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IJ• .· 2- 2011
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Technical peci1 c on fo . ·gb -' "Dgtb Bo-t


Connection of ,-.it el true ure ·.
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Technical Specificatio11 for High Strength Bolt
Connections of Steel Structures

JGJ 82- 2011

Approval Deparbnent: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Developn1ent of the People's Republic
of Ch ina

lmplernentation Date: October I , 2011


Beijing 2011

According to the require1nents of Document Jian Biao [2004] No. 66 issued by the fonner
Minisrry of Consn·uction (MOC)-·'Notice on Printing and Disn·ibuting ·the Development and
Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2004'", the drafting group of this
specification revised this specification through the extensive investigation and study, by earnestly
stnn,ning up and accun1ulating the experiences in actual practices, by reference to the relevant
international standards and foreign advanced standards, as ,veil as on the basis of widely sol iciting
. .

The n1ain technical contents of this Specification are: I. General Provisions; 2. l'erms and
Syrnbols; 3. Basic Requirements: 4. Design of Connections; 5. Design of Joints; 6. Construction;
7. Acceptance of Construction Quality.

Main technical contents revised in this Specification: 1. Contents ,vere added and adjusted:
former 3 chapters \Vere added and adjusted to 7 chapters; Chapter 2 ·•·rerms and Symbols'·, Chapter 3
·'Basic Requiretnents" and Chapter S "Design of Joints'· ,vere added; forn1er Chapter 2 ··Design of

Connections" ,vas adjusted to Chapter 4. fonner Chapter 3 ·'Construction and Acceptance" ,vas
adjusted to Chapter 6 ··Construction'' and Chapter 7 "Acceptance of Construction Quality'·; 2. Hole
paue111 coefficients ,vere added; standard hole, large circular hole and slotted hole ,vere introduced;
3. Coating faying surface and its 1nean slip coefficient µ were added; 4. Tension joints and end plate
joints ,vere added: prying force calculation 1nethod ,vas proposed: 5. Joints combined bolts and Y.1elds
\.Vere added; 6. Tum-of-nut n1ethod construction and inspection \Vere added; 7. High strength bolt
connection subitem project inspection batch ,vas detailed and specified definitely.

The provisions printed in bold type in this Specification are compulsory and must be enforced

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China in
charge of the adn1inistration of this Specification and the explanation of the co1npulsory provisions;

Central Research lnstitute of Building and Construction. MCC Group Co., Ltd. is responsible for the
explanation of specific technical contents. During the process of i1nplen1enting this Specification. the

relevant opinions and advice, ,vhenever necessary, can be posted or passed on to Central Research
institute of Building and Construction, MCC Group Co., Ltd. (Address: No. 33, Xitucheng Road,
Haidian District, Beijing 100088, Ch ina).

ChiefDevelop1nent Organization:

Central Research institute of Building and Construction, MCC Group Co., Ltd.

Patticipating Develop1nent Organizations:

National Steel Structure Engineering Technology Research Center

China Acaden1y of Raily.1ay Science

MCC Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited

Baotou Engineering and Research Corporation of lron and Steel Industry

1singhua University
Qingdao Technological University

Tianjin University

Beijing University of Technology

Xi' an University of Architecture and Technology

China Jingye Engineering Corporation Liinited

Yuanda International Project Management Co., Ltd.

MCC Jingtang Construction Corp., Ltd.

Zhejiang Hangxiao Steel Structure Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Baoye Construction Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Jinggong Steel Structure Co., .Ltd.

Zhejiang Zeen Fasteners Co., Ltd .

Beijing Sanjie International Steel Structure Co., Ltd.

Ningbo Sanjiang Inspection and Testing Co., Ltd.

Beijing Duowei International Steel Structure Co., Ltd.

Beijing Shougang Construction Group Co., Ltd.
Wuyang Construction Group Co., Ltd.

