. Each zodiac

sign may be cardinal, fixed, or mutable, and it passes through this
cycle. Everything that has an origin, a new beginning, an occurrence
and a creation, is at the beginning of this sequence. The achieved
brings us prosperity and security and in turn awakens wishes and
needs. From the new and the existing, we learn, learn from mistakes,
observe and begin again to take action. This astrological triad, or
triad of the psyche, is composed of cardinal houses, fixed and muta‐
ble hou​ses.

The mu​ta​ble house stands for learning, as​si​mi​la​ting, and ob​ser​ving; a

restless force is in control here. Things are to be brought to a close
and improvements are to be found for things that are already exis‐

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Horoscope of danilo


Water hou​ses

The water houses symbolize all things unconscious and subcon‐

scious.They are strongly associated with the family life, the common
existence with others, and with topics related to the home. Children
with an emphasis on this house are very emotional, sensitive, and
sentimental people who o en act intuitively. They seem to have alre‐
ady been born with certain needs and unconscious desires. These
people deal a lot with themselves, their thoughts, and are o en self-
conscious. The past o en plays an essential role – memories, fears,
in​ju​ries – it is about awa​ren​ess and about cop
​ ing and let​ting go.

da​ni​lo is an adult who is eit​her ra​ther wi​th​drawn or ex​tre​me​ly in the

limelight. Still, he sometimes feels that he is not understood by
others very well. The problem is that he can perceive things that are
going on in the background and "read between the lines" better
than others. In turn, he will be a sensitive person. danilo observes
and takes in more information from a situation than others which
sometimes leaves him feeling overwhelmed. He o en plays in his
own room and likes to live in his own imagination. Even as a young
man, da​ni​lo is not a par​ty​go​er.

Sometimes danilo will compensate for his withdrawnness through

an excessive display of performance-oriented behavior although
this is not really his true nature. He will actually need frequent
breaks – both physically and mentally – because his energy is limi‐
ted. danilo will find his fulfillment in relative solitude. He will feel
very comfortable working behind the scenes, for example in a labo‐
ratory where he can accomplish great things. danilo will also find
happiness in helping others, for example by caring for a sick relati‐
ve. He tends to sacrifice himself too much and even fall into the role
of a mar​tyr in cer​tain si​tua​ti​ons.

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Horoscope of danilo

Tension – Sun in disharmony to square Pluto

danilo has a considerable need for personal power and indepen‐

dence and is also quite accurate in his assessments with respect to
other people due to an innate ability to see the darker sides of
people. Because of his depth, danilo can always correctly assess si‐
tuations and people and use them to achieve his own goals. This
will show especially when he is older and grown-up. Do not undere‐
stimate him as a child though. danilo sees and understands more
than you suspect, even if he cannot comprehend and formulate it

danilo has a hard time dealing with reprimands and punishments.

He will quick​ly feel per​so​nal​ly at​ta​cked and the​re​fo​re have dif​fi​cul​ty
remaining objective. He can develop considerable protective and
defense mechanisms when he feels attacked. He also knows how
to make others feel guil​ty by "pou​ring salt" on their wounds and ex​‐
ploit​ing exis​ting de​pen​den​cies for him​s​elf.

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Horoscope of danilo

The moon. Feelings and emotions.

The position of the moon in the sign indicates how danilo expres‐
ses feelings and emotions, reacts spontaneously to external sti‐
muli, and what he needs in his parents' home to feel comfortable,
safe, and secure. The moon also symbolizes the mother in the ho‐
ro​scope of a child and her in​flu​ence on his de​ve​lop​ment.

Moon in Libra

danilo wants a family frame‐

work in which aesthetics,
harmony, and balance pre‐
vail. Above all, balance in his
family is the most important
which allows him to feel
inner balance as well. It is
best if there isn't too much,
but not too little, of these
aspects – especially in re‐
gards to aggression, conflicts and disputes. danilo does not have a
problem with conflict but these situations should be approached
with "fair play" in mind. Destructive aggression will quickly make
danilo lose his composure and will have a lasting effect on his inner

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Horoscope of danilo

balance. danilo does not want to get on anybody's bad side. He es‐
pecially hates it when he has to take sides between his parents. He
needs both par​ents equal​ly to be happy and sa​tis​fied.

danilo is very much the type of person who searches for and feels
comfortable in relationships since he o en needs feedback from
other people. danilo is more of a self-doubter who tends to display
uncertainty especially when he starts something new on his own.
danilo feels most comfortable when he is surrounded by people he
can trust. Still they will have to keep a little distance from him be‐
cause danilo is less interested in very emotional relationships. Fee‐
lings and emotions make him uncertain since they do not seem fol‐
low any re​co​gniz​able rules.

danilo is a rational person when it comes to relationships. He

wants to keep many relationships as long as they are structured
and controlled, especially when it comes to feelings and emotions.
Basically, danilo does not want to be alone. Otherwise he quickly
feels incomplete or like there is something missing. danilo experi‐
ences his mother as a balancing, harmonizing, aesthetic oriented,
and committed person. He himself will develop ambitions and cha‐
rac​te​ris​tics which re​sem​ble these traits.

