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Final Exam
2nd Semester

Name : ____________________ Grade 5 Parent’s Signature

Subject : English
Date : ____________________ Time Allocation : 90 minutes

Part A: Short Answer-Reading Comprehension (5 x 2 Marks)

Read the text and then answer the questions.

How an X-ray works

X-rays show doctors what is going on in your body. An X-ray machine sends out
invisible X-ray particles which pass through your bones. A photographic film, or a
computer, records this and produces black and white pictures of what is
happening inside you.

How is it done?
A film, similar to those used in ordinary photos, is put behind the part of your
body that is being X-rayed. A machine then shoots out a short burst of X-ray
particles through your body and onto the film. Obtaining a clear picture can be
difficult, so care must be taken not to move when the X-ray beam shoots.

What does it show?

X-rays give doctors information about what is happening inside our bodies.
They can show broken bones, and problems with our joints. X-rays can also show
the size and shape of your heart, so can reveal heart problems.

Is it safe?
There is very little risk with having an X-ray, because the measure of radiation
given is always the lowest possible doctors need to get a good picture. Does it
hurt? X-rays are completely painless – you cannot see or feel them.

What happens next?

The films are studied by specialists called radiologists, who interpret the results,
prepare reports and send them to doctors. Doctors then discuss the results with

1. Why is it important to stay still while an X-ray is taking place?


2. What information can doctors learn about a patient’s heart?



3. Why do doctors need radiologists?



4. Name two medical problems that an x-ray can discover.



5. Are you afraid of getting an x-ray? Explain why using reasons from the text.





Part B: Multiple Choice-reflexive pronouns. (5 x 1 Mark)

Cross the correct choice

1. We can teach ______________________ how to make candy.

a) Herself
b) Yourselves
c) Ourself
d) Ourselves

2. The chocolate fountain switched ______________________ off when the

chocolate ran out.

a) It’s self
b) Itsself
c) Itself
d) Itselves

3. Klaresta helped ______________________ to a large bowl of candied


a) Himself
b) Itself
c) Herself
d) Ourselves

4. The boys taught ______________________ how to play basketball.

a) Themself
b) Themselves
c) Ourselves
d) Theirself

5. I want some chocolate bars for ______________________.

a) Meself
b) Myselves
c) Myself
d) Mine

Part C: Gap Fill Comparatives and Superlatives (5 x 1 Mark)

Put the correct form of the comparative in brackets into the space provided.

1. The Wizzle Wonder is _______________ (tasty) than the Wonkley Woo, and

much_______________ (delicious) than the Wonkerly Wook.

2. Twilight Sparkle is the _______________ (colourful) book lover in the world.

3. The Gizzle bar is _______________ (crunchy) becuase it is also

_______________ (nutty).

Part D: Matching- Synonyms(5 x 1 Mark)

Draw a line from star to star to match words with similar meaning.

1. dash
* * wriggle

2. slither
* * sprint

3. shimmer
* * hurl

4. whisk
* * sparkle

5. fling
* * mix

Part E: True or False: Re- Prefixes (5 x 1 Mark)
Determine whether the following sentences are using the correct or incorrect
words in bold. Tick the correct box.

Sentence Correct Incorrect

1. The car dealer had to return the car as

there was a safety issue

2. Mom bought me some new tools to

replace the ones I had lost.

3. My message to Mr James never got

delivered, therefore, I had to resend it.

4. I had to recall my television to the

shope where I had bought it after it

5. After the electrical fire, Jim Bob Jones

had to rewire his sister’s house

Part F: Indirect Speech (3 x 2 Marks)

Rewrite the following sentences using direct into indirect speech. Use some of
the words from the list instead of using “said”. You may have to change the
tense of the reporting verb also.


The bear told them, “ Close the door.”

This then becomes:

The bear insisted that they close the door.

insist warn announce

whimper cry claim

1. Top chef Gergory said, “More people should learn to cook properly.”



2. Footbal manager Jose Moronhio said, “I am not retiring. I would like to ruin
other teams first.”



3. “There are dangerous times ahead,” Nathan said.



Part G: Sentence Completion-Idioms (4 x 1 Mark)

Choose any three different idioms from the list and write a sentence for each
using the idioms purposefully writing into the space provided.