Chief Drafting Staffs: Hou Zhaoxin, Chai Chang, He Xianjuan, Wen Shuangling, Wang Yan,
Wang Yuanqing. He Wenhui, Wang Qing, Ma Tianpeng, Yang Qiangyue,

Zhang Ail in, Chen Zhihua, Yan Hongli, Cheng Shuhua, Chen Qiaosheng,
Guo Jianyun, Hao Jiping, Hong Liang, Jiang Rongfu, Zhang Shenghua,
Zhang Yajun, Meng Lingge

Chief Exan1iners: Shen Zuyan, Chen Luru, Liu Shutun. Ke Changhua, Xu Guobin, Zhao Jida,

Yin Minda. Fan Zhong, You Dajiang, Li Yuanqi


l General Pro,1 isions ............................................................................................................................ I

2 Tern1s and Symbols ..................................... .......................... ............................................................ 2

2.1 Tern1s .............................. ................................................................... ......... ...... ........................ 2

2.2 Sy111bols ........................................................................................................,........................... 3

3 Basic Reqt1irements ............... ..................... ....................................... .................... ............................ 5

3. I G·eneral Requiren1ents .............................................................................................................. 5

3.2 Materials and Design Indices ................................................................................................... 6

4 Desigr, of Connections ..... ... ............................................................................. .......... ....................... 9

4.1 Slip Critical Co11nections .......................................................................................................... 9

4.2 Bea.ri11gType Con11ections.................................................... ............ ....... ........... ,................... 10

4.3 Con11ection Details ............................................................................................................ ..... 11

5 Design o·f Joi11ts ................................................. .............................................................................. 14

S. I Splice Joints ........................................................................................................................... . l4
S.2 T-t)1pe Tension Joi11ts ............................................................................... ... ... ,.. .... .................. 17

6 Construction ......... ......... .............................. ,........................ ,.......................................................... 24

7 Acceptance of Construction Qua Iity ............................................................................................... 34


Explanation of Wording in This Specification ................................. ,.. ,................................................. 36


List of Quoted Standards .............................. ............... .......... ,................. .............................. ,............... 37

2 Terms and Symbols

2.1 Terms

2.1.1 Heavy-hex high strength bolt assembly

It refers to the asse1nbly of connecting fastener co1nposed of one heavy-hex high strength bolt,
one heavy-hex high strength nut and t\vo high strength plain steel \vashers.

2. 1.2 Twist-off-type high strength bolt assembly

It refers to the assembly of connecting fastener con1posed of one twist-off-type high strength
bolt. one heavy-hex high strength nut and one high strength plain steel \Vasher.

2.1.3 Faying su1face

It refers to the contact surface benveen high strength bolt connection slabs.

2.1.-t Pretension

lt refers to the tension produced along bolt shank axis direction by tightening high strength bolt
assembly and required to 1neet the connection design.

2.1 .5 Friction-type joint

It refers to the connecting n1ode generating frictional resistance an1ong connected pieces by high
strength bolts tightening to transfer shear force and integrate components, units or plates.

2.1.6 Bearing-type joint

It refers to the connecting mode adopting scre,v rod shear and hole ,vall pressure bearing to

transfer shear force and integrate components, units or plates.

2.1.7 Prying action


It refers to the additional pressure generated at the edge of connecting pieces due to connecting

piece deformation and joint lever action caused by tensile load and bolt shaft axis deviation in the
T-type tension joints.

2.1.8 Mean slip coefficient

It refers to the ratio of external sl ip force to nonnal pressure (identical to the bolt pretension) in
connection during the slip of faying surface of high strength bolt connections.

2.1.9 Torque-pretension coefficient

Tl refers to the scale coefficient benveen the tightening torque applied on the nut and lead-in
a"Xial pretension (tightening axial force) on the bolt in the high strength bolt connections.

2.1.10 Connection of sharing on a shear load by bolts and ,velds

It refers to the joint type designed considering that friction-type high strength bolt connections
and fi!Jet weld share the same shear force.

2.1.11 Joint ,vith combined bolts and ,velds

lt refers to the joint type that flange adopts penetration ,veld connection and ,veb adopts friction-
type high strength bolt connection in the splice nodes of bean,, colu1nn and supporting co1nponents as
,veil as 1nut11al connecting nodes.
2.1.12 Calibrated ,vrench method

It refers to the tightening method for high strength bolt assembly by controlling the construction
torque values.

