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Solar System Project

1. Descriptions of the topic: physical parameters, physical descriptions, components
2. History: creation, purpose (where applicable), name designation
3. Model: Create a 3D physical manifestation of your project
4. Presentation: Science Fair-style!

1. Report: 2-3 page write-up with the description and history of your topic, complete with
research sources in APA
2. Model: 3D model of your project

Research Parameters:
1. No crowdsourced sites allowed (Wikipedia or anything similar--watch out for irrelevant
ads or requests for funding)
2. At least one scientific or scholarly site source required (NASA.gov,
nationalgeographic.com, astronomy.com, britannica.com)
3. Our textbook or other credible books on your topic are permitted
4. 3 sources required with in-text citations and a Works Cited page

1. Planets
a. Mercury
b. Venus
c. Earth
d. Mars
e. Jupiter
f. Saturn
g. Neptune
h. Uranus
i. Pluto
2. Sun
3. Asteroid Belt
4. Planetary Moons
a. Earth’s Moon
b. Mars’ Moons: Delmos and Phobos
c. Jupiter’s Galilean Moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede
d. Saturn’s “Critical Scientific Targets” Moons: Enceladus and Titan
e. Uranus’ “Literary Moons” (any of your choosing)
f. Neptune’s Moon: Triton (or another of your choosing)
g. Pluto’s Moon: Charon (or another of your choosing)
5. Hubble Telescope
6. International Space Station
7. Mars Rover Project

Week 4: Assign Solar Project; sign up for topic
Weeks 5 through 7: In-class workshops and research (primarily long days)
Week 8: Project completion and presentations

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