Bad blood Old chesnut Over the moon

Barking up the wrong Nip it in the bud Open that can of worms

1. ____________________________________________________________________




2. ____________________________________________________________________




3. ____________________________________________________________________




Part H: Identifying Characteristics of Stories(6 x 1 Marks)

Identify whether the following are characteristics of either legends, myths, or
fables by checking (putting a tick) into the correct column.

Characteristic legends myths fables

Involves gods and magic


Involves animals that can


Explains why the world is as it

Involves real people.

Teaches a lesson (moral)

Has “larger than life” people

Part I: Insert Punctuation-Apostrophes (4 x 2 Marks)

Insert apostrophes (either of possession or in order to shorten the words) into the
following sentences.

1. Willy Wonkas factory wasnt open.

2. The 4 boys cuts were so bad that their doctors worry was great.

3. Mr and Mrs Buckets matresses were on the floor

4. Its set in the place where the dogs puppie come to drink its milk.

Part J: Reading and Responding (22 Marks)

Read the following story.

The English word ‘paper’ comes from the Ancient Greek word papyros, which
is a type of plant. Papyrus grew wild in the valley of the River Nile in Egypt.
The Egyptians soaked the stalks of the plant in water until they softened a
little. Then, they were arranged crossways on top of each other and mashed.
The end result was something that looked a lot like paper – but was difficult to
produce and use.

Paper as we know it today was invented around 100 BC in China. A government

official named Ts’ai Lun was the first to start making paper on a large scale.
He mixed finely chopped bark from mulberry trees and hemp cloth with water,

mashing it flat, and then pressed out the water and let the paper dry in the sun.

Even after people in China began to use paper, it took another 1,000 years
before it began to be used elsewhere. By 400 AD, people in India were also
making paper, and 500 years later it began to be used in the Middle East. In
Europe, by the tenth century, papermaking had begun in Spain and Portugal.
The Arab merchants living there at the time helped to develop the paper
industry. By 1400, the industry had moved to France, Italy and Germany.

At the present time, paper is more or less made in the same way as it was
in the beginning. The only differences are that hemp is no longer part of the
process, and special machines have replaced the sun in the drying process.

1. Write a short sentence telling the topic of each paragraph (4 marks)

Paragraph Topic

2. How is the process of drying paper different nowadays? Explain. (4 marks)









3. Write a short “recipe” for making paper if you wanted to do this at home using
common household appliances, tools, and utensils. (10 marks)

a. What you need (4 marks)

















b. The steps (6 marks)

























4. Put the following in the order in which they appear in the text. (4 marks)

Part 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

The plant stalks became soft.

The plant stalks were pressed.

The plant stalks were put in water.

The plant stalks were put in layers.

Part K: Grammar Skills (18 Marks)

1. Join the underlined word in each of these sentences to match the correct word

Sentence Type of Word

They were always arranged on top of each * * verb

other and mashed.

By 1400, paper moved to France, Italy and * * adjective


X-rays use a film similar to those in ordinary * * adverb


X-rays can also reveal any heart problems. * * preposition

2. Underline the connective in each of these sentences.
a. Nowadays we see many different types of paper but they are all made in the
same way.
b. Although X-rays use radiation, the amount used is very small.

3. Add commas to this sentence.

The River Nile which is the longest river in the world partly flows throughEgypt.

4. Identify and correct the errors in each of these sentences. The first one has been
done for you.

a. X-rays were discovered on a German scientist.

b. Doctors all over the world uses them.

c. During an X-ray, an image is taken to a part of your body.

5. Replace the underlined words with pronouns. (4 marks)

To make paper, the first thing Ts’ai Lun did was mix tree bark with hemp rags
and water. Ts’ai Lun (1) then made the paper flat and pressed all the water out
of the paper (2). Ts’ai Lun put the paper in the sun so that the paper could dry.
People were surprised by Ts’ai Lun’s (3) work and people (4) said how clever
he was.
1. ________________________

2. ________________________

3. ________________________

4. ________________________

5. Add two apostrophes to this sentence.

X-rays are useful for telling doctors whats

happening inside peoples bodies.

Part L: Spelling (8 x 1 Mark)
Circle the correct spelling of the word.

1. hurricane/huricanne
2. convention/confention
3. chronoligy/chronology
4. terier/terrier
5. acording/according
6. zoology/zoloogy
7. aironautics/aeronautics
8. rennaisance/renaissance
9. ocuppation/occupation
10. submmission/submission


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