2.1.13 Tun1-of-nut method

It refers to the tightening method for high strength bolt assembly by controlling the relative
corner values of bolt and nut.

2.2 Symbols

2.2.1 Action and action effect

F Concentrated load;

M Bending 1no1nent;

N Concentric force:
p Pretension of high strength bolt; m
Q Pryinq
t> fo rce·)
V- Shear force.

2.2.2 Calculation indices


/--Design values of tensile, compression and bending strength of steels;

fcb--Design value of bearing strength of high strength bolt connecting piece;


J;b--Design value of tensile strength of high strength bolt;


Jv.--Design value of shear strength of steel:

/,~--Design value of shear strength of high strength bolt;

N;--Design value of co1npression bearing capacity of single high strength bolt;

N,b- -Design value of tensile bearing capacity of single high strength bolt;

A'~ --Design value of shear bearing capacit)· of single high strength bolt;
'---Nom1al stress;

T----Shear stress.

2.2.3 Geometric para1neters

A--"Gross sectional area;

3 Basic R equire1nents

3.1 General R equirements

3.1 .1 As for the design of higl1 strength bolt connections, ulti,nate state design method based on
probability theory shall be adopted; as for the calculation, partial coefficient design expression shall
be adopted. Except the fatigue calculation, high strength bolt connections shall be designed according
to the following ultin1ate state criteria:

1 Ulti111ate bearing capacity state shall meet the following requiren1ents:

1) Connecting pieces of shear-resistant friction-type connection shall generate relative slip:

2) Bolts or connecting pieces of shear-resistant bearing-type connection shall reach shear

strength or bearing strength;

3) Bolts or connecting pieces of tension connection along bolt shank axis direction shall
reach tensile strength;

4) Bo!LS or connecting pieces of connection requ ired seis1n ic checking calculation shall
reach ultilnate bearing capacity.

Ultunate nonnal use state shall meet the follo,ving requiren1ents:

1) Connecting pieces of shear-resistant bearing-type connection shall generate relative slip:

2) Connecting pieces of tension connection along bolt shank axis direction shall generate
relative separation.

3.1.2 Design of high strength bolt connections should meet the principle connection strength not less

than that of co,nponent. In the steel structure design docu1nents, it shall be noted that property grade.
specification and connection type of high strength bolt assembly as \Yell as 1nean slip coefficient value

of frict ion-type connection faying surface.

3.1 .3 Bearing-type high strength bolt connections shall not be used for the component connection

directly bearing the repeating action of dynamic loads and requiring the fatigue calculation, or the
component connection \Vhose connection defonnation is sensitive to the influence of structural
bearing capacity and rigidity.

Bearing-type high strength bolt connections should not be used for the cold-shaped thin-,valled
steel component connection.

3.1.4 Where high strength bolt connections suffer above 1so·c radiant heat (a,nbient temperature)
for a long titne or suffer fla1ne action in a sho1t time. they shall be protected by heat insulation and
te1nperature reduction measures. Where the con1ponenrs are protected fron1 lire by fire retardant
coating, the coating thickness ar the high su·ength bolt joint shall not be less than that of adjacent

\1/here the a1nbient te1nperature of high strength bolt connections is I OO 'C~JSO'C, the bearing
capacity shall reduce by l 0%.

3.1.5 As for the high strength boll connections direct ly bearing the repealing action of dyna1nic
loads, ,vhere the cycle ti111es of stress variation is equal to or greater than Sx 104, fatigue checking
calculation shall be carried out according to the relevant requirements of the current national standard
"Code for Design of Steel Structures•· GB 50017 and shall meet the follo\.ving principles:

1 Fatigue checking calculation may be omitted for shear-resistant friction-type connection, but
shall be carried out for the opening base metal at the joint;

2As for the high strength bolt connections based on the tensile along bolt axial direction under
the repeating action of dyna1nic toads, " 'here the bolt axial tension caused by load and prying force
exceeds 30% of bolt tensile capacity. fatigue checking calculation shall be carried out on the tensile
stress of bolt;

As for the tension connection for fatigue checking calculation, the influe nce of prying action
shall be fall into consideration; connection rigidity strengthening 1neasures such as increasing
connecting plate thickness should be adopted to ensure that the calcu lated prying force does not
exceed 30% of external tension of loads;

4 As for the connection of sharing on a shear load by bolts and " 'elds, fatigue checking
calcu lation shall be carried out on the ,velds according to the principle that all shear forces are

assu1ned by the "velds.