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Horoscope of danilo

Harmony – Moon sextile Saturn

danilo is solid, reliable and stable in emotional and family matters.

He does not tend to be superficial and fickle at all. Once someone
has en​t​e​red his heart, then they will al​ways have a place there.

danilo loves fixed rituals and structures in his everyday life. He does
not appreciate it very much when habits, structures, and daily rou‐
tines change within the family. He wants and seeks consistency, re‐
lia​bi​li​ty, and sustaina​bi​li​ty.

danilo will have a good connection to elderly people, even as a

small child. There will certainly be older people in his daily environ‐
ment who care for him. danilo is a total family man who feels com‐
fortable and secure, especially within family structures. He will not
need very much ex​ter​nal ex​ci​te​ment or ac​tivi​ties.

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Horoscope of danilo

Minor aspect of tension – Moon quincunx Uranus

danilo unconsciously has the strong need to attract attention,

dance to a different beat and generally try to have more privileges
or rights than others. Sometimes he will express his wishes in a
pushy or demanding way which will not be beneficial for him when
he looks for attention again. danilo has a tremendous need for
freedom even if he is not aware of it. On the contrary, other people
will be very aware of his need for freedom. He tends to develop
unusual ideas and take part in unusual activities in order to de‐
monstrate his uniqueness. danilo is a quick thinker who can impro‐
vise and take intuitive action without hesitation. Stress and hectic
si​tua​ti​ons are things that he can hand​le quite ea​si​ly.

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Horoscope of danilo

Harmony – the Moon trine Neptune

danilo is – unconsciously – quite sensitive, empathetic, and men‐

tally alert. Nothing will get past him within his family and his circle
of friends. He is able to intuitively gauge people and situations cor‐
rectly even if he himself does not know the real reason behind his
intuition. Therefore, danilo is more sensitive and vulnerable becau‐
se anyone who can see behind the people's "masks" also sees the
darker side of people. That is why danilo will occasionally have the
need to retreat and to shut himself o from the outside world in
order to protect himself. danilo has a good sense for the correlati‐
ons of complex situations. This can sometimes be a little disturbing
for him, as he does not have enough life experience to assess how
the situation will ultimately develop. In these situations, he will
strongly need you as his parents! danilo needs lots of inconspi‐
cuous accompaniment, support, and advice as he is sometimes
con​fu​sed and in​se​cu​re.

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Horoscope of danilo

Harmony – Moon sextile Pluto

danilo is mentally and psychologically strong and crisis-resistant.

You can entrust him with a lot and even at an early age, you can ex‐
pect him to act and react independently. danilo has a good eye for
dangerous situations and circumstances. He usually gauges people
very accurately and correctly. You will be surprised when danilo
gives you his im​pres​si​on or opi​ni​on of other peop​le or si​tua​ti​ons.

danilo has an unconscious yet considerable need for personal

power and independence. He will never get the short end of the
stick within his circle of friends or have to worry about getting
drowned out by his peers for his need for recognition, his inner
strength, and his will to live are very strong.

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Horoscope of danilo

Mercury. Mind, learning,

communication, and interaction
This chapter describes how danilo communicates, thinks, learns,
and draws conclusions. Communicative, analytical and interactive
processes and abilities are incredibly important in today's modern
information and performance oriented society, so in this section in‐
for​ma​ti​on is pro​vi​ded on the pro​fes​sio​nal abili​ties and ta​lents of da​‐

Mercury in Libra

danilo approaches verbal

communication in a binding,
harmonizing, and courteous
manner. He understands in‐
tuitively how to express
himself in such a way that
others will quickly under‐
stand what he means and
wants, and secondly, are im‐
pressed by his choice of
words. danilo has considerable potential in the areas of communi‐
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Horoscope of danilo

ca​ti​on and wri​ting.