3.1.6 Where structures have seisn1ic protection requiren1ents, ulti1nate bearing capacity checking
calculation and seismic structure design for high strength bolt connections shaJI be carried out
according to the current national standard '·Code for Seis1uic Design of Buildings" GB 50011 and
relevant standards.
3.1 .7 In the same joint, higl1 strength bolt connections shall not be mixed ,vitb com111on bolt
connections. Bearing-type high strength bolt co nnections shall not be combined ,vith "'elded

3.2 Materials and Design Indices


3.2.1 Materials and properties of heavy-hex high strength bolt (prope1ty grade 8.8s and 10.9s)
assen1bly shall respectively 1neet the require1nents of current national standards "High Strength Bolts

\.vith Large Hexagon Head for Steel Structures" GB/T 1228, ''High Strength Large Hexagon Nuts for
Steel Structures" GB/T 1229, ··High Strength Plain Washers for Steel Strucn1res" GBff 1230 and
·'Specifications of High Strength Bolts "vith Large Hexagon Head, Large Hexagon Nuts, Plain
Washers for Steel Structures" GB/T 1231.

3.2.2 Materials and properties of t,vist-off-type high strength bolt (property grade 10.9s) asse1nbly
shall 1neet the requirements of the current national standard ··Sets ofTorshear Type High Strength Bolt
Hexagon Nut and Plain Washer for Steel Structures" GB/T 3632.

3.2.3 Design value of bearing-type connection strength shall be adopted accord ing to Table 3.2.3.

3.2.4 Mean slip coefficient (u) values of high strength bolt connection faying surface shall be
adopted accord ing to Table 3.2.4- 1 and Table 3.2.4-2.

3.2.5 Pretension design value of each high strength bolt shall be adopted according to Table 3.2.5.

3.2.6 Ultin1ate bearing capacity va lues of high strength bolt connections shall meet the relevant
4 Design of Connections

4.1 S lip Critical Connections

4.1.1 In the slip critical co1u1ections (friction-type connection), shear bearing capacity design value
of each high strength bolt shall be calculated according to the follo,..ving fonnula:


Where k1--Coefficient, taking 0.8 for cold-shaped thin-,..valled steel struch1re (slab thickness
t<6mm); taking 0.9 for other conditions;

k2,- -Hole patten1 coefficient, taking 1.0 for standard bole; taking 0.85 for large circular
hole; taking 0.7 ,vhere load is vertical to the long direction of slotted bole; taking 0.6
where load is parallel to tl1e long direction of slotted hole;

111~-Quantity of force transn1ission faying surfaces;

11·--Mean slip coefficient of faying surface, adopted according to Table 3 .2.4-1 and Table
3.2.4-2 ofthls Specification:
P--Pretension of high strength bolt (kN), adopted according to Table 3.2.5 of this
N~ --Design value of shear bearing capacity of single high strength bolt (kN).

4.1.2 In the tensile connection along bolt shank axis direction, design value of tensile capacity of
each high strength bolt shall be calculated according to the foUo,ving fonnula:


Where N 1b --Design value of tensile bearing capacity of single high strength bolt (kN).

4.1.3 Where high strength bolt connections simultaneously bear shear force and external tension
along bolt shank axis direction, the bearing capacity shall be calculated according to the foJlo,ving


Where N,..--Shear force on son1e high strength bolt (kN);

N.--Tension on s01ne high strength bolt (kN).

4.1.4 Strength of axially-forced co1nponent at the friction-type high strength bolt joint shall be
calculated according to the fol10,\1ing fonuula:

a=-5.f (4.1.4-1)
. 1.4-,

lion 1

--Q - ti , i l 0
}w ..
._ ·- ·,

' 1- ~. u .,,

no n '·
i_O : t~on 1 than l · d0• i h sJ.1 I . . d... ·
. LTIU 1 lp '1 1

I • •

1. 1- - li_ . i
- .h
' ' J l~ . .

u I o. •
ll ',.,d 0


h ol ,c om . iQ n1 11nta11n th. ' 11 I

..·Ill it · a au 1, ·, pa
I Uri a, d 1CLl

;·r r U1 tn l'U tm r~ a Ii, ll

. nn . ub tl1.. ty


- . OflU:. 'c tS

• . . •
het -_ b ar1n -h_ bol .· hark a
-ty , conn n b ar
1 alon ]I 1.·. ~

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. .,
·. . I 0
1 i) -
I 1:)
h l1 h h h JI l ''
_ ·t n , I

I ' I · 10

- . 9

b .arb alt · h . I b
_rn re

io1_ b a Jl cap _

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t -


tr ng h b It o - at lll
01 , hank , '"i - dir c i - n -h -~-
1 1
pe i -e] -
m u i ~ re q vi , r - e 1t ·

-< 2 ~

I · :_ -

' '\' • •

tr n th o' a iaU · r'._ .__, co1nponent , the b - r·n~-- p - hi

1 1
1 -, h bol joit1, h 11

1 cl r _ t i~,- in , t - f i l-

It h

-null pli

n b _ dn~~ r, - io und , ormal r l 1m , e u , -ta

I al b 1r n1: n -_ I L thi

.,I. - - OD -

_:ilil ~- h t bo .
: , n th bolt 1. _ - · 10,n n d . , --, nd u, - t b
- .n., ,tl bolt . a op d fo · -h 1 - ion -___ I _o_n - n n b _ p,h _u11 _

ion 1 -- - ti 1 s J at ·1oi t i -. - re er h n /2 -
1 I

t -'

h - ol · oru - t o_ -1e _oil '"

- _1lnrem ~ n
the follo,ving requirements:

1) Where it is designed according to the constant intensity splice principle, it shall be

calculated according to the follo,ving fonnula, taking the larger value:



Where An~- ,..,et sectional area of one flange (mm2);

A1~- -1Gross sectional area of one flange (m1n 2):

n 1--1Quantity of bolts in the outem1ost rO\.V in the high strength bolts of flange on one
end of con1ponent at the splicing point.

2) Where it is designed according to the max.imum internal force n1ethod, it may be

calculated according to follo,ving fonnula:

Nr = M, + N /4
l7i A

h1--Distance bet,veen centers of upper and lo,ver flanges of H steel at the splice section

Mi- -,Maxi1num bending rnoment at the splice section (kN · rn);

N1--Axial force corresponding to d1e maxi1nu1n bending 1noment at lhe splice section


2 Bo lt quantity n required on one side of H steel flange splice joint shall ,neet the requirements

of the following fonnu la:



Where --Axial force of upper and lo,ver flange to be transferred by bolt at the splicing point

5.1.4 Web bolt calculation ofH girder section splice jo ints shalJ meet the fol lowing requiren1ents:

1 Horizontal shear force N1~1 and vertical shear force N~ on No. l angular point bolt

(Figure 5.1 .2) fro1n bolt group on one side of H steel ,veb splice joint under the action of web bending
1noment shall be calculated according to the follov.•ing forn1ula:

NM _ (/vi.I", I I,,,+ Ve)y1

(5.l .4-1)
tx - I,(x,2 + y/)

I - "

e--r -C ~n - _1• · mmn .

_- r r_ b mm : S or ror -_ H _- eL 1• C ·u l ed h ' h O · e m

-d ·_ a1 · a .I


~ - Ia j ·o l h 0 Ji u d _r nI

rti I b ar 11 TO , 1 po I I ~alt UOt h .I l()n of \~ b b

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., I ran -
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n l udin I s .1 l _ fi·o1 . m
. n

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, __ -. 1al • a] - , lat ,.
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h H n l . L

c~ 1. ,-

( - l. -

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Ii 1

. rf ·1 b ar

- joint.