Still, he tends to walk the path of least resistance and to say what
seems to be most fitting at that moment. He does not want to ruffle
any feathers with his words or cause anybody unrest. He has reco‐
gnized – or still recognizes – that one can achieve a lot with the
right choice of words at the right time.

danilo learns quickly and effortlessly but will not want to invest any
extra effort in this area. danilo is suitable for professions where a
connection is established through the area of communication. Also
a profession where goods are bought and sold will speak to his ta‐
lents, as well as the field of law. He should also develop artistic or
aes​t​he​tic ta​lents and abili​ties.

Unity – Moon conjunct Mercury

Often, da​ni​lo ap​pears to be a bit strung-out, un​ba​lan​ced, and hec​tic

because he tends to express his inner desires and needs too quick‐
ly. He lacks inner peace and ba​lan​ce. Make sure that he learns to act
and speak slowly and deliberately, and to take regular rest periods
since he is ea​si​ly un​sett​led.
danilo has increased verbal and communicative talents and abili‐
ties, so he will like discussing topics such as psychology, feelings,
emo​ti​ons, re​la​ti​ons​hips, and fa​mi​ly.

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Horoscope of danilo

Harmony – Mercury sextile Saturn

da​ni​lo is a fac​tu​al, sound, lo​gi​cal, and stra​te​gic thin​ker and plan​ner.

He quickly recognizes the essence of a situation and is then also
able to think and act in such a way that something productive can
come of the situation. It may happen that danilo develops almost
too much reason and objectivity. He will then tend to be more se‐
rious and spend his time pondering. In general, however, danilo is
neither too pessimistic nor too optimistic – he is a realist. To him,
feelings, emotions, and fantasies are not really something that he
feels fully comfortable with. He will develop solid and practice-ori‐
ented study habits. danilo will clearly understand that knowledge
will be very important in his professional life and that exercising a
career without knowledge is practically impossible. Even though he
may not know it him​s​elf, this is ul​ti​mate​ly his goal.

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Horoscope of danilo

Harmony – Mercury trine Neptune

danilo has excellent intuition, imagination, and attention to detail.

This is paired with a lot of empathy, verbal maturity, and inner ba‐
lance. He quickly recognizes what others really want and what in‐
ternally drives them and takes this into account before taking ac‐
He senses and feels more than he understands and comprehends.
This is, however, not to be seen as a negative trait since he can
learn very well and relatively easily. If he does not understand so‐
mething right away, it can still be absorbed on a subconscious level
so that he can al​ways fall back on it in the fu​ture.da​ni​lo will de​ve​lop
artistic, social, and psychological skills and interests over time.
These will be highly suitable for professions with an emphasis on
the crea​ti​on of psy​cho​lo​gi​cal or ar​tis​tic ana​ly​ses.

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Horoscope of danilo

Harmony – Mercury sextile Pluto

danilo will evolve into a very concentrated, purposeful, and pro‐

found thinker and analyst. He can mercilessly analyze and register
the background details in conversations and discussions and is a
mas​ter of "rea​ding bet​ween the lines".
danilo can focus entirely on a subject of his choosing and consis‐
tent​ly com​ple​te a pro​ject, even if un​plea​sant things have to be mas​‐
te​red and un​ex​pec​ted dif​fi​cul​ties arise du​ring the pro​cess.
His unwillingness to compromise and his candor in word and deed
can lead others to admire him but also be disconcerted by him – for
few peop​le will be wil​ling to com​mit them​sel​ves as con​sis​tent​ly and
un​e​qui​vo​cal​ly as he does.
danilo is suitable for challenging occupations in the areas of tech‐
nology, forensics, and management. He can really go far if he app‐
lies him​s​elf in these fiel​ds.

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Horoscope of danilo

Mars. Assertion, assertiveness, and

conflict behavior
This constellation describes the way danilo can assert himself in
dealing with comrades and adversaries. It also shows how and in
which form aggression is expressed and the way danilo will defend
against pos​si​ble phy​si​cal and men​tal at​tacks.

Mars in Libra

danilo will generally express

his aggression very modera‐
tely and unoffensively. He
will basically always ap‐
proach conflict situations in
a reasonable and appropria‐
te manner with a good sense
of fair play. He will avoid
conflicts that are associated
with victory or defeat. danilo
wants to be able to still interact reasonably and harmoniously with
his opponents even a er a huge disagreement or argument. The
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Horoscope of danilo

words "enemy" or "opponent" are words that danilo will use very
reluctantly anyway. In this context, he would rather use the term
"conflict partner".danilo will hardly attack his personal projects
alone. He will always try to involve his friends or acquaintances in
an equi​ta​ble way.