on ,- o I 111 u. . 1 di1
ffi - - n1 c~ . h.. -I - }I if~ · h ll 1n - rh

;\ =

· rno . al T- 'P t _n i .· ·,i ~ n·

- plat tnickn s _o ·. -t ·

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5. I I

,er -_ d vi h

'- 1 al

·._ J rc n r

p - i -· ~ ,~n il ~ 1 b r .b U 0


ed 1n t1 ,~ cal~ I.a ion
1 ·,,en .ion J101n -
• a • h: , I

caJ u~at _d
1l I' _qu1 - .. ·• d ~ _ ru ,_ I f
bol ~

1 p,, -,in
F- -
la. ~ b r d ,. h _1 fl · ,_ th" k i l
·Jan · · an ·e · t -n e -, t. ~ h. l1 e -a1culai ed accord n 0 o · h
1 . •Ul -

, >

n1fit .- •n ffi i nt '=l

- =1--

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/J ) . 11 a <I. '-
1-P -
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- 11TI111l

n ' 1
. p·_ ien1 .

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6 . ldin . .

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b lt .haJ be, .. aid
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- 3~ }

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• I

I__ ·n · t-l1' _ Mll' .
- r.;;. - · TI l •n 1 1



I I i n ·. · t1 n 1

pl :_ . u . .I n, h ~ ol I a

n ..._- - - 1:\\. , 1O\\ o · bol -, 11111 . rr-,no, d t h id o_, t n io fl ·__·-.,, ,.


n_= sh

o t\\,O ro, · o t n
1 of
,o] u•r rn . nt ol O'A in · o 1n a~

J\1 \ b
- - - -~-+-s --


_ari1 · al
l Combined connection of high strength bolt and side ,veld


Where Nb"·--Shear bearing capacity design value of friction-type high strength bolt connections
in the joint (k, );

Nr5---Shear bearing capacity design value of side weld in the joint (kN);

N"b--Shear bearing capacity design value of connection of sharing on a shear load by

bolts and \Velds in the joint (kl\l).

2 Co1nbined connection of high strength bolt and side \Veld or end \Veld

(S.5 .3-2)

Where Nrc- ~Shear bearing capacity design value of end ,veld in the joint (kN).

5.5.4 Where existing friction-type Ji igh strength bolt joint are reinforced and strengthened by adding
fillet ,veld, connection design of sharing on a shear load by bolts and \Velds shall meet the follo\ving

1 Friction-type high strength bolt connection and fillet ,veld \velded connection shall respectively
bear the loads before ,veld reinforcement and loads added after weld reinforcernent;

\.Vhere structures are unloaded before reinforcement, or loads are less than 20% of bearing
capacity design value of high strength boJt connections before weld reinforcement, connection design
may be carried out according to Article S.5.3 of this Specification.

5.5.S Where connection of sharing on a shear load by bolts and ,velds adopts bolt-\.veld construction
procedures, supple1nentary screv. ing shall be carried out on the high strength bolts \Vithin l OOmn1

a,vay from the welds after \.Velding is con1pleted for 24 hours, supplementary scre,.,ving torque shall be
tJ1e construction final screv.ring torque va lue.

5.5.6 Friction-type high strength boll connections should not separately share the connection with

fillet ,veld (end ,veld) vertical to the forced direction.


... nlud

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r an t ..1 · _r p I.a , · .;. . mm or



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d d .· i . - , 1 t oi . n u · 1 - . b . n rk d.

o. u~
. ,_ - ll n nut u p: n ·. 1aU b
al a fl h h ll

bl 6. .1.

· Landar _d

a· nI
a H
m . I ·~o . . · I 01

a ·a.1

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installation and shall meet the follo,ving require,nents:

1 It shall not be less than 1/3 of the total node bolr quantity;

2 It shall not be less than nvo te1nporary bolts;

3 The penetrated quantity of drift pins should not be greater than 30% of temporary bolts.

6.4.5 During the installation process, high strength bolt assembly ,vith damaged scre,v thread
and dirt shall not be used, and hlgh strength bolts shall not be used as the temporary bolts.

6.4.6 The high strength bolt assembly shall be drawn accord ing to dajly required quantity for the
field installation. The residual rnust be safely kept without leaving.

6.4.7 The installation of high strength bolts shall be carried out after central position adjustn1ent of
structural components, and the penetration direction shall be based on the convenient construction and
consistent direction. For the high strength bolt asserubly. one side of nut with round table board shall
face to,vards one side of washer ,vith cha,nfering. For heavy-hex high strength bolt assembly, one side
of lo\ver \Vasher of bolt bead ,vith chamfering shall face towards the bolt head.

6.4.8 During the installation of high strength bolts, force penetration must be forbidden. If free

penetration is not allo,ved, this hole shall be h·immed ,vith rimer, and the maximum diameter of
tritnmed holes shall not be g reate r than 1.2 times of bolt diameter, and the quantity of trimmed
boles shall not be greater than 25% of the bolt quantity at this node. All peripheral bolts s ball be
tightened before boles are trimmed and reaming shall be carried out after laminated plates are
co1npacted. Gas cutting and hole exte nding n1ust be strictly prohibited.
6.4.9 The maxin1u1n dia111eter of tri111111ed holes designed according to the standard hole patterns is
greater than 1.2 times of bolt diameter or quantity of tri1nmed holes greater than 25% of bolt quantity
at this node, ,vhich shall be approved by the design organization. Extended hole pattern dimension

shall be recorded and submitted to the design organization; as for the bole pattern extended according
to large circular hole and slotted hole, reco1nputation shall be ca1Tied out after reduction.

6.4.10 For the instaUation of high strength bolts, the con1ponent faying surface shall be dry and
operation in the rain shall be avoided .

6.4.11 The torque v.rrench used for the construction of heavy-hex high strength bolts n1ust be
calibrated before turnjng, and the relative e11·or of torque shall be ±5%, and may be used after qua! ified.
As for the torque ,vrench for calibration, the relative error of torque hereof shall be ±3%.

6.4.12 For the scre~•ing of heavy-hex high strength bolts, the torque shall only be in1posed on the

6.4.13 Construction final scre,ving torque of heavy-hex high strength bolts 1nay be calculated and
detenn ined according to the follo\\•ing fonnu la:


Where d--Norninal dian1eter of high strength bolts (1111n);

k--Mean torque-pretension coefficient of high strength boll asse1nbly shall be rneasured

in the test specified in Article 6.3 .1;

Pc--Construction pretension of l1igh strength bolt (kN), shall be adopted according to

•1 I :

nl .


. II -n -
-_o ro
0 16 I C

- iI .

1 .9 b 1 ]0 .. 2

· h1 1 ar ·,

n. -
. t :., ]
raL . ·· p _.-
ft r 1 al . r -.. u1 , ith an ·
l aJ -h th bolt a - , mb1 -h ul _ b --


1n . n
h 0 ' · -1 -~ ]J h _l
. .
,- 0 ·1n .
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__ 01drv .a fl ·

out 1n ]

n -- fi ,
hi h

( _:. rim,

1am , r -'l
- 0 00 0

_th -- b'_ .·

f p Jfl -

to r qu • · 6.•, .16.

, b n t h -, :I t

hL u _o er

1s ,I l ... , r f ·

<l~ or
1neet the follo,ving require1nents:

1 Inspection method of calibrated ,vrencb method construction shall tneet the [ollo\ving

1) High strengtl1 bolts shall be carried out \Vith general inspection by tapping nuts \vith
hand hamn1er (about 0.3kg) against scre,ving n1issing.

2) l 0% of final scre,ving torque shall be inspected randomly according to the quantity of

nodes and shaU not be less than 10 nodes; I 0% of rando1nly-inspected nodes shall be
inspected randomly according to tl1e quantity of bolts and shall not be less than 2 bolts;

3) During the inspection. the end surface of scre,v and nut shall be drawn \Vith a straight
line first. then the nut shall be scre\,ved for about 60°: after that the torque \Vrench shall
be used to scre'.v again to n1ake t'vvo lines superposition. and the measured torque shall
be ,vithin 0.9Tch~ 1.1 Tch• Tch shall be calculated according to the follo\ving formula:

Tc1,=kPd (6.5. L)

\.Vhere P--Design value of high strength bolts pretension (kN), adopted according to Table 3.2.5

of this Specification;

Tch- -lnspection torque (N · m).