Minor aspect of tension – Mars quincunx Uranus

danilo will fight hard and radically for his personal space and free‐
dom. It will be difficult for someone to discipline him and reason
with him unless he wants it himself. Try to explain to your son that
this behavior is irresponsible. For danilo believes that he has to re‐
sort to this type of behavior in order to leave an impression on and
in​flu​ence others.
If danilo is forced to adapt too much or is forced to integrate into
certain social structures, it is possible that he will aggressively ex‐
plode or even strike others. You should show him early on that he is
not en​t​it​led to more li​ber​ties than other child​ren.

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Horoscope of danilo

Jupiter. Expansion, fortune, and

The po​si​ti​on of the pla​net Ju​pi​ter in a house de​scri​bes the area of ​
life in which, above all, much positive and constructive energy is
invested. Likewise from this area, pleasant and complimentary
feedback is sent. In this area of life a good amount of luck and
suc​cess can be ex​pec​ted. It should the​re​fo​re be re​spec​ted and en​‐

Jupiter in the second house

da​ni​lo can rely on a sta​ble and solid foun​da​ti​on in life. da​ni​lo seems
to come from a stable and reliable family structure and tends to be
generous when it comes to material things. He develops a good
sense for generosity and fairness, applying both of these without
co​m​ing across as ar​ro​gant or as if he was try​ing to buy ad​mi​ra​ti​on.

All this helps danilo develop a strong sense of self-esteem with

which he will be capable of considerable achievements. This is ap‐
parent early on in school; in his profession, danilo can become in‐
credibly successful. In finances he shows considerable potential, a

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great deal of substance, and strong abilities. He feels a strong inner

sa​tis​fac​tion and se​cu​ri​ty in his life.

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Horoscope of danilo

The Medium Coeli. Life plan and

professional plan of danilo
The Medium Coeli shows how danilo would like to achieve his
private and professional goals. In this regard, he will look at his
parents' and grandparents' behavior for guidance. This process
hap​pens quite con​scious​ly with all child​ren be​cau​se they take no​‐
tice that parents positively evaluate the subjects of the Medium
Coeli. Later, danilo will want to develop more towards the sun.
For this reason, the sun chapter is the most important in this eva‐
luation. His true identity, how he will want to be as an adult and
what his true in​te​rests are will be made clear in this chap​ter.

The Medium Coeli in Cancer

da​ni​lo will solve and ad​dress

his goals, ideas, and pro‐
blems pri​ma​ri​ly ac​cor​ding to
his current mood and men‐
tal state. This is likely to
cause him to act differently
and with little predictability
in everyday life but always in
accordance with his inner
state, which never remains
con​stant for a long pe​ri​od of time. With da​ni​lo, it al​ways de​pends on
how he perceives his surrounding environment. His environment
affects his inner being and he will react very sensitively and vul‐
nerable to all external stimuli. The performance of danilo is subject
to con​stant chan​ge, and his goals are also stron​gly in​flu​en​ced by his
fee​lings and mood.

Even unassuming details of a situation can result in a radical chan‐

ge of direction for danilo. The only thing that will remain constant
with danilo is the rapid variability of his moods and inner tides. This
will strongly influence his academic and later professional life and

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Horoscope of danilo

decisions. It is difficult to foresee how danilo intends to lead his life,

but the cur​rent state of af​fairs is al​ways the de​ci​ding fac​tor in his de​‐

Tension – Medium Coeli square Mars

danilo will usually achieve his goals, projects, and plans in life in a
very energetic, consistent, and even aggressive manner if he sees
no other way. danilo wants to succeed and progress in life and will
not wait around for the right moment or the right opportunity. He
will want to create favorable opportunities and situations himself.
danilo will develop an active, dynamic, and go-getter attitude
towards life. In re​gards to fu​ture teachers and bos​ses, he will de​fi​ni​‐
te​ly be a hardhea​ded per​son.

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Horoscope of danilo

Harmony – the Medium Coeli trine Uranus

{: NAME:} will de​ve​lop a quite ec​centric, in​di​vi​du​al, and unusu​al life​‐

style and life philosophy. Even as a child at school, he will want to
go against the grain in order to de​mons​tra​te his in​de​pen​dence. This
will continue throughout his whole life. Do not worry though, dani‐
lo will surely not be a rebel or a wild-child, but a very strong-willed
young man who only accepts social or popular rules if they make
sense to him.

danilo will also strive as a grown-up to a rather unusual and indivi‐

dual lifestyle with which conservative people will not be able to
identify. At the same time, however, he will always try to shape his
behavior in such a way that others do not suffer from it because he
also has a very social and ethical orientation. danilo does not want
to become a social outsider, but a free man who develops his own
views and be​ha​vioral forms.

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