If any inconsistency is found. the inspection shall be extended ,vilh one li1ne. if any
unqualified one is discovered. the high strength bolts of the \vbole node shall be
screwed again;

5) Torque inspection should be co1npleted \vithin lh~24h after final scre,ving; the relative
error of torque \.Vrench for inspection shall be ±3%.

2 Inspection 1nethod of turn-of-nut n,ethod construction shall rneet the following require1nents:

1) Included angle bet,veen final scre\ving init ial line and finished line drawn on nut and

relative position after primary scre,ving general inspection shall reach tl1e specified

2) I 0% of final scre\ving comers shall be inspected randomly according to the quantity of

nodes and shall not be less than 10 nodes; 10% of rando1nly-inspected nodes shall be
inspected randomly according to the quantity of bolts and they shall not be less than 2

3) Lines shall be drawn on the relative position of scre,v end face and nut, all nuts shall be
loosened, bolts shall be tightened again accordi.ng to the required pri.rnary screv,ing
torque and final scre\,ving angle, angle benveen the finished line and former finished line
shall be 1neasured; if the angle 1neeting the require1nents of Table 6.4.16 of this
Specification and error ,vithin ±30°, the ones are qualified;

4) If any inconsistency is found . tlle inspection shall be extended ,viU, one time. if any
unqualified one is discovered, the high strength bolts of the ,vhole node shall be scre,ved

5) Corner inspection should be co1npleted \vithin 1h~24h after final scre\ving;

7.2.2 Site acceptance inspection batch of high strength bolt assembly should be classified according
to the follov,ing principles:

1 It shall be consistent \Vith subitem project inspection batch classification of high strength
bolt connections;

2Delivery inspection batch number maoufacn1red according to high strength bolt asse1nbly,
less than or equal to 2 batches should be regarded as one site acceptance inspection batch and less
than or equal to 6000 sets;

3 Bolts, nuts and ,vashers of the san,e material {property grade), furnace number, thread
(diameter) specification, length (,vhere bolt length ~lOOm1n. length difference ~lSmm; \vhere bolt
length > 100mm, length difference $20m1n, are regarded as the same length), rnechanical processing,
heat treatment process and surface treat1nent process are the same batch. Assembly composed of the
sa1ne batch of bolt, nut and ,vasher is the satne batch assembly.

7.2.3 The batching for n1an sl ip coefficient acceptance inspection of faying surface should be
classified according to the follo,ving principles:

1 lt shall be consistent ,vith subitem project inspection batch classification of high strength

boll connections;

2Each 2000t subsection project shall be regarded as one inspection batch; less than 2000t n1ay
be regarded as one inspection batch;
3 In the srune inspection batch. if t\vo or more than t,vo surface treatment processes are
adopted, each surface treatn1ent process shall be inspected.

7.3 Documents

7.3.1 Subite111 project acceptance docu1nents of high strength bolt connections shall include the
follo,¥ing contents:

1 Quality acceptance records of inspection batch;


2Witness re-inspection report of heavy-hex high strength bolt assembly or nvist-off-type high
strength bolt assen1bly:

3 Witnessed test report of faying surface mean slip coefficient of high strength bolt connections
(excluding bearing-type connection);

4 Inspection records ru1d construction records of prin1ary scre,ving torque, final screwing
torsion (final scre,ving corner) and torque ,vrench;

5 Quality certificates of high strength bolt assen1bly;

6 Unqualified quality treat1nent records;

7 Other related docun1ents.

List of Quoted Standards

1 ·'Code for Seismic Design of Buildings" GB 50011

2 ·'Code for Design of Steel Structures" GB 5001 7

3 "Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures" GB 50205

4 " High Strength Bolts with Large Hexagon Head for Steel Structures" GB/ f 1228

5 "High Strength Large Hexagon Nuts for Steel Structures" GBff 1229

6 '•High Strength Plain Washers for Steel Structures" GB/T 1230

7 ··Specifications of High Strength Bolts v.rith Large Hexagon Head, Large Hexagon Nuts,
Plain Washers for Steel Structures" GB/T 1231

8 ·' Sets of Torshear Type High Strength Bolt Hexagon ut and Plain Washer for Steel
Structures" GB/T 3632



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